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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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Guest Pamela Yang

i just wanna point out that i've watched all of PSH's dramas and in regards to kissing, i think that comes with personal experience and chemistry. I'm not sure if she's had any personal experience, but i remember her saying in one of the BTS of Goong S with Se7en that her very first kiss was with him. So, I believe that when the time is right, ES and KT will show a good kiss for us fans hehe!!!

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august101 said: damondayfreak1 said:

OK, before I read everyone's posts I'd like to write my opinion here.

Is it me or I'm already getting tired of these types of characters? Especially Eun Sang and the jealous girlfriend.

The obvious clichés about the US are also a bit cringe worthy (and I'm not even American). Maybe I'm not watching this series with the right state of mind. But seriously I just can't root for Eun Sang, one of the main characters. Like, she has no real dream, all she has ever wanted from life was to live in the US and benefit from her sister's situation while she doesn't even have a college degree to find a job there and can't even freakin' speak English? She has no job in mind, no goal. She worked very hard just to run away from a respectable but poor mother. And she actually went to the US without giving her sis' a call? She kinda feels entitled to have a piece of her sis' cake, to me. Jealous of her own sister, even. Nobody asked her to work at 2 or 3 jobs, she didn't need it, she decided to do it because she was desperate to leave the country.

Anyway, I'm going to watch the 2nd episode and see where the drama is going...the story might get interesting and I might get used to Eun Sang. I hope the writers have something different to show us than the whole "Americans party all the time, are so wild and take drugs" thing.



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I agree with the whole American stereotype but I don't get too upset because in American movies they also stereotype Asians. It just seems like I can't be completely upset at S. Korea for doing it when US does it too....
Also, I think the reason she feels that money will be the solution is because she comes from a background where she completely notices the difference money can make. She sees her mother slaving away for a rich family so she has this love/hate relationship with money. I think she wants money because she feels like that will be the answer to all her problems, but that's obviously not true. I think just like the boys are going to learn from her and grow up so will she. People seem to forget that she is only "18". 

My only suggestion is to not completely close off your mind. Try and see the next couple of eps and if you still find it annoying then move on, simple as that.

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agree with @Ezzy658
People just have different ways of handling things, with their age and from their experience. I salute her at the age of 18 she got so many part time jobs and how can she keep up with her studies and work, she is just a High School student. It's just like you can't breath and too tired of all of this sh_t. 

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I love the character of Kim Tan, it is very obvious that up until he met Eun Sang he had been living a wasted boring life. Pretty much lonely, nothing much to do but surfing the little schooling he was doing and mostly wasting his days being lazy as he said it and hanging with people that had no depth to their lives.  After Eun Sang left I am sure he felt more bereft more lonely in this huge house with all the craziness and excitement of the days that he spent with Eun Sang all gone now so his empty and lazy life more obvious to him than before. I am happy that Eun Sang gave him the push he needed to go back home and start living rather than see his life pass by and be an spectator lonely.

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I also would like to add that at that age, men are usually not very moved by purity (wether it is sexual, emotional or righteousness). Some are, fortunately, but dramas make it seem like if you have a pure heart you'll get a rich handsome guy. Er, not really. I think the guy fell for her because she was weak and vulnerable, she had to reluctantly rely on him so that made him feel manly and act like a protector, thus attach to her. Her nice sense of humour helps as well.

Hollywood's racism is well known, yes, that's one of the reasons why I don't bother watching it their movies anymore. I'm as annoyed by Koreans stereotyping Westerners as whites stereotyping non-whites.

Eun Sang is only 18, indeed, you're right. She's also never travelled and probably never bothered looking for info about different kinds of people, about the world, as she was too busy making money and working her a$$ off. But still, she's not a kid, she is intelligent and mature enough. Seeing rich people looking down on her mother could have made her resent power and excesses amount of money. Instead of building a strong plan for her future so she'll get respected as a person, she focused on making money by doing menial jobs. What's more, she goes to the US without any skill to succeed there and get some respect for herself, for her mom. I don't get it. She could have become a lawyer or a doctor. OK, I know, I know it is a drama and I'm overthinking it all.
Yes, I also hope she'll grow up.

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ravairie said:

Why can he have this hair style on Heirs? LOL He looks younger with this hair style and hotter. hahaha

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I am new here ! xD please take care of me xDD 
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damondayfreak1 said: I also would like to add that at that age, men are usually not very moved by purity (wether it is sexual, emotional or righteousness). Some are, fortunately, but dramas make it seem like if you have a pure heart you'll get a rich handsome guy. Er, not really. I think the guy fell for her because she was weak and vulnerable, she had to reluctantly rely on him so that made him feel manly and act like a protector, thus attach to her. Her nice sense of humour helps as well.

Hollywood's racism is well known, yes, that's one of the reasons why I don't bother watching it their movies anymore. I'm as annoyed by Koreans stereotyping Westerners as whites stereotyping non-whites.

Eun Sang is only 18, indeed, you're right. She's also never travelled and probably never bothered looking for info about different kinds of people, about the world, as she was too busy making money and working her a$$ off. But still, she's not a kid, she is intelligent and mature enough. Seeing rich people looking down on her mother could have made her resent power and excesses amount of money. Instead of building a strong plan for her future so she'll get respected as a person, she focused on making money by doing menial jobs. What's more, she goes to the US without any skill to succeed there and get some respect for herself, for her mom. I don't get it. She could have become a lawyer or a doctor. OK, I know, I know it is a drama and I'm overthinking it all.
Yes, I also hope she'll grow up.

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Guest Enonane1 .

A lot has been said about CES being selfish and thinking only of money. I think from several comments she made that she wants to have money so she can take her mother away from the hard life she has been living. Also I remember reading in one of the character briefs that CES had contributed part of her hard earned money to help her sister continue to live and go to school in the States. So it is quite natural that she would feel overwhelmed and mad to find out her sister has been lying the whole time. I don't know how other people feel or what their experiences are but it is entirely possible to feel resentment for having to bear a burden that is more than any teenager should have to. It happens all the time and usually you don't have someone like CES that still shows resolve and good character.Teens who have to shoulder financial responsibilities to keep their families clothed, fed and under shelter are to be admired. It is natural to feel resentment at a world that is so unfair. After all, they are teenagers. I wonder also if Papa Kim knows something about CES's father? He was quite respectful when he asked her if she was her mother's daughter. Perhaps there is much more to the back story concerning CES's father and why her mother has been a loyal employee under such trying circumstances.I noticed that all dramas - Korean - American - European - all follow the same plot lines....a little different for each country or area but there is little difference in shows. I think all the characters will continue to be built upon as the weeks go along. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the journey!

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ravairie said:I think she thinks that her only way out is to be in a foreign land and start a new life with her sister. Not knowing her sister is leaving a hell of life also. Well she regret what she did though and ask for forgiveness to her mom, that scene made me tear up . Although she acts like that to her mom, she loves her and she doesn't want her mom to overwork or to be treated that bad by KT's mom. On the teaser she wants them out of the mansion. So if she learned KT is the 2nd son that will more reason for her to stay away from him. But you can't stop yourself from falling in love CES. =) 

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Enonane1 . said: A lot has been said about CES being selfish and thinking only of money. I think from several comments she made that she wants to have money so she can take her mother away from the hard life she has been living. Also I remember reading in one of the character briefs that CES had contributed part of her hard earned money to help her sister continue to live and go to school in the States. So it is quite natural that she would feel overwhelmed and mad to find out her sister has been lying the whole time. I don't know how other people feel or what their experiences are but it is entirely possible to feel resentment for having to bear a burden that is more than any teenager should have to. It happens all the time and usually you don't have someone like CES that still shows resolve and good character.Teens who have to shoulder financial responsibilities to keep their families clothed, fed and under shelter are to be admired. It is natural to feel resentment at a world that is so unfair. After all, they are teenagers. I wonder also if Papa Kim knows something about CES's father? He was quite respectful when he asked her if she was her mother's daughter. Perhaps there is much more to the back story concerning CES's father and why her mother has been a loyal employee under such trying circumstances.I noticed that all dramas - Korean - American - European - all follow the same plot lines....a little different for each country or area but there is little difference in shows. I think all the characters will continue to be built upon as the weeks go along. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the journey!

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dhillaxoxo said:

Episode 5 Text Preivew for The Heirs:

Tan was shocked to see Eun Sang in his house.

After class, Eun Sang walks out of her class and was shocked to see Tan (looking as if he's an oil painting) standing in front of her...

Ra Hael is angry that Tan never call her...

With the help of CEO Kim, Eun Sang gets transfer to Jeguk High...


PSH weibo

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juju84 said: dhillaxoxo said:

Episode 5 Text Preivew for The Heirs:

Tan was shocked to see Eun Sang in his house.

After class, Eun Sang walks out of her class and was shocked to see Tan (looking as if he's an oil painting) standing in front of her...

Ra Hael is angry that Tan never call her...

With the help of CEO Kim, Eun Sang gets transfer to Jeguk High...


PSH weibo

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@damondayfreak1 :May be the writer showing us in those characters  that Nobody  relieved neither the poor nor the rich , each one has his /her concerns ,  Money makes some people happy and others unhappy and this is the life .
ES is real character in our life yes we are good but have some negative personality  traits  like jealous , hate and rude  , yes we are human beings have mistakes & we do it  to learn as ideals has  been  said  : " 
He  that falls today may rise tomorrow ."
ES thinks the money will solve everything  and escaping from her problems by travelling will give her the relieve but the opposite happened and her admiration of this world not enough she saw her sister in bad moments  the last person in her family who she  likes from her heart dropped in her eyes  .

I think ES is learning,  she apologised  to her mother & she wants her mother to be in home not working in others home .

As you said  she can be somebody and I agree with you , We must not surrender to despair

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