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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Maybe LG explains everything in detail to Se Ra... And Se Ra sees that MY's brother-in-law is behind this. So she decides to threaten MY with suing him or something? Just trying to think out of the box. 

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I too think it's safe to compare what has already shown in both dramas, but in case someone wants to watch the TW  version I'll just hide this,
a. Although both start almost the same, there are differences.  TW:  Cun Xi is drugged by the island guys and Xin Yi takes cold medicineKR:  Gun and MY are both drugged by the island guys
b. the office antagonists.
TW:  Mai Li is a high level office assistant on the make for rich menKR:  Lawyer Min (a more vicious character) who's trying to advance his career
c. Step-mother/mistress
TW:  Just exists to make snide remarks in the houseKR:  Actively involved in the story line and trying to destroy the Gun/MY relationship
d. Reaction to pregnancy, although initially similar there are some very BIG differences
TW:  1. Cun Xi is extremely cruel to Xin Yi.  2. He treated her less than the dog, 3. Had no involvement with prenatal classes, except to try and use them to sell his product to the doctor.4. Made sure that Xin Yi knew at all times that Anna was more important than her and that her sole purpose was to have the baby and leave5. Left her at the office and she had to find her way to his house6. Does not consider his wife and hides her even at the auction by saying she is his partner
KR:1. Gun, after initial anger, treats MY well2. Is very involved with pre-natal classes 3. Makes sure she is okay, at all times4. Does not hide her as his wife, regardless as to what the divorce decree says, this man has been telling the world that MY is his wife
e. How girlfriend finds out
TW:  1. Cun Xi not only lets Xin Yi say she is the dog walker, but is willing to go along with it2. Cun Xi sleeps over with Anna (presumably had sex) and practically moves in leaving Xin Yi alone and tells Xin Yi to go home to the island3. Cun Xi does not tell Anna that Xin Yi is his wife, grandmother tells her after Xin Yi's almost miscarriage (cruel to both women)4. Cun Xi gets angry that Anna found out and was hurt so he took it out on Xin Yi in a very cruel manner5. Cun Xi wants Xin Yi to give their baby to Anna and have nothing to do with them after the baby is born
KR:1. Gun is angry that MY doesn't let him tell Sera who she is when they first meet2. Gun does not sleep over with Sera (presumably no sex)3. Gun tells Sera himself that MY is his wife and she is pregnant 4. Gun is devastated after telling Sera and at some point must have met with her because of Sera's statements to MY in the cafe.5. Gun realizes that MY would never give up the baby and does not constantly throw Sera up in MY's face.
I could go on and on with the differences between these two dramas.  The point I'm trying to make is that although the initial premise of both of is the same and there are similar plot lines, these are essentially two different dramas.  What happened in the original does not have to happen in the remake and I hope it doesn't.  I like to think of this as a new drama, so in my mind I use the alternate title 'You Are My Destiny'
Sorry for the long post.

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only1khj said: I just finished reading the FtLY manga and this K-version of the story is not even the same story!  Just like when K-drama remade BOF which was manga-based. The scenes are totally different, but the main plot is followed. So...........................
I've bought out the local store's tissue supply, because my heart is about to be broken right along with MY's.  

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Amazing post ! The first time I wanted to read the spoilers and I'm glad I did. 
I don't think the K-drama can take it exactly in the path of the TW drama because of LG's characterization. LG is such an awesome man. He can't see MY cry. I cannot fathom him changing and being cruel to MY. He was oozing with guilt in the car "Que Sera Sera" scene. He ignored MY for a few days and then he  apologized to MY for it...  :x
He loves his wife... and he has already acknowledged it...  :x
Had it taken the TW path, I wouldn't have watched the drama at all ... 

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@KDrama-lover, if you have not watched the TW version, then don't read this response because it is full of spoilers. You bring up a lot of things that I think the TW version clarified and I need to speak openly--which is an oxymoron because I'm doing it behind a "Spoiler" tag.   :))

This is why I'm waiting to see where the Korean version takes this drama. I've been rewatching the TW version to waste time and I noticed something. The Korean version of this drama has taken all of the good interactions between JC and CX of the TW drama and just highlighting those. It's not showing the struggle that the TW male lead was having within himself over his love for Anna vs his growing affection for his wife. How, although married to CX, he was still trying to meet up with Anna on her ballet tour and CX trying to console him when Anna didn't show up.  In a way, the two of them started becoming friends and she was trying to help him not lose the love of his life because of the accidental pregnancy. Anna disregarded his feelings. However, we started to have hope for JC as his attitude towards CX begin to improve.

As the two of them became more friendly, we had a passionate kiss between the TW leads, but we also knew he hadn't cleared up his feelings for Anna. They  went shopping for baby clothes and took pictures together dressed in a couples outfit, getting excited about the baby---similar in the K-version. They seemed like they were becoming a family, but we always knew that Anna was still important to him--and the TW version made it clear to us and CX (MY).

What the Korean version did is basically cut Se Ra (Anna) out of the picture while they focused on the leads becoming a couple. It didn't include half of the stupid, selfish things the male lead did that hurt CX (MY), just the sweet stuff.  So it does seem odd to share such a passionate kiss and not hold hands afterwards based on what we've seen of the Korean couple--because we have no Se Ra. But we do have the divorce which is hanging over their heads which is supposed to free him up to return to Se Ra, then it's not so hard to see why they aren't more intimate.

Sadly, just when we thought the TW couple was truly bonding and JC (Geon) had truly fallen for CX, it was at this point that Anna re-appeared in their lives (TW version this was when she found out they were a married couple for the first time).  Well, Se Ra's already found this out in the Korean version some episodes back.  So we are now at the point when Anna appears a second time to the married couple in the TW version (which is Se Ra reappearing for the second time in the Korean version at the hospital). On both occasions, they had been fired for leaving their dancing troupe--but Anna was also hurt. I'm waiting for Se Ra to be hurt in this version which will play on Geon's sympathy. 

It's at this second return of Anna where JC (Geon) treats his wife the most cruelly, he leaves her initially to take care of Anna, but then moves in with her completely. Leaving CX (MY) to live with his grandmother. He sneaks in at night to work on the baby stuff (rocking horse, etc.), but returns to Anna who's thinking about having a baby too since her career is over. However, you can see that he's feeling guilty towards CX, but we don't care at this point because we hate him and we're disappointed in her for not moving out of the house and leaving his sorry behind then and there.....sorry I digress.  We also have a greater appreciation for Dylan (Daniel) in this drama because he truly supported her through some horrible treatment. He truly helped her.

We're at the same midway point in the Korean drama that we were in the TW version. The question is how are Korean version going to handle the next two episodes. It's in those episodes in the TW version that JC leaves CX and moves in with Anna. Anna AND JC (IMO) causes CX to have a miscarriage. It was also when stupid, mean JC came to his senses and CX left the country. I was happy, I know it sounds sick, but happy to see JC's pain and agony after what he had done to CX.  (The writers were brilliant though, because they then made us really like him again. They made us see that although he was with Anna, he wasn't happy with her. He looked like a shell of  a man until he found CX again).   

So where will the Korean version go at this point. They have not made us hate Se Ra, maybe we will now? They have not made us hate Geon, may be they will now? Geon has an illness that JC didn't have, how will that be used either against or for the couple? This couple are sneaking around to be together, how will that change now that Se Ra has returned.

Regardless, we're now at the turning point and I fear that the Korean version may do something similar as the TW version. So the Koreans are telling the same story, just with a lot of things edited out, some events switched around and some new situations. However, my heart will break if he leaves MY and moves in with Se Ra, even if he starts sleeping on the sofa.

I'm looking forward to the next two episodes and dreading them at the same time. I want this to be a beautiful love story without all the heartache--but there are 10 more episodes and it's my fear we're in for a bumpy ride. If the Koreans take that turn, I would have much prefer they had kept Geon and Se Ra just as unlikeable in the first few episodes as JC and Anna in the TW version. It will be more painful to take a change in Geon at this point.

Okay, I'm done.


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Guest samasta93

@beamonkrapologize me for going to say this, but seriously TW version of how that male lead treated the female lead is really nerve-wrecking to the point I'd love to hire someone to do dirty job of castrating his private part and burying it down to the ocean X(
I'm all glad our Gun is far way more gentleman, sincere, and loving  8->

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beamonkr said: I too think it's safe to compare what has already shown in both dramas, but in case someone wants to watch the TW  version I'll just hide this,e.

I could go on and on with the differences between these two dramas.  The point I'm trying to make is that although the initial premise of both of is the same and there are similar plot lines, these are essentially two different dramas.  What happened in the original does not have to happen in the remake and I hope it doesn't.  I like to think of this as a new drama, so in my mind I use the alternate title 'You Are My Destiny'
Sorry for the long post.

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tinatrix236 said: I hate to say this but a change in Se Ra's personality is in the cards. That look on her face when she got the news about the marriage contract and the fact that she took a flight back to Korea tells me that she sees this as a second chance to make things right and is going fight tooth and nail in order to get Geon back. Otherwise, what exactly is the point of heading back home if she's isn't determined and has a plan of action? 
Of course, she'll see that Geon is in love with MY, but that will only make her even more desperate and take a darker path to achieve her goal. Se Ra at the moment is in a fragile state of mind. She lost the man who was by her side and did everything for her to a stranger. This is, at least to her, the only opportunity she may have to correct her past mistakes. She could wait and see how the chips fall as they may, or take matters into her own hands which I believe she will do to separate our OTP.

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@lcarakl, I remember that ride :)  It's an excellent analogy to what we're going through.  I also hope the second half of the drama deals with all the company issues, his illness and saving his marriage.  For sure, MY's mom is not willing to allow MY to stay in that house.  I see her going back to the Island especially since Gun helped finance the restaurant.  He'll have to woo not only MY, but mom as well.

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Guest reedtrip82

Gun love Sera for 6 years but the last 3 year it was a long distance right? Gun is so weird and his laugh too , it funny how MY&Sera doesn't seen to be bother by it haha and mostly MY !! All those crazy moaning and yelling during bed time LAMO , and I bet he keep putting the blanket too.

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samasta93 said: @beamonkrapologize me for going to say this, but seriously TW version of how that male lead treated the female lead is really nerve-wrecking to the point I'd love to hire someone to do dirty job of castrating his private part and burying it down to the ocean X(
I'm all glad our Gun is far way more gentleman, sincere, and loving  8->

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Guest fiovial

Of course Sera will try to do a one thing to separate Geon and Mi Young. I just wish it doesnot turn her into a wicked person. I didn't watch the TW version but it sounded like Anna was just a horrible nasty person. I don't want Sera to be like that.

Like @stuartjmz‌ said we're in for some sad episodes...I hope it won't be 6 episodes though....my poor heart can't take it. Hehe

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Thanks everyone for the nice comparison (esp. @beamonkr) - saves me some time to watch the  T-version so I can also compare (in full). 

Actually, there is more comedy involved in the K-version, which is  mostly provided by the male lead; I didn't see that  in  the T-version.  That's why I  adore JH more for  his versatility.  This guy don't even care if he looks ugly or  hateful in the drama but he is playing the character well. 

With the comparison and all - and from  what I've watched  so far - K-version is better.

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My take on what happens at the hospital:

-sera ask about the contract marriage

-geon says his feelings are real

-sera (being the egoistic person she is) refuse to believe, n say that what he is feeling is not love but is sympathy.

End of the scene: sera says something like she will prove to him that those feelings are wrong.

(I think I have too much time on my mind that I can make my own stories up. A girl can hope right.. lol)

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@marie21000‌ you mention Autumn Concerto which is one of my favorite TW dramas. I would love to see a Korean version! Hmm...can Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara play the leads?!?! Lol I already want them in another drama together because they are so good that I look forward to seeing them on screen every week. After FTLY, I'll have withdrawals and have to watch FTLY over and over and over...

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