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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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I too want ji daughter to die only to add to jmy misery later on when ji is happy and kicking richard simmons. Right now im just furious with hw that i see dark spots. He is blinded by family devotion that just locked up the woman he so-called love. Please writer give ji the backbone to drive a few stakes into his heart. Its high time he understands ji anguish!

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Triton823 said: I too want ji daughter to die only to add to jmy misery later on when ji is happy and kicking richard simmons. Right now im just furious with hw that i see dark spots. He is blinded by family devotion that just locked up the woman he so-called love. Please writer give ji the backbone to drive a few stakes into his heart. Its high time he understands ji anguish!

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First of all let me get this off my damn chest" As i was reading the Translation by prettystone, Why in the hell that DUMB LOOKING FOOL JMY is worrying about if JI has a man or not. what concerns his azz have. he wanted to test the waters. but will find out it was contaminated 8-| and also hoping this Writer doesn't make JI feel a little sorry for his butt down the line. after he'll try and wiggle his way back to a fact I've seen too many dramas that happened (Everything Kimchi) for an example. In fact they all going to beg for mercy [-O< but hope JI send their azz's straight to hell.

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I remember the Noble Woman when the writer decided to kill the whole family for the purpose of bringing rating,so what happen to the drama went down hill and useless.

JI in other hand has lost everything,what happiness will she have again if her daughter dies?even with money and power she will still not happy whenever she see others daughters,she will always be reminded of her own lost nothing can replace a dead child,if the writer go that way he or she will kill the rating of the drama,

this is suppose to be a family drama  not only tragedy or fight,JI her only happiness now is her daughter,it will make no sense with her revenge if at the end everything she hope for is lost.I believe HW doesn't even  know her daughter is also taken away from her.sometimes to enter into a fight,you have to a plan in place,first JI need to recover her daughter then start thinking how to bringing justices  to HB and her  partners in crime,as for HW,I think he is reluctant to enter the fight because he might have a reason but when JI start rejecting him,him feeling the pain with JI suffering he will start a fight with his brother and want to bring justice to what is going on in that company.let just hope the writer pick up a good revenge for JI and make good use of HW ,not him standing in the corner watch what is going on and doing nothing about it.

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I really don't know why the Writer is making my yeobo HW so damn weak in this drama. and it starting to irritate the hell out of me. like everyone else are saying. HW is thinking of his family who sure as hell doesn't care about his well being (Please yeobo wake the hell up) but if my yeobo needs to fall and hit his head in order to come to his senses then I'm all for it. in fact when he comes home I'll definitely knock his butt out to make him stronger ;;)

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@joyblack4 I am quite sure that HW overheard the conversation between JMY and JI when she was asking where her daughter was. As well as the fact that she was in prison for 2 years. We won't know until  @prettystone comes back but I am dead sure these two facts he does know which makes his pain and guilt DOUBLE!

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Thanks again@Hibiscus23,I will try it,I am despirate to find something in case stormy woman break my heart,but I will start watching the legendary  witches to see where it leads me to.


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We are coming up on the part where JI and HW are waking up to the fact that the people around them are all selfish losers and do not care if they hurt other people even innocents.

I thought the same thing when I read about JMY why in the hell would he care that 1.she had a male visitor in prison? SHE WAS IN PRISON! sent there by his sister and his mistress! and 2. So f'in what that she may have a man now he has a woman and has for 2 years.. also 3. how do you not know that the brother of the vice president is away out of the country when you have not seen him around? To automatically accuse the man, hell to get mad at any man who comes to see her when she is divorced from him is just to ridiculous for words. What makes him so much of an idiot is one second HB does not want to hear him talk about JI or worry about anything related to her but yet she ask questions or makes statements about her having a new man. WHY does she even care when she stole you.. again why would he? He made his choice. JMY is just too stupid for words.

He has cheated and divorced his wife so if she has a new man or his daughter (who is still out of it as far as he knows) may call a new man dad it should not matter. He never did the job right as a father why care about something like that. He just goes along with what HB says after all he has done to JI. Who is he to begrudge her starting over and finding love with someone new. Selfish man thinks because he was once married to her and has a child with her he has the right to say who she can and can't be with or can have a new love. For once I want to see a character tell that cheating man she is no longer married to to go screw himself on something sharp! the min he comes back with that BS about her not having a new relationship because she is the mother of his child. I want to see her tell him if he does not stay out of her life and dares try to take that kid she will tell how he cheated with her so call friend/ his boss and that his sister lied on her to put her in jail just to be with the woman's husband. Tell him I may not get the police to listen but the public will if posted on the web or in the paper. We need a female character that is strong enough to do that. I am tired of seeing these woman take that BS from the men that left them and are living with the new woman happily (or partially happy) while the female has to fight all the time to be with a new love. JMY never thought of her as a wife and mother because if he did he would not have done all he has to her and he would not have let others do it as well.  He is a hypocrite and can't seem to remember that he and his family along with HB have ruined this woman's life.

Now I do not want her daughter to die, JI still needs that to keep going and to give her something to improve herself and fight towards and because in the end I want her up and well and able to tell what happen to her ruining that girls world along with HB's and I want JI to have a new love and her to have a new father because we know JMY is going to die for all he has done and to give the female and the new male clear passage to be together with out the ex running around saying they can't be together or he is coming back to her.

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Now I do not want her daughter to die, JI still needs that to keep going and to give her something to improve herself and fight towards and because in the end I want her up and well and able to tell what happen to her ruining that girls world along with HB's and I want JI to have a new love and her to have a new father because we know JMY is going to die for all he has done and to give the female and the new male clear passage to be together with out the ex running around saying they can't be together or he is coming back to her.

@LDY Gmerm, I like your comment,her life will be meaningless without her daughter,the drama will also be meaningless,I don't think the writer is brainless to go that way also.

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Now I do not want her daughter to die, JI still needs that to keep going

and to give her something to improve herself and fight towards and

because in the end I want her up and well and able to tell what happen

to her ruining that girls world along with HB's and I want JI to have a

new love and her to have a new father because we know JMY is going to

die for all he has done and to give the female and the new male clear

passage to be together with out the ex running around saying they can't

be together or he is coming back to her.

@LDY Gmerm, I like your comment,her life will be meaningless without her daughter,the drama will also be meaningless,I don't think the writer is brainless to go that way also.


@joyblack4" Oh let's not hope this Writer won't do the do by killing JI daughter in which she'll definitely hit rock bottom of not being with her child. While the rest have their family at the moment to a fact that it'll be a struggle for JI and me wanting her to seek revenge of making everyone pay the price. So Writer let SY live so JI can focus on taking those crooks down.

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suchadiva42 said:

Now I do not want her daughter to die, JI still needs that to keep going and to give her something to improve herself and fight towards and because in the end I want her up and well and able to tell what happen to her ruining that girls world along with HB's and I want JI to have a new love and her to have a new father because we know JMY is going to die for all he has done and to give the female and the new male clear passage to be together with out the ex running around saying they can't be together or he is coming back to her.

@LDY Gmerm, I like your comment,her life will be meaningless without her daughter,the drama will also be meaningless,I don't think the writer is brainless to go that way also.


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Fno im sticking to my false hope of the daughter dying and ji simply shooting everyone....that's my perfect world. No one is worth saving.
As to ji power that unfortunately (at the moment) will be hw. We haven't reached that crucial 50 mark.
To the comments on Noble Woman...i thought it was ok...didn't like hws playing the bad guy, but did love the other guy for the second half. His father seen what could change his playboy son into a proud man.

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JMY is not only a hypocrite he's a delusional one. He's convinced himself so not to bare any guilt that what he has done is for the sake of his family. Also that he and JI are only divorced on paper. (IDIOT) He thinks once all is done and he's gotten what he wanted he's going back to JI. JI being the kind nice understanding person that she is will come back. He is her daughter's father. What other family does she have. JMY needs JI completely downed, distraught, free and clear so he can be the savior and hero who swoops in and saves her. The problem with JMY and his sister is they want this life of grandeur they are not willing to work for. Their mother has raised them to believe they don't have to work for what they want when it's easily gotten off the backs of someone else's hard work. Attach yourself to that person and you will benefit. This is how they lived with JMY being married to JI. She did all the work and they sat back and reaped the rewards. 
@Triton, I agree JMY is going to end up dead or in jail and his sister is going to end up with no job and shamed. This will be a payback to their mother for being greedy and raising her children to be the same. 

I totally agree JT is blameless because he did nothing to warrant HS's vendetta and revenge plans. As the only male child and the oldest he was the rightful successor of the company handed down from his father. He and HS were both children around the same age so what happen between the father's they really couldn't have understood at their age. HS has sat back and let what he knows and thinks to be the truth fester until he's become a bitter man. On top of that he married a bitter ugly tempered woman who has made his bitterness even worst. He married HB because they both have plans to out JT one day and swoop in and take the company they think should be theirs. 
Both HB and her mother think it all should belong to them. As JT's mother told JI to hold on and protect her family. She was in a situation somewhat the same and she refused to divorce her husband. The man died still her husband so HB and her mother have no rights to anything. Her mother was a mistress and HB the child of a mistress. JT's mother was nice enough to make her legal so both her and her mother could hold their heads up. Instead of them being ashamed and grateful they are greedy. 
As the sayings go payback is a B and you reap what you sow. Every last one of these low down scum of the earth are going to get theirs back ten times worst. 

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JMY is not only a hypocrite he's a delusional one. He's convinced himself so not to bare any guilt that what he has done is for the sake of his family. Also that he and JI are only divorced on paper. (IDIOT) He thinks once all is done and he's gotten what he wanted he's going back to JI. JI being the kind nice understanding person that she is will come back. He is her daughter's father. What other family does she have. JMY needs JI completely downed, distraught, free and clear so he can be the savior and hero who swoops in and saves her. The problem with JMY and his sister is they want this life of grandeur they are not willing to work for. Their mother has raised them to believe they don't have to work for what they want when it's easily gotten off the backs of someone else's hard work. Attach yourself to that person and you will benefit. This is how they lived with JMY being married to JI. She did all the work and they sat back and reaped the rewards. 

@Triton, I agree JMY is going to end up dead or in jail and his sister is going to end up with no job and shamed. This will be a payback to their mother for being greedy and raising her children to be the same. 


I totally agree JT is blameless because he did nothing to warrant HS's vendetta and revenge plans. As the only male child and the oldest he was the rightful successor of the company handed down from his father. He and HS were both children around the same age so what happen between the father's they really couldn't have understood at their age. HS has sat back and let what he knows and thinks to be the truth fester until he's become a bitter man. On top of that he married a bitter ugly tempered woman who has made his bitterness even worst. He married HB because they both have plans to out JT one day and swoop in and take the company they think should be theirs. 

Both HB and her mother think it all should belong to them. As JT's mother told JI to hold on and protect her family. She was in a situation somewhat the same and she refused to divorce her husband. The man died still her husband so HB and her mother have no rights to anything. Her mother was a mistress and HB the child of a mistress. JT's mother was nice enough to make her legal so both her and her mother could hold their heads up. Instead of them being ashamed and grateful they are greedy. 

As the sayings go payback is a B and you reap what you sow. Every last one of these low down scum of the earth are going to get theirs back ten times worst. 

Well said chingu, you are so on point in the characters mind set.

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And let her live so we can have a hope of a relationship with HW. Because she dies, so goes the hope! JI will never get involved with HW then!! Here's hoping...Keep Hope Alive!!

@NewKDramaAddict‌" I most certainly agree about keeping our hopes alive in order for SY to live and HW and JI to end up together. Oh this Writer better think twice after I let my yeobo have an affair on me. She just don't know that I'm Cool, and Calm at the moment. but if she doesn't give us Our OTP Couple by the end of this drama. then I have no choice but to take the next flight to Korea and whoop azz b-(

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I too want SY to live , if she were to die JI would certainly have nothing left to lose. She then would become colder than HS is on his quest for revenge. She would hurt many people to get her vengeance on HB.

@UnniSarah‌" I know just thinking about if SY dies. then JI will seek vengeance on anyone who's in front of her including my Yeobo. But I got to tell you if JI does hurt my yeobo HW. They better make way for me come their and so I can break every bone in JI'S body and put her azz on a stretcher..cause nobody I mean nobody messes with my yeobo [-X

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