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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@Trition , @valsava, @Ldy Gmerm, @NewKDramaA, @zaab, @joyblack4, @suchadiva,
HS is going to use whomever he can including his brother to further his agenda. Right now he's uncomfortable around JI because she's a threat to his plans. She can blow his whole plan out of the water before it's time too.
JT and HS both want HW in that company but for different reasons. What I think is HS and HW own shares in that company. Not enough to have management rights but enough. It's a keep your enemy close and happy thing for JT. It's also what keeps HS and HB married. He didn't marry HB without gaining something. As for HS he needs his brother in that company as part of his plan to take it over. He's gathering all his wife's misdeeds and when the iron is hot enough he's going to strike. He needs his brother on board to help along with that plan. 
HW has been playing JI's knight in shinning armor, but only as a friend. He's just discovering his feelings are more then friendship. Nothing that his brother or JT has offered or said to HW has gotten him to come into the company. JI will be the reason HW comes into that company. 
If it turns out as we suspect that JI is the lost  daughter of the mother HS will see it as another feather in his cap. What better way to gain what he wants then through the daughter of the mother. He will marry his brother off to JI in a minute. 

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I agree that HS is not going to say or do anything right now. It is not time to hang HB out to dry or expose her to the harsh reality of the world that no one is as stupid as she thinks and that she really has no power to stand on. As pointed out above HS is biding his time until he has a way to get back at JT and get that company perhaps.  He can't stand HB but he pretends to go along and let her think she is the boss (did you see the way she talks to him at home and in the office?) when reality he prolly wants to put his hands around her neck and squeeze really hard until something pops. He needs her to continue doing what she is to make him act the victim for his brother and everyone else at her cheating and creating problems.

HB has been raised with no home training just like her mother. Even coming into that house has not helped her. Look at her mother she knows she is not allowed in that house and yet she was in JT's mothers room touching her things and looking at her clothing thinking she should be in that spot! Instead of thinking how wrong she was to sleep with a married man and have the nerve to work in the company. The lot of them the grandmother, the mother (HB) and HB's kid are all the same.. selfish and self centered and spoiled into thinking they deserve to have whatever they want and that they can do and say anything to anyone and no one should fight back or call them on it.

As with HW he will continue to act like the wronged man to HW until he gets HW to do what he wants and comes into that company. But I think that the only time HW will come into that company is if something is going on with JI. Then and only then will he come in to try and protect and help her and go along with what HS wants until he finds out the other side of his brother. Will JMY and HB have a fit if they see that HW and JI acting friendly? OH yeah they will crap bricks at it. HB will have a fit trying to warn first JI and then HW away from one another. When that does not work it, she will go to JMY to try and do so and of course he may bring up the boss card (and I hope at that moment she points out that not only did he sleep with and cheat with his boss he left his family because she wanted him to and keep his JOB!)  which he has no way to cast stones about her and HW. At least HW is an unmarried man with skills. He went to law school and has recognition as a photographer or director of movies in short a capable man and JMY we know is not.The only thing I look forward to is when HW finds out what HS has been up to and that his brother is not a victim and knows all. I will feel bad for him because he looks up to his Hyung and will be disappointed at that side of him.

So far we have seen HW as a independent and intelligent man who want to make his movies and not get caught in his brothers and SIL's mess. He hates that HB has done so much to JI and in being her friend he is slowly falling in love with her. But, if his brother thinks he is a push over I have a feeling that the lawyer side of HW will come out and show them exactly what he is made of. He is by no means a stupid man or foolish one. I think it will only need to take something to fully set him off before he is ready to come into the fry to protect and help the woman he loves. One thing is if JMY thinks to step to him trying to warn him away from JI I expect HW to let him have it for having the nerve to even say anything to him.

Am I the only one who wants HW to come in and be JMY's boss? How ironic would that be when he knows your dirt. The only thing now is we need the CCTV and or video of what JMY did with JI's mother to finally come out and for HB to be found out at having covered up her daughter hurting JI's.

Let me go back to the garage scene.. HB shows up at the memorial where she should not have been and what does she do afterwards run her mouth to JI and throw down her mothers bag breaking the family picture she had and does she bother to pick it up? She continues to run her nasty mouth to JI who eventually just slaps her. I would have went in for a straight punch to the mouth knocking her out! Then useless runs up to hold HB back.. he should have let her go JL should have hit her again and stuffed her in her trunk and shut the led. NASTY viper. Treating that woman that way on a day of mourning. JI has done nothing to warrant all the things she has said and done to her and will continue to. But she will be learning from the experience.

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I am hoping that HB is not related to the father at all and is not his child (which tells you what type of woman her mother is!) and she has been living in that house for years under the pretense of being JT's half sister and she is no relation. That whole family will have her put out so fast and out of the registry it would make her head spin. It would serve her and her bratty daughter right to loose that. Also have her mother thrown out of the company as well.

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This is what I find stupid about JI she should have been taping her paying that woman off she still being stupid.. After all HB did to her did she really think things would be good for her to work there.. 
So did they remove her from the gallery after she got caught lying. 
That bucket of water will come back and bite her in the azz

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valsava said: This is what I find stupid about JI she should have been taping her paying that woman off she still being stupid.. After all HB did to her did she really think things would be good for her to work there.. 
So did they remove her from the gallery after she got caught lying. 
That bucket of water will come back and bite her in the azz
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Omg...the mother is the crazy bat rom goddess of marriage....oh god shes a freak for paintings too!? Btw ji will be her bio child....way too many concidences with the meetings....also my boy is moving in on ji (happy penguin dance), but jerk wade getting jealous!?

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Sarah Maurice-Laplanche said:

valsava said: This is what I find stupid about JI she should have been taping her paying that woman off she still being stupid.. After all HB did to her did she really think things would be good for her to work there.. 
So did they remove her from the gallery after she got caught lying. 
That bucket of water will come back and bite her in the azz
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HB's is just as dirty and low down as her mother. I think HS has the goods on HB's mother that she's doing dirty business in that gallery and it's what he has JMY's sister looking for. HS knows his wife is an extreme self centered egotistical witch. He's let HB think she has the upper hand by letting her do and say what she wants to him. HS knew that one day that ego of hers was going give him the ammunition he needs to be able to move forward with his plans. 
I don't think JI was stupid for going into that company. HB wants to crush her and shes letting her know it's not going to be so easy. JI just needs to learn to better protect her back. Also the company is where all of HB's family works so what better place for all to see the great HB in action. 

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I haven't seen the ep yet (can't wait) but as I think about what HS is doing, it seems the biggest victims of his plans (beside JI) is DJT and NSM. Neither of them are culpable in what DJT's father might have done in taking over the business. I haven't seen any evidence that DJT is evil in any way. I'm curious if the writer will make him evil or will he remain like his mother, a seemingly nice person who will be affected by HS's ultimate plans?

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hello all, just fin watching epi 24 & been absent here but can't wait to read the caption or anything from you guys since watching it w/o subs seems i'm on a limbo :( anyway one thing i can't u/stand why is that woman's husb not divorcing her after all he knew she's having an affair? glad that Ji finally decided to div her husb, the latter (husb) is so mean & stupid at that! i hope our guy HWS will end up with Ji! sorry i still can't figure out their names in the drama hahaha sori for my ignorance i'm also late in watching so bear with me!

have a gr8 day everyone hi hi to my frnd @suchadiva42 & see u all soon

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@hibiscus23, HB's husband HS has his own agenda. He is planning on taking back the company that HB's half brother is running. HS really doesn't care who gets hurt in the process as he knows everything that HB is doing. But you will see that he does come to JI's rescue and hopefully he will continue. But at the same time, he knows EVERYTHING!

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This is my question: Is HB's idiotic mother aware of who JI is to JMY? Why would she condone her daughter breaking up this man's home? I am sure she is prolly aware that her grand daughter harmed JI's daughter correct? So she is helping her daughter try to destroy this woman's life? I saw from the episode she was trying to recreate JI's drawing in her office until JI walked in and caught her with HS with her.

Honestly her mother has no home training, no respect, and no manners. So I assume she was ok with the affair once she made JMY sign a document to say he would not mess up HB or cause her problems but it was ok for HB to wreck his home and her kid to hurt the woman's child?!  I mean sure JMY is a sorry sack of S*** and he made his own choices for himself and his greedy mother over his wife and child that supported him but I guess in this woman's world it does not matter if a man has a family (let's look at how HB made it into the world, shall we) as long as she can do or get something out of it even if it destroys others.

Frankly I want HS to get all of HB's mom's dirt (I bet she is doing dirty things in that gallery to get money thinking it is owed to her.. always biting the hand that was a bit lenient and nice to her. Ungrateful witch I bet she had hoped to marry that man or at least get more out of him, but his wife just accepted the child and did not leave the husband. You know boys are more prized anyway over girls!.) I can't wait until she is going down begging on her knees for what she has done or had a hand in with her nasty kid. What a vicious nasty family Halmoni, Mother and daughter are all the same!

Just like with JMY's mother who deserves a harsh punishment for forsaking her DIL and grand daughter over money from a woman that could care less about her as long as her son gets something. But as someone else pointed out JMY spends less time with HB now that he is divorced then he did before.

I do not blame HW or JI for one moment giving JMY the look of are you nuts? Who are you to be saying anything about what is going on with us. This woman is drenched (and he knows how she got that way and who did it prolly) and worked all day that way and JMY did nothing for her but as soon as he sees another man take the time to cover her up so she does not catch a cold knowing the woman also goes to see their daughter that he is not seeing (or did she tell him not to come there?)  that she can not afford to get sick after dealing with so much!! He should not be able to say anything to JI or look in her face after killing her mother! HW should have hit him and knocked him down the stairs in the preview for daring to run his mouth over a woman he has divorced!

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@LdyGmerm,  Mother is no different from the daughter and raising the G/Daughter the same way , I tell you I think JB mom may have found out the president and waltz her big belly there claiming that HB is his remember DNA testing isn't that for in advance especially in Korea and if this is true her on mom (HB) that is could be sued perpetrating the frauds that they are..  

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I would do a happy dance it if turns out that HB is not related to JT at all and that her mother has lied all these years about it. IT would serve HB right to find out she is not a rich daughter of the house and that her world is going to crash in when it is found out. PLEASE writer-nim make this so. It would serve her mother right to get caught for dirty books at the gallery and HB as well then to get the blow she is not part of that family. Her daughter as well will get kicked out with HB. Loosing everything.

If they want to make it really justified then make JI the real daughter and she is brought in to live in that house with her daughter (and hopefully married to HW).

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Ldy Gmerm said: @valsava
I would do a happy dance it if turns out that HB is not related to JT at all and that her mother has lied all these years about it. IT would serve HB right to find out she is not a rich daughter of the house and that her world is going to crash in when it is found out. PLEASE writer-nim make this so. It would serve her mother right to get caught for dirty books at the gallery and HB as well then to get the blow she is not part of that family. Her daughter as well will get kicked out with HB. Loosing everything.

If they want to make it really justified then make JI the real daughter and she is brought in to live in that house with her daughter (and hopefully married to HW).

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