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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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aida_ladida said: Sigh,  I don't know why I keep following daily dramas..probably because I just need to 'watch' it once and not have to worry about waiting for subs.

This drama really reeks and smell like Crazy Love. I wish the actress Park Sun-Young stops taking such torturous and crazy daily drama roles despite being such a great actress?
Anybody knows why daily drama stars keep getting stuck in daily drama roles? 

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Two people deserving to die at the end of this drama:JMY and his BYTCH HB! Going to tell someone to send their child overseas?! What freaking nerve!

Yes indeed that biotech HB got some nerve, in which her azz needs to go overseas in a rejection chair off the plane and end up in the ocean somewhere.. because as of right now she's definitely on my hate list ~X(

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ep 17

hb says it was all ji's fault they came to the police station, she says the friend is crazy since she didn't mess up with her hubby, ji says she knew hb was bad but she didn't know hb can't fell a bit of shame, friend asks ji to sue hb for having an affair, hb smirks because she knows ji won't do it, jmy arrives.

hs receives photos about the fight, jt talks business with him before he leaves, jt asks his man to find "interesting" things about hb.

hb is at workshop looking at the mess that ji made, she says ji should punish jmy instead.

ji and jmy arrive home, he want to talk something but ji say whatever can't change the fact he acted for hb's guardian and he should protect her and kid instead, she slams the door and cries.

kid come to friend's shop to find ji, friend is happy kid cares for mom, kid asks about friend's face and friend says she has just punished someone.

hb enters ji's house looking for jmy, ji says how dare hb is, hb says ji made the mistake first and it's about her workshop and either ji goes back to clean up the house or she has to pay for an compensation, ji's kid arrives home,  hb says she is ji's friend and she will talk to ji later then she leaves.

now kid knows hb is her mom's friend, hb's kid sens her ugly phonts.

hb's kid and other are talking about uploading photos, jsy calls dmj and says she knows she did it, dmj says jsy can't prove she did it and she wonders what she can do about it, ji's mom come in with mild and says milk is good for kid, dmj says she wants coffee instead and ji's mom is nothing and she can't make decision for her,  jt's mom comes in and says she can't talk to elders like this.

jt's mom says kid can't treat family helpers like that, says says she was wrong but she got pressure from school, mom says she understands but kid can't lash out anger to others, kid promised she won't do it again.

kid goes to ji's mom because granny wanted her to apologize, she says she wasn't wrong to order people around because people are supposed to be ordered around and maid and they are paid to work for her, she says ji's mom must be caution and she was punished by granny and it's disgusting!

ji's kid send photos to granny and says they will play together next time, granny says she didn't do a lot for kid but kid is growing up nicely and thanks heavens.

jmy yells out everyone in the house, he says he can understand ji's anger but she can't understand him and he did that for the family so he dated hb, ji asks kid and others leave.

kid asks what it was about, granny asks nothing and kid should go to sleep.

jmy says he made such effort to get that chance and he won't give it up and he won't let hb go, ji is furious and beats him with pillow.

ji calls hb for talk and hb says she can't because she will have a meeting, ji says she can go to the company if hb feels like it, hb asks hs to change the meeting for her and she will attend a personal matter that won't interest him, hs says he will do it for her and she thank him.

hb says so ji hasn't cleaned up the workshop so ji will pay a compensation, ji says she has a sense that she won't clean up the lair where her hubby was doing an affair, hb laughs and says so ji has temper too and she didn't know it, ji says hb must stop the affair otherwise she will do many things that hb didn't know about, hb asks if ji will go to her company to tell and crash things, ji says she won't do that because jmy is her kid's dad but she will tell jt that his sister has affair with a married man, hb says she didn't want to destroy ji's family but now she has to do a thing because she can't be blackmailed by ji.

hb asks jmy to divorce immediately, he says she promised she wouldn't hurt his family, she says so he won't divorce even though his wife already knew the affair.

ji looks at the report about hs and hb love each other, mil asks where ji will go, she says ji should stop it and women should be generous and jmy didn't do it for himself and if ji did things right he wouldn't have done that, she looks at the report and says if her son has a woman like hb he will have wings to fly, she dreams of a rich life with hb as her dil, she calls sil.

sil says on phone jmy wont' divorce and he can't end good with hb even if he divorce, hb's mom asks her to send an envelop to hs and she asks what's her decision about the spy, sil says she needs more time to consider.

hs is told by someone on phone that jt is spying on hb too, sil comes in and says she put the info he wanted in the envelope too, he asks her to reject curator's proposals because he won't allow her to feel burdened, she says she will accept the proposal because she as a double spy can help him more, she calls curator to tell her decision.

sil sees ji at the lobby and she calls jmy that ji arrives and he is panic.

hs says so his wife has an affair with ji's hubby and he plays shocked, he says it's better if ji leaves now, ji apologizes for troubling him and she leaves, he yells how hb handled thing like that and she shouldn't have allowed ji come to him!

jmy's coworker asks if he is resigning because hb has transferred his project to her, jmy goes to hb and says the project is his and he won't exit from it, she says he didn't listen to her order so he can't guard his things and he either divorce or keeps his marriage and loses everything.

hw sees ji and says he was worried about her, she says she knew he cared and she asks him to pretend nothing happened, his friend sees them and says she just met hs.

jt and others talk about an outdoor brand being taken over by the company, hw will be in charge of the project. (also jmy's project and hw will be his boss? that will be fun.)

hs asks what's bothering hw and if it's about hb, he says don't worry and they won't divorce because she won't know he knew it.

jmy says he needs more time to make decision, hb says time can't solve the problem and he has to choose between 2 and he can't have both.

jmy is at a bar and he looks at the divorce paper and he wants to tear it off but stops.

ji says jmy is drunk again and when he will stop drinking, he says he wants a talk, she says not his usual craps about she should understand him, he says it isn't that and he wants a divorce.

ji: you can't, i won't!
hb: haven't you known why your hubby can't leave me?
hb: why is mom worried about her?
jt: i heard she has an affair.
hb: why is she always at mom's side? i must make them divorce sooner so i can send her far away.
jmy: happy birthday to you.

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There are a few things that I know for certain.

JI will be getting a divorce. There is no way to avoid it because all of the people who she thought were her family and loved her have turned on her and are looking at a married golden goose HB. 

JI is about to loose her one precious thing and that is her kid. I am pretty sure this kid either will not survive this accident she has after finding out her father cheated on her mother with the Bully's mom and is ruining their family and his argument with her caused her to be hurt or will end up in a coma to be taken away from her or dying later. 

Somewhere along the line the people who are really responsible for that girl being hurt will see fit to place the blame on the one person that had nothing to do with that Child either dying or being in a coma, her mother.

JI will end up in the end with her bio mom if JT's mom is her mother.  When that time comes you can believe that JMY and his family will come sniffing back but her bio mom and possibly JT will never allow them to come back to her especially after they know that man had an affair with with the bastard (I hate to use that word in this context) child of her husband mistress and ruined her bio child's life (and JT's sisters) and caused the death of her grandchild (and niece). Not that JI would want a family that would push blame on her saying she must have done something wrong and that her husband having and affair for the family and be ok with it.

In the end JMY and his family are going to be left without nothing in ruined because of their greed and shamed for having an affair and pushing away a wife that worked 3 jobs to take care of them.  For stepping on the one person that always put them first they will have nothing.

HB will get hers, for sleeping with a man she knew was a friend/acquaintance husband and causing the break in his marriage and the indirect death of his child and pushing him to divorce she will loose everything. Especially if JI turns out to be the bio daughter of the woman she wanted acceptance from for so long and that woman realizes it was her that hurt her daughter and caused the death of her grandchild. HB can hang it up. She will loose her position in the company and her small spot in that family as well as loosing the company and her hubby. I am betting that she will pay a harsh price and loose something of equal value to JI loosing her kid and I am hoping it is either her own child or to be left with nothing shamed from what she has done.

JI will end up with HW. Whether we see it as far as marriage or them just dancing around each other and their feelings and finally get together or an open ending Like Everything Kimchi they will like one another and he will be a help to her as she starts to recover from her losses and moves on. She will need it as HB will continue to try to make her life miserable and keep her away from JT's mother who seems to like JI way better then her.


I am not sure about JMY's sister. I think she is really sorry about JI and what her brother has done and HB has done to HS. I would not be surprised if in the end she ends up with HS for helping him.

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@LdyGmerm,  I see HB daughter being sent away she will cause some girl to be hurt and they all learn of her bullying, And in the end HB will stick with her husband because it know way she will live poor and JMY mom will be begging JI to take JMY back..    

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HB is going to end up divorced with nothing. Her personality is never going to allow her to love her husband and HS is not going to want to stay with her once he gets what he wants and that is that company or a good portion of it to appease his need for revenge over his father. Once he does he is pushing her lying cheating crazy azz out the door or he will be leaving and suing her for divorce taking everything from her after what she has been doing. Until then he will pretend he knows nothing but when he gets all he needs to take her and her mother down along with JT he will make sure he steps on her. I just hope he is not ruined in the process of doing all of this because I want him and HW to have some happiness in the end.

I am hoping that he will help JI like HW :bz will , but for him to do it he will need to gain something and that will be if he possibly finds out JI is related to his MIL.

It would server HB right if she lost her daughter and everything else after what she has pulled. As I said above She will need to loose something of equal or greater value to what she has done to JI.. that will make the slate clean.

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I am not sure about that thought but it is a possibility. If JI turns out to be JT's mother lost child and his full sister then JI should have been able to recognize her as her mother. I get the feeling that around the time (or just before) HB's mom showed up with this kid claiming it is JT's fathers child (what age did she come to that house?) JI either went missing (as a baby or a very small child) or was lost some how. (whether HB's mother had something to do with it I do not know )If it was just after the child was lost that she showed up and that is one of the only reasons she took that child in (HB) and put it under her registry as her mother to make up for that loss. And yet HB still has not gained her love and acceptance. She is not mean to her but she is not loving and I can understand that.

I guess we have to wait (hopefully) for more of what happen back then (or did I miss it) to cause JI to be lost. Either way when this woman finds out who JI is possibly and that HB is the one that has ruined her life you can bet before anyone can say anything she will be trying to kick HB out of that family and remove her and her mother from that company for doing that. Especially if it is found out that HB knew as well at some point that JI was her missing child. Of course all of this will be towards the end of the show as JI still has a lot of heartache to go through.

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