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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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Guest lovesalvz

Sena: Do any chance, do you like me?

Shiwoo: Do any chance, is it okay if I do?

LOVE IS INDEED IN THE AIR!!!! Shiwoo you're just so perfect with Sena.

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Think we'll be getting another OST today. This will be the Korean version of promise (It was the english song released with Alex's 'Will you love me?')

I'm still waiting for 우리의 사랑 (I'll call it that for now) to be released. For heaven's sake it was used in the long trailer! I'm in love with it whenever they play it so I'm hoping for that to be out soon. 

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Thanks @princessbona! And oh man! After seeing the long preview with Jaeyoung finding out that Sena is Soeun's sister, I'm even more convinced Sena doesn't know the truth. She'll probably find out tomorrow tho, in the most brutal way possible. 

If given the choice between only Haeyoon and Jaeyoung, I'm not even sure which of the evil would be preferable in giving Sena the horrible truth pill. I wish Hyunwook would just tell her already. Maybe they can end tomorrow's episode with him spilling the beans. Would that be too ideal? 

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Guest princessbona

strawberries34 said: Thanks @princessbona! And oh man! After seeing the long preview with Jaeyoung finding out that Sena is Soeun's sister, I'm even more convinced Sena doesn't know the truth. She'll probably find out tomorrow tho, in the most brutal way possible. 

If given the choice between only Haeyoon and Jaeyoung, I'm not even sure which of the evil would be preferable in giving Sena the horrible truth pill. I wish Hyunwook would just tell her already. Maybe they can end tomorrow's episode with him spilling the beans. Would that be too ideal? 

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@ everyone ,most recently @ straberries34 and  @thermachioness since you guys are the most recent comments I read, that is some awesome stuff you guys are coming up, keep it coming while I enjoy  myself reading them . this is why i don't have to post so much, i just read along the lines and pretty much end up agreeing and fan girl all over . i also figure as much last week when i stated that just because HW acknowledge his attractions, he wasn't going to give in into  his feeling for Sena. also ,am I  the only one who thinks that daddy is very sick and kind of trying to tie the loose ends ? he may go with dal bongha...i know he has a handful of bad decisions under his belt but sometimes his expressions get to me when he HW rejects him . perhaps he's not  approaching HW the right way, well that is for certain , we have ep 8 to attest to that. you do not tell someone how to live and what choices to make if your own choices in life have not been the best, and even if he had made all the right decisions Hw is an adult ,he must live his life as he sees fit and not like every single character on this drama wants him to.  is the kid really daddy's kid?( i guess yes  or no, i don't know what the big deal, why does he want the coffee shop lady to close it for a week?) man up daddy if he is your kid , there is nothing else to do other than accept that yu made him and take responsibility. i have a dislike for men who hide their children.it doesn't matter to me that she was the mistress or the ex trainee , why does the kid have to pay for his parent mistakes? . if he was ashamed he should have thought better. now is to late , what is done is done.  

@ strawberries,  i don't know what you wrote as the name of the missing song but whatever it is , I am with you. I heard it in the long trailer and at the end of ep 7 .... I'm dying to hear the complete version  as well (ohh my love of ost , i think this song reflects Hw feeling as he opens up to sena, i only got to read to lines of the lyrics on viki and that is what  i came up with ) I want all that humming that happens on important moments ,( you know like the one when HW and Sena were playing the guitar together) to became a song. can it actually be a song ? it could be....I'm also eager for Hw to compose something for sena, something lovely ...:)

lastly @ everyone, everyone here has such unique names makes my name kind of simple ( but easy to remember to myself lol) i just wanted to say that is a pleasure to share with all of you our thoughts and opinions here on soompi so to all of those who post keep it coming ,keep on posting and to those who are silent lookers i hope we can all get you to join and discuss, if anything because of our love and appreciation  for dramas and good television which is so scarce these days  .

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@themarchioness Absolutely agree with you regarding Hyunwook's flaws (and basically everything else, lol). I actually love Hyunwook's imperfections more than his prince charming-ness. Like how he's petty-jealous or that he struggles from being able to contain his emotions enough before making tough decisions. He's also quite rash and doesn't think outside what he believes the world to be ~ i.e. everyone plays fair and the best wins. Like with Jaeyoung ~ he underestimated his opponent and didn't figure that no good jerk would plain foul. Hyunwook may seem like perfection on the offset, but he's far from that. And ultimately, its his flaws that make him seem like a real person who struggles with difficulties and finds ways to overcome them. 
I love your comment regarding Sena being an old soul! She is, isn't she? Sena isn't like many 20 yos who prefer grand gestures or open wooing. She likes those quiet moments of introspection like being around Hyunwook in his place or having a simple picnic with him outside. Those small moments make her genuinely happy. I also found it moving that she understands how important Dalbongie is to Hyunwook or how she tells the doggie to get well soon because Hyunwook treats him like family. It's very telling that she feels his pain when people like Haeyoon, his father or even Sungjin who's known him forever can't really give a crap for the dog. They connect in an emotional level because they're similar. Sena likes to tease him that he's older, but I think she's a lot more old school than she realizes which makes them feel so in-sync. 
^^ I kinda love how Rain closes his eyes for this(?). [His eyes are too small so... :P ] When we see the front view, he actually doesn't, but its cute to think Hyunwook knew Sena would go for it. Heh. 

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@may6 I totally love reading your comments so keep posting them! And oh! I don't really know what it's officially going to be named, but I called it 'Uri Sarang' or 'Our love'. From what I've heard from the song, its definitely from Hyunwook's point of view, and there's a line that says 'can we start from the beginning once again?' which I think defines what he truly desires at heart. I hope they'll release that soon, I've been impatient since they played it in the end of episode 7. I think the one Sena and Hyunwook played with the guitar is Sena and Soeun's theme song. A part of it was played in episode 3, but I don't quite remember. They have a lot of OSTs for this drama. There were two released today, the other one named 'She's so lovable' by G-brown when I last checked on melon. And we'll probably get one again from Kim Taewoo in the latter half... maybe. Hopefully one from Rain too (or a duet with Krystal? I think their voices will blend really well since they sing with a similar-ish pitch).
On a drama note... SENA-HYUNWOOK HUG! Apologies for screaming but YES! I hope this means they reconciled... after she finds out the truth! Thanks @rvy_jks and @azuvilla2006 for posting them! 

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