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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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@mj25 For us fans and JJY, it's not 13 days of nightmare, but felt like 13 months of nightmare. It's time for JJY's agency to file lawsuit left and right. Even if JJY say they don't need to, because somehow I feel like he will just forgive them like how he did with his ex-gf. Asking nicely won't work for those trashy journalists anymore.

Sue that journalist who published the first false report about sexual assault investigation, journalists who reported about hidden camera and sex video, journalists who made up JJY's statement during investigation and claimed he said "my phone is broken" and "I thought she knew", sue all media that still use the words "hidden camera" and "sex video". Even his agency should make the media stop calling this "sex scandal" because it's been proven that there's no such a thing as sex video or anything sexual about the video they recorded. "Evil journalism scandal" is the right title for this scandal. While they're at it, sue K-netz who told JJY to die and K-netz who still spew negative things about him related to this scandal. Sue everyone. :rage: They should teach a lesson to Korean journalists who write news without facts and destroy other people's life. K-netz also should learn from all of this. Stop having sheep mentality and easily get stirred and manipulated by your media. Start to become a smart reader, asking questions, not just eat everything you read or watch. Sorry for the rant, but it's just so frustrating to see this injustice.

This scandal must left such a big scar on JJY's heart. If it's just him, he could care less. But it's affected people around him, from his family, his co-workers, the shows he's in, his band, everyone who close to him. So he just couldn't ignore it. I just hope he can recover quickly then come back to stage and his shows. I wanna see his smile and hear his evil laugh again in 1N2D.

Meanwhile, let's listen to his band's song, Sunset. Even if you're not into rock music, this song is really chill, relaxing and easy listening. I hope JJY also can feel more relax and enjoy the sunset with big smile now after he's acquitted.


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I thank God for giving me a critical mind in thinking about all this mess. That's when I kept trusting uri maknae JJY. When I first heard this, I was perplexed, but I never doubted him even a bit, I defended him, I tried to knack some sense to hate commenters, he won't be that kind of guy.

Most of us here and the JJY fans did such things for him, went to polls and voted for him, commented positively on most sites, be it in English or Korean, and eventually those good comments spread like fire and before we all could see it, this positivity turned up the tides. To all of you who shared your thoughts, who kept updating, who never backed down ~ thank you so much! 

My son, who doesn't watch any Korean show but 1n2d, is a JJY fan as well. He likes the quirkiness in him, the little naughty boy in JJY. I never told him anything about this mess as it will sure break my heart to see his adoration of JJY gone. He may be acquitted, yes, but this mess already tarnished his reputation in one way or another. 

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I feel you, Chinggus!

The whole mess made me feel:  tumblr_n38cbnIRdo1qcwkw8o5_250.gif

The way JJY handled this mess made me all the more admire his coolness: 

tumblr_n38cbnIRdo1qcwkw8o7_250.gif   tumblr_n38cbnIRdo1qcwkw8o3_250.gif

I'm so relieved when finally the good news came out! :

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Can't wait to see his smile and laugh again with his 1n2d family:  tumblr_n38cbnIRdo1qcwkw8o6_250.gif


Remember each Member! 1n2d S3, fighting! :wub:




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@montanari Ikr, the false use of words by the journalists were what make this case very big and gain a lot of negativity. They just use and add additional words to their report and it spread like wildfires. Those haters will only be able to read the whole article if it is negative, if it is positive, they are all run away :angry: I mean he is someone whose mentality is very strong but how this case has affected all of his family, friends, co-workers and fans. I'm not sure why but I think this case has made quite a big scar on JJY's heart. For him to be betrayed by the media who in real life, should have help him to gain his image but in this case damaging his :angry:

I heard that his agency might filed a lawsuit against those who spread the false rumour i.e. those who said on some online community that the video that was mentioned is a sex tape and JJY was on it. Which is totally false since he never filmed a sex video and from what I heard form his korean fans, the person inside the video doesn't even have a single tattoo on his body while JJY has 2 on his body and 3 on his arms (this is already a very clear evidence). I don't get how some people could believe the video -_- 



EDIT: (Cr: Allkpop) OMG I can't stand those haters. This case is closed what more do they want from him seriously! 

Jung Joon Young's alleged sex tape roams web + C9 Entertainment responds 

Yesterday, Jung Joon Young's sexual assault case regarding his ex-girlfriend officially drew to a close with his innocence proven. However, the controversy is still a hot topic online, as Jung Joon Young's alleged sex tape has been leaked. 

The singer's label C9 Entertainment responded, "The man in the video that is currently being spread online is not Jung Joon Young. At first, we did not take legal action because we didn't even see it worthy of action; however, we are now currently discussing how to take care of the issue since the video is continuing to spread. We will announce our plans against the person who initially spread the video, claiming it's Jung Joon Young in it, once we come to a decision."

Netizens also stood on Jung Joon Young's side and commented, "I saw the video and it's someone who looks like Jung Joon Young", "It's obviously not him ㅡㅡ His body was way too built for it to be Jung Joon Young. The only thing that was similar was his thick double eyelid", "It's so sad to see Jung Joon Young suffer because of that false exclusive report by that reporter Park", and more. 


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@mj25 I legit cackled with that alleged sex tape. Joon Young's body is covered by tattoos and he has skinny body. Don't forget he has ring finger tattoo too, so he has 6 tattoos. Now those tattoos come in handy when it times to recognize his body lmao. Prosecutor already announced there's no such a thing as sex video or anything close to it. That person who spread it must be didn't read the article. Now his agency want to file a lawsuit. While they're at it, sue those journalists too. They're so patient in handling all of this. It's about time to take action. Sue everyone. :rage:

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They should've filed charges against that writer Park since the first sexual harassment article. Just like what I thought, if you're at the losing end of the game, you'll come up wih anything. First, 'sexual harassmrnt' article,  JJY allegedly responded online, people laughed, FAIL. Second, alleged hidden camera issue, JJY presscon, police reinvestigated, acquitted, FAIL. If you're really committed to destroying someone else's life (or you're an idiot), they shuld've released that 'sex tape spread' issue before and did not wait for for the result of the investigation. Now that another destabilizing plot is killed 'yet' again, what's the next step of this mofu? 

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Guest chocmagma

Hello everyone! Kyaaaaa I'm so happy today! No need to guess, I know you guys already know about it. Uri maknae is acquitted!! I'm so happy right now! Come gimme group hug! And sorry for being late ;____;

On 10/3/2016 at 10:51 PM, Adibah Konichiwa said:

@chocmagma Gosh,:flushed: I read you comment make my hope getting higher for him to come back after all the comment I've read that everyone keep saying "he's leaving" "he's leaving" . I wish I could replay to them "NOOOOO! He's not leaving , he just taking a breakkkkkkkkk.!!!!!! Thank you:blush:


I believe he will come back. Plus with the news that he is acquitted, I hope everyone in 1N2D wont stop give encouragement to him and at the same time keeps on supporting him and bring him back to 1N2D.

On 10/4/2016 at 8:27 PM, montanari said:

@chocmagma Yeah I'm still trying to accept his decision because I know he need it. I just want the re-investigation finish soon and we get to know the result so we don't get stuck in this situation for too long. 

Sigh, that picture of JJY with his bandmates make me miss Drug Restaurant too. JJY always look so happy with them and on stage. JJY's bandmates also take hiatus from their SNS since the news about JJY blew up. It must be hard for them too that their leader has to face this.

I cried when I saw his pic with his bandmates. He smiles happily bcs he's doing things that he likes and being with his favorite people. He really enjoys doing musics and variety shows. It cant be denied.

On 10/6/2016 at 0:13 PM, montanari said:

I'm really shaking right now from happiness. The prosecutor has announced the result from their investigation and JJY is acquitted. He's free from all charge. :bawling:  :grin:

I feel like I wanna cry. He got so much unfair treatment since that news blew up. They treated him like a criminal, like a killer. :tears:


I translated the article with google, so not sure if it's right, but it seems like these so called sex video that media accused him filming never exist. JJY and his ex already said it was just a prank video. His ex-gf showed her frustration in her online statement because media accused her for filming something like that, she said she still have dignity as a woman and wouldn't record such a video.

*sigh* if it is a prank, why she went that far? Prank is meant to be a prank and it should just stay there as a prank. Why showing your frustration if it's your fault to begin with? You did this not knowing how SK's medias work? Or you know but you still did? Are you a kindergartner?

Wait a min, did they record or they did not? Bcs if I'm not mistaken, JJY admitted that they did record it but the 2 seconds vid stays only between him and her, and he already deleted it.

OKAY I'M SO MAD READING ALL YOUR COMMENTS ON THOSE TRASHY REPORTERS AND MEDIAS!! :rage:  If only I can curse now &^%$#GTDASFT$##@!!! Come maknae, make songs to trash them back. Y'know how sick they are!

If I were JJY, I will file a lawsuit to all of them who accusing me for something I didnt do and tarnish my image. We need to teach them not to write any trash articles just for the sake of profit. Bcs of that stupid trash articles, k-netz went crazy and accusing JJY without knowing that they are being played by the medias. Yeah, well played. REAAAALLY WELL PLAYED!! *applause*

And yes, did you guys read the article on Allkpop regarding JJY's alleged sex tape video being spread online? I'm so furious when reading it! Stop it, people! This is so sickening!

Okay, I'm done ranting. Now go back to work.


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@chocmagma JJY said in presscon that they filmed the video his ex-gf reported him for when they were dating, it was a short clip and just a prank among them. He never said it's sex video. His ex-gf also said the same thing on her online statement. She said she still has dignity as a woman and would never record sex video. It was just 2 seconds clips and they deleted it after. After re-investigation, prosecutor has proven what they said to be right. There's no such a thing as sex video. Nothing in the video they recorded that could make her feel sexually humiliated or was recorded in sexual way. So what exactly her real reason reported him in the first place? Only them can answer that.

That's what I want too, JJY to sue everyone who ruined his image. It's not the right time to be a nice person with big heart and forgive everyone.


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@montanari Ikr, the tattoos really comes in handy for certain times lol and his collarbone/chest tattoo is quite big and pretty obvious so I don't get how they can believe the video :angry: I hope they can find the person who spread it and punish them severely. I think JJY and his agency should sue all of them especially that Reporter Park Hyo Shil that started this whole mess. And for JJY finger tattoo, the story behind it is so funny lol

@chocmagmaI hate those people that attacked the celebrities even before they are proven guilty even treating them like they are proved to be guilty. Those people should just live their life and not to mess other people's. JJY did acknowledge that he filmed a short clip just for fun and deleted it immediately but media made people assume it is a "Sex Video". Actually the word "Sexual Assult", "Sex Video", "Hidden Camera" and some other statements are all false and never been used on the investigation even from when his ex gf filed a lawsuit. Those words and statements are nothing related to the lawsuit. I think his ex gf just need something to sue him for since if she doesn't have anything, the prosecutor can't investigate JJY. I'm not defending her and I also think she is wrong and childish for filling a lawsuit cause of small quarrel but I think she also didn't know that the scandal will become this big. To me, the media really sucks. The just freely add any words and publish them and to the people who believe without any facts are also the same. 

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Guest chocmagma

@montanari I'm sorry for getting confused. Yesss I wanna really know why she reported him at first place? What is her real aim for doing so?

Dear JJY ex gf, are you satisfied watching JJY being dragged down bcs of your stupid move? Are you water ghost?

@mj25 well said, dear. Well said. The ex gf really got nothing to do other than causing this chaos and make people to hate her more (and curse her ofc) lmao. JJY is a celebrity, I doubt it wont make big. Well, medias are willing to do anything to make people read their articles and sadly, people bought that.

Moral of the story, think before you act.

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@chocmagma I lol'ed at water ghost.

But I just got a bad news. JJY cancelled his band's concert on October 22nd and the one on November. That means he still not ready to get back to entertainment world and wanna have a longer break. Sigh. :cry: Even after he's acquitted, he still doesn't want to come back immediately. I feel that he's sick with entertainment world, media and society he lives in. I hate those journalists even more now and K-netz who dragged him just based on the false report. They're destroying a honest guy's image and confidence like that.

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Its such a great news to hear.I dont watch this show for two week because i need JJY result first.Now after JJY proof not guilty,maybe i will start to watch without any worries.fuhh.I agree with all of you guys.I think JJY side should sue the reporter for spreading the false rumor.

I just hope JJY can make a comeback soon when he's already feel good and settled.

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1 hour ago, chocmagma said:


*sigh* if it is a prank, why she went that far? Prank is meant to be a prank and it should just stay there as a prank. Why showing your frustration if it's your fault to begin with? You did this not knowing how SK's medias work? Or you know but you still did? Are you a kindergartner?


Hi @chocmagma I think JJY said that he take full responsibility because he start the whole thing,the issue never happened.Imo i assume maybe he jokingly said he will record video between them in bed??because why the gf need to be scared.When the rumor about sex tape,she make report because she truly believe that JJY actually record that without asking JJY frst.:angry:

Misunderstanding happened.

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38 minutes ago, bread90 said:

Hi @chocmagma I think JJY said that he take full responsibility because he start the whole thing,the issue never happened.Imo i assume maybe he jokingly said he will record video between them in bed??because why the gf need to be scared.When the rumor about sex tape,she make report because she truly believe that JJY actually record that without asking JJY frst.:angry:

Misunderstanding happened.


Sorry, but you misunderstood the whole thing here. Let me explain it to you. JJY never said what you thought he said. His ex-gf reported him for video but she never said in her report that it was hidden camera or it was sex video. She just reported him once after they had heated argument and dropped it immediately. After it blew up in media, she didn't report him again. If anything, she filed petition to prove his innocence. JJY said in his presscon that it was prank video among them and he'd take full responsibility because his ex is not public figure and has a bright future. His ex-gf also said the same thing on her online statement. She said she still has dignity as a woman and would never record sex video. It was just 2 seconds clips prank video and they deleted it after. After re-investigation, prosecutor has proven what they said to be true. There's no such a thing as sex video. Nothing in the video they recorded that could make her feel sexually humiliated or was recorded in sexual way. 

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@chocmagma Ikr, she should have think first before she went to the police :angry: At least, they should have just talk it out and all of this things won't happened. And for the media, I think now they are proved to fabricating stories and reported it with only groundless rumour. 

@bread90 I think I read on some news, it was stated that the statements of the girlfriend during the lawsuit has nothing to do with sex tape and that she only said that he reported him because he has a short video of her and to make the lawsuit go through but she never mentioned it's something related to sex video and that she reported it when they were still dating and drop it shortly after and not like some media who reported it the the lawsuit is filled after they broke up. But instead she submitted 3 petitions to clear his name.  

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C9 Entertainment official notice of Drug Restaurant concert cancellation ㅠ ㅠ

I think JJY will really take a break for a while. I guess he really feels exhausted with all of this. 


I just read about the false rumor. I am so mad. Why can't they stop already!!! They literally call a porn video of a random Korean dude without tattoos as JJY's leaked sex tape. Like how creative is that (♯`∧´)

Anyway, this is too much. I hope JJY could enjoy his break from this crazy world. 

Edited by yuzupooh
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@bread90 That's what normal people do, solve it among them. But this girl wasn't on her right mind lol.

@yuzupooh Who wouldn't tbh. This whole thing must be dried him out. But at least the last statement in that announcement make me feel a little bit relieved that JJY doesn't give up on his career.

"And Jung Joon Young is also really sorry for any inconvenience unwillingly caused by him. He promised that he will prepare for the concerts well and be back with good songs."

It said he will prepare for the concert well, and I think that means they will plan another concert after this, maybe year end concert. Be back with good songs means he will release new music after the break. I guess he still can't do two hours concert this month because it need a lot of energy to do that and he's exhausted right now. Since he's already acquitted, maybe he will take a vacation like go overseas and traveling during his break.

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12 hours ago, mj25 said:

@montanari Ikr, the false use of words by the journalists were what make this case very big and gain a lot of negativity. They just use and add additional words to their report and it spread like wildfires. Those haters will only be able to read the whole article if it is negative, if it is positive, they are all run away :angry: I mean he is someone whose mentality is very strong but how this case has affected all of his family, friends, co-workers and fans. I'm not sure why but I think this case has made quite a big scar on JJY's heart. For him to be betrayed by the media who in real life, should have help him to gain his image but in this case damaging his :angry:

I heard that his agency might filed a lawsuit against those who spread the false rumour i.e. those who said on some online community that the video that was mentioned is a sex tape and JJY was on it. Which is totally false since he never filmed a sex video and from what I heard form his korean fans, the person inside the video doesn't even have a single tattoo on his body while JJY has 2 on his body and 3 on his arms (this is already a very clear evidence). I don't get how some people could believe the video -_- 


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EDIT: (Cr: Allkpop) OMG I can't stand those haters. This case is closed what more do they want from him seriously! 

Jung Joon Young's alleged sex tape roams web + C9 Entertainment responds 

Yesterday, Jung Joon Young's sexual assault case regarding his ex-girlfriend officially drew to a close with his innocence proven. However, the controversy is still a hot topic online, as Jung Joon Young's alleged sex tape has been leaked. 

The singer's label C9 Entertainment responded, "The man in the video that is currently being spread online is not Jung Joon Young. At first, we did not take legal action because we didn't even see it worthy of action; however, we are now currently discussing how to take care of the issue since the video is continuing to spread. We will announce our plans against the person who initially spread the video, claiming it's Jung Joon Young in it, once we come to a decision."

Netizens also stood on Jung Joon Young's side and commented, "I saw the video and it's someone who looks like Jung Joon Young", "It's obviously not him ㅡㅡ His body was way too built for it to be Jung Joon Young. The only thing that was similar was his thick double eyelid", "It's so sad to see Jung Joon Young suffer because of that false exclusive report by that reporter Park", and more. 


what is the reaction the netizen on this news?

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