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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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Wang Go and El Curly scene was omitted. but was replaced by Taltal and EK's entourage.

I am not surprised they omitted that. We haven't seen Wang Go for some time, and EL Curly now works with YBS. I guess if they think we've accepted the recent episodes, then why not these makjang ones? :D

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:sigh: .. I couldn't think of any reason that could justify why TH had to do what he did to WY (kikiki .. so lazy to use spoiler but not lazy to write craps.. crazy .... :D )
The only reason I can think of .. THE WRITER IS STUPID....!!!!!! ..

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eunsuhae said: @everypart : sometimes I find it incredible that TT is written by the same writers as the other characters
he is a flawless character, not in the sense that he is a saint but in that he is so consistent and all his thoughts and actions are so tightly in character from the beginning till now. even when he changed, it was a character development done right coming as a logical result of what he went through and his actions always have a reasonable explanation behind them

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eunsuhae said: @everypart : sometimes I find it incredible that TT is written by the same writers as the other characters
he is a flawless character, not in the sense that he is a saint but in that he is so consistent and all his thoughts and actions are so tightly in character from the beginning till now. even when he changed, it was a character development done right coming as a logical result of what he went through and his actions always have a reasonable explanation behind them

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Today's episode was beyond delusional... 
I mean, I can accept the fact that one of the main leads dies at some point (it's a sageuk), that is not the problem. The real problem is the way Wang Yoo died, and the way Tahwan acted hurriedly without thinking twice about what he was about to do (+ the fact that almost all WY's henchmen died tragically).At this point, just make SN somehow run away with TT. I swear it won't be as delulu as what i watched today LOL
Taltal and Seung Nyang's scenes are just priceless. I can rewatch them over and over again, and watching their interactions cheers me up a bit ^^Tomorrow I won't be able to watch the episode live. I'll only catch up with episode 51 later during the week. Therefore, tomorrow, i won't be on the thread reading your live recaps and posting MBC video segments (sorry).
I'll put this in a spoiler tag because it is not the end yet (and i know some of you don't like early goodbyes) : 


Since i'll be absent for a while, i want to thank everyone here who have participated in the thread and who have shared their insights for about six months now (yeeeah). Your posts really made my day and made it a little brighter. (this thread is a stress reliever for me). BIG HUG to you all ! I'll miss you a lot :x Empress Ki was, and still is a memorable journey for me, despite everything that happened. BUT ... this is not a final goodbye. I'll come back on the thread later to catch up with everything and... My Taltal voice recording version 2 is on its way, too :3

I really believed in Paeha, i wanted to believe in him until the end. :/ :/  I'll just try to be sensible and tell myself that the writers wanted to show the different effects of power on different people. Sometimes it makes you despotic (El Temur), sometimes it makes your jugement clouded (BA), sometimes it makes you stronger (Seung Nyang), and sometimes... it just makes you go crazy and paranoid, and it destroys your life (Tahwan). This is the most logical explanation that i found, thinking about it. And we all knew, from the beginning, that uri Puppy was not made for power (or maybe power is not made for people like him).

Everytime in sageuks, the last but one episode is crucial and tragic (aka one of the main leads dies). Rest in peace, Wang Yoo Gong. 
 Now i guess SN knows the only person she can rely on is herself (and Taltal too), so she'd better do something about Golta and save Tahwan for one more (last) time (she saved him so much, already  ), as well as protecting her child and herself. Palli Palli Seung Nyang, and bring down the remaining evils please.

One last request for the writers : Don't end this drama with SN's death. End it with a philosophical quote either from her or from Taltal xD 

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Bambiina said: sally_b said: @larabn - Since apparently *everybody* is slated to die at this point - I might as well join the list.
For MANY episodes I haven't been able to figure out why Ki felt it was necessary to emotionally thwart Ta Hwan by being secretive and cold ----> AND meeting covertly with her husband's most feared rival. (NOT defending Ta Hwan's obsessiveness by the way) One minute she's the smartest strategist in all of Yuan...the next, she's doing everything possible to ensure she looks like a secretive, power-hungry (gussied-up) Wench. (hahah!)
LE SIGH. I blame everyone. That's the safest way to stay sane at this point. :P

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@ChelseaS -  AHA! I knew something was amiss. Well, I guess a 6 month long drama that starts with the second to last episode is bound to have a screw up in editing at some point. NOTE: CherKell just posted that the final scene was filmed ----> TODAY. Now THAT's crazy.
(sad that they're not having a wrap party --- half a year of your life invested in a production, there should be some end-cap to it.) I'll bet they have small gatherings among those who got close on set, rather than a BIG to-do. at least I hope so.

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Katrina Abdul Talib said: The writers must be a group of serial killers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killing spreeeeeeee. Stress stress stress..
I don't care if all the baddies were killed off but why WY and his devoted and faithful men? WY's part is very similar to Frozen Flower, so sad and pathetic endings..
Reading yr spoilers I suspect Goltha must have put down the seal to appoint the distant cousin as Emperor thinking that TH is going to die BUT unfortunately TH surviived? (Believe he ruled Yuan for 30yrs.. )

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Guest p0seid0n

Okay. So it was a bad idea to watch this episode during class. 

-clears throat- I'm sorry guys, TH has reached a new level of low for me today. I forever DESPISE his character, not just over the fact he killed my WY, but the fact that he's one stupid and ungrateful little @#$@%. 

But you know what? That's his character in a nutshell. He's always been unstable and senseless with a tad bit of immoral. His love for SN has always been underlined with insecurity and violence. I think people are supposed to have this love-hate relationship with him. I liked him in the beginning of the show, but his character has deteriorated over time. He's no longer the cute silly puppy Emperor we adored. Now he's just an insecure vindictive idiot who'll point his sword at anyone without thinking. Really, TH? Do you truly think you've won this one? Give me a break, boy. 
Ironically, the best part to come out of this was that WY no longer has to suffer. The man can finally rest in peace without having to see more of his loved ones die. Dying in SN's arm is also icing on the cake for this tragic hero. It's kind of poetic. I like that the writers didn't undermine the fact that SN has always love WY in her own way. Her love for him was eternal, even though they walked on different paths. Wish they'd emphasize it more. 
And mark my words, TH WILL get what's coming to him. If he doesn't, there'll be no words to describe how angry I will be. Writers, please make him die a horrible and painful death. I hope SN will resent him for what he's done. As a WY fan, I 'aint got no shame saying this. Freaking writers screwed us WY fans over. He could've moved on and lived a happy life, but noooooooo! Had to die in the hands of the country's idiot for the stupidest reasons (I can't understand Korean so I don't know what that reason is, but I'm sure it's stupid anyways). Hnnnnngggggghhhhh.


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Guest larabn

Guys... lets all listen to TT 's voice recording @kiyokotsubasa made for us earlier
I'm going to listen to it now to cool my nerves that are frying with stupid shocking oil
I'm inviting you all for a session of yoga with TT's voice now :) and lots lots of soju too
I don't wanna even imagine what o expect tomorrow

This has been a long journey for the cast and crew.... I wish them all the success after this drama

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Yes I totally agree with you @pegster about the reason..even TH is wrong to kill WY but SN is not just some people's wife, she is an empress..If anyone found it, Ayu and SN will be in danger..and we already know how TH afraid of losing SN..and maybe that's why when TT tell SN about the reason, she understand..I just want Golta is dead, a miserable and painful death..
but honestly I think the writer and the actors are really daebak..they can make people become obsessed and even fight just because a fictional character..can't wait for the final episode..:D 

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Guest kenneth123

@Bamblina to be honest I didn't understand ki on why she is so secretive too at first.. and I didn't like ki at all at the beginning of the story and my favorite character was th but now blehhh .. the tables have turned.. now I understand on why she keeps on making plans on her own... even if she asks help from th... it would only complicate things and at the end.. her plans might  fail.. for instance, she already told the emperor to stop the war because it was a lost cause.. yet he continued to do it and didn't listen to ki.. and yet you see it really did fail... if ki funded the war with el temur's money and put it in the treasury... it would just go on... so at some point...that the people would continue to be hungry and the money were all spent in war.. and the fact that th made many promises that didn't come into fruition... means he is incapable in holding power... but you have to admit it's true that he doesn't deserve to be emperor... he even sided with the enemy.... and almost got ki killed... did he understand the gravity of the situation... that you almost got your wife and kid killed due to trusting a wrong person.. yet he does it again in the preview.. he sent sn out... even if ki shows how much he cares for the emperor and pledge his allegiance... it's probably just a waste of time.. as the emperor will always have doubts and insecurities... On the other hand, the emperor has a right to doubt ki with the letters, maha and people around him... but until now he would rather go to other people to confirm rather than asking ki to explain directly... and finally ki realized that the emperor keeps everything to himself and let the problem haunt him.. :)) that's where I think it's not sn's fault anymore... hahhaa sorry I just want to type continuously right now... I just wonder what ki wanted to tell the emperor when they get old...  I just can't help but resent the character now... sorry if it sounds harsh :)

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Guest emkay77

My sincere thanks to all who recap tonight episode.
I love HJW...that's the sole reason for me to watch EK. Unfortunately the storyline is a lot worst and cannot be compared to HJW's previous saeguk...ie Damo and Hwang Jin Yi. 
I'll never watch EK again..maybe if I miss SN or the Jackal, then I just rewatched it just for the sake of treasuring the beauty of HJW. I'm glad that EK is going to its finale...so that finally HJW can have a rest and start with a new movie/drama.
I'm SN shipper from the beginning until now (coz of my bias HJW). This is my second post here and in soompi overall. After tonight episode...I guess I will never like TH. 
Like I said in my first post, this is my first time seeing a mainlead that is totally useless, self-centered, stupid, immature and abusive. I can never accept him for raping SN before..now that he killed WY (for whatever illogical reasons he gave to cover his insecurity, jealousy and cowardice...what the heck..bringing an army and wearing an armour just to kill 3 good people!!), just cemented my hatred towards this character forever (nothing against JCW, who portray this character successfully). Yes..it's true..we're watching the same drama..but I differ with those who think that TH loves SN or vice versa..to me their relationship is abusive and TH treats SN like a property..never trusts her..supporting those who is against her...forced himself onto her.. I feel pity for SN for having such a useless and self centered husband.
I think the most pitiful character in this drama (apart from Maha) is WY - he has done everything for his country and also SN, but he lost his child he just got to know, lost the woman who loves him (Bisoo), lost his loyal friends..and finally his life. Poor goryeo people..they just want peace for their country and people. Why the writers/PD can't just let WY and his men alive and living peacefully in goryeo.
I don't love WY but I respect his character...especially what he has done for my SN. He accepts his fate that SN leaves him and he NEVER even once try to persuade SN to come back to him or goryo. It's obvious that although he fights for goryeo..when it comes to SN's safety and happiness, he'll not think twice (remember the scene when he and 2 of his men saving the useless emperor and SN from an army and they were outnumbered that time) - At that time it's obvious to me that to WY, SN's life is more important than his). 
I don't know what to expect from the finale. Just hoping that all the evil character will be killed one by one. I hope SN lives happily...(and TH dies, so that SN don't have to babysit him anymore, his existence is just a burden to everybody around him).

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The first recap I had read made my day thanks to @tieuyeunu,.....Your a sweetheart....
Finally Th did something worthy of his crown he should have killed the old bat Cruella long time ago.. So I guess Th killing Wy because he don't want nobody to know the facts of Sn being with another man and doubting Ayu linage.. 
Sn looked beautiful..
So we get the coup in the last episode or what let me finish reading the re=caps and then watch the episode..  Only 1 Episode Left :(( ..

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I have feeling Ki may have wanted to confront TH about the MaHa secret, but decided not to.  That's probably why she said she'll say it when they get old?  She doesn't want to open up the wound that's hurting TH (and her!).
Or maybe it'll be like in the novel, Ki wanted to tell TH she loves him, but decided now's not the time, but why???

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everypart said: I totally agree. He is not perfect by any means (although he is damn close to it, lol) but he learns from his mistakes and ultimately fights for what he believes in. SN was also really important to his character development.. you can see it really shook him when she called him a coward and when she told him several times that the people as a whole are more important than the pride of his clan. 

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@pegster I think in that period women purity was higly valued and even more in the high-ups(in high ups more because of the reputation of all involved)...not even poor people men or family didn't accept women touched(they were a disgraced for the family ,many parents choosing to kill their daughter rather than shame their name)and people even more looked at them like plague...even in today in many contries this purity is higly valued(like killed by stones in the public for her sin) or in others if u think upgraded how so many think a divorced women is finished,like her life is over,like she is not worth it...(and we see it in modern dramas)@saly_b soooooo curious,how does Soju taste,in my country is a rare item so i can beraly find it@tessieroo i think it's safe to say we are by far one of the most pacific and light viewers because i think there are others way more badly...(remembering all the comm about wanting WY or Th to die in pain,that was hate oh man,still it's a show)@CherKell Thanks for the info about the last filming,i think all are happy they finished this long show and wanted to have some rest and as well i think they are sad because they won't see each others daily,i guess JCW will miss being HJW manager  like he said jaja...thanks a lot for the video with the North Cape CF...curious how many are there
If we think about it TT stared out as a bystander,he didn't agree with ET doings but he just made his role and served him along Bayan and choose to save themselves going with the winning party....After he met SN and actually worked with her he understood that his way of doing things,aka stay on the side,won't change anything and that he ,himself must make a differance and started to take action,fist in silence and in the end in the open ...

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