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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest adjani1430293095

More importantly, can we all appreciate that some of us love one actor more than the rest.. but we can still respect and love each other and the other cast as well. Afterall the actors all work together to make a drama right :) We should support them and the drama, and not rage at each other. 

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After thinking about it a bit more, I think after ET's clan is gone, maybe the next storyline will be about Bayan's hunger for power and TH possibly marrying his niece. If you think about it, they are buying more time to cast and prepare the kids that will play the future children of SN.  In addition, the storyline about Bayan will also give TT more screen time - who is getting more and more support by fans.  Maybe since TN will be out, the writers will try to compensate with TT's popularity.  :-?

I know it's a long shot, but there is some space for TT (not as a romantic suitor) to have more screen time with SN.  Since SN already thinks WY betrayed her and TH might have conflict with the new empress, TT and SN may have more scenes because they will join forces to get rid of his uncle when he goes power hungry. TT is close to his uncle and SN thinks of Bayan as her savior, so it'll be quite an emotional episode when they both betray him. :(   I would think this would make them closer in terms of cementing themselves as a political team.  In addition, if they get rid of Bayan early enough, TH may not even have to wed the new empress. 

At this point, I'm ready for any storyline without the entire ET clan.  So let's end them this week, save this drama, and bring on the new cast!   :-bd

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Guest missred123

Ep 32

Seems like DK does not want his father to meet SN. DK still protecting your love.

SN had to be bold to go up against ET. Telling him if you decide to implement Bayan and I as the culprit, you will be mistaken, because it's gonna turn back on you and as a older man it looks bad and imagin how it will look written in history. Therefore, go ahead and put the blame on us if you dare.

Now, my thing is, if ET fall for this bluff from SN, it's about time he retire.

TN, hahahaha.. And her two ring circus. Take it easy TN, chew slowly you might choke. :-Can't ED smell food in the room. Hahaha..

Damn!! TN hit ED with a low blow. Basically saying she love her son unlike her that uses TH for gain. True, true.

Damn! DK, say excuse me. Don't push, You were brought up not dragged up, or were you?

ET is brutal!!! He fell for SN's bluff. Ok, time to go. :!!

Excellent strategy!! TH won't be able to spear the governor, but make an alliance for himself with the other governors and now they see how brutal ET can be. It's ok to use force sometime, but not good to use it all the time. :-B :-B

@‌ DJG

My question is, although TN is back from the Cold Place is she still able to give orders? Her sentence is not up as yet, so why is she acting like all is forgiven and she is has been reinstated? :-B

Big mouth TN enters the room yelling. TN, your status has been diminished.

Wow! SN, showing her powers.

SN: Leave, or I will have you remove.

You don't have to tell me twice.

Could somebody do over DK brother's hair. Damn, he had the same hairdo since ep 0. Is it not in the budget? :-B

Cruel and crueler seems like they are a real item now.

Batolu, you better come out of that depression and fight like a soldier. Wow! WY showed her to not give up and fight to the end. Damn! Batolu can fight. Girl got skills! She is asking why fight, WY said do it for country and people that look to you. So, when you get lonely and weak just remember your tribe. WY, you got lip service . WY gung, I will follow you. 8->

SN looks good in her outfit, it looks kinda Russian. I guess the Emperor got his groove back.

Here TN goes again complaining to her brother. Want him to kill SN, sorry TN he loves her.

Where is Mahal? I guess he is in her hat. Why does her hat reminds me of Dr. Seuss, Cat in The Hat. One hat, two hat, three hat, blue hat. Damn!! I can't stop. Hahahaha!

Did WY, just swerve TN. What up with that?

No Animals were armed in the making of this drama. NOT!!

Ok, is Golta running after the horse to catch TH. Hahaha.. I bet he gets there before the horse. Run Golta, Run. ( Run Forest, Run.) Hahaha..

Wow! Intense dinner. I would loose my appetite. Ok, so, TN like WY, but married TH, TH marries TN, but love SN, SN marries TH, but love WY, WY loves SN, but will marry ME!!


Damn!! TN see WY expression when SN leave the tent drunk. TN, had real admiration for WY. She will get over it. Damn, TN why everybody has to die.

SN in the tent with TH. Her hair and makeup was perfect as she was lying on the bed. Good job makeup department.

Ep 32 was ok, not much progress in story line, but see a light of hope for ep 33. Got to love Golta! TN and her two clowns, too much! WY is so convincing that he is depressed that I feel a little melancholy myself. Good acting JJM!!

Guys, I have been a bit busy.

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@missred123 : "Wow! Intense dinner. I would loose my appetite. Ok, so, TN like WY, but married TH, TH marries TN, but love SN, SN marries TH, but love WY, WY loves SN, but will marry ME!"

that's really the best you could have do, the end of your calcul killed me =)) =)) =))

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Guest ravendark

@PeggyW : don't worry it's impossible, if they've cast a baby, it's the time for her to get pregnant, and TN dead line is near because Maha will be 3 years old when he will see his mother (TN) getting killed by Seung Nyang, so brace yourself (the crazy time jump that we had in 20 is getting near for the second baby)







I dont think SN ever kill someone infront of their children since both her parrents died that way and she know how painful it is. But about the pregnancy i hope u right cause i m tired of near kiss trick already as well.

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Guest ravendark

I don't have any new predictions at this time.  I can't overuse my powers, I need to conserve it for next week 


Aside from looking forward to the upcoming ohlala scene, I'm actually a lot more excited/curious to see what SN's costume is going to look like.  It's been like a SN fashion show ever since she re-entered the palace, a new outfit ever other episode.  Heck in ep.26 she had like 4-5 different outfits in one episode.

Oh i was really lookin for ur new prohpecies. But i also dont want ur powers get tired:) and prefer to call you Pegster the White really. I loved it:)

I also like HJW s costumes. All beautifully done imo.

Only thing dont like is too much furs on man. Hope also they are ufing fake ones cause dont want to think animals suffer for their fur.

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Something just pop in my mind!!!!!
Gus just a wishful thinking!
Well get a new OST after 6 episodes right??? or am I wrongI hope JCW sings that song!!! 
i can only be hopeful right??? 
but please please please!!!
I know JCW is already exhausted with the taping and all but pleasee!!!! jebalyo!!!

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@minnie0103 - I wonder if those still were just extra? Since TH already woke up at the end up Ep 33.  :-?
@PeggyM - I'm with you, Tana has to die. Like, right now. This very moment.  :-w  
@pegster the great - It would explain why Tana is throwing yet another tanty in the preview (her plans to have SN "detained" fail) We know she tries some black magic but I wonder if she'll also go after WY. 
@ravendark - I wondered if the fur bothered anyone else! Every time I see BA (with the light blue "skirt" and that tiny, lame fur around his neck) I lose it.  =))

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@tessiero I think after these events, with WY betraying SN, DS is back to trusting WY again, and probably will continue to fawn over him.  He's safe.
Thing is, now WY has openly sided with the ET Clan.  It also doesn't help that he's married to his niece.  So when ET Clan does go down, it will definitely take some efforts to keep him alive.  
Although BA and TT know that WY is 'undercover' over at the ET side, BUT what DS did to SN (order to have her locked up for failing to protect the Emperor) was not planned out with BA/TT.  Even though we know WY didn't know about it in advance, no one else knows that.
Oh...and 'I'm starting to feel afraid' after thinking a little bit about those new BTS photos of SN nursing TH.  Why are they both fully dressed, SN is even wearing her more formal headdress...could this be the scene described in the text preview?  SN shows up at TH's quarters all 'gussied' up and TH is so shocked that he just faints on the spot?
Please don't let this be it... [-O<

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Guest HanN1430293555

I hope SN and TH conversation will be goes like this
TH: (getting his conscious back)
SN: peaha are u ok now?(worried) Im afraid to lose you peaha
TH: afraid to lose your tool? (pityface)
SN: yea im afraid to lose a tool. A tool that can only open my heart again, (while holding TH face then kiss him) 
<3 <3 

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I'm back and missed you guys!  Had to take some time off for personal obligations.  So who was it a few pages back that asked about the Origins of the Oohlala?  It came from this EPIC MBC sub waaaaaay back in Episode 9 (TH and TN's wedding night).  It was so preposterous that it's become a permanent part of the Empress Ki Lexicon now:

(Credit: @tessieroo screencap)

It's so drilled itself into my brain that every time I hear someone utter those very same words, I just break down into a giggle fit... ;))

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New BTS photo posted by HJW's assistant on her instagram:

Uh...is it just me, or does SN look a little pregnant in this photo...
EDIT: Scratch that.  Someone on Baidu just pointed out this is a scene from the end of Ep30, so it's nothing new.

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@CherKell - I think the first (and maybe last until EK) time I heard "Oolala" was a re-run of that 80's American TV show "The Love Boat".  :))  I'd love to Tweet JCW and ask if that's what he really said. 
@pegster - Oh, you're right! (LOL) I kinda forgot that WY did exactly what Tana wanted him to do. Sorry, brain fart moment. :P (it's such a lame plot move - designed to make SN misunderstand and get angry with WY) I wonder if that will be what SN "saves" WY from - going down with the ET clan? 

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@tessieroo, @pegster : if i'm not mistaken, WY decided to follow TN request because they (TT, BG & WY) didn't know that ET controled the patrol army, so in short, if SN would have continued her story about rebellion it would have been not only her who could have died but the entire palace (heck that ET is really powerfull), so he decided that it was a wise decision to "forget" about the attempted assassination of the Emperor, but he didn't know that TN would have used a trick on him hence the upcoming missunderstandings. ;)

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I wonder if TN will fall back on thoughts that WY is in to her. Although she has seen the light now, I still think, if need be, she could fool herself again. she is after all hungry for love, and if her crush on WY still lives, it will just be that much easier.
Although I know what is going on between WY-SN is sad right now, I just want to highlight a positive point in the love line. Even though it is sad for some people, I really liked how he risked his life to save SN, even though he should technically turn away from her. It shows that their love and affection for her had not turned petty, which is in line with his character after all he is definitely not petty. However the way he loves her is special in that although he is pushing her away to her face, it is akin to pushing her forward at her back, he is still helping her along her path by not holding her back (amongst other things like being a spy). SN expressed the same sentiment when she decided to go to the palace and not directly to WY. Under the impression that WY married to get his throne back, she didn't want to get in his way, and chose the more direct path for revenge. They both try to have the other not linger on the past so that they can both move forward and reach their goals which hopefully in extension will grant them happiness. It is sad but sweet.   

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Guest larabn

OMO... you're sure you are not working with the EK cast :D your predictions are so spot on :)
pegster said:Oh...and 'I'm starting to feel afraid' after thinking a little bit about those new BTS photos of SN nursing TH.  Why are they both fully dressed, SN is even wearing her more formal headdress...could this be the scene described in the text preview?  SN shows up at TH's quarters all 'gussied' up and TH is so shocked that he just faints on the spot?

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