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[Drama 2014] Only Love 사랑만 할래 Thank you for watching

Ldy Gmerm

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Sorry I been away, busy at work but been watching this headache...anyway let me rant on for a moment.   What is the purpose of TY getting out of jail if he is going back.  This writer is making a mess of things.  It seems the writer doesn't know the story and it is writing as it goes along.     Ok so LYR leaves the crazy house only to be baited back to craziness by CDJ.    Good for JM's dad coming into his senses.   It was about time.    But please no MR storyline.    Wow!  YR is still at his side the whole time surprising.    But now it seems it is only her and JM that will help TY out of the mess with YR getting revenge on her father.    Good for YB to decide to go to other hospital in today's episode.       He is bailing out before it crumbles around the house and family hospital.   Who is running the hospital anyway now.   CDJ is drinking at at home (now no lock on the room of sort), YB is at home, TY is in jail.  TY's family is a mess with only concern for TY... I can go far and rant more but I will stop here.   KMJ is scared of CDJ too now....He is indeed beyond craziness and redeemable.  

NewKDramaAddict said: dexter8010 said: i just managed watch this ep with mute button.

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Ep 106 starts now... YR walks in on one of CDJ's rants against LYR. She tries to stop him and he pushes her away. At least, YR sees his full madness. Also YB runs in and both get to see it. YR tries to reason with the crazy man. Honey, why bother? His madness and jealousy of a dead man is absolutely ridiculous! CDJ is just drunk out of his mind and yells for YB/YR to leave. YB drags her out. More drunk talk against TY by CDJ.
YB, just as crazy is actually defending CDJ and KMJ comes out yelling too. YR runs upstairs. KMJ asks what is going on. Scene goes back to CDJ and his rants (writer, overkill here). YR goes into her room and grabs her back to leave.
wasted scene..... One question, since when wasn't banking a private matter in a bank?
WJ/MR giving OMS money to help with TY. OMS tries to not take it but does. KSB comes in looking defeated and asked where is his mother. He goes into the grandma's room and asks how she is, YYS is laying down.
YR comes in and tells them she needs to talk to them. MR continues to be nosy. Writer, talk about creating a totally ignoring character right until the end. YR starts to apologize and she tells them that everything was done by her father against TY. OMS tries to calm KSB down. YR tells him that he did it because TY is LYR's son, basically. As you can imagine. both OMS and KSB are upset.
Meanwhile, at the only chicken restaurant in drama land, JM/SB/WJ/MR are sitting there drinking beer talking about TY's case. MR opens her mouth about what YR's said.
YR runs into the house and goes into the laundry room and grabs the tool box. Luckily, crazy CDJ is in the kitchen drinking. She goes into his office and starts hammering on the locked drawer. A drunk CDJ goes into the bedroom and looks at his pitiful self in the mirror. He finally sits his drunk A$$ in the chair and passes out. YR is not successful with the hammer so she returns for another tool and manages to pry the lock off. SHe grabs the cell phone and also sees the USB there, wondering what it is, she grabs that too. CDJ is sound asleep while YR is looking at the contents of the USB which shows her mother with her hands around TY's neck. She snatches the USB and phone, runs out and meets YB as she goes into her room (why isn't she not leaving?) I guess it is now time for her to decide what to do. She is hedging, who says you have to give them the USB, YR? YB comes in to talk to YR and when she gets up, he asks her where is she going? She tells him to the office. Again more unnecessary thinking by YR.
The next morning, CDJ is still passed out hen YB comes in to check on him. YYS, still dazed and ill is trying to go with YR/KSB/OMS who are going to visit TY, I believe. But WJS convinces her to lay back down. TY comes out to a crying OMS and he apologizes. YR remains silent. KSB also is crying as he talks to TY. KSB tells him he knows everything is a lie. YR tells him she knows everything was made up by CDJ. Unfortunately, I think TY is convinced he needs to stay in jail (the dunce). He finally gets up and leaves.
Back at the crazy Choi house, CDJ stumbles out the room and goes upstairs. He goes into his study and first sits on the couch. Meanwhile, at the office, YR's hoobae comes in and she gives him the USB. I think they are going to do some editing, what do you think? She tells him she is leaving. Back at the house, CDJ finally realizes the lock is broke and he frantically starts looking around. Stunned much? Boldly, YR returns home. She goes in her room and grabs her suitcase and starts packing all of her clothes (should have done that a long time ago. CDJ hears her and runs after her. She makes it to the car. CDJ throws her suitcase out the car and YB is watching them from his car as they argue in the streets. He tosses her into the car and LORD have mercy, she slams her head against the car!! She drops to the ground!

PreviewLong and short, Her hoobae does his job, not only does LYR gets out of the house but TY is released once again from jail. YR is again in the hospital. I think a second blow to the head might not be a good thing (time for amnesia? One time I'm hoping it happens!!)

Well, finally YR does something right! I'm so glad she gave the USB to her assistant. I  hope he also turned in the phone. With all of the charges, the phone is key. She should have left that crazy house awhile ago. Me, I would have left the suitcase for later or packed when crazy CDJ wasn't home. So am I hoping they kill off or amnesia YR? Yes. She is like poison for TY's life and senses. At least if she has amnesia, he will stay away and maybe grow a pair. Talk about dumbing down a character. Bad writer! But I have to comment on the other girl who couldn't make up her mind about the two guys vying for her but it only took a dozen bank account books for the hoochie momma to decide. How disgusting was that scene, writer? Damn, gold-digger runs in the veins too? 

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Hi All,  I'm almost scared to see what cray cray CDJ did this morning since I miss today's episode now he has hurt his in kid with madness according to Tina.. @NewKDramaAddict, Thanks fir the recap,, Mr is no different then her mom,, I had hope Wj would have liked and married her instead of motor mouth MR so YB witness how cray his dad and also like him he's jealous of TY skills and and CD jealous of a dead mans love..  Now we have to watch another crazy person YR hell she has went from being addicted to pills to losing her mind.. I tell you this writer is the best no other way to end a story..

I tell you these daily writers are to be made to stay in a creative writing course to keep there jobs 

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Ep 107 starts. YR is rushed to the hospital and YB relives the conversation and also witnesses CDJ lying to the doctor. CDJ calls whoever he has working for him in the background (lawyer maybe?) He is all in a tizzy! He is trying to find the evidence. LYR is still dreaming about TY being behind bars.
WJS and KSB are trying to get YYS to eat something. For now on, I'm skipping MR's interactions with the family. Just something slap her!
YB and CDJ are in his office. YB confronts him. By the look on CDJ when he leaves, he is not that happy.
JSH and SB are talking to the housekeeper. I think she wants to leave and feels it is okay now that SB is there. JSH congratulations her but is sad she is leaving. JSH automatically calls JB and CMJ comes in to hear the news. It's nice to see them back to acting like a real family. SB brings JSH something to cheer her up as she drinks her tea. But JSH is too unhappy. SB is wrapping up the cake and JSH is telling her to throw it away but SB tells her SA loves cake and she would eat it. But the rich JSH attitude kicks in and she starts yelling at SB to wrapping it up. So SB starts eating it and JSH walks off in a huff.
CDJ and SB hears the report from the doctor. The doctor asks whether LYR will come to the hospital. CDJ runs the doctor out. CDJ, again calls this person and gets upset because they still haven't found the evidence. CDJ goes into the hospital room. Did I say he lied about what happened to her? Not sure what exactly he said but it was a big enough lie to get YB upset. YB went to the house and got LYR. He tells her about YR and they rush out.
White noise conversation...
LYR rushes in with YB. CDJ was sitting in the chair and asks what is she doing there. LYR accuses him of putting YR in this condition. LYR says she is going to the prosecutors, I believe. CDJ begins making his un-veiled threats again.  YB and LYR are talking about. LYR says she is leaving for awhile. YB asks her where she is going, she says she will tell him later. YB says he knows it is about TY but he says it so calmly, I think he is resigned now; he is coming around. Maybe, not so crazy after all!
LYR goes to TY's attorney. LYR says that she wants to talk to the prosecutors.
Back at the family Choi, SB is hanging up one of SA's family pictures she drew with everyone in the picture; her new family. She is sitting with JSH drawing another picture. JSH says something to her, it might be because she is drawing in the living room and SA starts to cry. SB/SA pick up all of drawing things and leave into SA's room SB is consoling poor SA. JSH calls SB out of the room and is fanning herself like she is warm. SB wants to give JSH some ice coffee but she declines. JSH is still talking about SB eating that cake. Now SB starts crying. JSH gets frustrated (must be menopause time).
JM is at the bank with SB's banking friend (why is she getting so much screen time?). SB calls JM and he gets up from his business. The friend asks about SB and he rushes out.
More White noise conversation... Hope this is drama depictions but how can someone's attorney have conversations with people NOT directly related to the case?
LYR is making a statement in front of the prosecutor who is asking her questions. I believe she tells him that it was actually her that tried to kill him. Someone calls YR's hoobae. He goes to his desk and pulls out the envelope that YR gave him and re-thinks about the conversation he had with her. He starts thinking what should he do? Meanwhile, a worried CDJ is in his office and his attorney walks in and he is worried about the evidence and he also relives the conversation then walks out of the office.
Now it is a race to get the evidence. Is he heading to YR's office?
LYR is divulging everything to the prosecutor. She tells him that she jumped while he was trying to stop her and he jumped into the lake to save her.
PreviewTY is released. LYR packs up and leaves the crazy Choi house (hopefully for good)!YR's hoobae is walking out of the station with the envelope (please be going to the police!!)TY is at the river calling someone. I have an idea he still doesn't know about YR.

Well, the race for the evidence begins. Now, we know it will exonerate TY but one thing it will definitely is put CDJ in jail!! The phone conversations alone will implicate him in basically putting an innocent man in. If all this gets resolved in the next couple of episodes and this (hopefully) ends next week, where will we go from here? I've given up trying to predict the writer... BTW, Run. Jang Mi, the replacement drama is slated to start Dec 8th which means we have 2 weeks left. So the total episodes will be 113.

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Run, Jang-mi

Jang-Mi (Lee Young-Ah) has a warm personality which makes her kind to everyone. She is 26-years-old and a graduate student majoring in culinary arts. Her father is wealthy, but he dies suddenly. Jang-Mi's life changes completely after her father's death.

While Jang-Mi struggles to make a living, she meets a man (Ko Joo-Won) who is the grandson of a food company president. They become involved romantically.

Lead: lee Young-Ah ; Ko Joo-Won.

Side note: Jang-mi translate to english is 'rose'

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Ep 108 starts now. CDJ goes into YR's room where YB is. They begin talking about YR's position and CDJ begins to yell at an unconscious YR about the evidence and YB tells him he needs to get himself together. Meanwhile LYR is still at the prosector's office spilling the beans.
The Kim family are still concerned about YYS and listening to "white noise". A lot of noise!! 
JSH/JM/SB/CMJ are sitting together in the living room. Are they really making such a big deal about the cake incident? They are really filling this episode. But at least it is not the "white noise". Unfortunately, they don't come to an impasse as JSH huffs out. JSH is in the room crying when CMJ comes him.
LYR walks out of the prosecutor's office. A scene again showing TY as the prosecutor has called to see him. YB and YR's hoobae are in her room. He is discussing in his head to YR what he will do with the envelope just as CDJ walks in. They both thank him for coming and he walks out. CDJ chases YB out and CDJ makes a call to find that LYR was at the prosecutor's office. LYR has returned from the hospital and she is packing. She tells KMJ that YR is in the hospital and tells her that she already at the prosecutor's office in behalf of TY. KMJ calls her driver.

Another scene with the Kim family eating dinner. More "white noise". LYR is in YR's hospital room and she is silently pleading with YR to get up. Minutes later, a drunk CDJ comes in YR's room and LYR asks him if he is drunk and crazy. She leaves the room and a drunk CDJ sits down, worrying about the whereabouts of the evidence.
The next day, a freed TY exits the jail and pans the sky. Wait, his hair isn't perfect! A milestone moment here folks. He is greeted by his lawyer who tells him that YR is in the hospital. Meanwhile, YR's hoobae pulls out the evidence envelope and phone. He has made his decision. TY checks YR and asks LYR what has happened. TY rushes out the hospital room. TY is talking to the doctor about her condition. Seems that because of her previous fall down the stairs, her condition has been re-affected. TY leaves.
Who is this girl, a niece? Looks like she rushes out to the pizza shop now that she knows the other guy has money.
SB/SA are in her room. SB is in the bathroom throwing up (pregnancy sign folks). Wait. Now JSH is also throwing up too. Wait, is this sympathy are could they both be pregnant? Interesting writer. JSH is talking to herself and she gets back into the bed. So does SB and a concerned SA goes out the room. She goes into JSH's room to tell her SB is sick. JSH tells her she doesn't feel well either. JSH tries to console SA but she starts to cry because she is upset about her mother being sick. SB hears her crying and follows the sound. JSH is trying to get her to stop and SB goes into the room with her. SB thinks JSH did something to her plus SA thinks JSH make her mother sick. Such a dilemma. JM is rushing from the office when CMJ comes in. He seems to be going home because SB isn't feeling well as well as JSH. They quietly come into the house and JM asks her what is wrong; so does CMJ asks JSH. SA says she is hungry but the discussion of food has SB rushing back into the bathroom. JM/CMJ are in the kitchen and they are preparing a meal for their family; JM is attempting to clean anchovies (something I will never do in life)! 
TY goes to the Kim house and he is looking at YR's car. He finds that the driver door is pen as well as that the keys are inside. He opens the trunk to find the suitcase inside with her clothes. He is basically assessing what happened. OMG! The STUPID hoobae!! He is at the hospital and he gives the envelope to CMJ. WTF?!!!!
TY is going through the bag that she has in the front seat. I cannot believe that this man is this stupid to give CDJ the evidence.  But wait. What is this in the envelopes in her car? It is the cell phone!! It is also other papers AND the USB!! Was this a ploy of YR's. Thank the lord!! YES!!! CDJ is in a panic because there is no phone!! Please, TY get the F*** out of there!!  PreviewCDJ is tearing YR's car up. He confronts TY at the hospital room.  A quick scene with YR (not sure if she has awoken or it is a flashback). TY is at the river listening to the phone conversations with tears in his eyes. The police come to his office. CDJ is on the roof ledge (jump!!).
Well HALLELUJAH! I was about to start cussing up a storm at 5:30am thinking that YR's hoobae had given everything to CDJ. But YR, for once, had done a switch-a-roo and it was a decoy. Maybe she suspected that her hoobae would do just the opposite of what she wanted him to do. Well, if the everything comes out Monday, what is in store for the rest of the weeks to come. Here's hoping this does end the 1st week of December. But back to SB/JSH. Could both women be pregnant? I think that is what the writer is going for. I've never seen a MIL have sympathy illness; that is usually reserved for the husband in dramas. We will soon see.

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@valsava Morning back.. My white noise? I gave up on anyone being smart in that family! Yes, I think they are going for a double pregnancy here and through the imagination of a writer filling time, she made it happened.
@dexter8010 No, I can't remember seeing a MIL and DIL pregnant at the same time either. CDJ should have spared us a long time ago. But I will gladly watch him sail off the roof! Serve KMJ right to watch her precious son die before her and that will effective put in to some insane, depressed state as well as YB for both of them going along with his insanensss all this time.

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Okay last two days are somewhat normal compared to another days.  First of all, when I first saw today's episode by skipping, I saw SB in the bathroom and thought that she was pregnant and it was good for SA to have a younger sibling.    Then after second complete watch, I noticed that SB said it is due to lunch and also her mother-in law doing the same thing so I dismissed it.  I am must want some punishment.    I re-watched the whole thing to see the preview again.  I heard that she wanted the cheese cake but couldn't eat it.   So it is evident and possible both being pregnant more to the fact that when JM says lets eat Jaja-bap (brown sauce rice), SB covered her mouth.  OKay, the two gentleman trying to make marachee (sorry for spelling trying to type in english from korean) soup is hilarious.   TY parents and family that is totally new story....one depressed then happy before learning of TY's fate.    So LYR left the house, good for her.    CDJ is still CDJ.  Enough said on him. 

 It seems YB is being nicer to TY in the preview.    CDJ got all mad that there is no phone.   It is in the hands of TY.  Would he do the right thing, is the next questions (after knowing his past history)?     We hear TY voice in the background saying Is this the right way to end this with YR seeing his father in the roof top about to commit suicide.    There is no way it is going to end this way but the writer write something bizarre to lengthen the episode and make CDJ escape jail time for a long time by making YR lie or something.   Oh brother!   What a way to draw audience but at least there is some normalcy if you can call it that!  Nevermind, nothing in this drama is normal.

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noyha29 said: Okay last two days are somewhat normal compared to another days.  First of all, when I first saw today's episode by skipping, I saw SB in the bathroom and thought that she was pregnant and it was good for SA to have a younger sibling.    Then after second complete watch, I noticed that SB said it is due to lunch and also her mother-in law doing the same thing so I dismissed it.  I am must want some punishment.    I re-watched the whole thing to see the preview again.  I heard that she wanted the cheese cake but couldn't eat it.   So it is evident and possible both being pregnant more to the fact that when JM says lets eat Jaja-bap (brown sauce rice), SB covered her mouth.  OKay, the two gentleman trying to make marachee (sorry for spelling trying to type in english from korean) soup is hilarious.   TY parents and family that is totally new story....one depressed then happy before learning of TY's fate.    So LYR left the house, good for her.    CDJ is still CDJ.  Enough said on him. 

 It seems YB is being nicer to TY in the preview.    CDJ got all mad that there is no phone.   It is in the hands of TY.  Would he do the right thing, is the next questions (after knowing his past history)?     We hear TY voice in the background saying Is this the right way to end this with YR seeing his father in the roof top about to commit suicide.    There is no way it is going to end this way but the writer write something bizarre to lengthen the episode and make CDJ escape jail time for a long time by making YR lie or something.   Oh brother!   What a way to draw audience but at least there is some normalcy if you can call it that!  Nevermind, nothing in this drama is normal.

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valsava said: noyha29 said: Okay last two days are somewhat normal compared to another days.  First of all, when I first saw today's episode by skipping, I saw SB in the bathroom and thought that she was pregnant and it was good for SA to have a younger sibling.    Then after second complete watch, I noticed that SB said it is due to lunch and also her mother-in law doing the same thing so I dismissed it.  I am must want some punishment.    I re-watched the whole thing to see the preview again.  I heard that she wanted the cheese cake but couldn't eat it.   So it is evident and possible both being pregnant more to the fact that when JM says lets eat Jaja-bap (brown sauce rice), SB covered her mouth.  OKay, the two gentleman trying to make marachee (sorry for spelling trying to type in english from korean) soup is hilarious.   TY parents and family that is totally new story....one depressed then happy before learning of TY's fate.    So LYR left the house, good for her.    CDJ is still CDJ.  Enough said on him. 

 It seems YB is being nicer to TY in the preview.    CDJ got all mad that there is no phone.   It is in the hands of TY.  Would he do the right thing, is the next questions (after knowing his past history)?     We hear TY voice in the background saying Is this the right way to end this with YR seeing his father in the roof top about to commit suicide.    There is no way it is going to end this way but the writer write something bizarre to lengthen the episode and make CDJ escape jail time for a long time by making YR lie or something.   Oh brother!   What a way to draw audience but at least there is some normalcy if you can call it that!  Nevermind, nothing in this drama is normal.

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