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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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i just think that KJK only tried to show how close he is with SJH

he wouldn't be like that if he and SJH is not comfortable with each other

and looking from SJH's reaction, she's not surprise, she even fight back :D


sometimes they act lovey dovey, sometimes they bicker and fight

that's what i like about them

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2 hours ago, airplanegirl said:

I don't think you guys realize but this was JK's original variety character. The grumpy and evil younger brother. It's just that he's played the loveline role for so long, that people often forget that this was his original character. 

You are 100% right and he remember me why I hate him at the beginning of Running Man. I have to say that after washing several times that scene looks acted and I agree is he playing his Running man character sadly I really hate that character

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Guest athoughtcloud1

When I first watched the episode RAW, I felt it was more serious than it turned out to be watching it subbed.Think JK was acting out the angry team leader who was picking a fight with everybody on the other team and was trying to provoke JH, but yeah, it did look a bit too strong to me compared to how he usually pushes JH. Since he is a big guy, he sometimes doesn't have a sense of his own strength. So I can understand JH fans who felt  worried seeing that. However, at the end of the day, they are all like family who know why somebody does what they do. They know how to sort things out if they feel one person went a bit too far. KwangMong, KookSoo all have had their over the top moments and they can sometimes go overboard for variety's sake but then I don't think any of them is trying to intentionally hurt the other person. Again, we are yet to see the end of the episode. If they don't edit out the BTS, we may get to see what happened afterwards between JK and JH.  @Dina82 I really don't think JK is the kind of guy who will not make up to a person if he feels he has hurt that person intentionally or unintentionally.  He was saying sorry to Suk Jin in the bus after asking him to shut up. So I am sure he has made it up to or will make it up to JH too if the PDs do show us that (they cut out the part where JK was trying to make up with JH in an earlier episode when she got angry after the side burn pulling game). But I have a feeling they will show us something this time around since they did not cut out much SA this episode. 

At the same time, I think we also should see JK's actions in perspective. I think it was part of his going back to his earlier image on the show, that of the bullying commander. JK was being aggressive not only towards JH, but also towards Haha, who is his dongsaeng and someone he is really close to. After a long time, you had JK ordering around Haha when for long, they have had a really sweet equation on the show. JK acting angry with Haha is not coz winning the mission is that important to him but coz that is what would create variety moments and give them screen time. I do feel JK is a bit lost on the show after the addition to the cast. Based on his old image, he is being forced into lovelines that no longer work. The show does not have any challenging missions now, just a lot of banter and he is trying to find his place. For the past few episodes, he was on the sidelines. So perhaps now, he has been asked to take up his earlier role on the show or he himself felt he had to revert to his earlier character to make things more entertaining for variety. On the bright side, JK's reverting to his earlier character did lead to him and his team getting screen time while earlier they would have been sidelined. While I do feel happy seeing JK, JH and Haha together working as the perfect team, the banter usually comes when there is some conflict within the team. That way, the Unlucky quartet were far more entertaining for me in the quiz than the SA team. So I kind of understood why JK decided to go rogue and claim the prize money for himself.

Since the missions have become pretty pedestrian and not much attention is hence given to how a difficult mission is done which is where SA used to shine before, the drama happens in the teams these days because of betrayal and banter.  It was because there was that whole bit about JK coaching Haha and Haha resisting that their team got screen time. If four of them had done their mission well, what would there have been to show? The other team had the Yoo-Lee combination whose bickering and bantering have a steady fanbase.  Thus I can understand JK reverting to his older angrier character on the show. He did it to some extent in the last episode too. While I enjoy naggy coach JK and Haha, the unwilling pupil (Haha's Mamma Mia cracked me up), I find it really sweet when JK is encouraging towards Haha like he used to do in the rope-bridge mission.So I really hope he finds soon that perfect balance soon between the nagging team leader variety persona he used to have earlier and the wisecracking calmer Kookie of the later years. The other thing is the PDs should also think team bonding is something as important and worth airing as teams falling apart coz of betrayal or back-stabbing.

But if you notice, after that, JH also became quite ready to pick fights with the other team. When JK 'hit' JS, she was also acting provoked saying 'you laid a finger on JS oppa!'. 

Overall, I think this is the make or break time for RM and the production team is trying out various roles for the members that gel in with that of the others, especially the new members. The first few episodes after the addition of the new cast were about finding roles for the new members. I think the addition of a female member has been more tricky to navigate than that of a male member since many RM fans were more resistant to seeing another woman on RM other than JH. Wisely, the production team tried to give  enough screen time to JH (so that the RM fans won't feel JH was being left out) and you could see the guys also interacting with JH and drawing attention to her so that her character on the show would be stabilized even with a new woman coming in. For instance, you can see YJS interacting with JH a lot more now than he did before on the show. Hence the first few episodes were centred around the women with JH, So Min being the centres of their teams which meant female guests had to be called in to be the centre of the other team. The members who were part of the teams with the new members got more screen time and focus. The one person who got left out of the re-configurations was JK who either didn't receive enough screen time or was made part of the same old loveline format that doesn't grab as many eye-balls as it used to. So I think the team has been trying to fix JK's character on the show that gels with that of the new members in the past 2 episodes shot back to back - first as a spy with So Min (where from what I heard based on the Chinese subs, they were called siblings from the countryside) and then this episode where Se Chan was part of his team and was part of the bullied lot.  JK was given enough screen time in both episodes and you could see the other members drawing attention to him and humouring his idiosyncrasies. In both the episodes, you could see JK trying to go back to his older image, that of the angrier Commander. At the same time, JK's equation with JH on the show has been pretty ambiguous for a while now since either they were being careful with their interactions or their interactions were being edited out. JK's present equations which have variety potential are only with JS since KookSoo is no longer what it used to be. So I guess JK was trying to reframe his equation with Haha and make it more variety-like? We will have to watch more episodes to see how his character gets re-built on the show. But a JK-Haha-LKS-Se Chan combination is also interesting since hopefully it will be less about their bad luck and more about other things.

JH and So Min were part of the same team in this episode and they will be together again in the Mongolia episode. They seem to get along  though perhaps still trying to find out what kind of a person the other is. I think it is good news that the production team is interested in making this sismance work coz I thought they would go with the one woman teams for the Russia and Mongolia trips. JH has been teamed up with Se Chan twice while JK has had Se Chan in his team only once. So it is understandable that they want to make both JK and JH interact more with the new members. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

I really enjoyed this episode. I think it is coz this had some missions and had the members moving around instead of sitting around in the same place and doing missions which weren't all food-related. May be above all, what I enjoyed was the competitiveness where members were doing their best to win the missions instead of playing around. While the steal the shoe mission wasn't quite as exciting as name-tag ripping, it was refreshing to watch the members out in an open area running around, fighting with each other, forming teams and making plans as well as unexpected members getting out. Laughed so hard at JSJ becoming the race starter again as well as going to the jail! I really wish the PDs try to think of proper games since there are so many twists and turns that can happen when there are games to be played - like JK outing himself or KS' shoe outing Haha after it landed on the Winner column. The team combinations were also fun this time and the quiz in the beginning and the irrelevant quiz were quite fun to watch. I am really excited to watch the next episode and I haven't been this excited to watch RM in a while. I think the members who end up going on the dangerous tour will be the usual suspects, but I hope there is at least JK in it since I really don't see JH or So Min getting picked. I would love to see JK do a mission that challenges him! 

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1 hour ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

I really enjoyed this episode. I think it is coz this had some missions and had the members moving around instead of sitting around in the same place and doing missions which weren't all food-related. May be above all, what I enjoyed was the competitiveness where members were doing their best to win the missions instead of playing around. While the steal the shoe mission wasn't quite as exciting as name-tag ripping, it was refreshing to watch the members out in an open area running around, fighting with each other, forming teams and making plans as well as unexpected members getting out. Laughed so hard at JSJ becoming the race starter again as well as going to the jail! I really wish the PDs try to think of proper games since there are so many twists and turns that can happen when there are games to be played - like JK outing himself or KS' shoe outing Haha after it landed on the Winner column. The team combinations were also fun this time and the quiz in the beginning and the irrelevant quiz were quite fun to watch. I am really excited to watch the next episode and I haven't been this excited to watch RM in a while. I think the members who end up going on the dangerous tour will be the usual suspects, but I hope there is at least JK in it since I really don't see JH or So Min getting picked. I would love to see JK do a mission that challenges him! 

I have to say this episode have a creativity evolution, showing the replacement of writers is working. I really like the changing of teams variant as make the show more dynamic making and with a better distribution of scream. I loved the last mission as was like the name tag ripping but lest physical demanding. I also laughed with JSJ elimination what a bad luck plus the twist that JK eliminate himself was hilarious

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dear @athoughtcloud1,

i love you so much.....your post comfort me.

you always do....i really want to meet you in persons...

thank you very much...

and apologize my temper...you know right if you fanatic with idol (for me is ji hyo) all brain and commonsense disappear in the ocean...


shame on me.

dear all chingu,...apologize for my post earlier...

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As for me, I have no single doubt with JK's actions. He's the one best known for bullying others which is his variety character after all. Not only JK, SJ shows no mercy to females even to pretty female guests, and KS kicks her, hits her and pulls her hair all the time. And the whole world knows that's because they're close to each other. Maybe JK's gentleman character influences him so much that people got shocked when he goes aggressive on a woman, but I believe it's for the sake of making the show funny, and they don't even mind bullying each other anyway. 

On the other hand, I'm just really confused with RM these days. They add new casts, they change concepts, they alter members' characters; they keep on making so much change that I'm near to forgetting what RM's original taste is about. 

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I personally never like it when they get way too over the top with their fighting banter, be it with KJK and SJH or any members and guests... like when they stripped KJK, when HH grabbed his friend's groin, when they ganged up on JSJ, now when KJK hit SJH, and any other occasions. I just don't find it funny, but I guess there are a lot of people who find it funny so maybe once in awhile it is needed. (Please note that the VJs and members were laughing so maybe it was not as aggressive as it was on screen)

I guess him having this image as a big strong commending guy make it understandable for fans to be protective of their favourite members' well-being when he gets physical with his bullying character and it's also understandable that his fans get frustrated with people putting him in the villain spot but laughing if he's the one being ganged up by the members and not seeing his dedication to the show. For me, it is important to see the show as it is, which is a variety show intended to bring entertainment.

With that being said, as a fan of the show, I completely agree with @athoughtcloud1 that he really is lost at what to do with his character to a point that I feel really bad for him I kinda wish he quits to focus on better things (but he is stupidly loyal to this show so I think that won't happen). I truly hope he finds the perfect character not by trying to push himself to be that old character but also by trying new things and interactions, especially now that they got new members. Another thing, as a SA shipper, I completely understand if other shippers who are more of SJH fans than KJK got upset to see him like that. No matter how much I try to explain that it is only a variety show, if you got upset/hurt about the scene you may not want to care to see other perspectives. That's okay too if you stop shipping him with her but I hope people can be civil and rational about this instead of leaving nasty comments about him everywhere.

I think SJH more than anything knows that he'd never do that only for the sake of hurting her, just like she knows that other male members love her despite anything they say/do for the show. Those times KJK wronged her on the screen, like that time he hit her with pillow in one hit, and that time he pulled her side hair, he always apologised to her right away, so I wish people also put that into consideration when they want to judge him based on this one scene. (I remember one guest said that KJK was being really aggressive when they were on RM then he apologised off-screen even if he didn't have to, so there's that). Also, the PD-note picture which showed them hugging side-by-side was from a scene where they picked the destination country after this whole games so I assume that they make up on screen (hopefully??) or at least it is a prove that things are fine between them after the so-called 'fight', as it has always been.

(This got looong, sorry lol)

2 hours ago, perfectmatchjs said:

On the other hand, I'm just really confused with RM these days. They add new casts, they change concepts, they alter members' characters; they keep on making so much change that I'm near to forgetting what RM's original taste is about. 

I totally get where you're coming from. Tbh, I also spend a lot of times expecting the show to go back to where it was before but it is pretty much impossible. I hate changes but holding on to the past never bring good things so I guess we'll just have to move on and enjoy this new Running Man with new members and new PDs and new types of games (or NOT enjoy, it's up to the viewers, we can always stop watching). I think they were struggling to keep up with the expectation and fame of the old Running Man but when the drama happens and they were about to be axed I feel like the production crew was like, "Oh well. Nothing to lose now, might as well do what we think is best," and I personally think it's getting better. It's nice to see the rating increases. It's nice to see SJH back to her character and get more screen times.

ALSO! I really love SJH-JSM interactions! Maybe that's just me but it's nice to see SJH taking care of JSM and to see JSM relying on her. I love it when she held JSM's hand when JSM was about to get a massage last episode and I love it when she called JSM to be on her team with HH and KJK on this episode. I think it'll be interesting to have an episode where they're like the spy and beat the other male members lol. I didn't know if it was the editing, but I didn't see much of the sisters interaction with Lizzy, so I find it really cute to see SJH and JSM together because I'm a sucker for brotherly/sisterly relationships, just like how I love Uri Hyung Nae Dongsaeng.

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I agree that all the members in running man in some point get violent and that is a really gray area that sometimes is funny ( as the remembered old scene of KW vs JH fight dressed in costumes) but some times is to much ( as KS heating JK parts, KS vs YS in the sauna, HH vs his friend) and is difficult to RM team to know the exact moment when is to much.

I Agree that KJK is trying to find his character as he has mention in a lot of interviews that been Mr. capable is to stressed as his health sometimes is not good and in this particular episode he tried the commander character (grumpy violent character he used at the beginning in running man) I understand his fans will like him in everything he does but I honestly dont like this character and make me sad as make me remember me how much I hate him at the beginning of running man 

As Spartacer I dont want to see them fighting as they were brothers and yes I admit I dont care to see her fighting with KS or HH  because I am a Spartacer and I ship them in other way. This particular scene was a no,no,no  for me,  I actually doesn't find it really violent as if you look it close was a really fabricate scene in were was he really does is punch down JH cap at the point she says "you just hit me" (we all know that if JK hit JH she will not have any doubt about it) but she need it the confirmation to begging the planed biggering. My position regarding this is that I love their natural interaction I dont want to see love lines or planed fights for that I wash a drama that will have better written scenes

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Guest athoughtcloud1
15 hours ago, Dina82 said:

dear @athoughtcloud1,

i love you so much.....your post comfort me.

you always do....i really want to meet you in persons...

thank you very much...

and apologize my temper...you know right if you fanatic with idol (for me is ji hyo) all brain and commonsense disappear in the ocean...


shame on me.

dear all chingu,...apologize for my post earlier...

No need to apologize. You poured out what you felt. I could see quite clearly that you are a JH fan who is a spartacer who likes JK, just that this incident upset you. Better we talk things out here and I am glad we have posters here who brought in different points of view to understand what happened. 

Thank you for your kind words. Let's hope there are some wonderful SA moments in the next episode that make up for this. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1
11 hours ago, delusionalduckling said:

I personally never like it when they get way too over the top with their fighting banter, be it with KJK and SJH or any members and guests... like when they stripped KJK, when HH grabbed his friend's groin, when they ganged up on JSJ, now when KJK hit SJH, and any other occasions. I just don't find it funny, but I guess there are a lot of people who find it funny so maybe once in awhile it is needed. (Please note that the VJs and members were laughing so maybe it was not as aggressive as it was on screen)

I guess him having this image as a big strong commending guy make it understandable for fans to be protective of their favourite members' well-being when he gets physical with his bullying character and it's also understandable that his fans get frustrated with people putting him in the villain spot but laughing if he's the one being ganged up by the members and not seeing his dedication to the show. For me, it is important to see the show as it is, which is a variety show intended to bring entertainment.

With that being said, as a fan of the show, I completely agree with @athoughtcloud1 that he really is lost at what to do with his character to a point that I feel really bad for him I kinda wish he quits to focus on better things (but he is stupidly loyal to this show so I think that won't happen). I truly hope he finds the perfect character not by trying to push himself to be that old character but also by trying new things and interactions, especially now that they got new members. Another thing, as a SA shipper, I completely understand if other shippers who are more of SJH fans than KJK got upset to see him like that. No matter how much I try to explain that it is only a variety show, if you got upset/hurt about the scene you may not want to care to see other perspectives. That's okay too if you stop shipping him with her but I hope people can be civil and rational about this instead of leaving nasty comments about him everywhere.

I think SJH more than anything knows that he'd never do that only for the sake of hurting her, just like she knows that other male members love her despite anything they say/do for the show. Those times KJK wronged her on the screen, like that time he hit her with pillow in one hit, and that time he pulled her side hair, he always apologised to her right away, so I wish people also put that into consideration when they want to judge him based on this one scene. 


Well-said! Nice to see you back and totally agree with all that your wrote here.  I too don't like to see them, no matter who it is, getting over-aggressive or when the bullying gets too bad as in all the instances you quoted above. It spoils the fun for me.I think fans have a right to voice their opinion, just that they should also see it as part of their larger interactions or contexts.  I have had the terrible experience of having one of my biases turn out to be a terrible human being, so think it is always better to be upfront about these things than sit quiet out of a sense of loyalty.

There are JH fans who have taken this calmly and fans who have got upset. Like you said, everyone has their bias' well-being in mind and may get emotional over things like this. That is normal. Besides, SA on the show have never been as obvious in their care for each other as say KwangMong. So some fans may not really see things in perspective even though JK and JH have been pretty close colleagues for the past 7 years. True, they came out of the firing together and supported each other every step of the way, deciding to donate to charity, attending the SBS awards together where they did not speak on the red carpet in protest and rejoined the show together. But these days, people have forgotten all that and SA being the people they are have also not referred to what they went through together or how hard it was for them when they were singled out. But I have better expectations from Spartacers who ought to keep these things in mind and not judge JK's entire character based on one thing disregarding the countless times when he has been there for JH . I remember episode 213 where in the mud game, quite strangely, on the platform, JK was cradling JH in his arms while ignoring his partner Kim Min Seo. To many of us, it seemed like he was worried about her getting hurt in the tussle. Then again, in episode 299, to some of us, on a re-watch, it seemed like it was JK who helped JH get on to the platform and not Zico, thus helping her team pass the round even before he had passed his. So at least SA fans need to put something like this along with other things.

I do think JK  will revamp his character on the show as it progresses. These are just early days and JK hasn't had much interactions with the new members as to develop a character that fits with them. That may be the reason why he was trying to revert to his old character. The other 5 guys are chummier with JSM and having been on her team, are more comfortable around her and can tease her while JK never got teamed up with her and their spy mission was such that it didn't give them much time to interact. JK also takes time to get close to women compared to the other guys. Women also need some time to get close to JK since he has an intimidating aura. JK seems more comfortable with Se Chan but again, they were never teamed up until the last episode. Once he figures out how these two are, he may be able to develop a character that fits his real life persona better. Again, it also depends on the PDs what direction each character on the show should take. Hwan Jin was more interested in showing a variety persona for JK that was closer to his real life personality, so we had episodes which showed more of the real him like the I am Sorry, I Love you episode or the blind date episode. Hwan Jin was also not interested in setting up lovelines for JK. When Myuk PD came back for a while, the attempt seemed to me to reprise the old two pillar combination for a while and there was also an attempt at renewing the loveline formula. Young Chul is still figuring out what to do with JK, hence the loveline and the come back of the angry commander. I hope he figures out what to do with JK soon.

Anyway, I look forward to JK's segment during the Russia trip. One of my favourite RM bits is from the Australia episode where the members (though JH is not there) fool around while spending a night in the boarding house together. Hope something like that happens on their Russia trip too. JK is with his favourite dongsaengs and is in a new country; it ought to be a nice break for him!

I am also excited to see JH and So Min share a room or things like that during their Mongolia trip. JH never got to share a room with her RM colleagues except for Lizzy during that cruise ship episode, so think it will be refreshing if there is something like that. 

Went through JK's ig and while some of the comments are mean, some are quite funny and cute to read. It may be coz i-fans consider JK as the go-to-person whenever they have any suggestions or complaints regarding RM since he is the one member who is quite competent in English. I feel that is part of the reason why he is such an SNS addict! LOL

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Btw what do you think JH was doing here? Seems like she took something from JK since she is holding something and trying to keep it somewhere in her shirt while JK is checking something on the back of his shirt as if she had taken something from there? Somebody said she was adjusting his mic. Or perhaps he felt she had taken something when she hadn't? She is also telling him something and their exchange could be either coz she said something to tease him or she took something from him.


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49 minutes ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Btw what do you think JH was doing here? Seems like she took something from JK since she is holding something and trying to keep it somewhere in her shirt while JK is checking something on the back of his shirt as if she had taken something from there? Somebody said she was adjusting his mic. Or perhaps he felt she had taken something when she hadn't? She is also telling him something and their exchange could be either coz she said something to tease him or she took something from him.


She was helping him with the Microphone and in the mean time teasing him :D as you can see after she say something he touches his back. 100% a lovely SA pure moment and the scene I want to remember of this episode :wub:

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Hi guys, actually I love how everybody is trying to defend spartace either by defending KJK or SJH bacause SA is those two. Regarding the "fight", I tried to see why it happened in the first place. KJK was supposed to bring back "the bossy and always hateful commander" caracter, so that scene was about bickering with the opposing team and most likely YJS or LKS, not SJH or JSM. But SJH unintentionally stepped in and right after the verification with the PD about the game's rule, YJS or LKS was supposed to disagree and "boom" the explosion of the commander, however it was SJH who stepped in so KJK had no other alternative but to bicker with SJH. Unfortunately he didn't know what to do so he acted with impusion and pushed her. Then he noticed that the push was just a little hard, so he tried to show her that he did it in a playful way, that's why the gesture with his hand the second time he tried to push her head is a well known thing among Korean people (I have seen it multiple times in drama and other shows. It's done when you punish someone in a playful way). Hopefully, YJS and JSJ the two people with most experience among the cast members stepped in and YJS changed the fignt from between SJH and KJK to his team against JSJ. Actually if you focus on YJS and LKS reaction, you can see them shocked at first and LKS even said "wae hyung?" which is "why hyung?". Also SJH was in disbelief that's why at first she told YJS "He hit me" then she said to KJK "You just hit." and "How dare you" and then she said something about KJK fingers "sonkara" to which KJK said "morago" which means "what did you said" and you can see he was shocked and taken aback a little. After the fight SJH was really angry and sad that's why YJS said "we hit JSJ the most" to make SJH more comfortable as the camera was focused on her. 
All I wanna say and I want people to really understand is that KJK was never trying to hurt SJH intentionally he never did and would never do. It was the situation that implied all of this, and I'm 100% sure KJK apologized to SJH. Also people should understand KJK being stressed out because of what happened from Gary departure, rumors about him and SJH, the controversary with SBS , the addition of the two members, the ratings, him being lost trying to find new caracter, the tall women controversary, many things occured those past months and most of them was very stressing so please he is a human too.
Something I love about YSC in this episode especially when the fight broke, he was quick with trying to stop KJK and you can see him hitting JSJ at the end of the fight lol 

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I too agree with @saissuspicious I don't think he had the intention of pushing her that hard but it just turn out that way and seeing him retreating that way when jh erupt in anger made him realize that he did push her hard and while jh was going off on him you can see him standing by himself not knowing what to do about the situation in front of him and how to calm down an angry jh but think god for the rest of the team who turn the situation around and started on sukjin and put an end to the whole situation, where everybody could calm down and jk saying well done to sj seem abit force and awkward at the same time, when I watch it raw I was like what is jk doing but after watching with sub u get a different understanding of what really when down and it was good to see that after that incident they still remain close to each other and i hope other's would realize that he of all person wouldn't intentionally hurt her in any ways.

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1 hour ago, twinlovers said:

jk saying well done to sj seem abit force and awkward at the same time

Yeah I noticed that too, but later on I thought maybe by JSJ jumping into the fight and taking all the blame, the fight could end that way because if that wasn't the case we could see a mean battle between SA. And it would be awful if a real couple (especially celebrities) fight that way on screen. It's different from scripted fights like what we see between kwangmong or hahyo. 

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I found this page when i was trying to find best ep of spartace.

I was in love with SJH first, im more of her fan than KJK. When i heard about the news about the CEO or Monday couple, i was like "Oh, it's ok, as long as SJH is happy".

I liked KJK back then too, but they were like brother and sister for a long time. Even though i ship them, i couldnt deny that feeling of me. However, they changed recently. They seem closer to eachother whenever i see them.

I have been acted like a crazy fan youtube their moments to watch for days. It's good to see them close (that man-woman, boy-girl close) to eachother x.D

I read older post, i'm sorry if i have to interupt the topic but can you guys suggest me which ep do you love the most neh?

I dont like the newest ep, Jihyo seem sad, both of them was more silent than normal... or it it just me? anyone think that they seem abit sad and didnt want to join the others (but they have to) ? 

Edited by julia147
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55 minutes ago, julia147 said:

I found this page when i was trying to find best ep of spartace.

I was in love with SJH first, im more of her fan than KJK. When i heard about the news about the CEO or Monday couple, i was like "Oh, it's ok, as long as SJH is happy".

I liked KJK back then too, but they were like brother and sister for a long time. Even though i ship them, i couldnt deny that feeling of me. However, they changed recently. They seem closer to eachother whenever i see them.

I have been acted like a crazy fan youtube their moments to watch for days. It's good to see them close (that man-woman, boy-girl close) to eachother x.D

I read older post, i'm sorry if i have to interupt the topic but can you guys suggest me which ep do you love the most neh?

I dont like the newest ep, Jihyo seem sad, both of them was more silent than normal... or it it just me? anyone think that they seem abit sad and didnt want to join the others (but they have to) ? 

hello and welcome :D

there are a lot episodes though. for example ep 21, 57, 62, 138, and many more.

one of which would be ep 103, especially the ending part when KJK kneel down and give the beast's nametag to SJH. and SJ was also their teammates, and whenever SJ is teamed up with SA, there would be more SA moment than usual

maybe they want to celebrate KJK's birthday together, but they have to go different places ?

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