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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Knowing Brothers show looked fun. I’m glad despite Seyoung very low key, Heechul know she is popular. With English subs now I understand why her facial expressions were like that, the other actress saying it out she is single and is looking for a boyfriend, hahaha! Something Seyoung will never say on national tv. The younger male host seem to favour SY more- can’t blame him she has a very unique beauty, not the typical Korean look.

I thought 2PM’s performance is during the actual closing ceremony. Unfortunately there was no chance for me to watch it on Monday, the YT video isn’t working either.

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@chic-chic Thank you. I really enjoyed 2PM’s performance. It was close to 45mins long. It was great and awesome! Sad that Jun K wasn’t there. Wooyoung was giving his all,even going down the stage to be up close with the crowd. Yah, I noticed that too the other actress was playing ‘cute’. Hoenestly, one of the things I hated watching Korean variety shows, the commonality - the female celebrities, especially idol/actresses they just want to play cute all the time, it’s not funny! I like how Seyoung ad libbed telling the guy host he was with her yesterday too, hahaha!!

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The male host who gave SY flowers in Knowing Brothers, is Min Kyung Hoon, and he sang  Moneyflower OST (5th song).   Official audio on YT below.


The other girl Jung Hye Sung was on WGM last year, and won supporting actress in KBS drama awards for  Manager Kim (that starred 2PM Junho).  


People have a way of being connected somehow, even if indirectly.  :)


Regards to all. 



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Inspired by the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. Courtesy of my friend...she's back it seems :)


                                                     A Love Story in Pyeongchang


Wooyoung stood by the bedroom balcony, the view is breathtaking. The combined hues of light brown and yellow dominating the surroundings of the cottage is magnificent. As the wind blows, leaves are falling on ground gathering a thick pile covering the earth. The two- bedroom cottage he was given was at the end block in the group of three. A request he specified when he asked his assistant to book. It lies in the middle of towering fir trees and buckwheat plants. Nestled twenty minutes north from the town centre which is perfect spot for him to rest and be with nature. It has modern furniture made of wood and a fireplace. The dining room table can seat four people. The kitchen appliances are made of stainless steel and a large fridge and freezer standing in the corner. The kitchen drawers are where crockeries and cutlery are kept. The bedroom have a queen sized bed with an intricately designed headboard made again of wood. With cushion in the middle, across where one can rest their heads comfortably and matching bedside tables. The bathroom and toilet has a massive bath tub that can fit two people easy with spa feature. The separate rain shower cubicle was next to it. There are fresh towels in the cupboard. Overall it has what he needed and more. The skiing province have caught the world stage when the Winter Olympics was held there few years ago. Him and the boys were invited to perform in the middle of the games. Currently Autumn, it didn’t have the influx of tourists coming like it does in winter which suits him even better. But it is ideal for trekking and mountain climbing in the cool months. The two years he did in the frontline gave him a different perspective in life. As a fifteen-year old boy from the coastal city of Busan, he dreamed of being on TV, sing, dance and perform in large crowds with screaming fans saying your name was all he ever wanted and achieved it. Hard work paid off. The glitz, glamour and parties. Lots of parties and the attention were addictive. The recent years were a roller coaster ride when it comes to relationships too. The last one was painful and took him a while to recover. There were numerous temptations, indecent proposals through the years coming from daughters of multimillionaires and even wives of the country’s elite. Younger and older than him alike. When he was on his sixth month of service he was told a specially delivered parcel came for him. It was a small box made from sandal wood. What’s inside gave him a shock, it contains two car keys, one for a BMW, the other for a Mercedez-Benz. There was a note saying, “Only the beginning. More are coming if you marry me’. A name was signed next to an embossed logo of a well-known car company and a kiss mark in red. He immediately brought it back to the postal officer to return it to sender. But those kind of parcels kept coming, he had to put a stop to it. He requested by writing to the officer in charge of his refusal to accept any gifts except from his family or without his prior notification. When he was nearing the end of his enlistment, he asked his agency for a two months rest to desensitise himself from military life. He told his parents the same, which they fully understand. He left a day early than the scheduled date. At the crack of dawn, his brother-in-law waited for him at the gate of the base camp he was stationed. They caught the first flight to Busan, stayed for a week before coming to Pyeongchang.

‘Are you sure you’ll be fine driving the distance?’ Seyoung’s Mom asked in great concern while watching her daughter finishing her packing.

‘I’ll be okay Mom.’ Seyoung replied.’Don’t worry. I’ll be very careful and won’t do anything silly.’ Seyoung while walking towards the car to deposit her luggage.

‘If only I can come with you this time.’ Her Mom said. The plan was for them to go together. The church does a yearly outreach activity in country towns, but because of Seyoung’s sister about to give birth to her second child anytime soon, her Mom  chose to stay to be there and help with the new baby. It was a good timing for her because she is currently on indefinite break after the last project she did or until she’s ready to take on the next one. The last two years, Seyoung have missed out due to her schedules but this time it was held during her free time and don’t want to miss it.

‘Omma.No. Unni need you more. And besides I will be on holiday too. That’s why I opted to get a hired car so if I don’t feel like driving back, I’ll take a flight home.’ Seyoung reassured her mother. ‘I’d better go now. I want to be there before dark.’

‘Are you really staying there for a week?’ Her Mom asked again.

‘Or longer. I might like it there. Who knows?’ Seyoung replied smiling.

‘Your being too independent scares me sometimes.’ Her Mom answered back.

‘Omma, I will be okay. Promise.’ Seyoung said, giving her Mom a kiss and hug. ‘Tell Dad I left. I didn’t want to wake him up. Love you!’

The drive took her close to three hours, including the time finding her accommodation, which was located in the outskirts of town. Leaving Seoul wasn’t too bad due to her early start. Looking at the time, it is close to one o’clock when she brought her bag in the cottage. Earlier on, she dropped by the town information centre to ask for directions and took a local map. She is yet to meet the activity officer in two hours, giving her plenty of time to grab something to eat and buy quick and easy to prepare food and drinks to stock up the fridge. Seyoung quickly gave her Mom a call, letting her know she has arrived safe and spoke to her Dad briefly. Minutes later, she hopped back into the car and typed her destination in the built in navigation system of the car, Daegwallyeong-myeon town centre.

Wooyoung went out back to the balcony, thought he heard sounds from a car door closing, he saw a white SUV leaving the parking spot three bays away from where his car was. Whoever that was must only just got in. Feeling hungry he decided to drive to town to get something to eat. There wasn’t much customers when he got to the supermarket. The size was big enough and had what he needed. He bought drinks, fruits, vegetables, ramyeon, kimchi and rice. It didn’t take long and went straight to the check-out counter to pay for his purchases. When he went back to his car, he suddenly remembered he didn’t buy chocolates. Wooyoung quickly placed the bags in the boot of his car and went back in. He was directed by the sales person where the aisle for chocolates are found. He noticed there was only one person looking at the choices. She was wearing a blue baseball cap covering her eyes and black puffed long jacket. Her hair covering the face from the side view. He thought, she could be a celebrity in disguise looking at the way she is covered, like him. But something caught his attention, her hand gestures looked too familiar and the small hop she did that looked like she’s undecided which chocolate she’ll buy. And then it hit Wooyoung.

‘Park Seyoung?’ He called her name. The woman heard him and looked his way.

‘Wooyoung-shi?’ Seyoung said his name. The chocolate bar she was holding fell from her hand. He quickly reached out to catch it before landing on the ground.

‘It’s you.’ Wooyoung said and smiled but then, his expression changed.

‘Why are you here?’ Seyoung asked in complete surprise just like him.

‘Probably the same reason why you are here.’ Wooyoung said, handing Seyoung the bar of chocolate. ’How are you?’

‘I thought you were still in the army.’ Seyoung replied taking the chocolate from him.

‘I was discharged last week.’ Wooyoung answered. ‘How are you?’ He asked again.

‘I’m doing well. Thank you.’ Seyoung said.

‘That’s great to know.’ Wooyoung said, reaching out for bars of chocolate on display.

‘You get hives when you eat those.’ Seyoung quickly said when she saw the chocolates he had in his hand. ‘It’s got almonds.’

Wooyoung looked at Seyoung, then his eyes shifted to the chocolate bars he was holding. She’s right, it’s got almonds. Five years ago, he developed allergies from almonds. Seyoung was the one who noticed it. She prepared dinner for him because he didn’t have anything to eat all day, while waiting for the food to get ready, Seyoung gave him the chocolate almond bar she bought on her way to see him. Half an hour later, he complained of itching and rashes were appearing on his arms. They had to go hospital that night and got treated. His allergen level was checked and found out he developed allergies to almonds. Since then, he only eats milk chocolate bars.

‘Here.’ Seyoung handing him the milk chocolate variety.

‘Thank you.’ Wooyoung said after putting the chocolates he had back to it’s box. He took the ones Seyoung gave him. ‘Nice to see you again.’

‘Likewise.’ Seyoung replied. Wooyoung raised the chocolates as if waiving and turned to leave.

‘Wooyoung-shi.’ Seyoung called his name.

‘Yes?’ Wooyoung turned around to face her.

‘It’s really good to see you again.’ Seyoung said, smiling at him

‘Yeah, me too.’ Wooyoung replied and slowly walked away from her. Seyoung noticed he wasn't smiling.


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@standingtallyy- thanks for the new fanfic. Tell your friend thanks, wow can’t wait for next episode 

Didn’t know that guy from knowing bros is a singer and he sang for MF- nice coincidence- I am sure he must be glad to meet sy in person. 

Sy seems busy traveling around- visiting friends and checking out restaurants.

The above post is with the restaurant owner, now everyone wants her photo, maybe he will display in his restaurant 

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HyeSung and Seyoung worked together in Glorious Day. Maybe they got close because HS is outgoing and bubbly in contrast to Sy who is prim and proper and shy. Sy left a video msg for HS on her wedding when she was in wgm. Maybe she agreed to guest in the show because she's with someone she's close with.

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Here's the next part. Enjoy :)


Seyoung went back to her cottage, placed her bag of groceries on the table, sat herself on the chair. The chance meeting with Wooyoung at the supermarket shattered her. Why their path crossed again after these years, when things are fine. She’s back on track with her career and with her life. The split up wasn’t easy. And knew she was to blame. Wooyoung loved her the way he knew he could. But his love couldn’t stop the insecurities growing inside her. At that time, her career wasn’t going the way she wanted. His was steady and strong. Despite his busy schedule, whatever free time he’s got, he made sure he spends it with her, to make up for the days he was away for work. When projects rolled in, he would patiently wait for her until she gets home from out of town filming and cook her food. As work became constant, it has taken toll on their relationship. Juggling quality time with Wooyoung and her schedule were too much to handle. Then one day, she told him she needed space, a time out. He refused. She said what is the point when he will be enlisting soon. Seyoung knew, she gave him one big blow. Wooyoung said before they started dating, it will be devastating if his would be girlfriend break up with him before enlistment. Two years was a long time being away from the person you love, she told him. Can't promise him she'll wait. The absence and distance makes the heart forget. He said he will do his best to make it work. But she refused. Told him it was for the best. That was the last time she saw Wooyoung, until today. Work was her refuge, getting her mind off him. She had deep regrets of letting Wooyoung go, but was too proud to accept it. Her friends updated her of his activities. That’s how she learned of the army enlistment. The fact remained, she was a fan before she was his girlfriend. Seyoung pretended not to care when the topic of him comes up, but deep inside she misses him a lot. She had established herself in the industry. Nowadays, Seyoung is in the position to choose her work. There were suitors, lots of them but it is their sincerity that scared her. She can’t help but compare them with Wooyoung. Or maybe, she has trust issues. She couldn’t trust herself not to do the same thing, like she did to him. It was her decision, she cupped the consequences she deserved for hurting a good man.

‘What are you crying for?’ Seyoung asking herself as tears kept comingt. 'Why does it still hurt so much?' Asking herself again.

Wooyoung parked his car when he reached a hill. He drove his car aimlessly for ten minutes after leaving Seyoung at the supermarket. He got out of the car and ran where the hill ends.

“Why?’ He screamed at the top of his lungs, dropped on his knees and wept punching the ground until his knuckles bled. He doesn’t want to rehash the pain.The hurt he felt back then. It was after an hour or so that Wooyoung went back to his cottage. Noticed the white SUV that was there earlier was gone but the lights were on from the cottage at the opposite end from his. He went to shower and cleaned his wounded hand. Looked for the first aid box in the bathroom cupboard but couldn’t find any. He went out to see if he had one in the car, but no luck. He decided to go to the reception area and see if they have a first aid kit to dress his wounds and they are beginning to sting. He could see car headlights slowly approaching. He moved to the side of the driveway when the car stopped next to him. It was the same SUV he saw earlier in the day.

‘Wooyoung-shi.’ Seyoung called his name, when she put the windows down. Wooyoung looked at her in surprise. She recognized him straight away as she was driving towards the cottage, slowed down to make sure she wasn’t mistaken. He was wearing the same jacket he had on at the supermarket. She noticed how he was checking his right hand like it was injured, blowing on them even.

‘Are you okay?’ Seyoung asked, looking at his hand, noticing the cuts to his knuckle. Seyoung got out and reached for it to get a closer look. ‘You are hurt.’ She said.

‘What are you doing?’ Wooyoung asked, pulling his injured hand away from the hold.

‘I was just making sure your hand was okay.’ Seyoung said. ’Sorry.’

‘It’s nothing.’ Wooyoung said and started walking.

‘I have a first aid box in my car.’ Seyoung offered.

‘Thanks. But no thanks,’ Wooyoung said and continued walking, not even looking at her.

‘There was no one at the reception if you are going that way. I was there not long ago.’ Seyoung said.

Damn this woman! Why does she always know what I was thinking or going to do, Wooyoung thought. He stopped at his tracks and walked back to his cottage. His hand painful as hell and she isn’t helping.

Seyoung hopped back to her car, droved past him and parked in front of the lighted cottage. She then grabbed the first aid box from the boot and waited for Wooyoung. But he just walked past and ignored Seyoung walking straight towards his cottage. 

‘You’re staying there?’ Seyoung asked. ‘Wooyoung-shi.’ Seyoung called again when he didn’t reply.

‘What now?’ Wooyoung snapped at her. He saw the startled look on Seyoung’s face, she bit her lower lip to stifle a cry.

‘Let me put a dressing on your hand.’ Seyoung said seconds after she regained her composure from his snap. ’It’s bleeding.’

‘Don’t worry it won't kill me.’ Wooyoung replied in sarcasm and proceeded to open his cottage door.

‘From the wound, no. But from tetanus, yes.’ She retorted purely out of concern. ‘Can you just please put aside your pride and let me clean the wound.’ Seyoung said it before she can stop herself.

‘Pride?’ Wooyoung caught on what she said. ’Big word.’He said it with a tone of sarcasm again. But Wooyoung’s hands were shaking both from the cold and pain, the key fell to the ground. Seyoung immediately picked it up but moved her hand away. ‘I can do it.’

Seyoung stood back watching him struggle with the door. ‘Let me.’ This time Seyoung just took the key before he can protest. Seyoung opened it in two seconds. Wooyoung went past her to go in turning on more lights. Seyoung stood at the door holding the first aid box, afraid of taking another step forward. He went to the sink to wash his bleeding hand.

‘Are you just going to stand there all night or dress my hand.’ Wooyoung said. Seyoung immediately closed the door and went to him.

‘What happened?” Seyoung asked while putting antiseptic ointments to each cut.

‘I hit the ground.’ Wooyoung answered. ’Literally.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Seyoung asked, putting on a cover to his cuts.

‘Don’t flatter yourself Park Seyoung.’ Wooyoung replied. ’Ouch! Gently?’ Half glaring at her. She briefly looked up to him then went back to his wounds.

‘I’m sorry for being presumptive.’ Seyoung said, rolling the bandage to hold the square dressing in place. Wooyoung lifted his hand allowing her to wrap the bandage around it. Seyoung then cleared the stuff away and excused herself, taking the first aid box with her. She came back with a packet of pain killer tablets.

‘I’ll leave this here. Take two tablets after you had your food.’ Seyoung placed them on the table and turned to leave.

‘Have you eaten?’ Wooyoung asked. Seyoung shook her head.’You can cook us some dinner if you want.’ Wooyoung said, raising his bandaged hand to her.

‘What do you have here?’ Seyoung asked. Wooyoung told her to check the fridge. Seyoung took out a packet of thinly sliced beef, capsicum and a carrot. Went to the pantry, found a jar of bulgogi sauce, rice and onions. ’Will this do?’ Seyoung asked him and said yes. 

‘I apologise for snapping at you earlier.’ Wooyoung said, watching Seyoung getting all the ingredients ready.

‘It’s not your fault. I was being pushy.’ Seyoung replied, getting on with dinner preparation.

‘Thank you for doing my hand.’ Wooyoung added.

‘You’re welcome.’ Seyoung replied back. This time, Seyoung saw a forced smile forming on Wooyoung’s  lips.




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@standingtallyy Your friend is really great in thinking scenarios for a fan fic. This most recent story is like connected to Wy's most recent songs of someone hurting or breaking up with him. Next please hehehehe. Your friend can make a novel for YY hehehehe. 


@drkangel I agree. Probably,  one reason that she agreed to guest in Knowing Brother is JHS is her friend. Since she worried about being boring on the show, HS probably made it easier for her to adapt with the show.  Yes she left a congratulatory message to her when she can't come to HS WGM wedding. 

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