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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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I keep thinking that since JT's mom needs a nurse for her care that JI will hopefully end up being that nurse.. At least that is my wishful thinking. It would be perfect for her to make HS and HB uncomfy but also find out information on where her kid is.

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I'm hoping as well for JI to take care of JT mom in which something has to give about her daughter whereabouts. and they maybe the key of finding her after that no good Ex husband let another take his child. that azz wipe will listen to JI about HB being conniving. but it'll be too late to a fact that he's gonna lose everything and probably his life as well.

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suchadiva42 said: I'm hoping as well for JI to take care of JT mom in which something has to give about her daughter whereabouts. and they maybe the key of finding her after that no good Ex husband let another take his child. that azz wipe will listen to JI about HB being conniving. but it'll be too late to a fact that he's gonna lose everything and probably his life as well.

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I agree the mother will be the one to crack first. Her guilt is going to start kicking her azz and she won't be able to live with it not like her children who don't feel any guilt. The nerve of JMY to even part his lips to speak to JI the way he does. Mommy is going to turn on her son. What I'm waiting for is for HW to find out HS is messing with the sister. That should be a wide eye opener for him. 

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Guest atomickitty

@NewKDramaAddict, @Lunkera‌ I DON'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T MAKE IT TO LIVE CHAT!!!I got my times all wrong! I'm still thinking in SC scandal mode. I have to update my time alarm to Stormy time. I'll see you guys for Tuesdays episode.

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Guest atomickitty

Ldy Gmerm said: I keep thinking that since JT's mom needs a nurse for her care that JI will hopefully end up being that nurse.. At least that is my wishful thinking. It would be perfect for her to make HS and HB uncomfy but also find out information on where her kid is.

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My understanding is that JI and JT are not related to one another. JI is just the little girl his mother taught on JU JU island long ago and was long for to leave have her fortune to. It is just too bad she found out JI was the little girl right before HB and her mother hurt her and she never got to tell JT. 

From what I took from the preview as well JT will see that his mother is happiest with JI when they are together and will ask her to look after his mother for him. I am hoping that means moving in as well to take care of her. This will also bring that woman back to her senses because I see her coming back and not saying a word that she is and since people think she is still out of her head she will be able to see and hear everything that is going on in that house.

It seems JI sees JT's secretary getting a USB or something from a man with a spider tat on his hand and she may mention it to JT. It would be good if she ends up helping him see that some people around him are not doing anything to help him at all.

Seems like it is starting to get good.... I can ignore JMY, HB and HS for the time being.

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@Ldy Gmerm, @atomickitty, 
JT should be alerted to the vipers around him. So far JI knows them all and with JI seeing the Sec. with the man with the tat she'll know he's part of the bad bunch.  
I wonder if HS mad HW promise to stay away from JI if he helped her this time. That's going to be hard to do if she moves into that house. JI  moving into that house is going to be fun to watch. 

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Guest atomickitty

thanks @valsava for telling me the time. I'll put it in my reminder. @Ldy Gmerm, the abuse JI was taking from those 3 was getting to me too. I watched the episodes till she found out about the cheating faithfully.. then I started watching in FF.@awsparkle, JI moving in will certainly be fun!! I can't wait. With all the things HS did to keep her away from HW... it will be so fun to see him thwarted. 

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Today's episode was good, I loved how JI stepped up her game just a little. HW still has seen the full picture yet but still his heart is in the right place. HW going on stalker mode before promising brother not to ever get in contact with her again( I think that is what he told his brother). LOL LOL ... JI will be SM's nurse and they will be seeing her everyday . HW won't be able to resist seeing JI or having a meal with her. No matter how hard HS wants to keep them apart but the universe has a different idea. The universe may want them together or team up. As you guys can see HW and JI are alike they are nice, doormats and believe in that justice prevail even if they have not been on their side. SMH SMH

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I just love this episode:

I loved that JMY's sister text HS and he deleted it with her looking sad that he did not respond to her message to possibly see him. It is funny that her mother is showing her men to set up with (they were not very attractive) I don't think she knows that her daughter is seeing HS , I can't wait until she finds out.. The same with JMY who was putting his two cents in on a match after what he has done to JI.. it should be interesting to see how they both react to the news that she has been sleeping around with HS.  POT calling the kettle black as they get upset over her doing that.. when JMY is doing the same and his mother condones it!

JMY ran his mouth to HW not realizing who HW was.  He would not listen still being a jealous azz over his being with his kid and then walking out. HW comes in behind him to the company and he runs his mouth again thinking he is following him. Never realizing in the two years that HW has been around that he is not just some man.  HW says something to JMY and then badges himself in and walks off with JMY stunned that he has a badge and walked in wondering what is going on running to catch up with him at the elevator.  He gets on and ask him about how he got through and what is he doing with a badge and HW ignores him. (hell yeah, ignore that fool.. who was just talking shyt again to him!) then HS gets on the elevator and says something and HW says this is my Hyung and JMY is stunned as he realizes he has been talking crap to the brother of the man who's wife he has been having an affair with... HB's BIL.. he is stunned and he goes to her office to find out from HB why she did not tell him about HW and she brushes him off with him still stunned at these turn of events. YES, JMY you were an idiot for not knowing all the players in the game and for running your mouth to a man and not knowing who he really was.. I can't wait until HW starts working there and he finds out that he not only has a job there but is a lawyer!

I am sad that JT asked the secretary to investigate and he is working with HB possibly.

I thought it was such a nice scene of JI taking care of JT's mother as she put her to bed... JT ask her to help with his mother..

I can't wait until JI and JT find out that it was HB and her mother that hurt her teach and his mother. That will really make it better for them to join forces I hope.

I LOVE IT!! YES, JI saw the man with the tat on his hand and remembered when he took the evidence from her and other times she has seen him.. That is what makes her decide to go and sit with JT's mother.. to find out about who is looking and get the evidence on who framed her.

LMAO, the bell rings and JI comes in as JT's mother is asking for her play mate and HS and HB are both stunned as JT says she will be with his mother and HB ask what is she doing there and JI introduces herself and HS and HB are stunned as JT smiles and HB looks sour..

I LOVE it..The preview looks good. HB is spazing out from JI being there and is running her mouth to JI every chance she can.  HW is stunned to see JI there for JT's mother and JI playing hide and seek and searching rooms only for HB and her mother to come in wondering what she is doing. Looks like JT's mother has a moment of clarity in the as she yells at them and JI is stunned calling out teacher.

Video Credit MBCdrama Channel on YouTube.

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@Ldy Gmerm,

Things are starting to look up for JI. JT's mother must be her lucky charm. The look on HB and HS's faces at the end was priceless. JT seems to be enjoying their discomfort. He just might know more then they think he does and  bringing in JI is to upset their apple cart. When people are thrown off balance they make mistakes. 

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That is very true and I hope that is just the start of JT showing US (I hope not them) that he is not as unaware of things around him as HB and HS think.  I enjoyed his smirk at the end as well as JI came in and he announced she will be staying with his mother.. It is perfect as HS looked caught just as bad as HB. I hope her time in that house is long and HS sees what type of person he sold out for his revenge.  He needs a heavy dose of guilt for his actions all because he wanted his brother to a. do what he wanted in going back to school and finishing to be a lawyer. b. to come in to help him in his revenge plot c. keep that woman away from his brother because she was in the way and not suitable per what he wanted for him.

JT put it together in this episode that the person his mother talked about before her accident had to be JI. He was impressed with her not taking any money or a ride and just being with his mother not wanting anything in return. That is what prompted him to ask his secretary to look into JI's issues. Let's hope he gets smart and does not take anything for face value.

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