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[Drama 2014] Secret Love Affair 밀회

Guest uburoi

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The first two episodes of Grapevine were entertaining but I wonder about future development.  Thirty-two episodes seem like way too much by more than half to sustain the thin premise. Furthermore, some of the supporting roles are a bit cartoonish.  For SLA followers who enjoy adult themed drama, I call your attention to the 2012-13 cable drama, "Childless Comfort".  If you read Chinese or understand Korean, please join the current undertaking at DarkSmurfSub.com to translate episode 31 of this 40 episode drama.  

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Hello, Everyone!
I've been away so long!   ... But had to pop back in today to share a happy bit of news that some of you probably know already!
PD AHN and  WRITER JUNG SUNG JOO, our SLA duo,  are the people behind   a new great favorite show I love:....I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE aka I HEARD IT AS A RUMOR (only 2 episodes out  thus far).
How did I miss this news item????  I did see KHA's movie and am still waiting for either of YAI's works.   Have to go back and catch up on this Forum, now.
:\"> :) <:-P 
PS:    I found this info. in a search for recaps of the new drama......in a blog.....picadrama.wordpress.com.....Most of the my dramas are all together mostly at one end of the week, so I search around for recaps and reviews for other input and insights.  Guess I should see if there is a Forum here at Soompi, too.    

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@mdj101‌ I'm so happy to see you back! :D I was worried that you won't keep your promise to stay here forever :P @seungshinl‌ I know, I know, you are so right, they all remind you of SLA, but it's not even close to the quality and emotions... :(( @denny I checked the drama you mention, but it has nothing similar with SLA, rather sounds like a family drama @chajoowon‌ You are right to regret it. You missed so much fun! As you can see some of us still can't quite recover so we keep posting :D

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@chingulinka, you're correct.  "Childless Comfort" is nothing like SLA and it is a family drama.  However, it has multiple adult oriented themes, eg., the realistic choices available to couples who are at different stages in their lives and have found themselves to be emotionally incompatible; the plight of the single mother who wants to maintain a professional career, etc. The themes are serious, as are the characters. Nobody is a buffoon. Although some of the relationships appear exaggerated to this westerner's eyes, (eg., father-sons), that may not be so in a Confucian oriented society. If this interests you, check it out again:}}  

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@Chingulinka,  @seungshinl, @lisafransisca,  @shamrockmom,  @africandramalover, @ ktomato, and all:
I just posted my first comment on p.27 of the Forum for "I heard It Through the Grapevine".  I was absolutely floored by the similarity between a scene in Episode 3 at 37 minutes onward  and our favorite "pots and pans" scenes in SLA:  .... the stairway, the colors, the lighting, music, and everything  quietly examining the genuine, deep, and sincere love between the very young new parents.
I will follow the Forum for a while now.  It's just starting to get really interesting. Will there be deeper meanings to everything, ala SLA or not?  Still, I like what our favorite Team is creating any way!
PS:...1. "Detectives of Seonam Girls" High School"  -  Funny, witty, quite adult level (for me, at least) --2 episodes devoted to issue of unwanted pregnancy in a HS girl ( includes treatment of abortion and and how it affects both young parents, issue of safe sex), episode about 2 young lesbians fearing exposure, etc.),  bullying, suicide, etc.            2.  "Ho-goo's Love" aka  "fool's Love" -  Really enjoying it.  Oddly funny, light treatment  of serious issues of unprotected sex, unwed pregnancy, use of condoms, etc. Entertaining, likable characters, lovable odd-balls.         3.   Absolutely love "Kill Me, Heal Me".  Liked the lead actors in "Secret Love".  And seeing Ji Sung act out seven totally different personalities is just unforgettable!  Especially when he does Yoo Na, the crazy, obsessed teen-age idol "fan girl".    Deserving of a special award or a spin-off herself.   But Hyun Bin's "Hyde, Jekyl" drama?   He's handsome as ever, yes, but the drama literally pales when compared to "Kill Me, Heal Me" and I've stopped watching it now.          4.  "Healer"  -  Plan to marathon it at some point.  Read some "recaps'. Read great reviews, too. South Korea's dramas are doing a great job recently with social issues that need to be discussed, I think.  Other dramas have looked into issues as well, but I was impressed by the dramas' dealing with issues important to women.  Also. I wanted to mention some dramas I am enjoying lately ("the short list").
I also followed the Forum for  "Yoo-Na's Street".  Loved the drama!  Glad @docster9 suggested it here.  

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Thank you for the article about PD Ahn's " men/boys"  (Yoo Ah In and Lee Joon).  The English translation by my PC was very rough, as usual, but I think he talked about similarities they shared.  And if this is correct, these similarities are what I find appealing in the characters.  True, it is not SLA, but I think the  young lovers will be just as real and will face their problems courageously and honestly.   As a "dark comedy" it will be very different from SLA, but I still expect a high level of writing and production from our  Director/Writer duo.

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seungshinl said: Good work @lisafransisca!
If you want to add the whole thing in Korean you can copy and paste this:
I would like to tell you that many foreigners love 밀회,
Some drama fans from Soompi (Korean entertainment news in English) created a special site for this drama.
They named it "Piano Conversation"
Please visit this website sometimes~ http://pianoconversations.wordpress.com/
감사합니다 ^^
안녕하세요.~만은 외국인들도 '밀회' 를 아주 사랑합니다   
그래서 Soompi 팬들이 '밀회' 블로그 를 만들었읍니다
이름은 "Piano Conversation" 이애요.
http://pianoconversations.wordpress.com/ 한번 (자주) 방문 해주세요!
감사합니다 ^^

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@mdj101 you're right! I think the PD wanted to bring up again about "pure love" :)

@seungshinl currently I'm watching KMHM and SOGC. I'll check "Detectives of Seonam Girls" High School" and "Hogu's Love" since the themes sound interesting and anew in KD Land.

And of course I'll watch HITTG for sure!


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I watched all the episodes of HITTG so far and I like it, I also like the young lovers, their love is so warming... There are so many actors from Secret love affair that I recognise - not just the bad lawyer husband, but also the bad secretary, the good secretary - best friend of HW and the secretary of HW, as well as the woman fortune teller. But still...I miss SJ and HW horribly! What is happening with the actors? Is YAI already in the army? Any new project for any of them?

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chingulinka said: I watched all the episodes of HITTG so far and I like it, I also like the young lovers, their love is so warming... There are so many actors from Secret love affair that I recognise - not just the bad lawyer husband, but also the bad secretary, the good secretary - best friend of HW and the secretary of HW, as well as the woman fortune teller. But still...I miss SJ and HW horribly! What is happening with the actors? Is YAI already in the army? Any new project for any of them?

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