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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Awesome Episode 19!!
I hope I am not too late for the fanfic contribution. Finally managed to write something PG rated.
When Park Bong Soo Became Healer.....Episode 13 Hospital Scene - Youngshin Discovers Healer's Identity.
As she watched the retreating figure of Park Bong Soo (no, not Bong-sookie, but that Person, Healer....) out of the hospital ward, Youngshin could barely hold onto her emotional turmoil as her tears spilled over. As much as she tried to find excuses that there was no way the stammering, cowardly but handsome Bong-sookie was her mysterious heroic savior Healer, the gaze Bong Soo gave her at the end of their conversation was not from Bong Soo, but someone else. Someone her heart recognized, even if she had never seen his face.
With a heavy heart, Youngshin collected her belongings and left the hospital. Walking aimlessly along the street, she tried to reconcile her turbulent feelings. Why did Bong Soo lie to her? That richard simmons! After all the things she had told him, things she had never told anyone, not even Appa! Wasn't he her hoobae, her stalwart supporter and admirer? Wasn't Bong Soo dependent on her good graces, her guidance...? No...she depended on Bong Soo, had come to depend on him like she had never depended on anyone else. He brought her comfort, he made her laugh, he...even made her waver about Healer momentarily. And now, he WAS actually Healer.
Was everything a lie then? She got angry - was it just a game to him? Did he find it funny when she confessed time and again about her feelings for Healer? Did he enjoy confusing her heart by confessing his love for her as Bong-sookie? But then she remembered his sincere admission on the rooftop, to live beside her normally, if she would just accept him. She remembered his unguarded moments of pain, his spontaneous warm hugs, irresistible touches... She remembered their romantic movie date, a handhold that she would never ever forget; she remembered that painfully sweet gentle kiss on the first day of snow, when he almost died after rescuing her. Youngshin's heart hurt so much it was physically impossible to stand. 
She crouched down and sobbed. Realization hit her fast and hard. She loved Healer. She LOVED Bong Soo. Healer was her protector, her grand adventure, her romantic lover. Bong Soo was her friend, her emotional crutch, her everyday life. And now they were one man, and whoever his real name was, she knew she loved him. No matter his backstory, she would wait until he was ready to show her his real face. She would wait. But would he come?
Sorry that's all I can come up with in the short amount of time I have. This young Singaporean Ajumma has never contributed to any fan project, and it is a testament to Healer's awesome power that I am actually sacrificing sleep to do this. Healer Fighting!!

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I hope If and a big IF He is sacrificing himself as in killing himself in front of everyone, It will be just a plan by the whole team. I hope It will be one of those fake death to kill Healer identity and to give him permission to live as someone normal like others. This can happen too,Writernim. People are buying those DVDs, You can't give them sad ending and selling them those DVDs,Right? Just give us happy ending for this awesome and sweet Couple.

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Whoa! Today episode is awesome! This drama never fails to surprise me in all kind of aspect!! Haha, even though I only understand a tiny bit!

Firstly! The hug between our OTP was so beautiful! I would have expected JH to run up to YS and hug her. But instead he just open his arms and wait for her to come to him! So beautiful and touching! The bear hug was great and I just squee at that scene! *swoon*

I'm glad that JH is very up front with YS about what happened and what will happen to him in the future. He told her that it will be difficult for him to live normally as he needs to fight elder. And then YS just goes "how am I going to see you?"

Yay for myunghee to finally stepping out into the real world and face the people! Serve you right KMS! I need to watch with eng sub to understand what he said though.

I really love JH in his pizza delivery boy outfit! He looks so cute and dorky! Plus he's so cool when he is concentrating in finding the evidence!

-to be continue- part 1

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Im so addicted with this drama for the past 2 months.. this drama make me become Ji Changwook's fan! hahhhhh.. I want the happy ending for this awesome drama butttt i can't handle my sadness if drama going to end.. dilemma.. i want a happy ending but cant accept Healer is ending.. how can A Happy ending come if there's no ending.. dilemma.. dilemmaaaa...

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Guest wookieLOVEyoung_changmin

Today episode was really intense. In my condition like this i am trying to watch streaming, and today episode feel so fast not like before.. I think because of last 2 episode..

Watch and reading the text preview, why I feel so sad.. Jung Ho was self camera and send message I think he don't want become Healer again and begin new life.

I have bad feeling, it looks like SJN will give happy end but without kiss, smexy and bedscene again. Because on last episode she already gave many kiss to us. I hope my feeling not true..

Because I am sad too.. Mixed feeling.

I Don't wanna let goooo... :((

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Chingus, please don't have mental breakdown here.. we still need all of you for ep 20 tomorrow [-( [-(
what's with the preview?? :-O :-O

I believe "goodbye Healer" means the actors, PD, writer n crew and us viewers have to say good bye to Healer.. not Healer himself dies :-SS :-SS

I'm gonna blacklist KBS if the worse nightmare happens.. don't u dare to touch my oppa again! >:/ >:/

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wait, wait.... all I'm thinking right now after reading all theories that the possibility of SJH sacrificing by killing himself?

the goodbye message where he filmed himself (probably a sad scene?), the guns pointed to people and maybe later on to himself? this is me just bluffing with all possibilities since he decided to make final decision.

or maybe later we'll get to see time jump scene after all JH sacrificing himself? after all...he's doing this for all people near him, and to reveal the elders tho..

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