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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

Guest msmall

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That Episode Was Done Exactly As It Should Have, Tieing Up All The Lose Ends, Revealing Those 3 Secretes That Needed To Be Revealed :) I'm Happy That Do Hoon's Mom Went To Prison For What She Did With San (Her Own Grandson!). In regards To San, That's A Very Sad Case That He Was Taken Away From His Birth Parents and Adopted Out To New Parents. It Happens a lot In Real Life Sadly. It's Realistic As Sad And Painful It Must Have Been For YJ & DH, It Was For The Best Since He Was Raised By His Adoptive Parents, They Are His Parents In His Books Since They Raised Him. That Fact She Decided To Let Them Raise Them, Is The Ultimate Punishment That Do Hoon Was Dealt With, Being Denied The Right To Raise His Son. That Alone Helped, In My Opinion, Decide To Turn Himself In And Face Justice That He Has Been Running From. And I'm Thinkimg What SY Confessed To Him About Meeting JH That Night She Was Killed. I'm A Bit Dissapionted About The Fact SY Didn't Get Her Comeupings! Unless Daddy Cut Her Off Financially And She Had To Close That Shady Gallery Of Hers. Unless Someone Can Tell Me Otherwise. I Watched The Raw Episode. The Whole Time Elapse Thing Was Abit Off To Me :? But It Can't be Helped. Lol The Hook Ups In The End Are Unexpected! Kang Min & MH's Half Sister, GwangSoo & Hye Ri! awe I Wanted GwangSoo & Gangster Uni (Curly Haired One) But But OMG Sandara Park Uni Prego Threw Me Through A Loop! I Didn't Expect That! It's Nice That MH's Daddy & Step Mom Finally Decided and Came To Terms With Letting MH Love The One He Loves YJ! A Happy Ending Indeed! Over All, I'm Happy & Sad That It's Over But I Guess I'll Go Check Into Rehab Now 8-}

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@ymiss I'll Be Joining You Over At Golden Rainbow Thread :) It's The Next Drama I'm Starting Since I Finished Watching This One :) Going To Miss All These Wonderful People On This Thread :'( I'll Marathon All 4 Episodes Tonight or Tomorrow :)

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@melllifluorence - awesome recap, thank you so much. I teared reading your description of DH at the park. Yes, DH is a complex character - some say that in the original synopsis, DH was the main character but that was subsequently tweaked. 

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Guest blueivy


@ymiss said

I'll be joining You Over At Golden Rainbow Thread

I'll meet you both there to enjoy the drama. Liked it very much

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class="post-title"Actor Ji Sung’s sad song “Heights of Wind Storm” is the grand finale of Secret


KBS2’s Wednesday-Thursday drama Secret (Also known as Secret Love, Written by Choi Ho Cheol, Yoo Bo Ra, Directed by Lee Eung Bok, Baek Sang Hoon)’s OST “Heights of Wind Storm” sung by Ji Sung will be unveiled to the public on November 13 at noon.
Kang Dong-Yoon has written, Kim Se Jin has composed, and Lee Keon Young has arranged the soft ballad of which heart-warming melodies are expected to win the hearts of viewers. 
“Heights of Wind Storm” by the male lead of Secret has become the talk of the town because his feelings and emotions are well expressed in the heartbreaking romantic song. Ji Sung will win the hearts of millions of women for his romantic sad song with genuine love of one man who loves just one woman with his whole heart.
Especially, the song’s lyrics of “I can not live without you even if I collapse when hit with a hard wind” shows how much Min Hyuk loves Yoo Jeong, and it arouse curiosity of a lot of audiences about the television series’s ending.
“Secret will come to a great finale with ”Heights of Wind Storm” sung by Ji Sung. The song will impress people and stick with the viewers a long time after the drama ends,“ said an official of the drama.
The original song for the ending to the KBS2 drama will be unveiled through online music sites today at noon.
On the other hand, Secret starring Ji Sung, Hwang Jung Eum, Bae Soo Bin, and Lee Da Hee is a story about a rich “bad boy” falls in love with an innocent but tenacious woman who went to prison for her boyfriend’s ‘hit and run’ murder. It will go off the air this Thursday.


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m_g said: Big thanks for @tessieroo @oyeleyeolusina  @dramalove777 @missmaple @peaches_2280 @falloutjane @dirfree for all recaps, screencaps and posts. OMG how I wish at least this drama got 1 ep extension morely for MH-YJ scene >.<
Glad our Secret got number one (it's the red line one)

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I upload HJE greeting for fans omg unnie I'm gonna miss this drama so much! Your acting too awesome!!!

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Guest blueivy

I'm split... To me Secret has one more episode in it.... I fell like episode 16 was rushed... My only advised is extend a drama to an extra episode instead of rushing it. I would like to know if MH is going to worked at YJ bakery or at his dad company as director etc

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waaaa...i can't believe it's over!! wow...the ending is so sweet~it's up to my expectation...everyone get what they deserved...and i have made a right decision to stay with this drama from day one till now~...i guess no more TGIW  :(( huhu

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Guest Umrn Cbsy

@tessieroo  @oyeleyeolusina  @dramalove777 @missmaple @peaches_2280 @falloutjane @dirfree  thanks for your great recaps minute by minute... they were amazing. I just felt that I'm watching the drama as live.
and@melllifluorence for detailed recap the sentences I wonder very much. I really had the chance to live the athmosphere in it. Also Armenia is interesting I think... MH has exiled himself to Armenia for a while. Happy for happy ending but MH&JY scenes are too short to feel the ending. ıt would be great if they had more scenes together. And last note: yes I have also noticed that MH is lloking the photos and there YH and San's photo was on the left in bakery shop. Thank you Secret society it was great to be here and share our feelings

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this drama ends at last... like really really, jjinjja jjinjja, ends? *sobs like crazy*but at least we got the happy ending for the otp *though i seriously need more than just few minutes of giggly kiss at the end of eps* and the villain got punished (but i still think the writer's being too kind. i know DH regrets how he has turned every one's life into hell, from YJ to his family to his son and even to himself, but that still doesn't justify whatever he did for..yeah, about 15 episodes earlier. and SY? tore the marriage contract and shazam, suddenly she's the victim? no, being friendzoned doesn't mean you have every right to turn into psycho and ruin the life of your best friend/crush/one and only love/eternal obsession, and well i am being too demanding)and i still hope there will be sequel...err, no, probably not sequel, but at least a special episode. an hour of MH's and YJ's cuddling session, perhaps, silently-peeping writernim?
and anyway thank you for every one here, this was such an amazing ride with you all, chingunims! still don't know where to go or what to watch after this. not sure will be able to go back to Heirs where love is the moment being sung in every corner, and don't think am prepared to watch Jan Geun Seuk and his shampoo-model-like hair romancing IU. any suggestions on the next amazing drama? do be kind and take me with you!

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Guest ccmbebe

I felt so relieved that we have a happy ending! Thank you all here and the writer and PD gave us a happy ending. I wish there are more MH&YJ. But the last 5 minutes are precious, their kiss look so real~  it made me smile like crazy, I'll watch it repeatedly from now :)

I do miss this drama so much, I don't think I can start watching another drama soon. I plan to re-watch this drama again. I miss MH and YJ  T_T

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Guest SexyDolceVita

This is one of the best and most tidy K Drama endings I've seen in recent years so far...

Much better than the Goddess of Marriage's ending too.

So...if any of you are displeased with this ending... I really don't know what else to say... hahaha....

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:-B Just wanted to Thank everyone excellent recaps and comments all of them wise and insightful. I admit to staying away from melodramas, just because I end up being very judgmental and tend to impulsively categorize characters, and I wasn't any different with this drama. Reading all the different perspectives I am totally able to rethink and accept that the characters in Secret are much more complex than what I have seen in some of the more recent dramas. Complex characters are what makes Secret an exceptional drama. ......>>>but I will say that.... DH...at so many moments in his life could have made better choices, but he didn't. His biggest mistake is he always blamed everyone else for his wrong decisions. He deserved time in Prison because he left a human being along side of the road to die. True story in my town six months ago: 16 yr old walking home from work gets hit, and driver leaves him on the side of the road....how did they find the driver...the driver saw the story on the news and told his friend, he was the one that committed the hit and run. His friend was appalled that he left the young man to die and not get help, so, the friend turned him in to the police. The hit and run driver showed no remorse whatsoever. DH in so many instances could have made better decisions, but in his case, DH would rather look out for himself and blame everyone else than make responsible decisions. He deserves a new life after prison, only if he learns from his mistakes, otherwise, no one would be safe around him. Not even his son. For me, DH's mother was the person I found difficult to excuse not even for the love of her son should she have taken away YJ. Who made her God? Well, this is my last post ... on a high note, if the Secret Production Team and everyone involved in the making of this drama could see this.... I would say: you guys are the best. Thanks for a job well done. To everyone on this site...your company was truly enjoyable. ^:)^ as for what to watch next...maybe I'll only skim through dramas, till I find one worth really investing time like Secret. :-h

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Okay, this is probably my last comment on this thread... I just want to say...

DH looked crazy though smiling in the mirror just be SY sent him a picture... really creepy!

When I saw the ending, I wanted to be the bread MH ate, and the fingers he licked!!!! My favorite looks on him.  He was so sexy when he licked his fingers and when he picked YJ up and put her on the table.  The kiss by YJ was nice to see, as she was taking the steps towards him. 

Ji Sung.... I love you! I love you! Saranghaeyo!

I will miss you until your next drama....Enjoy your honeymoon.

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