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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@joyblack4, @suchadiva,

Maybe they will point the clueless friend of JI's towards JT so she can stop gushing over HW who has no interest. 

Exactly" The way that chic is all over my yeobo like that makes me say (take your damn hands off my husband) and find your own heifer 8-|

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Was HB trying to set JI up by having her at the house at the same time as she was opening the safe an then blame JI for it? It seem mighty convenient for her to be home when JI gets there to bring a painting. Good thing TJ caught her in the last part of episode 32 the witch!

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Was HB trying to set JI up by having her at the house at the same time as she was opening the safe an then blame JI for it? It seem mighty convenient for her to be home when JI gets there to bring a painting. Good thing TJ caught her in the last part of episode 32 the witch!

Annyeonghaeseyo Chingu

Thank you for update on today's episode. It would seem HB is still up to her old tricks.

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Ep 32:

HB pleaded with HW to leave with JI abroad after her (& HS') plan to transfer JI to the subsidiary Jeju Island failed. JT transferred HB to work in the Gallery instead. HS overheard HB talking to the phone with HW and warned her to leave HW out of the matter as he will find a way to get JI out of the picture. HS is using HS' sister in law to keep an eye on JI as well as hiring private detective.

JT's mother had let JI used her art studio to paint. HB overheard the conversation at the art studio that JT's mother intended to leave part of her will to the girl she met at Jeju Island. HB decided to see the will for herself before approaching HS for help and went secretly to open the safe to verify what was written in the will but was caught red handed by JT. JI was there to witness the conversation when she came to change a picture for JT for her sister-in-law's behalf.

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Can HB get anymore despicable right along with Jmy sister hiring detectives to watch JI is that even needed just what else is she trying to do after she destroyed a womans home put me in the remind of PHJ she's another one not being productive for the company costing more money then anything..  

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What i find hysterical is that everyone apparently feels threatened by ji....and that they want ji away...the girl lost her daughter and mother....i still suspect ji to be a lost child somewher you dont have a 100 plus dramas with out it and the redheaded step children....

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I have to agree, I am not sure how this poor woman who has lost her husband and marriage, left her home, has her daughter in a veggie state, has lost her mother and is working in a company where she is harassed and works with her former SIL has to see her former husband and former best friend can possibly be a threat to anyone.

But she obviously is to HB who does not want her to do well and be seen in a good light by TJ's mother taking over a place HB never had. Which is the main issues that I touched on before HB has always wanted that woman's acceptance and she feels she never got it. The woman has been nice to HB and she really did not have to considering she is not her bio child.  But she wants more to have a talent that the woman praises and HB does not have that. Now JI who she is completely irrationally jealous of has that talent and TJ's mom likes her and sees that she does have that talent which threatens HB all over again.

The fact that HB had the nerve to meet with HW and tell him to leave with JI to the states said a lot. She got rid of HW who could be a problem and she gets rid of JI who she sees in her way of getting her mothers approval (she will never get what she imagines she does not have!) and keeps JI from finding out about what happen to her daughter and to her mother and gaining some recognition for her art and now with overhearing the woman is going to leave part of her estate or money to that little girl who is going to be JI she has more reason to feel threatened.

HS is threaten because it gets in the way of what he is trying to do with HW I believe and he knows what will happen when that woman finds out that HB's bratty kid hurt JI's daughter and that HB ran her mother out into the road where she was hit after finding out that truth.

I still do not understand why HB's slutty bio mom (did I see a flashback last night of her serving men tea flirting) helps her do things to JI who has done nothing to her? Come on lady! I can't wait until she gets hers too for being so selfish and grasping and just a awful person just like the kid she bore and her grand daughter. I expect (and hope) that HB is not that man's daughter for real so satisfying if that is true.

The only one at the moment who is not after JI or sees her as a threat is TJ (at least I have not seen, right?) but then I could be wrong and he could feel threaten by her as well.

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JS want to play icon daddy to his full grown up brother,which is sad now this writer has yet to clear up who owns that company,JS canot be wanting HW into that company just to be ordinary employee or else he has a voting right to take JT out.JS is just too greed that is why he married HB,and HB knows it right to have more power eventually he did not succeed to fool JT,HB knows JS does not care about her,he just want the power that is why even before she met  Jmy,she was always angry, I still hope the writer clear this up soon.

My own guess is HW father owns the company and JT father was his right hand man,unfortunately he dead so soon as JS and HW was too young to handle that company so JT father took over the management of the company,so all of them lived together in that same house,and JS has waited for the company be handed over back to him but JT refuses and there is no way he can take over without his brother help, unfortunately HW has no interest in that company,I still say something will happen to  pull HW into that mix of conflict. question,HW why is he always walking no car? one more thing,JI should just stop playing sister in law to Jmy sister,she is just as wick as her mother money hungry people.

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Not as naive but still in the phase where the bad girl is trying to either get her out the way, sabotage her having a life and career due to jealousy and fear and the ex husband listening to the mistress and then trying to get mad when the ex wife has a male friend who is around her a lot or likes her. She is not fighting back yet because even though she lost her marriage (good riddance on the husband he was use less..) her daughter was badly hurt and in a vegetative state and he mother was killed (by the ex-husband no less) she has not found out yet that ex friend/mistress is still doing wicked things to her trying to run her off although they have had some run ins and she has told her off HB is still winning at the moment. She is mad and does not like the woman anymore but she does not know that HB (the ex friend and mistress) has covered up that her daughter hurt JI's (the ex wife and all around good girl) kid when she pushed her down the cement stairs when she dared to throw money back at her and continued to challenge her bullying butt thus putting her in the hospital unresponsive except to blink her eyes in the hospital bed.

We are coming up to the part where JI finds out possibly that the Ahjumma who showed her painting when she was a child is the woman she has met on a few occasions and is her benefactor in helping her start panting for more then just a hobby.

So many more episodes to go before she starts to fight and the bad girls plans start to fail a lot of the time.

I have a question.. is HW making a video or scrap book of pictures for JI of her daughter in the hospital. Is that why the camera is there and he is switching out memory cards? In yesterdays episode it seemed like they were talking about it before going outside.

I agree JI will be the reason HW goes into that company. Something is going to happen to her which makes him so mad he decides to go in to do something..

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joyblack4 said: JS want to play icon daddy to his full grown up brother,which is sad now this writer has yet to clear up who owns that company,JS canot be wanting HW into that company just to be ordinary employee or else he has a voting right to take JT out.JS is just too greed that is why he married HB,and HB knows it right to have more power eventually he did not succeed to fool JT,HB knows JS does not care about her,he just want the power that is why even before she met  Jmy,she was always angry, I still hope the writer clear this up soon.

My own guess is HW father owns the company and JT father was his right hand man,unfortunately he dead so soon as JS and HW was too young to handle that company so JT father took over the management of the company,so all of them lived together in that same house,and JS has waited for the company be handed over back to him but JT refuses and there is no way he can take over without his brother help, unfortunately HW has no interest in that company,I still say something will happen to  pull HW into that mix of conflict. question,HW why is he always walking no car? one more thing,JI should just stop playing sister in law to Jmy sister,she is just as wick as her mother money hungry people.

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I agree as well something will happen in order for HW to come into play and work for the company again, I'm glad they showed my yeobo a lot today. while JI is still acting too nice towards her SIL, in which JI really needs to tell her to kick rocks, and find her other SIL the one that was crying looking so ugly with it. Who needs to look in the damn mirror just to see how she looks (no wait) please don't look in the mirror HB because I know for sure it'll break into a 1000 pieces 8-|

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