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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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I would love it if YJ and MH could end up together but for me I want to see DH packed off to jail for both death's I want SY to know what kind of person she has been helping to hurt the man she professes to love, and with that knowledge understand why she was not MH's choice and just leave.
DH father will now know how low not only his son is but also his wife. I shocked to say the least in finding out she knew that DH was guilty all the time. What a classic case of like mother like son. YJ should agree with the mom get San back and turned it the lot of them. The writer should make away that the mothers activities are illegal also that way they both can rot in jail.

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Hi all!I did not dare to watch any of your post. So I do not check in here.But I can not stand it!!!! Just check in now to wish every body stay strong for tonight, and for eng sub!!!!  ^:)^
Still haven't read any post except for @pepper2. Start feeling so anxious... Dear Writer, Please be kind to MH and YJ!!!  ~X(

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After watching Ep15 subbed I get one thing.

What Daddydearest is protecting is not being chaebol or the good life. The Kgroup is MHs mom and his love for MHs mom. Protecting Kgroup is to keep MHs mom and his love for her alive.

At the hospital he makes MH realise that MH and daddydearest are so much alike. That MHs mom is the same for him as YJ is to MH.

That is why MH protects the company to preserve and protect his Dads love for his mom.


At this point I dont really care if they use San as a lie from OGRE to keep YJ at bay or if he really is alive.

IF he is alive and she gets him back at the end I can say from experience that SHE WILL NOT connect him to DH. She will look at San as her child PERIOD.

Also if she gets MH back since he himself grew up with a stepmom he will disregard who the biological father is.

Also I think the relationship between MH and stepmom will grow enormously after what he found out and respect her more as stepmom as she is also a part of MHs moms love to him and his father.

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Dear new ost, i'm sorry i once told you i like Jisung's voice in the short happy birthday song better. have been listening to the song for hours and i have to say this song kinda grows in me. i somehow can get the heartbreaking emotion Jisung tries to deliver through the song.  and i hate me because the scene where MH cries after YJ left him keeps repeating in my brain. how can their love be that painful, seriously?? *banging head on the wall YJ style*
but like someone here have already mentioned, i, too, am happy at the fact that they played Jisung's song yesterday. i mean i'd rather have a painful 15th episode then be comforted and overjoyed when the happy ending finally here, than to have an all-is-well episode for the first half of the finale only to be painfully thrown to hell with the sad ending and the last ost as a team. i mean, get a sad ending and hear him singing "How can our love be this painful? I smile and smile and cry again.. I love you like crazy, I miss you like crazy. My love is like a storm, making my heart explode.."?? no thanks, i don't want to sob every time i remember this show.
nervously waiting for the last episode while still hoping this show could last forever, but i will still keep my faith in you, writernim. please please, don't let this show get a sad ending. i don't care if you want to give some time leap, i don't care whether San is alive or dead, i don't care how you will punish DH (ok, to be honest i'm still care for that. he deserves the worst for punishment). at this stage, i honestly don't even care if you guys want to separate MH from SY by having her regret all her wrongdoings in last minutes or by telling MH to act like nappeun namja and leave her just like that to be with YJ. i only care for the two lead to get their happy endings. they deserve that, this show deserves that, and we fans deserve to get that as well.

[-O< [-O< [-O< [-O<

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Guest nesschino83 .

I love what MH told YJ in ep 15:<<Since you said "It's going to be alright!", then it's all going to be alright.>> So in order to reinforce his statement I'm going to say it too:"It's going to be alright!".  ;)

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The only thing for me to be forgiving about SY as she's been a B from hell all the time from the getgo.

1. She will return ALL her shares in K-group.

2. She will appologize to MH preferable on her knees as all thats happened to MH is ALL her selfish doing.

3. She will do the same to YJ on her knees and that she is the one that makes YJ go and stop Mh in the airport.

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Guest nanany17

Haven't posted on this site in years. But  yet here I am again all thanks to this great drama 'Secret'. :) It is truly one of the best dramas I've seen this year. I enjoy the plot, the actors, the music, everything. I am so sad that today is the final episode. I have been lurking ( I have read about 300 pages, yes 300 pages but I've never posted anything). I enjoyed all of your opinions, weigh ins, and insights.

I hope MH and YJ end up together. They deserve a happy ending, especially after all they've been through. Please writer-nim, give us a good ending :)))

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I have not fully watched the episode yet, just the parts of them together for a day and night and the last part when she points out to DH family that they basically knew she was not the driver and they still let her go to jail for their son. Shamelessness. What made their family so much more important then YJ's life and family? Her prospects of becoming a chef and/or world renown baker are lowly compared to this a z z's prospects of being a prosecutor. You reap what you sow and I hope that they pay. I don't care how but someone needs to pay! I have no more to say on the San issue, it is what it is, either he is alive or not. I do not care. I do care about what the Secret is when YJ left MH the morning after. I still dislike the step mom and could care less if MH understands her more. I also dislike the dad, sure your sick and can no longer fight to save your company and memories of your love, but you shackled your son to a crazy person who tried to take the company down from within to protect YOUR love and although you can understand his feelings for YJ , you still had him give her up. So he lost his love to protect yours. YJ has a stronger character then MH mom look at what she endured and still came out holding her head high. She would never cave in like his mom did and definitely would never leave her child by dying if she could help it. (I am really hoping that MH had a back up plan and is not tied to crazy for long.)  SY she can go suck a lemon, I am done with that nut job. You did all that to get someone that you can now see dislikes you. I guess you really thought you could have him care about you after all you did. This is real life chicky and this is what you get when you betray someone who really cared for you as a friend.  Time jump or not I just want our OTP's to be together and us not have to wait until the last 5 mins to see it.

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Guest wanzhaf

The marriage... i was so shocked reading about it. Just like everyone else, i assumed it was a photo shoot. aisyyy... ..  =((

But it doesn't count if MH refuse to register, right??

 Or if no bedding (LOL) ... it can be annulled, right?? (chaebal!!! give me some hope)
(But poor SY. Not only MH didnt even look at her, or want to stay in the same room with her. She absolutely has no chance to taste the heaven that MH and YJ are sharing... nope... not even a smell... muahahaha....)

Or if she turn up to be JH's killer... then MH can dump her in prison for life
(Please, no saying i am sorry, or saying i regret to force you, or even kneeling down... or even joining nunnery.... and she is forgiven!!!! Its so disgusting when k-drama use these pathetic excuses to redeem the sinner)

If the wedding is for MH to retreat and buy time to save K-Holding, then i wont be that bitter. After all, he has already reformed so much....
(honest to god, i still dont like the step-mum. If she yelled that she raised MH, at least have a courtesy to understand him. I feel that shes so scared that she will loose all the wealth and status that is given to her.)

So the poop mother knew her son was guilty of driving?? OMG, another secret was revealed. Did the father also knew about it? Never saw that coming. Emmmm.... but tonight i feel San is only a bait to force YJ to  retreat..... RIP San ( you know i love how cute you were)

I still havent watch ep 15. Not even a scar kiss ... or the skinship... or even the bed scene.. can make me watch it as i know i can only see water-dropping from my screen.... blurring all the images... :((

Thirty min to finale... goshhhh... :-SS :-SS :-SS Please be kind to us, Secret. Let us die happily....


;)) :D ;;) >:D< :\"> <:-P :)>-

To all recappers, screencappers, secret lovers. Thanking each and every one in this thread in advance. May we survive tonight
[-O< [-O< [-O<

Morale of the drama:
(stick to romance comedy only. At least you wont suffer heart burn, heart ache, swollen eyes, insomnia, heart attack.  And suddenly become a violent person who start cursing and using foul language every time those villain visit your screen)

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