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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Guest kaeruchan

Hi! I tried streaming the drama yesterday and despite few glitches here and there, I was enjoying the episode! Lots of things to love in episode 30!!

I was happy when Heuksoo died, not sure why. HAHAHA! But TT was so suave and cold when he slit his throat. Yum. @PeggyM I can totally relate with you, I feel like putting his voice in a bottle and/or put it in a music box so I can listen to it like a lullaby :\">

The most awaited scene for me was the reunion of the three leads and I started to cry when WY walked into the hall...I could see TH's insecurity in his eyes, SN trying so hard to keep her emotions locked deep inside her heart, and WY's sorrowful gaze. SN-WY meeting was just amazing and full of heartaches at the same time. Just like what Ding Lin said, JJM did an excellent job and not to mention, HJW! I just want to hug them both at that time, they must have so many things to say to each other but so many things have changed between them. Love the part where WY told SN not to shed any tears or feel any regret for the path she has chosen. I wish he could read her mind at that time. TT__TT

@tucci LOL I was actually watching it in the living room and thought that TH was going to kiss SN :\"> so I reduced the window size so that my family won't see it...but it turned to be a hug. Hummm

So happy that the ratings went up but at the same time I was shocked when the breaking news about the explosion came out :(

But then, TN looked like she's slowly losing her mind...are they going to make her crazy in the end??

Here's the recap for episode 30!


EDIT: Rough translations for ep 31 preview

Ta-hwan: All of you need to think what you can do first. I need your power.

Ta-hwan: Please wait a little longer. I will bring good news to you. (Bear hug!!)

Governor: Chancellor, the Emperor hasn’t given his decision yet.

Yeon-chul: The talk about abdication is already over!

Byung-soo: The Chancellor, in case of any accident…

Seung-nyang: In case of any accident, they might not be on Yeon-chul’s side.

Tapjahae: Lady Ki has arrived outside.

Yeon-chul: How come a lowly concubine is coming to see a tiger?

Seung-nyang: How can a person who thinks he’s a tiger acts like a cat?

cr: http://thetalkingcupboard.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/empress-ki-previews/

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Guest Ding Lin

In fact, JJM was ordered to gain 7-8 kgs for his movie "Friends 2" right before EK.  After EK started, the director of EK asked him to lose 10 kgs.  It seems to me that he has reached his goal in the recent episodes.  
It is not easy for him, but he has been pretty pleasant about it as usual.  He even joked about it in his message to fans. He said that he was a little sad when he looked into the mirror, but he hoped his fans would continue to like him.  He said...... "please do not abandon me for my weight" ! :)   tucci said: WOW!! The ratings O____O I'm so happy!!

It's just me or JJM and JCW have lost weight?:(( Poor them, filming for 4 month must be like hell!

I'm rewatching for the 10000th time the hug scene... I found it quite sexy, because it was slow, the light was soft and the height difference stood out. And they're both so pretty/handsome, like a dream!
IMO if TH wouldn't have had that da*n big hat with strings, He would have kissed her LOL

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Seung-nyang: How can a person who thinks he’s a tiger acts like a cat?

=)) SN has balls. Even bigger than the guys combined. Now the facial expressions in the previews make even more sense. And the next person who calls her lowly needs to die! Reminds me when WY told her to never see herself as "lowly" when she called herself that after the hot tea incident.

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@screambyscared thank you for the gifs...

Wasn't someone complaining about the bug headset on SN before? Guess the message got through cause she's got a garden now.

So excited for tonight episode.

Daydreaming mode on!

ET's going to force TH to abdicate and rant on about how an emperor that can't read or write nor speak should not be ruling then TH's going to open his mouth and reject the abidcation read out the blood letter and write a edict to strip ET of his powers. ET'll get such a big shock he might die from it...

I'm really warming up to ET dying from shock!

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This drama is definitely getting very exciting, things are starting to move along and hopefully, with any luck we will be rid of ET and his idiots very soon!!  Then it will be interesting to see what will happen with ED and SN and how she moves up to become Empress.  Then of course, the moment I am for sure waiting for....OOHLALA between TH and SN!!!!!  I will be like this watching every second of that... @-)

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The c-subs are released later and later these days! Waited all night for it!
Finally got to finish ep30 with subs.
I think we've had enough discussions about the episode, so I'll just try to post the translations for a couple of the conversations I thought were good/important.
SN voice over as MaHa was taken away from DS

You've temporarily lost your child, I've lost my child forever.  Even if I miss him, and want to hold him, I can't, you will never understand that pain.  The pain you're suffering now is nothing.  

Conversation between SN and DK

SN - Is there something you need to say to me?
DK - Please send your people away
SN - Take your leave
DK - Not even in a dream would I have thought that poisonous dates would have been found in the Empress' quarters. I admit, Jai In mama you've won.  We've lost.
SN - Why are you so sure that it was me
DK - Before Jai In mama returned to the palace, there is no else so perfect
SN - You're saying things that I don't understand.  I don't want to listen to this anymore.
DK - Do you know why Pak Jai In died?  She didn't know her place and dared to bare Emperor's child.  So I killed her mercilessly.  This is the crime of an utterly cheap thing pretending to be noble.  The same goes for you, how dare you a tribute woman try to compete with the Empress.  Revenge?  Did you really think you're a match for us?
SN - Don't be mistaken, I haven't even started yet.  How can being sent to the cold palace be consider revenge.  Just like grieve I experienced while holding onto the dead bodies of my comrades, you will also be holding onto your father and your sister's bodies and shed tears of blood.  THAT is my last revenge.

Conversation between SN/Bang/PBH

PBH - Mama, Eunuch Bang is requesting to see you, if you don't want to see him, we can send him away.  Please enter
Bang - Cheona would like to see you...
SN - A meeting, where?
Bang - Since Mama-nim can't leave the palace, we can find a quiet place...
SN - Is this something that should come out of a eunuch who serves a King! The person in front of you is the Emperor's consort.  You're asking to me to secretly meet another man
Bang - Another...Another man
SN - Tell Cheona if he wants to see me, he must make an official request to see the Paeha.  There's not a chance that the two of us will meet alone.
Bang - Yes, I wll pass on the exact message
PBH - Bang...don't be too upset.
Bang - Please tell Mama, Thank you
PBH - What?
Bang - Compared to the person trying to get closer, it's more painful for the the person trying to stay way.  Mama purposely being heartless will make Choena's heart more at ease.

Conversation between TH/SN/WY

TH - What? WY's returned?
GT - He'd like to greet you Paeha
SN - Why are you looking at shin-chup? Are yo afraid to see Wang-Yoo Gong?
TH - Tell him I allow.  
GT - Huh? 
TH - You're my woman, why would I be afraid of him
SN - I need to go with you.  
TH - What do you need to go for?
SN - You're not able to talk at the moment, have you forgotten?
WY - Paeha, how is your health these days?
SN - Paeha is still not able to speak.
WY - I heard from the servants outside
SN - Shin-Chup would like to make a request with Paeha.  May I have a conversation along with Wang-Yoo Gong?  If Paeha feels uncomfortable, then we don't have to meet.  If you trust Shin-Chup, then please allow us.  Thank you Paeha.

Conversation between SN/WY

WY - You seem to be happy.
SN - Thank you, Wang-Yoo Gong.  Do you still resent me?
WY - Resentment can only be consider if there are still  feelings involved.  In my heart, SN has already died.
SN - Forget me.  I hope Wang-Yoo Gong will not remember me.
WY - Mama is a memory I would not want to think about.  It's just a past that I want to wipe away.  It no longer holds any meaning.  Hopefully there won't be a meeting like this again.
SN - I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.
WY - There is no need to apologize to me as I have also abandoned you.  No one in this world can hate Mama, including me.  Don't feel regret, don't shed any tears.  Properly walk your path, I will do the same, without turning around, without any pain, without any regrets.  I will walk my own path.
SN - You must forget me and live a happy life.  This is so I can live at ease, it's a selfish request that I make to you.  It's the last shameless request.  I'm sorry Cheona...Cheona...Cheona...

Conversation between SN/TH (while SN's dressing TH)

SN - Have you memorized what you need to say to the governors?
TH - I've memorized very single word
SN - Please remember, you're the Emperor, they're your subordinates.  Be upright and outspoken, but also have the warmth that ET lacks.  Let them see the Emperor's majesty.
TH - Don't worry.  My grandfather's grandfather, grandfather's grandfather is Ghangis Khan

Conversation between SN/TH before the hug

SN - Are you disappointed?
TH - Everything's over now...I've been abandoned by my officials.  I have nothing to say even if I'm forced to abdicate.  
SN - The opponent who we're fighting against is big and powerful.  Do you know why Shin-Chup is still competing?  It's because of Paeha.  Please don't shed any tears for such a small setback.   The only subordinate who believes in Paeha.  Even if it's just for Shin-Chup, you can't lose hope.  

About WY and Bi-Soo

  • [*]
Bi-Soo agrees to decode the ledger for WY, but her only request is for him to kill her after she's done.  She'd rather die then to be sold as a slave and tortured by the Eagle Group as that is what they'll do to her when they find her.WY tells her to forget about decoding the ledger as he has no intention of killing her.Turns out the ledger is coded in Roman numerics.  The numbers on the ledger corresponds to the placement of the word in the 'Thousand word' book (same book that TT gave to SN to teach TH).  Once the words have been decoded, they have to be arranged in a certain way.The ledger contains information of the spies from Eagle group placed in each of the province.  This is how ET and the Eagle Group have been able to embezzle money from the people, and manage to have the governors owe ET such huge debts.WY decides to give the ledger to TT so he can use it against ET, but tells TT not to tell SN who that ledger came from.

Oh, about SN not recognizing the baby, well she did lose the baby within hours after he was born, babies grow fast.  In her mind, her child is dead, never would she have thought that MaHa is her child.  Especially not with the way DS was reacting to MaHa being taken away, just like a real mother.  SN doesn't know that DS is sterile, as far as she knows, that's DS and TH's baby.  

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Guest hunterdd

So the writers chose to end the love triangle quickly in the last episode. TN is banished but I am sure she will be back.
We know that SN will be Empress, so the unknowns in the final 20 episodes are
1. Who is the head of the merchant group and slavers and the next bad guy/gal?2. Who will be the 2nd couple? Bi Soo + WY or Bi Soo + Tal Tal? 
What is interesting is that if Tal Tal gets a lead role in a historical drama in the next couple of years, based on cray-zness recently, I think it could do really well. Bi Soo is interesting too, as we now know she can do action, and if you are familiar with her recent roles, all the things a good lead female normally does. Was Bi Soo even in the novel, or are the writers specially adding scenes for her?

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The drama is definitely getting to be really interested.  Even my mom is looking forward to the next episode!
My mom hasn't been following with the drama, she only watches parts of it when I force her to watch it with me over dinner (I deliberately wait to watch it over dinner :D).
But tonight she pretty much paid full attention to the second half of the episode, and was like 'isn't there a second episode?' at the end of it  =))
I had to remind her today's only Monday, the second one doesn't broadcast till tomorrow.

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tessieroo said: @CherKell, @ChelseaS, and @jeenee - Thanks for the live recaps!  >:D<
@ohoheli - Thanks for the screenies!  (I'm happy you're back) :D
@Miky88 - Thanks so much for translations.  ^:)^
So...Tana got sent to a cold, abandoned room full of cobwebs. (with no blankies, no makeup and no mirrors) And it also didn't look like they get any food? (or much food) Is that is?  :-w

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pegster said: The drama is definitely getting to be really interested.  Even my mom is looking forward to the next episode!
My mom hasn't been following with the drama, she only watches parts of it when I force her to watch it with me over dinner (I deliberately wait to watch it over dinner :D).
But tonight she pretty much paid full attention to the second half of the episode, and was like 'isn't there a second episode?' at the end of it  =))
I had to remind her today's only Monday, the second one doesn't broadcast till tomorrow.

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Guest critics

COPIED FROM SPOILER @Pegsterencrypted-tbn0.gstatic.comWY: "Properly walk your path, I will do the same, without turning around, without any pain, without any regrets.  I will walk my own path."

What a very heart-breaking confrontation!  So emotional now - can't hold back my tears. 

Thanks for sharing.


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