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In terms of fan meetings, I don't think MC will return. I just watched the newest ep of WAIL subbed by OJ Trans, and JH made it clear that MC is strictly colleagues. I expect the fanmeets to have lots of questions about CBL.


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Guest athoughtcloud1
8 hours ago, tuffygarcia said:

In terms of fan meetings, I don't think MC will return. I just watched the newest ep of WAIL subbed by OJ Trans, and JH made it clear that MC is strictly colleagues. I expect the fanmeets to have lots of questions about CBL.


Watched it just now. I too hope so. In the press conferences for the fanmeets, JH has always maintained that she thinks of Gary just as a colleague. But it is during the performances during the fanmeets that JH is pressurised to give fanservice. Usually the MC of the show or JSJ would make the Monday couple stand together and then the cast members would also be asked about what they think of their chances of dating and all. Not to mention at least one lovey-dovey performance for the MC fans.

It all depends on what RM's policy is going to be regarding MC once WAIL ends. It won't work with domestic fans if MC is brought back since they have made it quite clear they are bored with it. Since WAIL is so popular in China now and everybody has got to see a different side of JH which is presented by the show as her real personality, I think it will be hard to sell her image just as the Monday GF to the chinese audience. Since fanmeets are the time the MCs and the reporters at the PCs try hard to get quotable quotes, I also think the questions will be about CB. By the time the first fanmeet starts in August, barely two months would have passed after the end of WAIL, so I am sure it will be fresh in everybody's memory. JH will be giving lots of interviews at the end of WAIL which might extend to the time she is in China for the RM fanmeets , so I don't think the RM fanmeets will be able to pull off an MC revival that easily. Still, I hope none of the cast members (especially JSJ) would come up with richard simmons teasing comments like 'now that WAIL is over, get back with Gary' or something like that prompting Gary to go for fanservice again.

Watching WAIL, the feeling I get is that JH was going through a lot emotionally at that point or the show itself became a way for her to release all her pent up emotional tension. I think WAIL strategically arranged the question about Gary after the Q&A episode at a time JH could clearly talk about it and give a definite answer that they were just colleagues unlike in say episode 2 when she herself didn't know when MC was going to end in RM and therefore had to dodge CB's question about Gary. In this episode, JH clearly said she and Gary call each other only on birthdays and that their relationship is one which doesn't have anything worth hiding (prompting a baidu fan to wonder whether JH has any relationship that has something worth hiding LOL). In this WAIL episode, she also talked about how she realised the need to treasure the people around her and how in the bid for survival, one often allowed one's rational self to rule over one's emotional self. She felt emotions had to be prioritised at times. Her statements have echoes for me regaring Spartace situation.

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Guest athoughtcloud1


The thing with MC loveline at that point of time was that it could be revived any time at short notice. Any episode that was designed around JH being the sole female protagonist, an object of love, then automatically had some MC loveline undertone.  Even in the first scene, when others are teasing JH that it was better for her to disappear eating the poisoned apple since that would mean they could get a female cast member in her 20s, Gary starts wondering whether he is supposed to feel sad about that being the Monday BF. He doesn't say that too emphatically, so I get the feeling he was also not sure where the team was going with it. However, when he has that chat with Seung Soo about who the Prince is, he claims that he knew he was the Prince from the moment JH became Snow White (perhaps it is also to convince Seung Soo that he is indeed the Prince). But when JK, Seung Soo and he are the only ones left at the end, Gary who had got major clues about him being the Prince, suddenly feels a bit doubtful whether he is the one (was it JK's presence at the end that made it doubtful? Or was he expecting some twists and turns at the end ?).

I feel that whole section after they read out the instructions interesting. The Prince is supposed to be among them and a Dwarf is supposed to escort him to the Princess. JK's tone is quite high-pitched as he tries to interpret the instruction (his excitement is obvious). The same with his expressions. JK can't quite hide his happiness. His eyes are twinkling and he is trying hard not to break into smiles and barely succeeds half the time.

JK says here "even to the Prince, it would be most beneficial to reserve a dwarf most likely to survive"



JSJ tells JK, "Don't assume it will be you".


JK is trying to justify why he is so concerned about the Prince. He claims he is just generally thinking from that perspective and not necessarily because he believes he is the Prince. "At least from the Prince's perspective.."


Look at Jae Suk's expressions when he is asking JK not to assume it will be him and warning him that the dwarves will gang up on him. It is like "it is obvious to me why you are so excited". I wish I could make a gif of his expressions since the pics don't do justice to the naughtiness on his face.


Jk is busy over-explaining and the sweat mark added in indicates his struggle. His face is also flushed, right?


Things are getting heated up with sly glances and accusations between JK and JS


Which is when Haha steps in with 'Seung Soo thinks he is the Prince already'. And we get a close up of Seung Soo with the caption 'is it obvious?' Does his face really look like that of a man who is obvious about his belief in being the Prince? More like that of a man who doesn't know why he has been brought into the conversation so suddenly. Either Haha wanted to involve the guest in the conversation or he wanted to divert the attention from the current topic.


 Like you pointed out, nobody, even when they know none of the clues point to JK being the Prince, try to eliminate him. You would expect at least Haha and Kwang Soo to do their bit of betrayal. The others try to eliminate each other, but no one bothers with JK. I sometimes wonder if JK had an understanding with Haha and KS to let him be the last remaining dwarf coz of other reasons. This is also the episode where we know JK was with JH in the elevator because of that fan selca, yet in the actual scenes that air, we are not shown JK with JH at all.


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KJK seems to go through phases of really wanting to be on SJH’s team (like ep 204 and now ep 297) and phases of hating to be on SJH’s team (like ep 208 where he starts heading toward the giraffe because he thinks the rabbit is SJH). We don’t really get many hints as to why he changes his mind. And of course there are times when he acts like he’d hate to be on SJH’s team, but that’s an act that all the RM males (except occasionally Monday Boyfriend KG since that’s his role). Except I think KG is genuinely happy with be paired with a female other than SJH whereas the other RM members (while I’m sure they’re happy) do it mainly to flatter the female guest.

The other RM members make it clear that they only prefer SJH when the other options aren’t that great, or they want to be her prince only when it benefits them (such as riding in the nice car or just for the sake of bragging that they’re the prince/CEO/whatever is special that week). KJK doesn’t really follow these rules. The times he wants to partner with SJH aren’t really related to who the guest is. In ep 204, the guest is a colleague of hers (who never really had a chance of being the prince to her Snow White), KJK really wants to be the prince. In ep 224 when the RM members think that the girl coming out of the box is SJH, KJK is not at all upset when he first hears this but rather sounds sort of hopeful. Even when LKS says its not SJH, KJK still calls out her name. The other guest are all attractive females and KJK knows this, but he still wants to be partnered with SJH. Even now, in ep 297, there is still a young pretty female guest left, but KJK still wants to be paired with SJH. I think the times he wants to be paired with her have less to do with the guests and more to do with external, behind-the-scenes factors that we have no access to.

I think the RM members are fairly okay with doing MC when they have control over it but when the staff interferes to make a MC moment, that’s when the cast is unhappy. The best example of this I can think of is ep 172 after RHJ picks KJK and SJH as his teammates. When driving to the first location, YJS jokes that the people in the back of the van are coupled off (RHJ and Suzy, SJH and KG). KG says that he’s happy where he’s seated and there’s a joke about KJK and YJS being the chaperones. It’s sort of like “Oh look at our two love lines. So anyway, let’s talk about our guests.” It’s a nod to MC and then they move on to RHJ and the newly created love line for him and Suzy. Then, after they get out of the car, SJH and KG are walking together behind everyone else. Most likely, they were slow getting out of the car for whatever reason and were just walking together. YJS looks over his shoulder and asks what they’re doing, making a joke about MC. Suzy then says it’s nice that they can date while filming (to which YJS laughs and asks KJK if he heard what Suzy said. Hmm…). But these two moments are brief, with YJS making “what are you doing” jokes before moving on to a new topic. No one makes a big deal out of them or has any complaints. However, when the staff suggests couple dodgeball in the same episode with RHJ and Suzy against SJH and KG, the cast (especially KJK) start complaining. They were fine with MC before as brief jokes, but the moment they have an MC moment forced upon them for the cameras, they’re unhappy. I think when the cast has control over MC, they can choose how far to push it, whereas when the staff starts manufacturing MC moments, the cast lose some of their ability to call it quits when things go too far.

@athoughtcloud1 I think from ep 183 to 204 there was minimal MC forced upon the cast by the staff. We still have jokes and moments created by the members themselves (example, SJH and KG holding hands and running away from the Kookinator in ep 196) but these weren’t forced upon them by the staff and they were still free to not be MC when they wanted. Ep 204, for me, was the return of staff interference and the beginning of the increase in forced MC until we get the MC of the Dubai episodes and such. From late 2014 to early 2016, MC has its ups and downs in frequency of appearance, obviously but there are definitely times where SJH has been forced to move away from KJK to stand beside KG. The ones I can think of off the top of my head are the beginning of 269 (return of the Tru-Gary Show) and ep 251 the Love and War race. The Love and War race moment happens during the bingo game where we see SJH standing beside KJK but then she moves back over to KG. That could be because he is her partner for that race, but then in ep 269 in the opening, we see SJH move from her spot beside KJK to stand next to KG. No teams have been formed yet, so she doesn’t move to be by a teammate. She also doesn’t move to the end, but to the middle of LKS and KG. She could have been giving up a central spot to JSJ (which the cast members usually do), but she could have just switched places with JSJ if that’s the case instead of having JSJ, HH, KG, and LKS move as well to accommodate her position shift. This wouldn’t be strange if she was more consistent in behaviors like this, bit in earlier episodes she has no problem standing beside KJK and abandoning her partner (for example the end of ep 224, SJH isn’t standing beside her partner but instead KJK). Also, in 2015, KG joined the rest of the members for fanmeets. In 2014, Turned off the TV was sing by SJH, HH, and KJK because KG wasn’t there, so other than questions for SJH at interviews, she didn’t have to do many MC moments. But in 2015, she would be forced to stand beside KG in the opening interview and then they’d do a song together (which was obviously scripted since they repeated these actions at every fanmeet). I think as time progressed and the ratings dropped and the need to keep MC fans increased, more pressure was placed on SJH and KG to perform MC and for KJK and SJH to stay away from each other. So we got to the point where they had no enthusiasm to participate in the show.

I think that's why, as athoughtcloud1 said, we see SJH going through a lot emotionally on WAIL. This is the end of MC, something that has put a lot of strain on her in the workplace and in relationships (even if she's not dating KJK, MC has still affected her). I think she took on WAIL as an active attempt to end MC, but then the PD continued MC, and I think that also took a toll on her (and KG and KJK and really all the cast who probably both hoped MC would end with WAIL as well). And I think the Q&A episode was such a relief to them, and these recent episodes (focusing on apologies and the cast dynamics) are helping them figure things out and take a break both physically and emotionally.

I have way more to say about the increase of MC over 2015, but I’ve written a lot already so I’ll stop here. 

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Guest athoughtcloud1

@linzer03 KJK has never gone around saying he would like to partner JH. But in situations (some of which you have mentioned) where he feels he has a chance of partnering her (which somehow never comes true), one can quite clearly see that he feels excited about it. The only time he actively tries to woo JH is in the Princess Race where he takes her in his arms to everybody's surprise. There was no need for him to do so since their team already had a male guest who (by how RM works) would have been the natural choice to try to work his charms on JH (how can she refuse a male guest?). The other episode is of course the last one.

There have been times when JK and JH have tried to be on the same team and succeeded, but they have never let it appear that it is because they wanted it. The obvious example is episode 249, the Jjajangmyun race, where JH chooses the same Jjajangmyun as JK claiming that she is doing LKS a favour (not blocking him from partnering with UEE) and that she had always wanted to try it. However, it also happens in episode 117.  JK and JH have been standing together since the beginning waiting for the guests and other cast members to join them.


Suzy and Yubin are the female guests and during partner selection, YJS says he knows what everyone is thinking - that their day is going to be like hell if they don't get Suzy or Yubin as partners. The PD then asks JH what she feels hearing that. JH says in a resigned tone that she is fine with it since she knows she is family to them. The last time we heard about JH being family was in episode 114 where JK claimed he had no problems staring at JH's face unlike that of other women because she was like family (and JH's expression looked like she clearly didn't buy that and felt slightly disappointed).So, it seems to me that the statement was also intended for JK who was standing right next to her. JK is looking in JH's direction when she answers as you can see from the direction of his cap.

This is after the PD asks the question


When JH answers. Part of Jk's cap can be seen.


And then the partner selection happens. The only person who doesn't move much from his position is JK. It clearly shows he wanted to be on JH's team that day.


At the end of the selection, JK, JSJ and the male guest end up on JH's team. JK and JSJ act disappointed and  the captions tell us the right side of the room (JH's team) is in a sombre mood. JSJ ending up on JH's team when there are female guests is a no-brainer. However, JK remaining on JH's team is a bit odd. It would have made better sense for Haha to be on JH's team than KJK (since Haha in the intro got a lot of ribbing for wanting to be with the female guests when his wedding was around the corner). This is also a time when there are active attempts to pair up JK with the female guests whether it be MGY or PBY, so it would have made better sense for JK to be on the team of the female guests. So, it seems to me that JK wanted to be on JH's team that day and was allowed to do so.

There is another episode which almost gave us a chance of Spartace partnering up. It is episode 149, the Gumiho race. Some of us believe that JK and JH might have started seeing each other by this time. JH is in that pretty white dress and JK is exactly colour coded with her. He is the only guy among the cast in full white and both JK and JH are also wearing white shoes. The partner selection is interesting here. Since Gary already gets picked by another female guest and Eun-ee whom everybody expects to pick JK picks Haha instead (was Eun-ee, who knows JK quite well, giving JH a chance?), JK, SJ and LKS are left with JH, Kim Sook and Ri Sae. Unlike usual, JK is folding his hands and praying when Kim Sook comes near him. He tries to move away, but is picked. Poor JH also doesn't get much of a choice since it is obvious that KS wants Ri Sae and since it won't be fair on the younger female guest to be teamed with SJ, is forced to pick him. For a large part of that episode, JK is in a bad mood. One of the major reasons is of course his back. He tells Sook that his health is not good and in the next episode, the Avengers one, one can see it in how even as Thor, he is basically not doing any running or attacking. It also doesn't help that in this episode, there are piggyback missions where he is the slowest among the men with Kim Sook wondering why Mr. Capable is so umotivated to win. YJS replies that it is coz JK's heart is heavy and that he has seen JK behaving like that before only once - when Shin Bong Sun had come to the show (though we know JK was not that unmotivated as JS claims he was in the Bong Sun episodes). In the first game though, JK does well with Sook. However, in the bus when JS starts teasing JK with Sook claiming that since both have brothers who are doctors, they are a good pair and can get married, JK looks more exasperated than usual. It is thus kind of an odd episode for JK where at times it seems as if he is not happy with his partner. It could be because with his back problems. JK might have wanted a lighter partner that day or at least someone he was more familiar with like Eun-ee who would have understood his situation better. But it was also an episode where JK had a real chance of partnering JH since Gary had been out of the reckoning quite early. In the next episode though, JH actively intervenes to be on JK's team when she and Gary ditch Jae Suk to enter JK's car. It is interesting that it is JH and LKS whom Jae Suk specifically warn not to betray him which shows us they are the closest to JK and  we know the betrayal happens coz of JH since Gary tells JK that he knew from JH's face that she wanted to join JK.

credit for the gifs: marta0713, SA baidu

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Guest ktiminie

Hey chingguzzzz! Just dropped by to show our lovely colors he, he, he ;)

That's so much fun, SpartAcers Group Hug!!



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Ah, thank you again, Soompi! Love the bright, glowy hearts :D Here's another hug for us! SA hugs ;)


Cr to famousamosjkj


Just finished watching episode 296 a few days ago... well, I must say, in between gobbling up all the subtitles along with what happen on screen (as it always is!), it amazes me every time when you eagle eyes can manage to capture many SA moments :).

I've been watching out for those moments as discussed... doesn't really have anything to add LOL. As mentioned before, JH and JK sometimes among the last to arrive, for example, to JK's turn of mission. It is expected (by SA fans, at least) that those two might be walking/hanging close around each other in between the missions, so when it came for the time that they leave for the last mission (while KS went to walk his friend home), the scene shows some RM members started to move. Here, I thought, well... if JK and JH have been here and there steadily together, this time they might be, too? So I was watching close for their interaction... and I've found what I was looking for. When JK was walking towards the door (?) with Haha and JYS, he was looking straight (and long) at JH, like silently signaling 'quick JH quick, let's move!'. Well, he can ignore her but it's obvious at that time that he didn't. In the rush of getting to the last mission, he's looking out for JH to hurry along with him.

Which reminds me of this post, a fan-taken pic from RM China Race Start last October... in which uri SA kept close, and quite possibly stay close during those van trip too?


Cr to cassandra_rmsa



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Have you guys seen the newest interview of JH? Ugh, it made me a little doubtful tbh. Wherein JK seems vocal to be wanting to marry soon, JH was saying about she is not ready yet. :(


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I'm glad she corrected the interview that said "I want to be in love like ordinary people" to "I want to go on a date like a real date". I thought that was a strange answer because it sounds like she can't love because she's a celebrity. Whereas celebrities (especially those dating in secret) can't go on normal dates. Shopping, movies, restaurants, etc.

While it’s nice to believe that celebrities are 100% honest in their interviews, that’s definitely not the case. Celebrities have images to keep up. One thing to consider with SJH's answer is that she's coming out of two lovelines right now. Even in the beginning of the interview, she’s asked about KG and CB. MC has just ended (and we’re not even 100% certain if it’s really done) and she just finished filming WAIL with the episodes are still airing. She’s in a very different place than KJK when it comes to her image in the entertainment industry. While I think she’s more honest in her interviews than KJK, she does still have an image to maintain and a character in WAIL to support. To start talking about marriage while dealing with two lovelines can come off as her juggling multiple guys. (Obviously, CB and KG are just love lines, but for the people that want to or really do buy into love lines, it could do damage to her image.) Or it could come across as he actually considering CB or KG as marriage partners (which she definitely doesn’t want, at least in regards to KG). She may want to put some distance between her and these two lovelines before she starts talking to the media about wanting to marry.

KJK, on the other hand, has never had a dating scandal beyond YEH (which was over a decade ago) and there have never been reports of him dating someone. Most of his good friends are married and he’s popular, so people are curious about when he’s going to tie the knot. He’s asked in almost every interview when he’s going to get married, to which he usually answers “soon”. This is part of his image as well, as the eternal bachelor so he probably plays it up a bit for variety’s sake. He has probably gotten annoyed with the question (it can seem a though people are questioning his ability as a man to hold onto a woman) so “soon” has become his response to show that he’s capable of getting married when he wants and it’s not because of some personal flaw that he hasn’t gotten married. He’s been saying “soon” for years, but since he hasn’t actually gotten married “soon” for years, I’d say he’s not in as big a rush to get married as it comes across. He’s willing to wait for the right woman. In fact, he pushed his deadline back from “before forty” to “before forty-five”. That’s not one or two years, but five years delay, which makes me think that he doesn’t think he’s going to be getting married any time all too soon either.

In the interview SJH says, “I feel that there is a long time that I tell everyone about the big change.” I think this was translated a little strangely, but it sounds like she thinks it will be quite some time before she tells people she’s getting married. It doesn’t seem like SBS plans to end RM any time soon, which is another thing that could delay their marriage (if they are dating). We haven’t seen if SBS plans to continue RM for another year or another three years. I said in a previous post that I no longer think a reveal of spartace would mean the absolute end of RM, and I still stand by that. With the right timing and attitudes, they could probably do it, but the thing is KJK and SJH might not want that. What if they introduce spartace and RM is cancelled not long after? People would associate their relationship with the end of RM (which is not going to put their relationship in a good light with many RM fans). Plus, spartace might be worried that their relationship could be turned into MC 2.0 (the staff starts encouraging them to act lovey for the cameras and add affects to their words and faces). They might want RM to end first, and it looks like the new PD wants to bring RM into a new era rather than end it soon.

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Of course, one cannot always go by what actors/actresses say in interviews especially regarding dating and marriage. But I think JH has her reasons for saying she is not thinking of marrying at this point. For me, there are two things going on - one is RM. After the taking over of the new PD, RM is trying to have a 2nd innings and would want all its cast members to co-operate to see if they can revive the show. I do not know what their intentions were under the old PD (JH looked annoyed at SBS awards, 2015 when JK and Haha had that conversation about JSJ urging JK to delay his wedding). But now it is like RM has got a new lease of life. With so many fanmeets scheduled for this year lasting till December, it is pretty sure that there are not going to be any marriage plans this year. The second thing is JH's own career in China. JH talks about wanting to do a drama/movie with CB and other chinese actors. I think the success of WAIL is a perfect opportunity for her to capitalise on so that she can establish herself more firmly in China. So, the feeling I get is that marriage will take some time (not sure if one can equate that with a dating news).

With JK, while he promises his mom he would get married soon, the soon is never specified (and Jae Suk has that cautious look on his face when he says that). Even in the Escape Crisis video, when his co-host tries to guess his date of marriage, first saying '2 years' and then ' 1 year', JK just gives a vague 'as soon as possible'. In the Fortune-telling segment last year where he is told he can get married in 2017 or 2018, Jae Suk quips that it will give him an excuse to postpone it again (we should only take it half-seriously since JS would know why JK can't get married any time soon, so it might be more for the camera) and JK then says he is planning on doing it in 2017. But  since RM was kind of struggling at that point, I wonder if 2017 may have been a possibility if JK had meant the date seriously. The coming in of the new PD, the change in RM timings etc has changed things around a bit.

I think many things have to come together for them to even announce they are dating. But if there is a long stretch of period when JH is not linked with Gary on RM, then I can see things slowly turning more favourable for them. It will also depend on whether RM is able to get steady ratings (which they are unable to at this point). They might wait till that since there is now a concerted effort on the part of the entire cast to get the ratings back (many of the guests are personally related to the RM cast which means it is they who are putting in the effort to bring in the guests). JK is also doing 2 chinese shows this year, so this year is ruled out for him as well. I guess both of them are trying to get steady earnings from their Chinese market before settling down.

While JK's mom may want JK to get married soon (and in her case, I think she is serious about it), JH has a brother to think of. From whatever I can see, she is trying to help him to debut. Wouldn't her marrying at this point affect her career in China which is where I think she is now trying to focus on? So, she might also have other loyalties to take care of before marrying (the question in this interview was whether her family urges her to get married and from her answer, don't think the pressure on her regarding that is as much as JK's). Wonder whether JK's mom's 'as long as you do your work well, you will be good daughters and sons'  was an acknowlegment of the situation where though she wants her son to get married soon, she has to accept that there are other compulsions on him and his GF.

I read on baidu that this was kind of the same answer JH gave in her Emergency Couple interview, so I don't know if it is her standard answer.

The other things that interested me in that interview were : JH insisting that she didn't say she wanted to fall in love like ordinary people, just that she wanted to be able to date publicly like ordinary people. That means for JH, the problem is not about finding love as a celeb, but about dating publicly. (Isn't that the spartace situation?). Also I thought JH's statements were often contradictory (based on the subs). For instance, she insists finding love is not the hard part, going on public dates is (which can imply she may have a BF but may not be able to go out with him in public). Then she kind of backtracks and says it is because she is not that outgoing that she is not able to go on dates (which would mean if she went out more often, she could find someone to date, ie. she doesn't have someone at the moment and since dating for her is hard because she is not outgoing, finding someone is also hard). Then she talks about how nice it is to go on dates with CB and then quips, 'it is good since this is the age for me to get married'. Then she backtracks and says she is not eager to get married and is perfectly happy with how things are going for her.

While JH can talk about marriage in general, since she is doing a variety dating show in China, it can be interpreted as JH is thinking of marriage after dating with CB. Her previous answer also got mis-interpreted, so what is the guarantee that this also won't be?  Let's see if she is consistent on all her interviews regarding the marriage question.

It was in the January 2015 fanmeet that JH told that she would let everybody know if she had good news to announce ( which made JSJ go and hug JK excitedly).  I have already mentioned the oddball episode in March 2015, episode 241, where Ye Jin and Jae Suk wished for JK to get married soon with JSJ hoping it was through RM that he found his love. So, I have a feeling their marriage plans have been postponed even before. Let's see. :)

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Speaking of KJK's dating life, I just remembered watching this and had completely forgotten about it.

I wanted to attach some screen shots from this video but it's not letting me, but it has subtitles so you can watch it and understand what they are talking about. The real gem starts at 37:50-ish.

So they are talking about KJK's dating life and JHM asks KJK when was the last time he dated. It's really funny to see YJS's reaction because it seems like he wasn't aware of it. KJK tries to correct his statement but the damage has already been done. But what does he mean by he wanted to date her? Also, YJS says that as far as he knows, the last time JK dated was 5 years ago (this show was broadcasted on Jan 7 of this year in Korea).

It's a really good episode to learn about KJK's relationship and story with YEH and ChaeYeon (who was in love with JK even before she became a celebrity, possibly still is).

ANYWAYS, who was this girl that he dated (tried to date) a year ago? Could it be JH? What was happening to SA on Running Man at that time?

Edited by WhasianDaddy
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@WhasianDaddy KJK doesn't tell the truth about his dating life in interviews. He's said on Escape Crisis (I can't find a link) that he doesn't admit to dating when he is dating and that many celebrities do that. On Healing Camp in early 2015, KJK gave a different answer to the same question. JHM asks "When was your last relationship?" to which KJK can hardly reply 5 years ago if he's keeping his mantra of he's getting married "soon". But the question requires a more definite response. I took YJS's response as him knowing the truth and teasing KJK. Both of them are variety veterans and know how to hide a relationship. If I remember correctly, YJS encouraged someone else to ask out his future wife on IC when their relationship was a secret. 

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Guest ktiminie

+1 @linzer03 I agree with your observations about marriage and would click the "insightful button" :)

By the way chingus have you seen the last pictures/videos of Ji Hyo walking the runway for 'Very Korean!' in Beijing?

She's absolutely GORGEOUS :w00t:

Song Ji Hyo a fait son premier défilé de mode aux côtés de Hong Jong Hyun



Here is a video:


Hehehe, hope Jong Kook did take a glance at it :P

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3 hours ago, linzer03 said:

He's said on Escape Crisis (I can't find a link) that he doesn't admit to dating when he is dating and that many celebrities do that.


Escape Crisis No. 1 ~ Episode 439

tumblr_n8v2dfdbOy1rqhvs0o3_250.gif  tumblr_n8v2dfdbOy1rqhvs0o4_250.gif

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tumblr_n8v2dfdbOy1rqhvs0o5_250.gif  tumblr_n8v2dfdbOy1rqhvs0o6_250.gif

Cr as tagged

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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thank you @WanZ Had JK drunk some truth potion that day? Anyway, thanks JK for clearing that up for us.

It was only in episode 295 that they stuck together like glue (may be it was the happiness of the ban being lifted after long). After that episode, while there are still moments where they are together, there are also times when they consciously try not to stand beside each other. Therefore that moment where JK waited for JH to come along as they all were going to meet Gary's friend was really sweet for me.

In this episode, after the selection of the partners, when the members come back for the tray game, JK and JH with their partners are missing. I guess they were the last to come back after the wig change (though wonder why JH or JG took so long since they didn't have to wear any wigs). The same with the amusement park at the end. JK, JH, Jae Suk and Jin Goo are missing (guess they arrived last). In the tray game, one question asked is who played the violin in the song 'tiger's birthday'. It is I suppose a conscious reference by the team to JK's birthday. LOL The answer is of course the fox (I know some SA fans consider JK and JH as the tiger and the fox respectively, I am not that convinced about JH being the fox though). But it was still a cute moment and I think it was JH who gave the answer to Jin Goo since you can see her going and whispering something in JG's ear.

I don't know if it was me, but I felt JK's mood was a bit off from the middle of the game. It was not that he wasn't participating in the games. He was, but that kind of enthusiam which he showed in episode 296 where he was laughing out loud and actively interfering with other members was missing (unless he was actually in a game like in his acting bit with Haha). From the middle, he seemed a bit subdued. The first time I watched it livestream, I got that feeling. Got the same feeling after re-watching with subs. Wonder if it was a case of birthday blues. However, I noticed that he was active in the first part until the couple selection. Don't know if it is my shipper eyes.

There was also that scene which starts at the cafe where JH is looking in JK's direction. I am not yet sure whether she was talking with KS or looking in JK's direction (since KS, once he realises the camera is on, moves back suddenly and starts speaking with JG). But from the direction of her eyes, I got the feeling she was looking in JK's direction. Not sure though.

When JH goes to open the box with JG and they don't have much time (50 s), you can see JK looking with concern in JH's direction.

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8 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:

Thank you @WanZ Had JK drunk some truth potion that day? Anyway, thanks JK for clearing that up for us.

It was only in episode 295 that they stuck together like glue (may be it was the happiness of the ban being lifted after long). After that episode, while there are still moments where they are together, there are also times when they consciously try not to stand beside each other. Therefore that moment where JK waited for JH to come along as they all were going to meet Gary's friend was really sweet for me.

In this episode, after the selection of the partners, when the members come back for the tray game, JK and JH with their partners are missing. I guess they were the last to come back after the wig change (though wonder why JH or JG took so long since they didn't have to wear any wigs). The same with the amusement park at the end. JK, JH, Jae Suk and Jin Goo are missing (guess they arrived last). In the tray game, one question asked is who played the violin in the song 'tiger's birthday'. It is I suppose a conscious reference by the team to JK's birthday. LOL The answer is of course the fox (I know some SA fans consider JK and JH as the tiger and the fox respectively, I am not that convinced about JH being the fox though). But it was still a cute moment and I think it was JH who gave the answer to Jin Goo since you can see her going and whispering something in JG's ear.

I don't know if it was me, but I felt JK's mood was a bit off from the middle of the game. It was not that he wasn't participating in the games. He was, but that kind of enthusiam which he showed in episode 296 where he was laughing out loud and actively interfering with other members was missing (unless he was actually in a game like in his acting bit with Haha). From the middle, he seemed a bit subdued. The first time I watched it livestream, I got that feeling. Got the same feeling after re-watching with subs. Wonder if it was a case of birthday blues. However, I noticed that he was active in the first part until the couple selection. Don't know if it is my shipper eyes.

There was also that scene which starts at the cafe where JH is looking in JK's direction. I am not yet sure whether she was talking with KS or looking in JK's direction (since KS, once he realises the camera is on, moves back suddenly and starts speaking with JG). But from the direction of her eyes, I got the feeling she was looking in JK's direction. Not sure though.

When JH goes to open the box with JG and they don't have much time (50 s), you can see JK looking with concern in JH's direction.


Lol i thought it was just me who this the sudden change of JK mood after the partner selection... yeah i agree i feel that too his mood change after that. maybe this just bias mind... but lol i seriously do think the change start when JH get her partner... he seems not interested after that... he just prevent KS and SJ to go instead of he go to catch eunsoo attention.

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