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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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faidaris said: This is a bit out of topic and I am sorry for not abiding the forum law. But I really honestly think LMH & PSH are seriously compatible and complementing each other in many ways possible. Both are hallyu stars... both are super good looking... both are extremely talented in acting, singing... both are super nice, humble, down to earth... both are family persons... Can you guys just date secretly already? You have my approval!!! :x 

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OMG OMG OMG this episode is MIND BLOWING!!!!!! Lee Min Ho.. this noona become a Minoz not for nothing.. you nailed it! This episode is one of the best and a turning point. There is a possibility that Choi Young Do will be there everyday beside Cha Eun Sang and waiting for her to accept his heart.. but to forget Kim Tan is something Eun Sang can never ever do. Young Do will be Eun Sang's strength pilar during this beyond sad moment. But of course we're all know where the journey leads to.. everybody will be happy at the end....
Love Hyo Shin and Rachel's relationship development.. I was like hahahaha OMG I was once like her in High School.. trying to use a friend to make the one that I had crushed on jealous.. ended with me dating that friend for a year.. hahahahaha... Rachel darling let this immo tell you something.. once you exchange any kind of body liquid with a significant other, that liquid from him will basically spreading into every cell in your body and the effect will be just like what you're starting to feel about Hyo Shin.. if you do it again and exchange larger amount of that liquid... you'll be his forever.. Don't play with fire or you'll burn Racheri-ya :x [-X

and.... OMG OMG OMG.... seriously.... who's life that I saved in my previous life.. that after fiesting my eyes and my innocent little fan girling heart in this episode.. I saw The Man from the Stars trailer accidently and guess what... Drama Gods blessed me once again with this heavenly angelic and beyond beautiful God's creation.... 

(this poor ahjumma epicly died........)  =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ =P~ :x :x :x :x

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:x :x :x
Because Tanny is born handsome, that's why he has to endure the all the paiiiiiin and suffering to make it fair ;)
(cr. as labelled)

For ES-KT shipper

BTS - the way he looks at her. *swoon swoon swoon* (cr. miumiu2011)

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The world's most beautiful thing is dangerous.

- After searching endlessly for Eun Sang, he walks away from her without saying a single word because only then did he realize that the person who drove her away was not his father but him. His precious love ends up being nothing but the mechanism that pushes people out of his life.

The most pitiful thing is realizing half way through that you're fighting for nothing.

-He sees very clearly now how hopeless their love is. He appears before her one last time to say his goodbye. The most painful part about watching this is not seeing him hurt as he leaves her there crying, it is watching as all his effort of holding on goes into vain. At last, the person who never lets go is letting go.

The most satisfying victory is not eliminating your enemy in one strike but watching as they slowly destroy themselves.

-He is roaming around like a broken soul destroying himself, wrecking his life, completely defeated. He is so helpless and so pitiful, it's unbearable to watch.

^:)^ Lee Min Ho, superb acting! Flawless! I'm just in complete utter amazement! He deserves an award indeed =D>

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My immediate thought for this episode is why so slow? With four eps left, I thought the writer would start tying loose ends. But ep. 17 seems to be all about Tan being sad. I expected him to break, but not an entire episode just for that. Plus he's been emo since ep. 1 interspersed with a bit of happy moments here and there. So now, he's just back to square one, except he recognizes that he has to let ES go. So at the end of this ep., much like where we started with his whole journey, he's all alone ~X( 

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i will be the ONE whom find out where ES is how do u like me now??? see girl why did u run from them?? didn,t u know that YD will find u?

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After all the pain and torture we've had to endure these few episodes,I expect the making up scene to be full of epic kisses and hugs.I wanna be so giddy fangirly about them that I forget how much I cried cause of this drama.

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I guess if yesterday's episode was about Kim Tan fighting for love and to protect the girl he loves, then based on the English translations of the previews for ep.18, this episode will probably focus on Eun Sang fighting for courage not only for herself but also for Tan. This is just what I think...and also the spoilers, the ending sounds so similar to BOF and come on if Lee Min Ho doesn't even know the know the ending of the drama himself then no one else should know.
I still havent seen ep. 17 cause I'm still contemplating whether or not to wait for ep. 18 but I pretty much understand what happened from reading all the recaps

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I've now accepted with a peaceful mind that YDXYR is not happening

*cries in a corner*

and here's a non-sense-english Hyo Shin x Yoo Rachel drabble


I am sorry, but I still love my evil queen and I hope she'll have some sort of happy (or not so bitter) ending :)

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Guest rogue0716

Oh damn, I just had a sudden foreboding.

If the most beautiful word in the world is, "Mother"...then what is the saddest? We never got an answer to this in the beginning of the episode. Is it Goodbye? Is it Lost? Tears? Cry? Or is it Love?

I'd get down on my knees and beg thee, writer and captain of this ship...not to let them sink to the bottom of the sea. Let them get through the saddest word in the world and find their way back to each other. Because, you know...I believe i'd scour every inch of Korea to search and destroy if we don't get a happy ending.

KIM TAN!!! GET THE HELL OFF YOUR KNEES AND STAND UP AGAIN!!! Struggle if you must. Stumble if you're getting weak. Sob your heart out until it breaks. Get all that crap over with so you can recover and pick up that sword again. I DON'T CARE AS LONG AS YOU CAN GET ES INSIDE A CLOSET AGAIN AND ummm...you know, kiss and make up? Heh.

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First of all, I’d like to inform KES and the Heirs production team that I have only one nerves and only one heart, both which are already extremely weak to begin with, so if I suffer a mental breakdown or a cardiac arrest because of all the heartbreaking and nerve-wrecking twists I’m going to sue them for damages both for health detriment but also for not warning me about the possible health side-effects. I’m pretty sure I’ll win this lawsuit and a huge damage fee just like that person who sued McDonalds for not putting the warning that their coffee/tea is hot on their cups.


"Every word has meaning. As soon as you put our feelings into a word, it becomes meaningful. The word "pencil", takes on an entirely different meaning when you think of it as… the pencil that I use to write letters with."

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Guest hacci143

ssinzaby said: faidaris said: This is a bit out of topic and I am sorry for not abiding the forum law. But I really honestly think LMH & PSH are seriously compatible and complementing each other in many ways possible. Both are hallyu stars... both are super good looking... both are extremely talented in acting, singing... both are super nice, humble, down to earth... both are family persons... Can you guys just date secretly already? You have my approval!!! :x 

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Guest hacci143

i have been lurking and reading posts here for a long time...

i just can't help it but cry with ES and KT...

specially KT, he's been torturing his self for ES, and ES not knowing what is really happening to KT since she left..

KT suffering a lot when ES left, and for him to protect his love, he'll give up shares, leave and never come back and worse, ler his best friend take care of the one he loves..



i'm still hoping for a happy ending for both of them.. that they're dream catcer will catch all this bad dreams that's happening in them...



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Guest butterball

Wow what an episode! I just read a blogger saying that it is dragging and KT and ES are hopeless (something like that).

They are just 18 for goodness sake.

I remember the 18 version of myself and yes, withdrawal to one self is what teenagers do when they are faced with harsh reality. I just think that the show depicts the teenager angst perfectly. Why do people expect the characters to behave and fight as though they have years of life experience??

@kkte1: great rating! 

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