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[Drama 2014] Only Love 사랑만 할래 Thank you for watching

Ldy Gmerm

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Ep 104 starts. CDJ is taunting LYR. She has no clue what he has done. LYR is asking about the cell phone but we know he will not be giving her the phone. LYR is yelling how TY is her son and innocent but CDJ in his madness is sinking further. Yes, LYR, he is crazy. We figured that out long time ago. CDJ continues to manhandle LYR and the threats continue against TY.
YR rushes from work as CDJ locks LYR in the room. Back at the police station, let's just make this quick, TY is confessing to the detective. Nothing else needs to be said here. We know he is doing this all to protect LYR and he says so in his thoughts.
JM/SB/SA come to visit the Kim, minutes before JSH calls OMS to let her know. CMJ and JSH are eating a meal having a conversation. Most of the conversation is about LYR and what happened. Back at the Kim home, SA is happily singing for the adults and in comes in YR to ruin  the family mood. No one knows yet what happened to TY. YR hits JM and they go out of the room as she is asking him whether he had heard from TY. MR, with her noisy a$$ follows them. I'm so through with her!! She rushes out the room to tell all.
YR finally calls TY's lawyer and it is then that she finds out. Again, the noisy a$$ MR follows. YR finds out the TY turned himself in for the charges. JM leaves with YR. Everyone is confused with what is happening and obviously upset. JM calls JSH and tells them what happened. As expected, the Kim family is upset.
YR and JM go to the law office; he is limited to what he will say to protect his client. The scene goes back to LYR rethinking about what happened earlier. She realizes that CDJ must be holding something over TY's head for him to returned her to that house. She uselessly bangs on the door.
YR and JM rush to the police but it is too late, the case has now been turned over to the prosecutor's office and TY is behind bars; a sad face TY. JM returns and ignores stupid MR's question. JM goes in to inform the family what has happened and that he doesn't know what has happened. The family begins to cry in earnest. KSB is beside him and begins drinking right from the soju kettle.
YR rushes home to confront her father. What a waste of time! She asks about her mother and he tells her that TY brought her back. She goes in the room with YB and wakes him up but the door code is now changed. She tells YB that TY is now in jail. We see CDJ is in the room with LYR drinking and talking trash. His jealousy of a dead man comes out again as he mentioned KMB. LYR begs CDJ.
Back at the police station, TY is led out with the press there to report everything. The Choi family are watching the report on the TV. YR goes to the Kim house and YYS shakes YR with her grief and they both collapse in tears. TY is at the prosecutor's office now and continues his confession. The next day, YYS will not wake up and LYR is trying to wake a drunken CDJ. LYR continues to beg the man, what a waste of time! YR goes to see TY at the jail.  He apologizes and tells her to leave. He refuses to answer her questions.
Preview? NONE
I have to say, I was never more angry with MR than today's episode! Every time someone wanted to have a private conversation, that BYTCH would follow! Un-freaking-believable!! Not sure what else to say about today's episode. LYR needs to realize begging CDJ is useless. Me? I'd hit him up side the head, escape to his study, break the lock and turn in everything I find to the police. Trying to convince that man to do the right thing is really senseless. And YR? No words. She made this situation by giving her stupid father the evidence. What happened is totally her fault. As far as TY, in his warp sense of protecting his mother, I understand why he did what he did. So, writer, how do you plan to turn this around? Unless the Uncle re-surfaces with something, I'm not sure how this will turn around.

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Morning All
@NewKDramaAddict,, Thanks for the recap
@dexter8010,  You so right to much insanity

Just what is TY trying to do and protect he has let CDJ just destroy is reputation as a doctor and when it's all said and done what would he fain from all this.. I like to think LYR brother can step out of the dark hole he's hiding in or did CDJ have him killed just to crazy...    

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This drama seems to be heading down the road of someone or someones got to die. CDJ is past the point of return. Nothing more can be done for him. He has gone over the cliff in his insanity and jealousy over a man that has been dead for years. He is taking it out on an innocent person because he does not have the woman's love. But then the thing he did seems to be forgotten. LYR just may be the one to kill him and take him with her to leave her son alone.. I guess we shall see.

YR was a lost cause a long time ago and frankly if someone dies let it be her with her father.. Better yet take that whole side of the darn family!!!!

We all knew TY would do some type of stupid selfless act in order to protect a mother he only just met. HE is foolish and the woman needs to pay but he forgets his reputation, his family and his life to sacrifice for her.

Nothing I can say about MR. she seems to be given more scenes in her extreme disrespect of peoples privacy..

If this ends on the first or second.. then we have about one more week after this one to deal with this craziness.. I am still looking forward to the new one replacing it.

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@LdyGmerm,  Thanks so 1 more week after this one.. My guess is crazy azz CDJ did do something to Lyr brother which is why he's dancing in joy until this man returns.. I wonder how long do he thinks he could keep Lyr lockup in that room and TY dumb azz just pleaded guilty to everything how is this mess is going to unravel I have to see even though it's sicking.. I hope they plaster the good doctor and family all over every news station there is,,  Headlines reads Prominent Doctor frames wife love child out of jealousy..LOL 
MR.. No words how can they not see everytime something happens she taking off running to the room giving the play by play she talks to her mom like she's reporting evidence..Her mouth will get someone in a world of trouble...   

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Hi chinggus!
I watched it live but didn't have the will to post anything afterwards. Too much insanity in that drama...lol!!

@Ldy Gmerm....sorry to cut your post.
Nothing I can say about MR. she seems to be given more scenes in her extreme disrespect of peoples privacy.. 

This is exactly what I said while watching it. This woman is very disrespectful, cutting in while others are talking and demanding to know their business. I couldn't believe it when she went after JM and yr. Who does that?! I hoped JM would shout at her but sadly he didn't. Couldn't she see how uncomfortable they were and why didn't WJ stop her when it was obvious what she was up to? 

I have no words for YR. Getting worried about the situation and crying crocodile tears when she's the cause of it.

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That is the main issue with YR, her lack of action. The only action she did was go after TY and ruin his life dealing with her and her crazy family.. that has been soo helpful to TY!!! We have not seen her do any work (in a long time) or be of help to TY (so far) so I doubt she will get up a bit of gumption and do it now. (That pipe dream is slowly fading.)

She finds out that TY is LYR's son and does not tell him. SHe finds out that she is not LYR's bio kid and continues to have a relationship with the man still not telling him. SHE pushes TY away not telling him why she is pushing him away. She goes at it with LYR not telling her that TY is her bio child she thought dead. She dances around the fact she has known for ages about LYR being TY's mother for many episodes.

She knows her father is the one who is hurting her step mother and framing her love interest but she just pleads with him to stop. She is told by the uncle that he left his phone in CDJ's car with the recording to help but what does she do get caught and gives the phone to her father (as only an idiot would) after knowing it has been him hurting TY and LYR. Crying and begging her father to do right is long gone. He put her out and she could not even come in. Her entire family are not with her they are against her but does she use her brain, does she even think to switch phones and make a copy or take the memory card out ? NOPE... does she even think to get the black box video of her fathers conversation after he found her with the phone nope!!! Does she even think to get some type of evidence to do something. Have her junior film them talking SOMETHING TO HELP TY and LYR as she can see her father is a lost cause her brother has lost his mind at not being the son of LYR and that his worst enemy is and his father is crazy along with his Halmoni.

Nothing proactive has come from this woman all she does is run around yelling, begging and crying. IF she would use her brain and think perhaps something would work engage her father in a convo to reveal something and record it to take to the police to have them at least realize that TY is lying and taking the blame to protect someone!! So yeah, if she was hit by a Hyundai white truck of doom while going to her car I would not be mad.  Better yet if a fleet of them came out of no where and ran over her a few times.. then ran through her house I would be ok with it.

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Ep 105 starts with YR visiting TY and him telling her to leave. She asks him questions but he basically refuses to answer her. She asks about LYR and TY is really staying silent. TY tells her to have a good life and then leaves. YR cries in earnest (yes, it is all your fault). KMJ sees the article in the paper. Why is she shocked?
YR goes to see TY's attorney. Not sure what he says but it seems pretty grim conversation. She wants him to help. YB is also looking at the same article at home when CDJ walks into the room. YB doesn't seemed to be happy about the situation and let's CDJ know about it. I guess he figures this was all done by his father. A man with a conscious. Of course, CDJ is too gone, repeating that he is his son but YB starts to cry too (maybe this man will lose both his children).
JSH is also reading the same article at home as JM/SB/SA come in the living room. It is a nice conversation interlude.
YR goes to the Kim house. Not sure why. It's still all her fault.
JM makes the mistake of going to the crazy Choi house and KMJ immediately starts yelling. But good for JM, he gives as he gets which surprises KMJ! JM is taking TY's side. JM encounters CDJ and tries to talk sense into the crazy man to no avail.
LYR is still locked in the room and CDJ comes in. She is just learning that he is in jail. JM goes in to talk to YB. Again, JM is the voice of reason trying to talk to the unreasonable. I believe he is mentioning the evidence that is there that would free TY.
CDJ tells LYR something that totally shocks her but I have no idea what it is. Whatever it is, the smirking CDJ returns and LYR screams and cries. Again, LYR gets on her knees to beg (again, I don't know why). Just when he opens the door, YR barges in and tries to take LYR out but LYR is refuses. I think she tells YR that CDJ threatens to kill TY so she is afraid to leave.
Everybody is trying to talk some sense into CDJ. Again, the man is too crazy!! YR goes into the study to look for the evidence. KMJ hears some news that doesn't make her happy (not sure what) and she comes into the living room starts yelling who in turns starts yelling at her. He goes into the room where LYR is and stars tearing up the place. The man is drunk and crazy.
PreviewKim family goes to visit him. YR finally does the right thing and gets all of the evidence from her father's office and gets her hoobae to get help her.

I kind of enjoyed when everyone was yelling at KMJ. I was especially proud of JM. Sure respect your elders and everything but damn, the woman is about as mad as her eldest son! So, does everyone realize how mad crazy CDJ is now? We knew, maybe his whole house and brother/nephew realize it too. But good news, this madness with TY will be over this week. With one week left after that, this story line has gone LONG enough! But the end is near......

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@NewKDramaAddict,   Morning Sunshine, Thanks for the recap..
Hello everyone another insane episode CDJ is past the point of no return.. KMJ  sit there looking at her drunk lunatic of a son and don;t knows what's going on in that house.. Do he even work anymore. 

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