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[Drama 2013] Incarnation of Money 돈의 화신

Guest nozomikizumi

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ok, q for everyone.. when i first heard about this drama in dramabeans, the synopsis was "Heroine is the daughter of a loan shark and breaks hero out of a psychiatric hospital by pretending to be his wife." http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/01/incarnation-of-moneys-teaser-and-stills/

so does this mean at some point CD will end up in a mental hospital again? or is this one of those early infos released to the public that is so not what the drama ends up being about??

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I somehow find it very unnerving so many people feel sorry for her. It's your opinion, of course and it's only a show (I guess and hope most would be less forgiving in real life), but she's the worst of the lot, the way I see it. She is the only one with a conscience and the one who took the least responsibility for what they all did.

I mean, she does seem pathetic now, but she frankly deserves spending her life in jail or worse. She is a woman who manipulated an old man and flaunted her power to his family, got him killed, got his wife jailed, let them all murder her son (even if it didn't work), then came back for more, to finish the job and even wanted to steal the rest of the money belonging to the child they all planned and tried to murder.

I don't see anything "poor" about her. If she was sent to an asylum and got abused every day, it would still be too kind a treatment for such a monster. I don't feel her "love" justifies anything. It's only the obsession of a diva who will not tolerate not getting what she wants. Except Se Gwang's heart can't be had by stepping over dead bodies, because he doesn't have one.

They are all monsters, for everything they have done and no amount of their tears will somehow lighten those crimes in my eyes. People like her and the rest of them is why this world is suffering. They and their lust for money, power, success are everything that was ever wrong with humanity. So yes, no matter how nice the actress is or how well she cries, I feel nothing for Angelina but what Cha Don does. Utter hate and absolutely no mercy. Let the punishment fit the crime. Mercy is for those who regret and couldn't help but do something bad. Not for those faced with choice, again and again and always chose to step over people, with their only regret being they got caught.

Maybe I am less forgiving than some and that may be good or bad, but it's just how I feel.
I get very emotional over such big issues. XD So, kudos to this drama for making me nuts.

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@orion -- angelina is not a good person and her acts are not by any account justified. so what goes around comes around and so by that respect, she is reaping in spades... but this drama is interesting in that they present a world that is not completely black or white much like reality. angelina is well-written and the actress has done a great job in managing to give a boost of humanity to her; perhaps thats why some viewers actually feel sorry for her.

this is difficult to explain. this is not the kind of sorry where you feel bad for someone going through a terrible time. its more like a sorry pity. its what you feel when you see someone who was terrible to you going through some difficulty -- you know that they are reaping exactly what they sowed but you neither gloat or delight in their misery, you just pity them.

in my personal experience, this happens when you see glances of their humanity. i was actually surprised when it happened because i disliked them intensely and i really thought i would be glad to see them suffer but i wasnt. i was just sorry for them. now these are people that i disliked so much that i mistrust and am super wary of anyone who comes from that town. (its another thing that almost everyone i meet from that place seems to be from that mould which only solidifies my opinion) now, i am not claiming that i am very forgiving, i am not; there are lots of times when i am delighted to see people get exactly what they sowed... those are usually people i dont really see them as a whole... only see their terrible side... so does that make sense?

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It makes perfect sense and I agree in the sense that they are pathetic. Pitiful, as in half-human. They do not know guilt or regret and can't really truly understand what they are. Which yes, is kind of pathetic, because they lack the basics of being human. That little voice inside that knows what's what. They're blind and therefore shut off to the good as much as the bad. I think Kwon and his son also showed that very well. He has a wonderful kid who became a successful man, but he can't see that. All he can see is "more, more". What he can have for himself and "achieve" by using his son as a tool for his fulfillment, instead of recognizing the joy of being a father.

I have to agree on Oh Yoon Ah as a choice. There were some objections to her age, but plastic surgery can easily "explain" those and I feel she is so well-picked for this role that it doesn't really matter. She illustrates the damaged nature of her character and her downward spiral into her own created hell very wonderfully. This team just knows how to pick their actors perfectly.

I think my anger is kept for them and pity goes more to the people who suffer because of them. I do feel sorry to see their downfall, because it's heartbreaking seeing these sorry excuses for people get what's coming to them when that rarely happens in real life. I guess I've seen too much suffering around me which is due to such "humans" so it's a bittersweet outcome. They get punished in fiction, but how many are out there destroying lives, that will never get punished? And it's these half-men who ruin life for truly wonderful human beings. The unfairness of it all makes me sad enough to not allow me to spare any pity for those who do it, I guess.

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@orion -- people always get what they deserve... you may not see it but for all you know, behind their facade, they could be miserably unhappy.. i used to feel the same way thinking how come these people are not getting their due but in time, they did...

in one of the movies, there was a line - "good men -- they fall but rise again; bad men -- they rise, but when they fall, no one knows what happens to them".....

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Difference in belief systems and life experiences, I guess. I've seen my share of people with no shame over causing immense suffering and I'm also agnostic due to the way my logic works, so I don't feel the same. I wish we lived in such a fair world, but when all I've seen is the opposite, I'd be in denial to not admit it.

Still, how wonderful is it that a drama can make us think about such things? And that we can discuss it with people from all over the world. This is definitely one of the good things about this industry. ^_^

Edit: As for the mental asylum plot, drama plots often change and some change many times, so maybe that part was changed. Maybe they did not want to make it such a big part of the plot, so they limited it to the episodes where he went to spring his mom out.  With 8 episodes left, I doubt we'll have such a big thing and another major time skip.

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JI make all this change because her big love for CD , it's the only person who has a warm heart from all the other character of this drama, many steps she's doing for CD i really wish that CD can return to her and show a little step and reaction which makes her happy at least .. JI until now , she didn't knew that CD has some feelings for her ...

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Guest robs1430291557

lmangla said: ok, q for everyone.. when i first heard about this drama in dramabeans, the synopsis was "Heroine is the daughter of a loan shark and breaks hero out of a psychiatric hospital by pretending to be his wife." http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/01/incarnation-of-moneys-teaser-and-stills/

so does this mean at some point CD will end up in a mental hospital again? or is this one of those early infos released to the public that is so not what the drama ends up being about??

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Recaps for Ep 15. credit: Dramabeans
(Spoiler Alert: Don't read this if you haven't watched ep. 15 yet)


I agree with @orion and @robs, it was the storyline they released before the drama started, but once they begun filming, there were some changes made.

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First, hello to all of our IOM chingus, @pechumori, @krgirl27, @Imangla, @Orion, @Robs, @alekauno, @dredz, and to everyone else who is in this thread. :)
Just finished watching IOM episode 16. I love how Cha Don is always one step ahead of Se Kwang, though I'm thinking on how will the traitagon will found out that Cha Don is Kang Seok. I wish writer-nim would let Cha Don reveal himself to them rather than having the traitagon discover that its him which may let them to plan a plot against Cha Don (hehe. I hope you guys get what I'm trying to explain. lols)
On the other hand, We all know that Madam Bok is a hardcore businesswoman and a nagging mom but it is refreshing to see how she softens with Cha Don and how she supports her daughter, Jae In.
Also, I think the credit union CEO position will be handed to Jae In in the upcoming episodes which made me think that Director Kwon will now pursue his son Hyuk (poor Hyuk, being used in his father's hunger for power) to date or marry Jae In to get a hold of the credit union. Cha Don isn't it time for you to realize your feelings towards Jae In? *sigh
Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who share news and thoughts in our thread. Hope to see more of your insights in the following weeks.

I can't wait for the next episodes. Saturday and Sunday, palli palli!!!! XD

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After reading @lmangla and @Orion comments it made me think about how I felt.
 In truth I giggled all the way through Angelina's fall, because from the beginning it was clear that SK never loved or even liked her. I saw the fivesome as people who envied those around them with wealth and even hated them for having what they wanted. Not one of them was a decent human being and SK is the only one who has fooled himself into believing that he is something he is not. He never gathered these people around him because he wanted to, with the exception of Angelina he bought them to his side to prevent discovery.
JG: was a prosecutor with an impeccable win record but never got promoted and never allowed to be part of the inner circle.  Yet he saw himself as a righteous prosecutor meeting out justice for the people, accepting of his faith because of the path he had chosen. He hated SD because he was just the opposite.A dirty prosecutor who got all the good promotions and seem to know all the right people. The moment he was given a choice to cover up a murder, go along with a second murder of an innocent child and to destroy the life of an innocent woman, what did he do. He chose the money without a moments hesitation, and to date has not shown a moments hesitation for that decision. Why, because he got what he truly wanted, and that was to be what he pretended to hate.
The Reporter: Another wolf in disguise, he was the seeker of truth a man that wanted to reveal the dirty going on's of the people the people had placed their faith and trust in, Yet when given a choice what did he choose, to abandon the truth to allow a murderer to go unpunished, to help frame an innocent woman and to help plot the murder of a child.
Angelina: Like @Orion said, a woman who took advantage of a wealth older man by selling her self to him, a woman who show constant disrespect to his wife because she felt superior to her because the husband allowed her everything. She cheated on this same man with the man he had raised like a son and laughed about the betrayal. She was disrespectful, rude and arrogant in the treatment of the old gents wife at every opportunity, she went along with the murder of this man and his son and laughed while the wife was prosecutor for her husbands death. All this was done for money and he obsession of SK because if we could see he didn't love her so could she, and because of this obsession she killed another man. She fools herself into to believing she did this to protect SK but she did it because he would not allow her the fantasy that they were in love.   
Hawang: Unlike the rest he never pretended to be a good guy, in one of the earlier episode's to told SK that unlike him he never was a good guy he just never had the opportunity to be anything else. That is why he had to go. He reminded them of what they really were and laughed at their pretension of being anything else. This of course made him a danger to all of them, because he was accepting of the fact that they could be found out and punished. He was the reminder that no matter what they pretended to be they were just like him.
SK : He is the worst of the lot because he can't accept what he is, he need's  the righteous reasoning for what they have done. He say's it was for the revenge of his father, but what revenge. His father was terminally ill and made a deal with the chairman to give his son a life that he would never have otherwise. So what wrong was done to the father, he was dying anyway, they had no money and if he had not gone to prison for the chairman how would SK life been better for it. The only thing SK lost was spending more time with his dying father. Is that really a motive for revenge, especially when the father explain what he had done and why before he passed away. The chairman didn't renege on the promise to SK father, in fact he treated him better than expected, and that was the real problem. Because it allowed SK to see the life he would never have, to see what a person could be with money. To see what a person could do with money and he hated the chairman for it. The righteous prosecutor is his promise to his father but we have seen he isn't really that. In his desire to punish the mayor we see he tampered with CD and JH evidence he tried making a deal with the murderer so he could get his man. How righteous can you be if you are willing to let a murderer go just to punish a politician for fraud? Going back to his revenge, lets just say he had justification for wanting to get the chairman why murder him, and what did his wife and son have to do with it? He was out to destroy the lives of the people he envied the most, he wanted their lives. His guilt to his father makes him deny that it is about the money, and it's that guilt that makes him crazy.
Life is not fair it has nothing to do with character of human beings.  In truth most of us are envious of the wealthy and powerful and there is nothing wrong with that. It is wrong to plot to murder or someone so you can steal there money in hopes that you will then live their life, are there people who will do such things we all know there are. This is why we enjoy this drama because we know that in the world people like these can and do exist, and when punishment comes we enjoy watching them because we feel good knowing that even if we are jealous and envious we would never do what they did because our greed has limits.

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GaeinaLee said: @alekaonu... dear, you don't watch it live? Owww, I need gushing friend while watching it live.. *hikz*
  Annyeong @GaeinaLee :) hey we meet again in this thread. I didnt watch it LIVE cos I was watching 100 Years Inheritance LIVE hahahahaha. I'm thinking of changing to IOM this coming Sat & Sun. I think I will definitely watch IOM LIVE from now on cos its very intriquing and exciting drama.

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