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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I hear Koo went to Phillippines early this morning....maybe for scuba diving.


I really have a feeling she is going to be an instructor. !!!

I will try to find the Bazzar article.

I cannot seem to click on the link. @kooswan if you are able to get the article and post it here, i can take a look. Writing is easier for me to translate than a video for sure. Thanks.

The Lady with whom Koo took many poses for Harpers Bazaar is the stylist from Mepsi (?). At Koo's IG, Koo posted their pix together with a word,  의리 loyalty.

Here are some more photos BT shots posted at dcgall-Koo taken from Mepsi, http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=140421&page=1

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Chingu @cheerkoo-sis, wow, really? Koo-nim was in the Philippines? Super-wow! Despite the storms in my life, I feel happy knowing that one of my life's inspirations is in my dear home-country. :wub:  I hope that she has enjoyed the dive. There are many wonderful pristine diving sites/beaches for her to have had explored here. I'm really glad that she is becoming more proactive with her health or in general, with what she really wants in life. Anyhow, dearest Sunnies, I hope that you've all been well. Hello everyone @eonnie Trang, robbo, swan, etc. And special hello to eonnie Keri. As always, thanks for all these delicious updates on Koo-nim. I wish you all an auspicious and awesome August. Looking forward to her return in the small screen no matter how long it will take so long as she's happy and content with her many endeavours. God bless. TCA!  :heart:



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Hi fellow friends,

     It's been a long while, but seeing some of this thread's  longtime GHS followers posting prompted me to come and say hello.  You all have been so awesome, truly, with all of the updates, videos, and news of GHS.  Thank you so much.  This has been probably the most challenging year of my life and through it all, I could come here, read your posts, and for a few moments, be at ease and just immerse myself in all of the news and updates of GHS.  I look forward to it every day.  It's interesting to see how her life has changed, just like the rest of us whose lives change from year to year, and wow... her latest adventures are spectacular to say the least.  I also wonder if she is preparing for some kind of role or directing something that requires expertise in these areas.  I really, really, hope so.  That would be amazing!!!!  Sue, you have my neverending gratitude, you too kooswan, and the same to all of you Sunnies out there, hi obbor4 , and to macaronsandsakura tea, :wub:, nice to hear from you.  I am now watching the newest Chinese version of Meteor Garden and you know, it's quite good.  The actor who plays Daoming Si ( Goo Junpyo character) is really good and so is the main actress, but somehow no one can beat GHS's portrayal of Geum Jandi in my book :).  To all of you, please stay well, and be happy, always.   AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!   P.S.  I know she gained was it almost 20 lbs? but she still looks beautiful!!! - I wish I could look like that after gaining 20 lbs!!! (not possible he he) And finally, may I say how much I love AJH, who is so perfect for her and is just an incredible husband!!  Take care sunnies:heart:

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Hello Sunnies!!!

So good to see the posts from many familiar names!!!

Koo is to walk the red carpet again for her new short film Deep Sleep on Aug 9 at 6pm at the JeChun film festival.

She also has schedule for group talks with the audience.


Wow! Koo is a certified advance diver! She is really serious!!  I am too chicken to learn to dive, but it would be soemthing to go scuba diving with Koo. keke. 

The group of divers above, led by the trainer Kim DoHyung, are enjoying their diving at Palawan..but they say the weather is not that agreeable right now. Hope all is well.


Sunnies, stay well and strong no matter what life throws at us..take care of you.


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thank you for above post.

Koo took a pix with poster's 14 yo "lovable niece". Poster says Koo also chose Palawan for her vacation spot. She always thought Koo pretty but she is really pretty. she always cheers for koo and prays for her fast comeback and to wish her great marriage.

thanks @kooswan


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On 8/4/2018 at 6:46 AM, cheerkoo said:


I hear Koo went to Phillippines early this morning....maybe for scuba diving.


I really have a feeling she is going to be an instructor. !!!

I will try to find the Bazzar article.

I cannot seem to click on the link. @kooswan if you are able to get the article and post it here, i can take a look. Writing is easier for me to translate than a video for sure. Thanks.

The Lady with whom Koo took many poses for Harpers Bazaar is the stylist from Mepsi (?). At Koo's IG, Koo posted their pix together with a word,  의리 loyalty.

Here are some more photos BT shots posted at dcgall-Koo taken from Mepsi, http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=140421&page=1

@cheerkoo http://harpersbazaar.co.kr/celebs/22주년-스타와-환상의-짝꿍/

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[TV리포트=손효정 기자] 구혜선이 영감을 주는 것들에 대해 밝혔다.

GHS revealed things that give her inspiration.

10일 영화 '딥슬립'의 감독이자 배우인 구혜선은 '제천국제음악영화제'에 참석, 무비토크 라이브를 진행했다.

This talk took place at 10th Jechun Int Film Fest's movie talk live.

구혜선은 영감을 받는 것에 대해 묻자 "제가 사랑하는 무언가에서 많이 온다"면서 "사랑하는 사람, 가족, 자연. 사랑하는 일, 사랑하는 것들, 그리고 이별, 죽음에서도 많이 받는 것 같다"고 답했다.

"Inspirations for me come from whatever I love, such as the person I love, family, nature, work that I love, things that I love as well as good-byes and death."


특히 최근 가장 영감을 받은 일을 묻자 "반려동물 기르면서 동물들이 나이를 먹고 저도 나이들고 하면서 그아이들과 이별 준비하면서 그런 마음들도 있다. '딥슬립' 같은 경우는 불면증 심한데, 이별에 대한 불안인 것 같다"고 전했다.

When asked about any special inspiration.."As my pets get older and I also get older, I am preparing myself for eventual parting with those kids. Regarding "Deep Sleep", I myself have a severe insomnia. I think it has to do with my anxiety about loss and good-bye."

손효정 기자 shj2012@tvreport.co.kr/ 사진=네이버V라이브 화면 캡처

Reporter Son HyoJung.

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[헤럴드POP=안태현 기자] 구혜선이 영화 '딥슬립'의 감독으로 제천국제음악영화제를 찾았다.
Harold POP Reporter Ahn TaeHyun.

GHS came to Jechun as a director of "Deep Sleep".

10일 오후 네이버 V앱을 통해 방송된 '제14회 제천국제음악영화제' 무비토크에는 단편영화 '딥슬립'을 연출한 구혜선이 출연해 영화에 대한 이야기를 나누는 시간을 가졌다. Move talk Live took place on 10th 

이날 구혜선은 제14회 제천국제음악영화제에 영화 '딥슬립'을 가지고 참석한 것에 대해 "제천은 항상 집처럼 들락거린 것 같다. 또 올해는 작품과 함께 오게 되서 설레는 마음이다"라고 소감을 밝혔다. GHS talked about how coming to Jechun Film Festival is like coming home. She comes often. Since she is here today with her work, she is also nervous.

이어 구혜선은 자신이 연출한 '딥슬립'이 곧 상영되어 관객들을 만나는 것에 대해 "걱정도 좀 된다"며 "실험영화이다 보니깐 보시면서 영상에 문제가 있는 것 아닌가 오해를 하실 수 있는 작품이어서 걱정도 되고 빨리 보여드리고 싶은 마음이 있다"고 얘기했다. 그도 그럴 것이 '딥슬립'은 화면은 암전된 상황에서 소리만으로 감각을 자극하는 영화. Before showing her film, Deep Sleep, she revealed that she is a bit worried. "It is an experimental film so people may wonder if anything is wrong with the image. I want to show it quickly." Deep Sleep is a short film without image, only stimulating sounds.

이에 이무영 감독은 "보통 영화가 파격적이다하면 금기시 하는 장면이 있다 생각하는데 진짜 그렇다"며 "아무것도 보이지 않는다"고 말해 눈길을 끌었다. Director Lee Moo Young commented that, Usually, when a movie is unconventional, there is a taboo(?), and there is. Nothing is shown."

영화를 연출하면서 영감을 어디서 가져오냐는 질문에 구혜선이 답하는 시간을 가지기도 했다. 구혜선은 "그때그때 마다 다르기는 한데 사랑하는 무언가에서 많이 오는 것 같다. 사랑하는 사람, 자연, 일 또는 그것을 떠나보내야 하는 이별, 죽음에서 영감을 많이 받는다"고 답했고, '딥슬립'은 자신이 겪는 불면증에서 영감을 가져왔다고 얘기했다. Regarding where she gets her inspiration..."it is different at different times, but usually they come a lot from people I love, the nature, work, as well as when I must let go of or say good-bye and death." Deep Sleep came from her own insomnia.

또한 구혜선은 창작을 하면서 고통스러운 적이 없었냐는 질문에 "창작을 하면서 고통스러운 적은 없었고 고통스러워서 창작을 했다"고 말해 남다른 연출 세계를 드러냈다. 또한 구헤선은 "제 영화를 보시고 잘 들었습니다 혹은 잘 잤습니다라고 말을 해주시면 가장 큰 칭찬일 것 같다"고 말해 눈길을 끌었다. She was asked if she felt distress trying to create. GHS responds with, I never felt distress from creating, but I do create because I am in distress. If people tell me that after seeing my movie, they felt they slept well or they heard well, then I would take it as compliment."

배우를 시작한 이유에 대해서도 이야기가 풀어졌다. 구혜선은 "배우는 어떻게 참 우연히 됐다. 저도 어떻게 보면 배우 준비하신 분들에게 결례가 될 수 있는 말인데 늘 이 길을 가고 싶었던 마음만은 아니었다"고 솔직하게 얘기했다. "I became an actress accidentally. This may sound insulting to those who prepared hard to become actors, but i never really thought I would always be an actress."

그렇다면 감독이 된 이유는 무엇이었을까. 이에 대해 구혜선은 "감독을 하려고 배우를 했나 배우를 하기 위해서 감독이 됐나 헷갈렸던 적이 있는데 제가 배우를 했다거나 음악을 했다거나 이 모든것들이 저한테 많은 영향을 준 것 같다"고 말했다."At times, I get a little confused whether I became actress to become a director or did I become a director to become an actress. However, whehter I act or make music, everything is an inspiration and influence for me."

또한 구혜선은 최근 살이 많이 빠진 것 같다는 박경림의 질문에 "지난 달에 충격을 받은 일이 있어서 스쿠버다이빙을 시작했다"며 "하지만 그게 살이 빠지는 게 아니라고 하더라. 근육이 생기고 있다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다. Mc Park GyungRim commented that she lost a lot of weight... GHS repsonded with, "I was traumatized by people saying that I gained weight. So I started scuba diving. However, I am  told that it is not an activity that will make me lose weight. I am gaining muscle." It created a laughter.


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