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[Drama 2014-2015] Valid Love 일리있는 사랑


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@hanakokoro, I love your post. I'm not a fan girl of LSH, but acknowledges he has grown as an actor. I love watching actors facial features as they act their part to see if they are really into their character. I really love the scene when HT is talking to IR who is still in a coma. That look of disbelief, fear, worry and love all showed on HT's face.

It was only until the last episode that the pieces of what the writer wanted to show came together for me. I wish there had been less scenes of the affair and IR lying without a conscience, but I think it got the desired effect. For those of us who really disliked IR for her actions, we could relate to HT's pain and what it must have taken for him to overcome that pain with love. I think that's why his speech to IR while in a coma, was very touching to me.

Again, very good comment.

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TeBe said: At first I thought the writer didn t want to show more romantic stuff between IR an KJ, to keep their love based on a deep connection not lust . Now I think "deep connection ? Yes my richard simmons" there is no connection at all, that s why there were no bang-bang . It is simple , richard simmons !

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lclarakl said: ascsp said: @ iclarakl

Well, for that matter the writer could end the drama with the only open credit sequence: IR put away all her memories and go on with her life. We can go playing outside now.
It's not so simple and straightforward.

And IR and J fall in love, at different times and in different ways, but they fall hard, it's pretty obvious. A man doesn't follows around a woman for weeks and weeks and struggles and suffers with no reason. A woman who is breaking down because she wants to be forgiven by a hurtful husband doesn't keep on seeing the man who is one of the main reasons for her situation if she isn't in love.
I know that you are a huge UTW fan (I am a long time lurker, here), and I imagine that seeing him so passive and bland in this drama could be a pain in the richard simmons for you, it's understandable, but you can't say that IR and KJ aren't in love. If you say this you must say also that HT love for IR is so fleeble that IR can have a crush after 5 minuter with just everyone, or that her crush on HT was just a crush, and this is not the case.

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@hanakokoro:  Excellent analysis of this drama.  Beautifully written.  You brilliantly caught on to what this drama was all about.

I look forward to seeing more of your comments on other threads.

Since this wasn't a rom-com, I didn't expect a fairy-tale ending.  Early on, I had guess the ending would either be IR returning to HT or all three of them going their separate ways, in order to finally figuring out and fulfilling their own needs.  However, as we approached the end, it was fairly clear that the writer was building the momentum towards each person figuring things out now.  So, IR going back to HT was not a surprise.  The ending fits with the message(s), about personal satisfaction with ones own life, from the writer.  :-??

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Excuse me but aren't you the same IR haters from before? Aren't you the girls who were constantly saying that the plot of the drama isn't worth watching and absolutely wrong? But now the writer is a good one (no more disappointing but a GOOD ONE) just because the almighty HT wins in the end?

The drama condone cheating and you were all "you writer what is your message? HT needs someone better! To hell all the cheaters, burning to death" and so on, but now it isn't a problem anymore. Your only concern was HT. He wins so yuppiayeah! Cheating is good now because it serve the purpose to prove that the powerful husband is the best, with a big heart and beautiful scars in his past!

Have you ever heard of something called coherent behavior?

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I have watched now the subbed piece when HT comes to KJ to say that IR now lives with him, HT. Ht says:" I am smiling because I am gloating." I wanted to kill him. He is really such a worm compared to KJ, who was  noble till the end. IR really has got  an enormous debt from her previous life if she has to live with such a trash. He didn't seem to understand what  had happened to him, like at all!  Because he is just a homo ordinarius, speaking in his biologic ( latin) language. I didn't understand what IR was saying to KJ when meeting him for the last time, but she was clearly bored at the classmates meeting. The classmates were even more ordinary than her husband, her district and her life. I can't agree with those who say that KJ is jelous and posessive and agressive. He is much more tender and soft than dry and insensible HT,  jealous  and posessive - yes- but I personally have never met a non jealous and non possesive man. If he is not , than something is wrong.And Joon is not aggressive, just proactive,While HT can be agressive when he doesn't know what to do, and he NEVER knows what to do. 

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ascsp said: Excuse me but aren't you the same IR haters from before? Aren't you the girls who were constantly saying that the plot of the drama isn't worth watching and absolutely wrong? But now the writer is a good one (no more disappointing but a GOOD ONE) just because the almighty HT wins in the end? The drama condone cheating and you were all "you writer what is your message? HT needs someone better! To hell all the cheaters, burning to death" and so on, but now it isn't a problem anymore. Your only concern was HT. He wins so yuppiayeah! Cheating is good now because it serve the purpose to prove that the powerful husband is the best, with a big heart and beautiful scars in his past! Have you ever heard of something called coherent behavior?

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@ascsp LOL, you're spot on! All is forgiven since Husband-of-the-Year have won his trophy wife without even lifting his fingers. Even that chair that his wife is enjoying is made by the man who rocked his world. And she sure felt happy by that embrace of the chair made by KJ. Isn't this the same man who said on his speech at the hospital that he Wanted to KILL IR when he first learned about the affair???  And yet he's never seen violent unlike KJ who adviced ppl NOT use violence and speak your words. Smh! Double standard to the core! And yet, that speech is seen as so beautiful and touching??!  WTH?? I just don't get it. 
Writer screwed up this drama the moment she added DEMENTIA. I think she has dementia herself. Why is she so afraid to take the leap?? She's working with TVN who produced an amazing and fresh drama like Misaeng. They are willing to take the leap but she is stuck on that roof and chose the safer route. HT ended up with IR. Why not take that leap and leave it open ending? The three become friends and IR move on with her painting business, KJ move on with his furniture business and HT is free to find his own happiness. Things doesn't have to be black and white all the time. We can do grey. Grey exist. 

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Guess who sleep with her husband and doesn't give a richard simmons if HT is sexually active or not?

HT and IR can do it kamasutra style over, under and inside the washing machine with my blessing.

But I remember YOU saying that HT should kick IR out of home and I will repeat again my question: have you ever heard of something called coherent behavior?

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sooyoungdaebak said: I don't even know where to begin?!! Should I begin with, "Fack you, writernim!!!"  Or should I begin with, "You piece of richard simmons that should forever be banned from writing a drama ever again!!!!" This is like Reply series nightmare all over again!! The fack this richard simmons made me go through this nightmare again!!!! Urghhh...*flippin' tables with @aidsincera
 I'm SO happy KJ left town and be that hawt boss who could get a much BETTER woman. Yeah dude, thanks for not running into that old woman's arms (whoever she is). Isn't it weird that IR still look in pain after she got together with HT. Her face is still withdrawn just like before. I thought she lit up when she saw KJ. Sorry richard simmons, you snooze, you loose! Mackerel is your fate...porever! You live once and you missed a GREAT opportunity to bang a hawt namjha!!  =))

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@lclarakl quote "Since you are so facetious in your comments, let me rub a little salt in your wound............guess who slept together after eating bean paste stew?  Yeah, you got it---HT and IR."
And boy was she miserable after that!! Look at her interaction with her friends at that restaurant. I thought she was sick or gonna throw up. He must be that bad...hahaha. She was weak and bored to tears. And the moment she saw KJ, her whole body lit up!!! Her face came alive, she looks ready to pounce on him. I thought that was writer's surprise for us cos I was hoping IR said, "Fack all these, let's elope and get out of town, man. I'm done with HT. S*x was boring as hell porever." And of course, that never happened...ha

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It isn't true. She isn't bored.

Maybe she is embarrassed but if she had choose to stay with HT it means that she is happy with him. Period.

Or so we must believe because she is with HT again.

But after 17 episodes of despair and tears they really wrap up all the cheating thing quickly. And J was really just a plot device...

What can I say?

Ah yes.

I waaaaaant my tiiiiiiime baaaaaaack you bad writeeeeeeer!!!!

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sooyoungdaebak said: @lclarakl quote "Since you are so facetious in your comments, let me rub a little salt in your wound............guess who slept together after eating bean paste stew?  Yeah, you got it---HT and IR."
And boy was she miserable after that!! Look at her interaction with her friends at that restaurant. I thought she was sick or gonna throw up. He must be that bad...hahaha. She was weak and bored to tears. And the moment she saw KJ, her whole body lit up!!! Her face came alive, she looks ready to pounce on him. I thought that was writer's surprise for us cos I was hoping IR said, "Fack all these, let's elope and get out of town, man. I'm done with HT. S*x was boring as hell porever." And of course, that never happened...ha

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Lol now thinking of KJ-mom, with the pearls and suit , I think KJ might be a chaebol !  =))WOW Writer-nim you got it all in VL! 
Dementia,locked-in syndrom, shoesi in /shoes out - thing, anorexic sister and ended it with a chaebol 

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We have salt and hotsauce! Who can bring tequila, lemon and tortillas chips?

Come on don't be shy. We can dicuss HT's sexual performances all together!

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Soooo VL chingus, anyone else questioning the authenticity of how VL played out in the end? This is the story according to HT, how things unfolded and how they ended. I mean if I was a jilted husband, I would re-write the story of how my wife left me and change it to how my wife left her lover for me. This is fiction, after all. Just adding a little kimchi to the hot sauce and salt -- wink wink. Before you know it, we will have a 24- hr Vegas buffet. Ahh, you guys are awesome!! =))

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"Also, sex doesn't appear to have been too good with KJ, she looked down every since that snowy night and we didn't see any repeats for a couple "in love"."
Ah, this is a simple explanation actually. She was down cos she couldn't get repeats cos she was busy playing nurse again to HS and MIL. They both kept her busy. And she was looking forward to meet KJ but MIL held her back and made her dance with HT. KJ even waited for her outside MIL's house, willing to warm her up anytime and vaseline her body but gal had the undying compassion to play nurse. So yeah, repeats were gonna happen but too many obstacles. Btw, come on girl, don't tell me you don't think sex with KJ gonna be hawt as hell??? That man ooze sextosterones. His body screams, come and bang me.  I sure won't give up on KJ for a mackerel. 

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