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[Drama 2014] Golden Cross 골든 크로스


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I really really HOPE that they (the station and writer nim) do not carter to the Korean viewers that are weak stomached as they do actually show any sexual interactions or situations and what not L-)

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Guest amayah

Regarding the article: Actually those scenes makes this drama great (so far). They give the whole issue a greater impact and makes it more real and disgusting. Since the sexual content is just implied, not explicit shown, I can't see what's wrong with those scenes tbh, even for kids at the age of 15+. 

KBS said, "Regarding the scenes of sexual content and death by getting hit by a golf club, the production team agrees that it may give the teenagers the wrong idea of survival and conscience. We will do our best to look at the details during the production stages.”  Honestly, I can't see what they mean here. For me the message of pedo scenes are, "Girls, don't be naive. Don't trust people so easily. You never know what the intentions are. Be careful or you could end up like her." And the getting killed by the golf club scene... well, there wouldn't be any antagonists in dramas if they assumed that they give the viewer "the wrong idea of survival and conscience." I think the drama established from the beginning that the pedo is not a good guy. Hence, what he does, is not good and ok. If any of those kids think his actions are ok, honestly, the parents failed in raising them up and giving them the right morals...a drama won't help there anymore...

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Guest JackF

Finished episode 3 and it was a pretty intense episode again.  Great acting all round though.  "good" break from the usual romantic comedies.

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Episode 3: I'll Go Ahead And Put In Spoiler Tag As To Save Those That Still Have Not Seen This Episode Yet..

It's an all around great episode in that it gives us more or tells us once again how the set him up and what to say when the prosecutor when he is questioned. (the setting up the frame/cover up). It reinforced to me and the viewers how the weak, the poor and the citizens that live believing in the law, right and wrong and value the truth and those that live virtuous; are the once to become victim's (pawns, puppets and scapegoat's) that the rich can use to escape punishment for their evil deeds and to gain more monies to line their already Fat bank accounts.

Things That Made Me Go 'Why Oh Why"

  1. When Do Yun goes to SR Entertainment Building pretending to be a Manager, gets the information on that Delivery Service and proceeds to call the number all the while Ponytail Guy (Sorry Don't Know His Name but he's President Hong's Right Hand Man) Is standing looking all shady like obviously duh. Couldn't he have waited until he got into his car and called that number or gone somewhere where the possible bad guys work at?!
  2. Chief Seo and Glasses Guy that master minds the whole frame up, they keep the Kang Ha Yun's Handphone. Do they not know that the police can track the phones GPS and figure out that the killer would have it and trace it back to them. I am glad that President Hong is a smart cookie, even though she is a bad bish. She traced Kang Ha Yun's cell phone and found out that someone sent out a text pretending to be her to lure out the reporter guy and found out that her phone is in Golden Group Building. So yeah she knows that Chief Seo is a Murdering Son of a gun. I take it fro what has been say by Micheal Jang, that he has done it again so he did something like this before then? or was it about the whole incident before..well if they had her phone they could have been able to get all her text messages but alas they destroyed.
  3. Seo Yi Re. Everyone with a working brain knows that if you are a Lawyer, Attorney, District Attorney & Prosecutor knows that you DO NOT discuss any cases with family, friends, relatives, anybody in general that is not directly involved with the case. That will going cause harm then good as important information can be spread to the mass and into the other opposing parties hands. So basically shesucks in that aspect but is good that she is like a blood hound that once she gets a scent she'll go after it until she gets what she is after! Lol that reaction from Chief Seo though! he is sweating bullets now!
  4. Chief Seo has no Poker Face! Like seriously the man can not hide his reactions and emotions at all. Can he make it more obvious! and no one even notices:(

What I Liked:

  1. That Do Yun is finally using that head of his and starting to go about finding out the truth I his own way. He knows that his father didn't do it and is taking the fall for the real killer, he just has to uncover the truth himself.
  2. The Mother realizing that her greed for money to open up the restaurant lead her husband to do what he did. I am thinking that Do Yun may feel abit guilt in the way he has been treating his father but it has been addressed yet.
  3. I am happy that the father has finally told Do Yun how he truly felt about him and the wife. that they both are at fault too for DY saying that he is an easy target and the wife always nagging about money and he had to break his back to please and provide for them while sacrificing his morals and all.

By the way was that Mister Ponytail guy acting as that prison guard that threaten the father to hurt Do Yun if he talked?

That chase scene and its music reminds of them good old 70's movies :) Classic  :-bd and it reminded me of some old school aime as well :)

MACK TRUCK OF DOOM makes an appears in this drama too! :P

I think that's all but it'll do for now :)

Off To Watch Episode 4 :)

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Agreed with amayah wht made this drama great so far is that it wasn't afraid to potrayed evil as it is and that' wht attracted me to golden cross... there are people out there in the real world who are evil like that and we should never trust anyone blindly.. Hope they will maintain the story in its current pace..

Btw thanks for the spoiler gaby81..off to read .. :)

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Episode 4 was intense!!! OMG! I thought that Kang Jo Wan will confess the truth to Yi Re but darn that Attorney Park! I hate his face, double face in front of the murderer and Micheal, I hope he will be first one who will die in the drama........or better yet he should rot in jail, sadly people like him exist in reality, they are just greedy in money and has no conscience at all, that is why most of the time it really got in my nerves watching this kind of dark drama.

I agreed with @gaby21 Yi Re is so innocent and completely trusted her father and she didn't know that the murderer is just under her nose, I wonder why the writer is kept on doing that, Yi Re is a smart prosecutor please don't make it hard for her. At least Do Yoon knows the truth, now its up to him how he will manage  to reveal the truth. Soon he will collaborate with Yi Re and it will be hard and dirty job cleaning up the mess of the family of Yi Re, but man that will be exciting! hahaha! I can't wait to laugh on the face of these evil villain!

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 After watching ep 3 and 4 I'm starting to get the feeling that dark tone which attracted me in the first two ep might be replaced by another story about rich evil guys who basically do anything they want and the poor guy who fights against them. There's nothing wrong with that but it's just that I can name at least 5 other series that told the same story (by the way the poor guy almost always ends up dead unless he's the secret son of a rich family or whatever).
 These 2 ep were more of a transition for me as nothing major really happened except DY getting started on his revenge journey at the end of ep 4, it was all about the bad guys being bad and the ordinary, powerless people like DY being well... powerless. Hopefully when our hero enters the sketchy lawyer's firm things get a little more interesting and some long overdue psychological torture starts for the Golden Cross gang.
 About YR there's nothing much to say so far since her character is one I've seen before in dramaland so there's nothing really surprising about her: daughter of a rich family with a strong sense of justice but who is too blind to see her own family's wrongdoings (Shark anyone?). I'm waiting to see how things develop for her after she teams up with the righteous lawyer and her father becomes the target of their investigation (I can almost smell the makjang :)) ).
  I feel I'm being a little negative in this post so I'll point out the highlight of the series for me so far - the acting. I have two actors in  mind when I say this: Uhm Ki Joon and Kim Kang Woo. They are both doing a great job at portraying their characters even if sometimes there are moments when the script almost pushes them OTT in terms of normal human reaction.
 I hope the recent news about the series' supposed lack of consideration for the younger public don't affect the story and we still get the revenge journey we were promised without any added PG elements because life isn't always PG and this was supposed to be a portrayal of the darkest parts of our society right?

P.S. I was wondering what were the requirements for membership in the Golden Cross club? A boat-load of money and to be a certified sociopath? 

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Episode 4: I'm Also Going To Put This In A Spoiler Tag As Well For Those That Have Not Seen It Yet And/or Can Read It Afterwards :)

Well it took me a good while to watch it all since I was taking notes and all

:) Yes Notes Like A School Kid :P All in all this episode did not disappoint me in the least besides a few gripes and why oh why moments of mine I will expand upon in a while. I'll have to agree with @amayah and @imot said that this drama is not afraid to show the viewers that in the real world is filled with evil and wicked people that do the unthinkable things. Glad that they were not afraid to address the common prostitution practice that business and the like do. They don't out right show the viewers the characters doing the actual scenes to spare those viewers that will find it not suitable for the feint of heart in my opinion. I hope they do not go and mess it up by changing it up due to negative comments and reviews.

So Do Yun goes into be questioned by Prosecutor Seo Yi Re, He tells that she should indict he as soon as possible as he and hi mom want to not be bother by it any longer. He added that by it going to trail sooner rather then later, the faster the citizens will forget the thing. He also said that he did enough investigating himself, to which Prosecutor stands up angrily says as he is leaving; Did you meet with Moon Jae Ho?! Did he do enough investigating because that's what prosecutors do and that he lacks that prosecutor trait and tells him to leave. Basically telling him that he isn't prosecutor material.

Chief Seo calls "Moon Jae Ho" the man in charge of the Account in question, telling him that an investor will be poking around in the account and will be asking questions about said account. Chief Seo and Park Hee Seo (who happens to be an Ex-Chief Prosecutor himself), are talking about Michael Jang's demand of selling him Hanmin Bank for $1 Billion U.S Dollars. They are made because they already lowered the BIS Ratio to make it easier to sell it & Bank stock prices go down if it is known to have bad management. So off Park Hee Seo goes off to meet with Micheal Jang and informs him that Chief Says that over his dead body that he'd sell him the bank at his offering price to which Micheal Laughs off. He goes on to talk about sending $187,000($167,000 Not to sure sloppy handwriting fail) Dollars for three bottles of wine at roughly 180 million won, Basically its pocket change to him that he brought over on his private personal jet. Customs over there are a joke so he was able to bring it over. This impresses Park Hee Seo, Micheal takes it further and bribes Him with saying that he, too, can have his own private jet and a house of his own as well as the monies and a bottle of expensive wine. Seems like Park Hee Seo most likely will switch teams later in the game seeing as Micheal has all that he wants and is willing to share the goods.

Micheal informs PHS that PAX'S Motto Is: 'DIVIDE AND CONQUER' (what's this a battle field!?"

Money Is the root of all evil with the Golden Group :(

Do Yun begs his mom to eat for his sake because she only has him know and she had to live on since Dad confessed to everything. Mom gets angry and screams why did you study!? why study to become a prosecutor if he cant even save his own father!  To which he tells her that he knows that he didn't do it that he cant do anything about it since there's evidence that says otherwise. Then he goes off adding more hurt and heart ache for his mother by blurting out that Ha Yun wasn't what everyone thought she was, Mom says what do you mean she wasn't who she was! Your sister will be wailing at her grave if she heard what he said about her. He left without telling her the truth about Ha Yun.

Neighbors being gossiping busybodies, A classmate of DY calls asking why he isn't at the appointment ceremony. He asks if he didn't get the text and DY says that he thought it was tomorrow and he didn't get a text. Turns out that everyone was notified except him since his appointment has been deferred. After over hearing the comments made by other aspiring prosecutors saying that he should quit and shouldn't be showing his face around them.  He eats in silence as his "Classmates" have all shunned him on account of being a murderers son. He gets a call saying that His mom is making a scene and to get her ASAP. Before he leaves he pays his fee and yells that he is NOT QUITING on being a prosecutor and not to get ahead of themselves and leaves.

Turns out mom had an appointment with Manager Yang a junior of his father who had a petition with signatures form everyone that want to help the family. Mom was yelling angrily saying that she had an appointment with Manager Yang but Manager Yang was hiding in the Restroom, PHS comes in, Manager Yang asks why he cant hand over the petition to her since it'll help Team Leader Kang. But of course, PHS tells him why should he since he went to prison for Embezzlement and took Money for himself. To which Manager Yang is Shocked. Mom gets angry with DY saving what's wrong in getting a petition signed to help his father and is shocked when he calls his father a criminal! Manager Yang and Park Hee Seo go see the President of the Bank and Manager wants to hand over the petition but President Man says that he should continue to do a good job. PHS says that He's the new Team Leader. Poor guy is the new tool, fool and fall guy but he does deserve it if he believes the baddies talking about his sunbae like that.

So on the drive back home mom is extremely upset and in disbelief that her husband junior didn't want to help and give her the petition saying that her husband did a lot for him and this is how he repays him. Do Yun Promises that he'll become a prosecutor he'll hunt down the real killer and save his father!

Chief Seo is ranting that Do Yun can not be allowed to be appointed a prosecutor as that will not benefit them in the least, he'll be like a tiger in hunting down the truth that his father was framed and that it was him that killed his sister and PHS covered it all up. So PHS calls his buddy and gets some good news that Do Yun's Appointment has been deferred for the time being. The Beast is at bay for the time being but I am thinking that Prosecutor Seo or Micheal Jang will help him get his Appointment Date reinstated. Just A Hunch.

Prosecutor Seo Yi Re is disappointed that they are denied access to the account due to them needing a legal order for them to be able to look into that account, since that would take to long and she doesn't want to get international help, there's nothing they can do about that matter.The Smart Clever Cookie Prosecutor has a hunch that Moon Jae Ho is a Phantom Person and sends a S.O.S to daddy and ask for help. she really needs to stop running to daddy for help that's a gripe of mine with her. 

Mom enlightens dad that he never stopped to think about the consequences of his actions and decisions has on Do Yun, why does he have to block his future. First with his dream of Taekwondo he had to give up when he went to prison that one time and now this. He never thought about his son being branded and labeled a Murderer's Son for life. That now he cant become a Prosecutor now that he has confessed to murdering their daughter which she says he's an idiot for covering up for someone else. Why does he if have ruin their sons future again.

Do Yun vents his emotions on a punching bag and cries for the tragedy that is his life and family.

Dad remembers the quote on Park Hee Seo's tablet when he was being question/told what to recite when he met with the prosecutor in charge of the case. He asks the young man who was with him when the detective threatened him, since he worked at a computer store if there were tablets with the quote: "Justice Will Definitely Prevail"on them. He says that you can get them engraved with whatever you want to say. Shady man says that those that work in the legal field would get that engraved, which dad has an aha moment.

Father In Law, Chief Seo & Micheal Jang are in a meeting/discussion about acquiring Hanmin Bank. Chief Seo Informs President Jang That "We're not supposed to sell Banks to private equity funds." Micheal wants to buy Hanmin Bank for $ 1 Billion Dollar. Chief Seo Says "You want me to sell a $4.2 Billion Dollar Bank for $1 Billion Dollars and then go to prison for it!" Micheal: "The fund ate up both Hanmin Bank and Jeil Bank" Father In Law: "We have to open up the Financial Market to Revive our economy. Only then will our Intellectual Service Industry Develop, Too." Micheal is all smiles he hears what he wants to hear from the Chief Seo's Father In Law (Minister of Finance).

Prosecutor Seo Yi Re enters the room, says that they have gotten no where with getting into Moon Jae Ho's Account, President Jang Readily offers to assist her into looking into Moon Jae Ho's Account. Says that he has friends/colleagues spread out everywhere and he'll ask them for help. She thanks him adds that its a Account at New Star Bank and he says to text him the account number so he can look into it quickly. The look of fear of being discovered by his beloved daughter is priceless though.   

The next day Chief Seo runs to speak with Micheal, who, is to busy putting together a Mobile Suit Gundam Figurine Model. Chief Seo tries to get his attention but Micheal ignores him until his finished putting it together. Micheal Brags saying that its a Gundam 30th Anniversary Edition and that it took him 22 hours to put together! He states that there's another one in a different color in Japan and that he should go off and buy it. Chief Seo couldn't careless, he begs Micheal not to assist his daughter with the account as its an account that is managed by The Golden Group. Micheal says so he doesn't care, that he got an email in the morning from a friend that works at New Star Bank with Personal Information about the account. if he wants he to not help then he should give in to his demand for the selling price for Hanmin Bank. Chief Seo ask if he wouldn't ask to add anything else (I forget what he said exactly at the moment) and micheal says no he wouldn't. Micheal calls Prosecutor Seo saying that the account holder must be huge hot shot as he couldn't do anything about it. Seo Is Happy ofcourse...

Prosecutor Seo is disappointed with hitting another road block, she request another interview/questioning of Kang Hu Wan.

A friend of KHW visits him, saying that he should recant, he knows him, he should think about his son's future and that he should trust the prosecutor as she trustworthy and is one of the good guys so tell her the truth.

Do Yun pleads with his mentor on getting him an appointed date set, asks him that the reason for him getting deferred was because of his father's case? Sadly, his mentor tells him that he shouldn't be thinking about getting appointed since his dad is going to trial. The citizen's wouldn't be able to trust him to getting successful trails as he is a son of a murderer and a prosecutor has to have a good image for a citizen to trust him and all but that's damaged now. He aslo added that if he were a Prosecutor that they would say that his father got acquitted because his son is an attorney. (The baddies don't want him to get an double edge sword)(gotta keep the man down).

Prosecutor Seo is ripping into the Corrupt Detective who's name eludes me at the moment, saying how can you lose the signal after 9:00 if the victims hand phone was never recovered/it wasn't at the scene of the crime. And not get any of the victims phone records.She adds that probably does happen rather sarcastically to the detective. She informs the detective that she can also charge detectives with not doing their jobs right or something like that forgot to jot that part down. Detective is dismissed and gives KHW that warning look before he makes a phone call to Park Hee Seo telling him that he going to recant that he cant do anything as they kicked him out the building and PHS rushes right over to stop him from spilling the beans.

KHW is supprised that they deleated the text message that was sent to him that night, but he listens as PHS ask if she knew Moon Jae Ho. She asks if he knew him, He says that MKH is a VIP at the Bank/Firm and that he had contacted him noticing that his account was being traced and she to tell you that she could ask any and all questions she has and he'd answer them in his stead. Dad learns the important information about the man that framed him. That he works at Shin Myung and his name is Park Hee Seo. PHS Threatens him again and leaves, Dad chickens out again and chages his mind. Prosecutor Seo is at loss since she knows that he was going to say something.

My Reaction To That Scene of Him Changing His Mind Again: "Dumb**s Changed His Mind Again That Fool!"

Do Yun laments his sad unprivileged life with soju, friend is at a loss with a drunk crying Do Yun on the sidewalk making a scene. Prosecutor Seo and Co witeness that scene oh boy..pretty dang sad :'(

Do Yun goes job hunting, visits Ha Yun's Memorial and visits Dad at prison. He tells he that he would have been appointed today with the prosecutors Rob, Pinned and would have read the Prosecutors Oath. He talks with a Fake Smile Plastered on his face, tells his dad that he's lost and doesn't know what to do now. He gets up to leave, Dad calls out to him and he places his hands on the glass. Do Yun focuses on his palms. He rushes back to get a better look and reads "Shin Myung Park Hee Seo" Do Yun asks if that it and dad nods yes. Prison guard noticed whats going on and drags him away with Do Yun yelling that he needs to trust him now.

Do Yun cries some more at treating his dad way and giving up on him from the get go. He walks to his car notices a shady individual and proceeds to have a self monologue saying that he find out the truth, all those involved and peel flesh from bone and make them suffer a 10,000 times worse for what they have done to his family. He gets in his care and notices that the other driver isn't leaving, so he turns off his car and waits. The other car leaves shortly afterwards.   

Now we finally have our resident revenge seeking hero fully flesh out and in that mode. Now that dad has finally told that he didn't do it and gave him the name of one of the men involved, now I will not be yelling at the screen when he does and says something dumb. Daddy Seo is like a Skittish Rabbit and afraid to lose his precious if she were found out the truth. Which is rather funny and ironic when she said that she can never imagine her dad ever doing that, he'd never do that, it wasn't in him. Oh women if you only knew..that man is the >:) in disguise.

What I liked about in this episode:

  • Prosecutor Seo. I like that she doesn't back down when asking questions and getting answers, Present her with a Bone and she will not let that bone go. She's persistent in getting into that Account, tires various ways.
  • Mom is on a mission to save her husband and will do anything to get him out. She never doubted and she knows him well since they spent most of their life together. He'd never hurt her let alone kill her.
  • The episode was never dull or boring to me, I didn't zone or space out. that's a good thing.
  • It maintains the ugliness that is todays world and society.
  • The characters are more fleshed out in that we learn a little bit more about them.
  • Do Yun is finally now in the know about who was involved and now is ready to start his revenge against the bad guys :)

What I didn't Like:

  • I don't like it when Prosecutor Seo always runs, asks or consults her dad for help. Isnt she supposed to be go at what she does? didn't she say she wanted to do things with out any help? or that she likes not asking for help?
  • Why oh why does corrupt detective stand outside the door and make a phone call? or why you baddies minions always lurk around to get discovered like he did by the two employees that exited the room. well yea I understand it plot wise necessary to help along the drama..

That's pretty much all for my dislikes :)

I think that pretty much it as this turned out as a long recap with comments and reactions 8-} So everyone that has read my novella til the end congrats!<:-P I might do it again for the rest of the drama but we'll see, did it before but stopped. Thanks For Reading Guys! :)

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victorb said:  After watching ep 3 and 4 I'm starting to get the feeling that dark tone which attracted me in the first two ep might be replaced by another story about rich evil guys who basically do anything they want and the poor guy who fights against them. There's nothing wrong with that but it's just that I can name at least 5 other series that told the same story (by the way the poor guy almost always ends up dead unless he's the secret son of a rich family or whatever).
 These 2 ep were more of a transition for me as nothing major really happened except DY getting started on his revenge journey at the end of ep 4, it was all about the bad guys being bad and the ordinary, powerless people like DY being well... powerless. Hopefully when our hero enters the sketchy lawyer's firm things get a little more interesting and some long overdue psychological torture starts for the Golden Cross gang.
 About YR there's nothing much to say so far since her character is one I've seen before in dramaland so there's nothing really surprising about her: daughter of a rich family with a strong sense of justice but who is too blind to see her own family's wrongdoings (Shark anyone?). I'm waiting to see how things develop for her after she teams up with the righteous lawyer and her father becomes the target of their investigation (I can almost smell the makjang :)) ).
  I feel I'm being a little negative in this post so I'll point out the highlight of the series for me so far - the acting. I have two actors in  mind when I say this: Uhm Ki Joon and Kim Kang Woo. They are both doing a great job at portraying their characters even if sometimes there are moments when the script almost pushes them OTT in terms of normal human reaction.
 I hope the recent news about the series' supposed lack of consideration for the younger public don't affect the story and we still get the revenge journey we were promised without any added PG elements because life isn't always PG and this was supposed to be a portrayal of the darkest parts of our society right?

P.S. I was wondering what were the requirements for membership in the Golden Cross club? A boat-load of money and to be a certified sociopath? 

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Ooo thanks @gaby81..You actually took notes haha that's a true dedication.. totally impressed ;). I never watch shark so don't know abt the similarities u guys were talking abt here... to me although ep 3 and 4 were not as intense as the first two episodes but it's important as transitition on character development for Do Yun. Plus as we learned more abt the Golden Cross gang I can't help but think that every countries in this world probably have this 0.001% of group of people controlling the countries economy & would do anything to stay there...totally creeps me out..

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@imot I don't think think its the same for all Countries. The U.S ran and funded for those 0.001&ers. Our is ran by our government, etc. I cant imagine North America ran that why where the extremely rich people with their billions of $$$ controlling the countries economy doing dirty deeds for the sake of its citizens and what not :(

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@victorb said " After watching ep 3 and 4 I'm starting to get the feeling that dark tone which attracted me in the first two ep might be replaced by another story about rich evil guys who basically do anything they want and the poor guy who fights against them. "

I'm about to be quite madly busy by my lazy standards for the next 6-8 weeks, so it's very reassuring to know that I can rely on my discerning dongsaeng to say what I'm thinking, and to do so in approximately 0.0001% of the number of words I'd use.  Soompi's servers may end up with unexpected petabytes of free space due to my much less frequent posting. 
I enjoyed episodes 3 & 4 when I finally got time to watch them today, but I did FF though all the screaming and wailing - it turns out dark and sinister machinations I'm OK with, noisy caterwauling not so much.
The simpler, more clichéd storyline described in that quote above suits me right now, as it's less demanding both intellectually and emotionally. I have to agree that Uhm Ki Joon is doing a great job, because he's the one who really makes my skin crawl whenever he's on screen.  I never saw Shark but do kknow how it ended, I'm going to hope for a better, saner ending than that Drama. Overall, my verdict after 4 episodes is that this might be just enough of a dark-ISH melo to provide relaxing and unchallenging wind down viewing for me after work for the duration of its run. Since this is just what I ordered, it looks like selling my wife to buy membership in the NZ branch of Golden Cross was pretty much worth it.

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stuartjmz said:
I'm about to be quite madly busy by my lazy standards for the next 6-8 weeks, so it's very reassuring to know that I can rely on my discerning dongsaeng to say what I'm thinking, and to do so in approximately 0.0001% of the number of words I'd use.  Soompi's servers may end up with unexpected petabytes of free space due to my much less frequent posting. 
I enjoyed episodes 3 & 4 when I finally got time to watch them today, but I did FF though all the screaming and wailing - it turns out dark and sinister machinations I'm OK with, noisy caterwauling not so much.
The simpler, more clichéd storyline described in that quote above suits me right now, as it's less demanding both intellectually and emotionally. I have to agree that Uhm Ki Joon is doing a great job, because he's the one who really makes my skin crawl whenever he's on screen.  I never saw Shark but do kknow how it ended, I'm going to hope for a better, saner ending than that Drama. Overall, my verdict after 4 episodes is that this might be just enough of a dark-ISH melo to provide relaxing and unchallenging wind down viewing for me after work for the duration of its run. Since this is just what I ordered, it looks like selling my wife to buy membership in the NZ branch of Golden Cross was pretty much worth it.

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victorb said:



I'm about to be quite madly busy by my lazy standards for the next 6-8 weeks, so it's very reassuring to know that I can rely on my discerning dongsaeng to say what I'm thinking, and to do so in approximately 0.0001% of the number of words I'd use.  Soompi's servers may end up with unexpected petabytes of free space due to my much less frequent posting. 
I enjoyed episodes 3 & 4 when I finally got time to watch them today, but I did FF though all the screaming and wailing - it turns out dark and sinister machinations I'm OK with, noisy caterwauling not so much.
The simpler, more clichéd storyline described in that quote above suits me right now, as it's less demanding both intellectually and emotionally. I have to agree that Uhm Ki Joon is doing a great job, because he's the one who really makes my skin crawl whenever he's on screen.  I never saw Shark but do kknow how it ended, I'm going to hope for a better, saner ending than that Drama. Overall, my verdict after 4 episodes is that this might be just enough of a dark-ISH melo to provide relaxing and unchallenging wind down viewing for me after work for the duration of its run. Since this is just what I ordered, it looks like selling my wife to buy membership in the NZ branch of Golden Cross was pretty much worth it.

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Guest lisagi

Just watched the 4 episodes and it's kinda good. Though I've seen many typical action crime revenge drama, this one is still interesting and the evil guys got on my nerves haha yes, it is similar to shark (which is aired by kbs too right?) so I really hope the execution and ending will be much better. Please dont waste the characters. I also hope SYR will find out soon who is behind the murder as she is smart but pls dont be too naive and slow like many heroine's character in dramaland. For the ratings, I think it deserves more :)

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