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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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@ChelseaS should I assume that SN took out one of DK's eyes from those photos you posted?

Hmm...I see SN entering into ET's old home with TH...could that mean SN finally decided to tell TH about her treasure hunt?

Or maybe she just somehow convinced TH to go to BA's place so that she can look around for clues.

Monday where are you...

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I think so. The picture has a caption in Korean language The translator does not not make sense except for the phrase "lost an eye". :D

당기세장군과 염병수부하!
당기세가 왜 한쪽눈을 잃었을까?!?! 월요일날이면 알수있겠지...ㅎㅎ

너무멀리서찍어서 편집이 힘들었다는

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@Dal. @pegster, @ChelseaS (and everyone else posting pics) Thanks!  :x
@DJG - That's the part that interests me - exposure to different cultures and how that changes things. (in a tribe, an empire, a country, a religion...doesn't matter) I love reading about those in history! Like say...which country or race of people invented something, be it a manner of behavior, a custom, a tradition or a belief and did it spread - if so, where and how? (I spent over 7 months in high-school learning about Jewish customs/traditions, where they originated and what other cultures (if any) have adopted some of those customs) Fascinating! 
So far, what's interesting to me about the Mongols is the seemingly ever changing attitudes towards women. One moment, it's okay for Ki (and the other women) to participate in hunting, shooting, etc. but the next moment, we're being told women were not allowed inside the Main Hall or involved in any of the Emperor's business. So neither Ki or the Dowager should have been there during military discussions or promotions given to the Governors? (is that true?) They seem prim & proper, very mannered and respectful of women (which might just be because it's a K-drama) yet even El Temur treated Ki like a "bit of fluff". Without your help, I wouldn't know which parts are just dramatic license and which are true historical behaviors. ^:)^
@ChelseaS - Ahhh, it sounds like Tanasmirky's feelings for WY were explained in detail in the novel. Yea, I don't get why they included that scene either since they didn't explore that relationship further.  :|
@critics - In Ep 39 (according to Hulu subs) instead of TH telling SN not to make him angry, he says "Gwibi, Please, I'm begging you. Don't be angry with me" which makes a lot more sense to me. 
Did Gol-ta's pushing/insisting TH go to the new Empress surprise anyone besides me? Did he have a lobotomy?  :-w  Let me guess: he's just "doing his duty" as the Emperor's Eunuch.  I thought he was a TH/SN shipper. Traitor. [-(

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Come on guys... we're getting sloppy again in here.  Do you not see the huge banner the Admins posted when you log into the Forums?  PLEASE remember to keep the Drama Threads ON TOPIC.  Anything resembling personal activities/photos/gifs/videos/blood samples of the cast members belong in their individual actor Forums and should be posted there.  As drool-worthy as that JCW video may be... it does not belong in this Empress Ki thread.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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EK Happy Time NG 03232014




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This drama needs more Tal Tal scenes. The scene where he accuses the 2 faced Empress and when he realizes someone had moved his books, so sexy. The tone of his voice and just the rational way he handles things *swoons*

Also, why did SN think it was a good idea to leave the palace, with so few bodyguards, when she knew her enemies were on the loose. Why would WY even call her out. With the way SN and TT have secret meetings in the palace, I'm sure they could have found a way for WY as well.

Ayu is really a cute baby, the scene of Ayu, SN and TH being a happy family was so cute, and then everything went to pot.

I can't invest in this new empress and her schemes, I keep thinking richard simmons you only have like 10 episodes, go sit somewhere and stop being a nuisance. The sudden switch in Bayan and ED was too sudden, I think that is why a lot of fans are upset with the last 2 episodes. We expected the switch, but a one episode turn around from a coalition working together to suddenly going at each other, is just too hard to reconcile. I know why they did it; they don't have enough episodes left to draw out the changes in alliance, but that is why they shouldn't have kept ET and TS for as long as they did.

Act 1 should have been ET and TS and Act 2, BY, ED and Empress richard simmons vs. SN, TT, TH and WY. Now we have Acts 1-5 as ET's family and then Act 6 as this last minute fight. It's like everyone had a lobotomy and personality change between episode 37 and 38. Anyways, what's done is done. I wait to see what they do for the next 12 episodes. I hope they end on a strong note, so all the effort thus far does not go to waste.

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Guest seohaseurri22


<:-P <:-P <:-P

Our finals had just finished yesterday, and as I promised, I'll be back again and become squeaking noisy in the thread. Seems like it kinda changed since my last login here, so here we go...........

First and foremost, I dunno if I would have enough guts to say but, the story seems to really slow down its tempo. Except of course for SN-TH-Ayu happy family scenes, Lady Ki's desire to become an Empress, and the "El Temur's treasure-hunting" plot, for me there are no other interesting scenes to watch on as of now. Come on, we only have 10 remaining episodes to condense the last storyline. Would you mind if I'll just skip some episodes and come back watching where the coronation scene ended and after some time jump, when Maha and Ayu are grown up already?? ~X(

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Is she allergic to the earrings they use on the show? She hasn't been wearing them since her first appearance on the show. I have a cousin who doesn't wear jewelry because her skin rejects them whether it's real silver/gold or not.

I still can't believe we had to keep those two maids like seriously!

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