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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Hello again

I would like to clarify my post about WY, SN and ho-yay. Ho-yay is a trope used by writers to infer that a same sex relationship might be more than friendship. It is used as a plot device. WY was fond of SN and was dreaming about (him) even. His eunuch and bodyguard was teasing him inferring that he was (interested) in SN. So even though the inference was there right in the storyline I guess I can't bring it up. I am not making WY gay or not gay. In fact the scenes are played for laughs. I was pointing to the writer's inference whether I believe it or not. And yes I have watched the drama...over and over. This is not REAL people. It's just a story with some basis in history. Let's keep it friendly. Thanks!!

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Guest HanN1430293555

I hope SN will go into battle again.(is that posible?) I love to see her again holding a sword, she's already accomplish to teach TH how to read and Write its time to teach him how to defend himself and defend SN of course by using a sword,(just incase) and anyway SN didnt know that TH is now expert in baby arrow a target shooter like her, I hope they will have an archery game.  :D  :D

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Guest missred123

@ petria

Thanks for the clarification of WY position in the drama. Kamsahamnida.

This thread is always friendly, some might have their biases and speak their opinion, but that's what soompi is about. Agree to disagree and keep it moving. ;);)

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petria said: @missred123, @sarah.lina

As for Bi-Soo`s affair, at least Wang Yoo is capable of recognizing woman`s breasts when he sees them.  ;))

EDITED: @kdramaat, I think that Wang Yoo`s decision to support Sung Nyang`s wish to stay in Yuan  was a sign of development of his character, he didn`t want to be over-protective and showed that he put his faith in her. Nyang was never a woman who was to follow her husband`s orders, Wang Yoo understood that. Their separation was abrupt, tough, and ended up bad, but it wasn`t Wang Yoo`s fault. If I remember correctly, I think that we got a few episodes after that, that it was Budha`s will.

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Quick hit and run

@DJG I understood the comparison you were trying to make , but i still feel some type of way that you used Beyonce as a comparison. :))
I mean yes the girl is famous for music and all that, but acting, she is not. She's like the American version of Suzy.

I still don't get the "WY left SN then went to marry El Temur's niece." It makes it sound like the scene went like this
WY: "Seung Nyanga, i think our time is over now. Our roll in the hay was good, but you are really not marriage material."
SN: "Ottoke? But you told me that you wanted me to be your queen?"
WY: "Oh i did. I guess i was lying. Sorry, (not sorry)"
If that's how it happened, maybe i need to connect to the same feed you are watching.
The girl is the one who decided to stay. She's the one who thought it was good idea to go on a rescue mission which i still think was one of the dumbest moves she's ever pulled. That resulted on her being trapped and having Lady Park and the rest of the maids helping her. Even then i don't blame SN for their deaths and the situation it created (though she does blame herself). People conveniently forget that he got married when he thought SN was dead and as a mean to get his revenge by being closer to the enemy. Let' s not act like it was just to get his throne back. People say that they watch the show but sometimes i do wonder. I don't have a problem if you dislike the characters whether it's SN, WY, TH or whoever. I have watched shows where i utterly disliked the main characters *cough* Elena Gilbert *cough*. There is no rule that says that you have to love them. If they don't do it for you, they don't . It's fine. I do have issues with people accusing said characters of things they didn't do and changing the story to fit their own likes.

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Guest filchiny

Episode 31 & 31:
After watching these 2 episodes, it wasn't so much what happened but the dialogues and intense moments that captivated me.
@ravendark: see I told you WY will not kill Batolu :D It struck me how shocked she was when WY told her that he will not kill or sell her to slavery. This made me think at the type of life she has lived. the desert is a very harsh environment that everything is about practicality. If it will be practical to kill a person than save them, then that is what will happen. this is the mentality she knows. so WY's decision was in a way somewhat incomprehensible to her.
So as I've said these 2 episodes were all about the dialogues for me. Here are some of my favorite lines:
"I held the bodies of my friends in my arms. As you will hold those of your father and sister. That is vengeance." SN to DK


"Your loss is temporary. Mine is eternal." SN's thoughts on seeing Empress Brat cry out when Maja was taken away from her.

"You had better hurry. A house won't remain without a new woman for long." SN to Empress Brat in reply to her threats.

"Tal Tal, if I ever turn into ET, kill me." General Bayan
Is this a hint of things to come? :-?


"I am not here to see you." SN in response to DK's how dare you speech. :))

"A tiger? How is it you plan something like a kitten?" SN to ET when he told her she is bold for coming to the tiger's lair. =D> :x ^:)^

Just 2 other thought on these 2 episodes. I guess it was too soon to expect Emporess Brat to have learned anything so soon after her banishment. But to bring Maja to the cold Palace was living up to her name...Empress Brat. If it is that cold for them, how much more for a baby. That is not showing her love for Maja but more of her selfishness.
Lasty, when ET's 2 sons were in shock and showing signs of panic during the meeting with the governors to discuss Emperor's Brat abdication, ET remained unfazed. You got to hand it to him, except for his momentary shock he still remained calm even if he didn't have any cards left up his

In parting, let us admire ED. She  is also a force to contend with.

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Thanks Sarah!

Wow, Eunuch Bang, why so serious? :D
He was so into character, he did not even smile or laugh. Awesome! And the last part, did he just look threateningly at the soldier who bumped into WY? :)

sarah.lina said: Happy Time NG 14.02.23 :


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Guest filchiny

For all the Tal Tal admirers, these are for you. I was so happy to see Tal Tal playing an active role in episodes 30 & 31. I just couldn't resist capturing his AWESOME MOMENTS! :x

Aloof Tal Tal
Awesome Tal Tal
Uber HOT battle ready Tal Tal

Warrior Tal Tal
Cool Tal Tal
@ravendark: this is for you. feeding the fantasy :P;):))

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Guest minnie0103



TMTETS, really you wouldn't even want to compare this with EK, the latter is very well written, i can't even compare TMTETS with Princess' Man, the level is too low with TMTETS. I mean i can list all the sageuk that are better than TMTETS (Chuno, Tree with deep roots, Jumong ect...)

I understand that it's more easy to take one way in this drama, the WY way or TH way and that the PD is afraid about the ratings, but the essense of this drama is actually the love triangle. I don't know if you saw their previous works, none of them has a love triangle, this drama has the same pattern as What Happened in Bali, they will not reveal everything till the end.

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I actually thought EK was very similar to WHIB for the guys as oppose to the girls. TH is your Jung Jae Min and WY is Kang In Wook. Only the characters in WHIB are way more flawed and shows the radical sides of human instincts then EK characters that shows the more heroic side.

Like in WHIB, I was never waiting for any of the characters to grow up or change, knowing they are who they are and just stayed for the ride. While EK's characters, besides WY, I've been waiting for SN and TH to grow into the characters they are to become.

off topic @minnie0103

I actually really like Lee Soo Jung, she's a very grey character with such a complex mindset that it would take pages of analysis to understand her actions and emotions. Some of her decisions are not popular but given her circumstances, I thought it was understandable, even if its not agreeable.

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MBC's Section TV visited the NorthCape photoshoot and will have a segment airing today (23 February) at 3:50 PM KST, where they talk to Jiwonnie and Wookie about 'Empress Ki' and its immense popularity.  Or something vaguely similar.  BE THERE!!!  :D


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So YES I accept it, I'm stuck in this sub plot, and once again I'll comment about it... Here I come...
Who's the head of the Merchant Group?
Bi-Soo's assistant still got a letter from the so called "leader", he presented it to ET... somehow the news got to the leader that Heukso had been killed. Baklava girl couldn't have written such letter 'cause she was being held by WY...
Thinking back, please correct me if I'm wrong, SN and her mother left her household, right? So Gral. Ki was left taking care of the other siblings, I assume all of them are older brothers. From the little bit I know about history, it was very common for the sons to follow the father's footsteps: (since they were part of the "warrior class")
1-Were these brothers part of the Koryo militia like their father?
2-If so, did they all die at the island's attack?
3-Supposing they were not warriors...That would mean they opposed their class/father (rebels in exile), is it possible that one of these brothers is the Leader of the Merchant Group?
4-If so, would this be the cause why EK (in history) sends the Yuan troops to Koryo - I know the historical reason - but I'm talking about a "fictional" reason...What I'm getting at, WY will find out that this "Ki" person has been the one screwing up with the finances in Koryo, he sends his warriors to get rid of them, this infuriates SN when she learns her brother(s) were killed by the Koryo Kingdom, so in revenge she sends her Yuan troops against Koryo...
5-Am I on pot?  :-?

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