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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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I too have been looking for hot passionate kiss in the daily drama none seems to have one,hw seems don't want to get hot with mama JI because of his sorry azz,you better make up your mind and go look for mama JI daughter quickie and plant a shot kiss on her after,for goodness sake this is. a mature drama dear writer.

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@Triton823‌ Welcome back chingu and I agree these dramas are killing you with their crazy writing.

To all my Chingu's

JI just can't make up her mind in hating or liking HW. HW came to the rescue and tomorrow she goes back to hating him. He goes back to being stupid and now JI decides to stop working for JT. JI is not to the point of no return by seeking revenge on HB. So I am bit disappointed at yesterday's episode, it was weak .

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after watching some of earlier episode with sub. i totally change my opinion about JT, he may not use underhand method but he is as mean as the rest of them but his mother is genuine  
i wander who will win the tag war between HS and  TJ. what can i say about JMY he is a man with out any moral campus  he asked JI for a fake divorce so that after he gets what he wants to come back to herwhat kind of moron he is i don't get it 

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@valsava‌ ...JI is stupid for quitting. She should use HW because he saved her from being caught by her boss for being in his study. She should work with him because HW is actually a fast learner and will be able help her find her daughter quickly. I think if her kid was around she would have said you CAN TRUST HW. He is a nice guy because kids can always sense if people are for real or fake.

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Welcome back and take care... I have HBP as well so keeping calm is the key.. unfortunately these drama's raise it up all the time.. LOL..

I have to say the last episode was a useless episode. We only saw JI searching the house not being really productive and HB trying to catch her and get her fired.

HW came to the rescue but his plan was stupid. To do what?  Hide in JT's office for what purpose and then what happens if JT came in? He should have pulled her out and sent her to the kitchen to get that tray she sat on the table with snacks and juice to come out acting like she just noticed JT and HB..with HW running upstairs and then coming down like he left something at home and came to get it. Hiding in the office was stupid.

I am not sure what JI told JT in the preview. If she admitted to wanting to find out what they did or if she just said she can't look after his mother anymore but the entire plot line here was ridiculous. I know that JI does not know who she can trust. But she knows that HB and HS are the ones that put her in jail. She thinks that HW had a hand in it too when we know he did not. It should be interesting when JMY hits her with HW being HS's brother and she will really think he had a hand in her going to jail.

She should have just told JT the truth about her crime and that she saw his secretary get something from the man with the tat and he is the same man that took the evidence before. Also that it was not her but HB who did it and framed her but like all of these drama's they never communicate when they should to anyone. This is how the baddies continue to get away with their mess until the last few episodes then they want to expose the crimes. . I guess it will take her finding something before she says something to anyone about it.

As for Jang JMY's sister she tried to see if HS cared that her mother possibly was trying to set her up and he continued to drink his tea without a care not responding. When he does respond he is indifferent and could care less about her and her possible blind dates. I hope she sees that this man does not love her he is tired of her and only used her. But she does not and we will see her get desperate to hold onto him before long. She and her brother are in the same boat. Not knowing all the players or the truth of what is going on. They both tried to latch on to something better and let the person that was really good for them suffer for the things these two did. In the end they will be moaning sorry's to JI but it will be way too late.

HB's selfishness and greed along with her bio mom has no end for me.. To say her mother comes to that house in episode 47 to look around JT"s mom's room and dream of when she will be living there is foul. I was very happy that JT's mom yelled at them and told them to get out protecting JI the first time she almost got caught. Her bio mom should not be coming in and out of the house. I am sure that JT is not aware that she is.

Another thing is what is up with the HK she reports to HB or does what she says but does not report things to JT.. I do not care about how much money HB may give her or whatever she is staff in JT's house.. and the loyalties of the secondary staff is always with the baddies and not with who actually pays them.

Also can the stylist stop dressing JT"s mom like a bag lady!!! ???  I know she is an artist but come on her clothing is way to big on her frame and she does not look attractive sick or not.

I am disappointed in HW all he is doing is mopping currently about the suffering that JI is doing and not deserving to talk to her or be with her after what he let happen and not being proactive to find a way to help her. He could have told JT the truth that JI did not do it when he came back and realized what happen and that she was framed and there was a video of it and that he gave it to the prosecutor and he ask someone to help her before he left two years ago but someone got to them and they let her go to jail. He did not have to name who framed her or who he asked for help but he is protecting his brother and he is just as guilty of letting JI go through so much. He hopefully has copies of the video and pictures on his pc.

HW needs to wake up and start doing what he came in for and working and in that process finding out what he needs to about that company and a way to help JI.

We have another 10-15 episodes before we see change.. HW's hair has not gone up yet and his clothing has not changed. When he steps up in a suit and his hair up then we will know he is serious.

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UnniSarah said: @valsava‌ ...JI is stupid for quitting. She should use HW because he saved her from being caught by her boss for being in his study. She should work with him because HW is actually a fast learner and will be able help her find her daughter quickly. I think if her kid was around she would have said MIMNU CAN TRUST HE. He is a nice guy because kids can always sense if people are for real or fake.

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@triton823" Welcome back friend and hope your surgery wasn't that serious, and please have your pressure pills on standby watching these upside down dramas :D

It seems to me JI is dumb while my yeobo is dumber 8-| Why quit her job that her azz could've found at least some information about her child. I'm getting to the point of fast forwarding JI scenes until she show me that her brain is functioning well. as well as HW being so cowardly of his damn no good brother HS. Who'll just sit back and won't help the woman he's falling in love with, and knows JI is suffering that her daughter is missing. I'm gonna hang on to this drama a little bit more. But if i don't see no drastic turn from JI or my Yeobo HW, I'll let it go as well and damn the rest in this drama. because they make me so sick to my stomach that i may throw the hell up in all their faces (:|

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I doubt that JI took JMY's suggestion about a fake divorce to heart. For her the min they went to the court building and got that divorce she was done. He chose his mistress over her and his daughter no take backs for her. JMY is living in a delusional dream world. She divorced him to help her kid any way. JMY is the one who still acts selfish and thinks that he should be able to have his wife and get a do over because he had an affair to help his family in getting a job and more money. (there were other ways to get a better job and more money, but with his skills and competence he would never have what he felt he should. ) But who benefited from that? It was not JI that did because she was still working her two and three jobs and by the time he got promoted they were divorce and he was not giving her anything. Then he let her go to jail instead of trying to help. He thinks by coming to see her in jail he was what acting still as her hubby? He knows his sister did something to JI to put her in jail.

Then in his jealousy he removes the one thing that was keeping her going and refuses to tell her where her child is. He thinks just because he is the father he has the right to do this and tell this woman she is projecting things on others and he is suspicious and worried she would hurt their kid. Is that a man who still even has a hope of being with his ex wife after all is said and done. NOPE. because all he has done has been in hurting the one person he thinks he still has a right too. But again the min he betrayed her by having an affair, the min he did not try to help when she was framed. The min he took that kid away from her are all the moments he will never ever be with her again. JI has already shown this she did last night when he ran up about her working with JT's mother being her nurse. He thinks he has the right to say anything to this woman and she has shown him he does not. He is not her husband and she does not have to listen to him. He took her child so he can go sit on a spike and spin.

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@LdyGmerm,  JMY is using that child as a bargaining chip and this what makes me mad about her because if she finds other sources that can prove her innocents and it will but his sister testamony in jail JMY mom will beg him not to have his sister arrested and not knowing she will be only protecting HS azz's.. So I don't even want to think about how she's not looking at the big picture.. 

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I would like for that skinny azz toothpick JMY to know that HB is doing everything he's thinking for the love she has for him. His butt better get ready when the time comes and it's almost near that HB is going to give that jive turkey the boot when she finishes with him. and JMY will be left with nothing but his underwear on trying to get JI back looking like a sad puppy, so JI can feel sorry for his azz. but hope she'll remember all the things he said and did to JI and her daughter as well as her mother, that I'm so forward looking for that moment especially the REACTION OF JI'S FACE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT WHO KILLED HER MOTHER!!

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what upset me the most is  after taking the kid  no one is beside her and he call himself a father to be honest HW is much better than him he used to visit her and read for her  
not mention that he killed his mother in law it seems that he forget that he is a murderer. i have this feeling i don't know how or why later on may be that shady secretary will help JI. as we all agreed she is as dumb as a soup 

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suchadiva42 said: I would like for that skinny azz toothpick JMY to know that HB is doing everything he's thinking for the love she has for him. His butt better get ready when the time comes and it's almost near that HB is going to give that jive turkey the boot when she finishes with him. and JMY will be left with nothing but his underwear on trying to get JI back looking like a sad puppy, so JI can feel sorry for his azz. but hope she'll remember all the things he said and did to JI and her daughter as well as her mother, that I'm so forward looking for that moment especially the REACTION OF JI'S FACE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT WHO KILLED HER MOTHER!!

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And with that, his angry, jealousy is ridiculous! It's like he totally forgot he killed her mother and covered it up!!

@NewKDramaAddict‌" That's exactly what I'm talking about JMY azz seems to forget what he has done. and thinks when JI do finds out he killed her mother, she's going to pat that fool on his back and say. It's ok JMY you didn't mean to hit my mother, and I'll forgive you (yeah right) all hell is gonna break loose, and I just want to see that no good ex husband crawl in disgust around on the prison floors 8-|

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suchadiva42 said:


said: I would like for that skinny azz toothpick JMY to know that HB is doing everything he's thinking for the love she has for him. His butt better get ready when the time comes and it's almost near that HB is going to give that jive turkey the boot when she finishes with him. and JMY will be left with nothing but his underwear on trying to get JI back looking like a sad puppy, so JI can feel sorry for his azz. but hope she'll remember all the things he said and did to JI and her daughter as well as her mother, that I'm so forward looking for that moment especially the REACTION OF JI'S FACE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT WHO KILLED HER MOTHER!!

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JMY has conveniently pushed all his bad deeds to the side. He thinks that all he has done will either not come to light or JI will never be able to know that he killed her mother. But again like all secrets he will never be with her again for what he has done in his affair and his kid and for killing her mother and hiding that fact from her. The moment she finds out what he did and covered it up she will blow her top at him for daring to try and dictate her life when he has done something so wrong in covering up what happened to her mother. He has not seen her angry yet but when that comes out he will surely see a different side to JI.

This is why I say he is living in a delusional dream world because his thought of reuniting with the wife he betrayed and hurt along with his family is all for naught because no one would want a man who cheated and who killed her mother. As I said before it was a terrible accident but the moment he hid that fact it became a crime.

HB will try to pin something on him and the min he protest about it and realizes that she prolly did the same to JI HB will tell or hint that JMY is the one that killed her mother. This is to make sure he can never go back to JI and JI will hate him for standing there looking her in the face and not telling her the truth.. Not too mention ever thinking he had a future with her again.

I mentioned before that JMY is a selfish egotistical man that is a momma's boy.. He never spent time with his kid before the accident and he barely spent time with her afterwards. He was jealous of HW who was nice to his kid and took the time to sit and read to her being her friend when he should have just tried to do better.

It was JI who was with her after the accident with her friend and HW helping. It was her friend who sat with her after JI went to prison. Now it was his mother who was with her briefly after they moved her and we do not see JMY with her where ever she is. This is the time that someone from her family should be by her side protecting her but he has never thought of that. He forgets that just because she may be out of it she can still hear.. but he will reap all that he has sowed against his ex wife and kid I have no doubt.

There will be no need for her to testify against him since she never witness the accident and had no knowledge of what went on. It was an accident it only became a crime when he did not come forward and say that she ran out in front of him or to let the black box and cctv show what happen. They tampered with the video that would show he was not at fault that would be a crime I think. They turned it into a hit and run when the driver was there the whole time and took her to the hospital.

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i know right now JI can not trust anyone who blame her but all i am asking is to use her brain there is a lot of way to find  where her kid is.
i think the entire gang should go to jail , JMY, HB, her mother, her daughter and HS for all the illegal things they done. HS thinks his brother will cover for him that is why he wanted him to be a lawyer and to be in the legal department but once HW find out what his brother done i really doubt he will help me  i can see his plan back fire at him

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I too see JI quitting as good thing,quiting was the wises decision she ever made,that house is a lion den,she wouldn't survive a week,if HB and her crime parners unable to get her out,they will niether start putting something in Mother medicine,or end up killing JT mother,to quit is to save that woman.

now HW and JI hiding,if I say I don't like it,that means I lie,I like it even though it was stupid,but give a nice moment between HW and JI,that is all that matters to me,if JT caught them it plays in HW advantage because as we all can see HW is becoming restless about JI working for JT,he step up this time,knowing HB will step up JI and rush to help her,I can smell jealousy there,for now he will know that JI is not going claim down or else she found her daughter,that is how it worked,even JI taking care of JT mother her mind is not there,her mind is where her daughter is JI is desperate,don't take a despirate mother for granted because she will recieve anyone who offer her help ,that is what  HW should do to find JI daughter,if he does JI will forgive him,and give him other chance.

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