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[Drama 2014] Doctor Stranger 닥터이방인


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Aaaaah :'( :'(   the VA album doesn't include all the tracks and misses alot  of my favorites , luckily it has 2 or 3 that i wanted 
I know it's like 5% that they do this but i really hope they release a second score album , or someone upload them on youtube ^:)^
BTW sorry for my lowwww info , but :
1-who is sukii  ? :D =)) =))
2- Why were LJS & JSY together in the 2012 KBS Drama Awards ??? :)   ;))

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Guest kagiheya

Rania Zeid said: s3nbky said: Can't u all enough badmouthing about JSY,,sighhh,,how immatured people can be when they can't get what they want,,please accept in this drama JSY & LJS are meant to be together,,enough with amazing chemistry or another annoying reason u can give,,We as heartbeaters can see the beautiful chemistry between them n i think we as heartbeaters rarely give hateful or negative comment towards other actor/actress,,so can other fans also please give respect to us,,tq,,

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I can't rate objectively about "chemistry" between LJS and JSY coz for viewers it can be very subjective.

I say "I don't feel chemistry between LJS-JSY", and other people will say "No, their chemistry is good." 

My opinion about couple chemistry are :

1. Chemistry needs effort from two sides. It's not possible to build chemistry one way although the actor/actress in one side is acting prodigy.

2. Chemistry isn't happened only coz the writer told you so.. "Hey, they are lover" , "they have same heartbeats" or just because some sentences in posters "they can't be separated by fate"

3. Chemistry isn't built by few scenes only. It must have a story and journey. It needs dynamics and good interactions.

But I will consider the opinions from other views who are more credible than me, for example : LJS and JSY win the best couple in drama award later equitably or the korean media praise their chemistry.

If those happen I will accept the fact that they have chemistry.

And about LJS-KSR once again it's my subjective feeling. Yes, they have a sweet, heart-touching, and funny interactions so their scenes could give me sparks. LJS has brilliant acting and KSR could balance him. Their chemistry is good. But the writer cut their story in the end so they don't become couple. What can I say. They are only as friend (even I don't want them to be friend anymore after the ending). Soo Hyun' feeling is one way. Hoon' skinship toward Soo Hyun just a trolling from the writer. But I love their scenes so much. One of reasons that made me keep watching DS every week.

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Guest kagiheya

@tara97 you're welcome :)

I think Jongsuk said that he knew JSY since she was in high school and then he sees her as a little sister (where did I read it? someone help me :D)

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tiacosas said:Since I've never posted here, I'll make my

All in all, I'm one of the few that absolutely loved the show from start to finish, and I'm sad to see it go. Was it a mess? Absolutely. However, I had a lot of fun watching and I will never forget the exhilarating experience that I lived with it. From surgeries in barns to romantic struggles in surgery rooms to some of the randommest PPL to dramatic angsting and lurking in the shadows. My fave character will always be Comrade Cha, whose delirious smirk is now ingrained in my heart never to leave it. It's too bad that he had such an unceremonious death, but at least we got to see him in two more episodes rocking those outfits like the boss he is. Rest in peace, Comrade, I'll take your memory with me wherever I go.

I was never too involved with the love triangle because it was quite clear who the main pairing was so I just followed their journey as the story progressed. It's sad that Soo Hyun was put in the moping department 24/7 but that's the fate of second leads. In any case, I didn't follow the show for the romance, so *shrugs*. Also, Jae Joon never destroyed the toy castle he had, all because of her, so I'm holding a grudge against Soo Hyun right now. That scene was the one I was expecting since I saw that metaphor castle huhuhuhu :'(

Shout out to the never ending background music. I've downloaded the OST to listen to it every time I need some epic transitions in my life. From the "wooowwwoooo" they used in sad moments (most commonly mum scenes), to the string quartets that still haunt my nightmares, and the epic guitar riffs used for Cha, this show used and abused music cues to enhance the story with some spice. How to forget "I'm just a stranger without you my love", an english line that climbed up in the rankings annihilating immortal classics like "Love is the moment", "You're my destiny", and "Almost paradise". Not a second in silence, Doctor Stranger managed to make me feel extreme emotions along with its characters. 

Did we get all our answers? Of course not. We were never destined to get them, ever since we accepted Hoon's magic hands, we knew we were in for a wild ride, and that's exactly what we got. Thrills, impossible developments, epic plot twists, motivational medicine monologues, romantic angst, (non)doppelganger shenanigans, fashionable doctors in heels, everything was a vital part of this eclectic puzzle of a drama. That's what I wanted, that's what I got, happy camper all along.

A million out of 10 points, A+++++, would give all the Baeksangs.

Doctor Stranger manse.

See you all in the bridge of life, hopefully not being shot by anyone *waves*

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Guest kimsontoya

all korean said:

Everyone is talking about chemistry.  But what is it?  Is it something that I as the audience can touch or feel personally?  Chemistry is very subjective & it needs to be seen visually to gain audience buyin. LJS & KSR were able to demonstrate & make the audience believe that there was a form of good tension between them.  Chemistry is not something that you can create alone and if your costar does not emote appropriately..it becomes very challenging and the audience cannot feel it.  I believe I can safely speak for a majority of international & korean fans that we could feel & see the chemistry.. LJS & KSR were that good!

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Guest s3nbky

Yup all people can give their opinion,,but please write in polite way,,but from what i read majority comment from other ships is full of hatefull to the actress,,i don't mind if comment is constructive or insightfull but many of the comment just to bashing the actress n put the blame towards that actress because the mess up of this drama,,which is i think its unfair to actor/actress,,they work hard for this drama & u people easily blame & give harsh comment,,please be considered guys,,our life not be end if our otp not be together in this drama,,please accept the reality,,

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I'm a writer.  Maybe not so famous (at all) but I HAVE written 2 novels.  I don't know about the so-called 'chemistry' between various actors in this show but I DO know scripts.  From a thematic point of view, Dr. Oh showed bunches of selfishness (very naive & unrealized self-absorption might be putting it better).  She KNEW Dr. Park not only loved Jae Hee but there was a whole sad history there, & she herself HAD A BF.  Now, I don't know about this new generation, but it really is NEVER a good idea to break up w/a guy just because of those 'greener pastures' (as this young lady eventually figures out, thank goodness).  It is among other things a terribly hurtful thing to do to your BF.  If the relationship is not working, girls (& guys) deal w/THAT first.  If you end up walking away from it, then it is because of internal problems, as it should be.  Deciding (as unfortunately so MANY people do) that, whoops, I changed my mind & like HIM better, is just immature, self-centered & certainly does NOT bring a lot of positive to the NEW relationship.  So Dr Oh & her HS-like behaviour have totally been annoying me over the last few episodes.  Dr. Park dealt w/it wisely, however and I did appreciate the ending, showing growth all around (except for that PM guy - total sociopath there!)

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large.png Throughout the drama we have seen how Jae Hee and Hoon exchanged looks without having to say much. Heartbeaters translate this as the bond they have for each other and how much they know each other by heart. And the beauty of Jae Hee is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of Jae Hee can be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where her love for Hoon and where Hoon's love reside.

On Hoon having no chemistry with JH, I guess this is how LJS's reaction would be: 
This is my personal thought of course. I definitely do not profess to speak on behalf of the entire fandom of Lee Jung Suk as some people are doing. Me thinks some people here doth protest too much.
And JSY's ?

Cr  http://weheartit.com/entry/116445434/via/DamaDoma & http://www.coolnsmart.com/JSY's gif: Cr as tagged

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I'm a writer.  Maybe not so famous (at all) but I HAVE written 2 novels.  I don't know about the so-called 'chemistry' between various actors in this show but I DO know scripts.  From a thematic point of view, Dr. Oh showed bunches of selfishness (very naive

Then go ask the writer why he wrote such a story like that?..since you are writer so you should know why he wrote and turn every character like that..we don't know that's why we asking why? why?..the actors and actress work just fine..cos they following the script...but great actor/actress allow their character to develop and grow so it will give people reason to root for them...

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Guest kimsontoya

@angels_natdylax05 Ditto. Great actresses and actors naturally outshine those who are not remarkable enough by attracting more people to root for their characters.  This is the ultimate difference between the mediocre ones and those who are really talented.  I'm quite thankful to DS because I discovered Kang So Ra's great acting.  She's now in my newest favorite Kdrama actresses list.

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Wow there sure is a lot of debate the ships and actresses!
To be quite honest, I rooted all the way until the end for Hoon to end up with Quack and I couldn't help but feel disappointed to see him end up with Jae Hee. (It was the first time in my drama life that something like that happened).
I think the problem came first from the direction the writers wanted to take. I am not sure if there was only one or two writers but their constant indecisiveness about whom Hoon will end up with hurt the story a lot. It also influenced Hoon's behavior and made him more selfish than what they first intended to do. Yes, his one and only love was Jae Hee, then why act all friendly and touchy with Quack after rejecting her? This is kind of cruel to her and also to the shippers who believed there was some hope. Also most scenes between Quack and Hoon were scenes that goes with the stereotype of falling in love in k-drama which mislead a lot of us.
That aside, the chemistry between the leads was undeniably a huge problem in the show. Even if the story did (almost) everything to make them end up together, many of us had a hard time believing it because of this obvious lack of affinity between Lee Jong Suk and Jin Se Yeon! And despite all the sympathy I have for Jin Se Yeon the problem does come from her. To be able to have chemistry the two actors need to become their characters unfortunately Jin Se Yeon is not currently capable of that.
Here is why:
First of all she just turned 20 and is asked to play a 30-something doctor, how in the world could a 20 years old girl understand the mind of someone who is almost 30? Not knowing this, she had to play the role based on what she believes is a 30 something woman. It is like singing a song about breakup without having experienced a break-up in your life. You can only imagine the feelings and this is what you will convey.Her second problem was to accept the role while she was still filming for age of innocence. It is not the first time she does that (Gaksital/Five Fingers) and it didn't help her. Because she was playing two roles at the same time she couldn't fully immerse herself in the drama. It held her back to deepen her understanding of Jae Hee.
Jin Se Yeon is a very young actress who is currently not fit for the type of roles she chooses. I think she would gain a lot by choosing roles from a different genre of drama and that would be closer to her in term of age so she can learn how to "tame" the character and completely embrace it. Only then will she be able to become one with the character and enjoy the awesomeness of chemistry.

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I really loved the deep link between Hoon and Jae Hee. LJS&JSY were very good transmitting this relationship where the words weren't necessary to understand each other. 
As (some people very wisely) they said. Chemistry is subjective and depends on the eye that is watching. (as I said before too) No one can force a person to see something they don't want see. In my case, I've seen the behind the scenes of LJS&LBY and they are adorable but still transmitting the same to me, he's very playful and has a very good personality, creates a good atmosphere everywhere. For that reason I personally found a bit strange that he with his extroverted personality too he shows shy in his scenes with JSY. 
However each person has the right to see what you see fit. 
I, to my good luck, really enjoyed the main couple and not only saw chemistry, saw flames in episode 9 with my HoonHee kiss. And I enjoyed of both characters and everyone in general, as in the case of KS and JSY. I don't think one is better than the other because both touched me with her ​​scenes. And I don't need see the comments of other people to know it. Because I have my own mind to make my own judgment.
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Credit ahn_annann
The collage is cute so I'm sharing it here too 


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Guest kimsontoya

@wassilou Spot on! Character immersion is very important.  If you have read the manga "Skip Beat", then you can learn from there how an actress should learn to take on her role and live as the character that she portrays.  In Doctor Stranger, I can really see how KSR had completely immersed on her role as Soo Hyun.  This is the very reason why most viewers can easily sympathize to her.  As a viewer, you have no doubt that the one who's crying and sulking on your TV monitor is the hospital heiress who just found out about all the rotten things her dad did and that she's been blinded all along.  Unfortunately, I never saw total character immersion from JSY.

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