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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thank you  @yonghwa for your videos!! I really miss her and her hubby everyday. Glad to see her updating her instagram more often now. BUt I noticed that Koo sometimes deleted some photos on her IG. I hope that she doesnt do that because all of those photos are  precious.

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What?! How?! When?!!

Oh, but, so like Koo!!!

Just heard through DC-Koo.

Koo's new short film, Deep Sleep, will be viewed at the Jechun International Music & Film Festival --JIMFF.

August 13 ~August 18

Koo will also have a talk time there.

It is a black and white, 23 min long.

She is amazing!!!

Sunnies, take care!!!

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diverse and numerous reactions from all walks of life about Koo.

kekeke I love it.

even her agency says,,hey she just gained some weight..she is not pregnant and she did not have any surgery....

Koo says at her ig that she gained weight by 10 kg. and that she is wearing color lens.

l love that she is getting so much reactions..

she even got number one most talked about rating.

hahah...love it.

I love that she is trying something new and different.

she looks bold and sexy.

I love her jewelry.

one thing I did not care for is her top blouse. 

they gave her too big a shirt.

anyway,,,her look reminded me of her book, Story of Marie.

I am looking forward to more pix and reactions from her talks at BiFAN and also at Music and Film festival throughout summer.

Take care of you Sunnies!!

Koo, you take care too!!!!


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Hi Sunnies,


It's been a while- sorry :|  Not sure if everyone know of GHS VLive talk.  Hope many of us will log on to

participate in this rare opportunity "be there" with our Hye Sun.  I'll surely be up at close to 1am my time. 


Director #Koohyesun will have a VLIVE for Megatalk Event 'Movie and I' at the 2018 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (@bifanofficial). Date: 2018/07/14 Time: 4:50 pm KST. https://m.vlive.tv/video/79617 . Cr: @ahnkoovely. #구혜선 #Goohyesun #BIFAN




Won't you join me Sunnies?  We're chat afterward, yes?  I remember back in 2015 when I first joined Soompi,

our forum used to be so lively & busy with lots of chit chats.   It's been quiet for a long while. 

A big Thank You to sis @cheerkoo and others for keeping things going for our forum.


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Thanks so much.

I did not know about the Vtalk.

I fall asleep early these days...ke


I love Koo's calm and cool way of approaching all the talks about her.

She does not hide or pretend it did not happen. She faces it directly and with humor.

Love her.

I hope it gave more reactions for her movies.

Always a fan.


Thanks so much for the video.

Above they are talking about DAUDER movie.

IT is a long video that I have a take a look later.

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Wow, I did not know the lnk is so long. keke

I am going to listen to the talk later...it takes me longer to get it..but I found an article that summarizes the Vtalk.

기사입력 2018.07.14 18:01

[엑스포츠뉴스 김미지 기자] 배우 구혜선이 부천국제판타스틱영화제를 통해 관객들과의 대화에 나섰다.

[Xsports Reporter Kim MiJee] GHS conversed with the audience at BIFAN.

14일 네이버 V라이브는 부천국제판타스틱영화제 '영화, 그리고 나 구혜선을 말하다'를 방영했다. The topic of the V-live BIFAN talk is: "Movies and me, GHS".

이날 구혜선은 동료 배우와 스태프들이 자신의 영화를 흔쾌히 출연하는 것에 대해 "영화를 빨리 찍으려고 노력한다. 그래서 다음 작품을 할 때 호의적으로 해주시는 것 같다. 앞으로도 계속 연출을 할 지는 모르겠지만, 계속 신세를 지게 될 것 같다"고 말했다.

She was asked about how other acting colleagues seem happy to work with her. Her answer is, she tries hard to film as quickly as possible. She thinks that is why they are happy to work with her the next time. She is not sure if she will be able to continue to direct in the future, but she will continue to rely on their kindness.

배우와 연출의 차이점에 대해서는 "아무래도 연기할 때는 예민한 부분이 있는데 연출할 때는 세상 좋은 사람처럼 한다"고 밝혔다.

She was asked about the difference between acting and directing. She says that when she is acting, she at times becomes sensitive, but she is very happy go lucky when directing.

이어 "현장에서 배우였을 때, 이런 감독이 되지 말아야겠다는 매뉴얼이 있었다. 그래서 '배우는 사람이지, 도구가 아니다'라고 생각하면서 연출을 하고 있다"면서도 "그런데 출연 배우들이 그렇게 느끼셨는지는 모르겠다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

She adds that, while acting, she kept her own manual of what she did not like about certain directors. Her own thought is that actors are people and human beings and not someone's tools to do whatever. But she is not sure if her own actors felt that way from her directing. Everybody laughed.

연출자로서 작품을 마주할 때 제작비의 부족을 실감한다는 구혜선은 "편집도 배워서 하고, 뭐 하나라도 배워서 해야 예산을 아끼지 않을까 해서 배우고는 있지만 아직은 부족한 실력이다"라고 말했다.

GHS is very aware of the cost of making a movie, especially working with insufficient funds. She says she cuts the cost by teaching herself how to edit and everything else that deals with movie making. She teaches herself as much as possible but she feels that she is still inadequate in many ways.

이어 "아직 영화감독으로서도 신뢰가 부족하고 계속된 실패로 인해서 어려움이 있어서 어필을 많이 하고 싶다"며 "많은 관객분들을 만나뵙고 싶은 욕심이 있다"고 덧붙였다.

She knows that she is still not considered a director with credibility due to continued box office failures. That is why she still wants to ??appeal a great deal. She has intense desire to meet and converse with a lot of audience.

제작비가 많아지면 배우 캐스팅에 돈을 많이 쓸 것이냐는 질문에는 "배우분들 보다는 도구나 아름다운 풍경을 담는데에 더 쓸 것 같고, 스태프 임금에 더 신경쓸 것 같다"고 소신을 밝혔다. She was asked if she will use more money to cast actors if she has an increase in funds. However, GHS's answer is that she will most likely use more fund on better equipments, better and beautiful locations, and increase the staff wages.

또 '복숭아 나무', '미스터리 핑크' 이후 뱀파이어 장편영화를 만들고 싶다는 구혜선은 제작비 부족에 대해 본인이 배우로 출연할 생각은 없냐고 묻자 "아내로서 집에 있는 남편 안재현에게 요청해볼 것 같다"고 말했다.

GHS revealed that she would like to make a feature length film about vampires as her next project. When she was asked if she would consider casting herself for that movie, her answer is that, "as a wife, I am considering asking my husband, Ahn JaeHyun."

연출가로서의 고민을 묻는 질문에는 "어릴 때부터 방송일을 해서 현실감이 부족할 수 있어서 어떤 영화를 만들었을 때 관객들이 공감할 수 있을까 라는 생각을 많이 하게 된다"고 답했다.
구혜선은 전날 부천국제판타스틱영화제에 등장해 포털사이트 실시간검색어 1위를 차지하기도 했다. 살이 많이 쪘다는 대중의 반응이 있었기 때문.

Koo was asked about her difficulties as a director. "I have been acting since early age that I fear that I may lack sense of reality about real life. I worry whether the audience will relate to my movies.

구혜선은 "어제 살이 많이 쪄서 기사도 많이 나고 실시간검색어 1위를 했다. 그래서 오늘 행사에서 '후덕한 구혜선입니다', '살찐 구혜선입니다'라고 할까 고민했다"고 말했다. GHS talked about her ranking number 1 due to her weight gain. She thought whether she should greet the audience today with, this is foolish and/or plumpy GHS.

이어 "굉장히 재밌기도 했는데, 나이가 들어가는 것을 느끼기도 했다. 겨울에도 춥지가 않고 열이 많아지는 것을 느낄 때, 나의 실제적인 몸의 변화를 체감할 때가 '나이가 드는구나' 싶은 것 같다"고 직접 언급했다. GHS relates that it was kind of interesting to be talked about so much for her gained weight. But she also realized that she is getting older. When she feels hot instead of cold in winter months, she can sense the changes in her body and again realize that she is getting older.

자신의 언급에 현장이 화기애애해지자 구혜선은 "GV가 너무 딱딱한 분위기가 아니었으면 좋겠다"고 털털한 성격을 자랑했다. As more and more audience became comfortable and relaxed with her talk, she joked that, I hope that GV is not too stiff. [I am not sure what it means...but reporter says that Koo's saying that shows that she is an open-minded and easy person to get along.]

또 구혜선은 '자연인'이 되고 싶다는 소망을 밝히며 "남편 안재현은 도시남자다. 나는 결혼했어도 따로 지내도 괜찮다는 생각이다. 가끔 남편도 시골체험을 하고, 나도 도시체험을 하는 것"이라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

Koo  also reveals that she wants to be even more of a naturalist. Her husband is more inclined to city life. She thinks it is ok for a married couple to live separately  and at the same time experience country life as well as the city life. This brought much laughter from the audience.

관객마다 자신의 영화를 보는 시선이 모두 달라 관객과의 대화 시간을 좋아한다는 구혜선은 "앞으로도 힘 닿는데까지 좋은 작품을 만들겠다"는 각오를 전하며 행사를 마무리했다. GHS realized that people's reactions are so different from seeing her movies that she really enjoys meeting and talking with the audience. She hopes that she can make even better projects in the future. 

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On 7/14/2018 at 4:02 PM, cheerkoo said:



Wow, I did not know the lnk is so long. keke

I am going to listen to the talk later...it takes me longer to get it..but I found an article that summarizes the Vtalk.

기사입력 2018.07.14 18:01

[엑스포츠뉴스 김미지 기자] 배우 구혜선이 부천국제판타스틱영화제를 통해 관객들과의 대화에 나섰다.

[Xsports Reporter Kim MiJee] GHS conversed with the audience at BIFAN.

14일 네이버 V라이브는 부천국제판타스틱영화제 '영화, 그리고 나 구혜선을 말하다'를 방영했다. The topic of the V-live BIFAN talk is: "Movies and me, GHS".

이날 구혜선은 동료 배우와 스태프들이 자신의 영화를 흔쾌히 출연하는 것에 대해 "영화를 빨리 찍으려고 노력한다. 그래서 다음 작품을 할 때 호의적으로 해주시는 것 같다. 앞으로도 계속 연출을 할 지는 모르겠지만, 계속 신세를 지게 될 것 같다"고 말했다.

She was asked about how other acting colleagues seem happy to work with her. Her answer is, she tries hard to film as quickly as possible. She thinks that is why they are happy to work with her the next time. She is not sure if she will be able to continue to direct in the future, but she will continue to rely on their kindness.

배우와 연출의 차이점에 대해서는 "아무래도 연기할 때는 예민한 부분이 있는데 연출할 때는 세상 좋은 사람처럼 한다"고 밝혔다.

She was asked about the difference between acting and directing. She says that when she is acting, she at times becomes sensitive, but she is very happy go lucky when directing.

이어 "현장에서 배우였을 때, 이런 감독이 되지 말아야겠다는 매뉴얼이 있었다. 그래서 '배우는 사람이지, 도구가 아니다'라고 생각하면서 연출을 하고 있다"면서도 "그런데 출연 배우들이 그렇게 느끼셨는지는 모르겠다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

She adds that, while acting, she kept her own manual of what she did not like about certain directors. Her own thought is that actors are people and human beings and not someone's tools to do whatever. But she is not sure if her own actors felt that way from her directing. Everybody laughed.

연출자로서 작품을 마주할 때 제작비의 부족을 실감한다는 구혜선은 "편집도 배워서 하고, 뭐 하나라도 배워서 해야 예산을 아끼지 않을까 해서 배우고는 있지만 아직은 부족한 실력이다"라고 말했다.

GHS is very aware of the cost of making a movie, especially working with insufficient funds. She says she cuts the cost by teaching herself how to edit and everything else that deals with movie making. She teaches herself as much as possible but she feels that she is still inadequate in many ways.

이어 "아직 영화감독으로서도 신뢰가 부족하고 계속된 실패로 인해서 어려움이 있어서 어필을 많이 하고 싶다"며 "많은 관객분들을 만나뵙고 싶은 욕심이 있다"고 덧붙였다.

She knows that she is still not considered a director with credibility due to continued box office failures. That is why she still wants to ??appeal a great deal. She has intense desire to meet and converse with a lot of audience.

제작비가 많아지면 배우 캐스팅에 돈을 많이 쓸 것이냐는 질문에는 "배우분들 보다는 도구나 아름다운 풍경을 담는데에 더 쓸 것 같고, 스태프 임금에 더 신경쓸 것 같다"고 소신을 밝혔다. She was asked if she will use more money to cast actors if she has an increase in funds. However, GHS's answer is that she will most likely use more fund on better equipments, better and beautiful locations, and increase the staff wages.

또 '복숭아 나무', '미스터리 핑크' 이후 뱀파이어 장편영화를 만들고 싶다는 구혜선은 제작비 부족에 대해 본인이 배우로 출연할 생각은 없냐고 묻자 "아내로서 집에 있는 남편 안재현에게 요청해볼 것 같다"고 말했다.

GHS revealed that she would like to make a feature length film about vampires as her next project. When she was asked if she would consider casting herself for that movie, her answer is that, "as a wife, I am considering asking my husband, Ahn JaeHyun."

연출가로서의 고민을 묻는 질문에는 "어릴 때부터 방송일을 해서 현실감이 부족할 수 있어서 어떤 영화를 만들었을 때 관객들이 공감할 수 있을까 라는 생각을 많이 하게 된다"고 답했다.
구혜선은 전날 부천국제판타스틱영화제에 등장해 포털사이트 실시간검색어 1위를 차지하기도 했다. 살이 많이 쪘다는 대중의 반응이 있었기 때문.

Koo was asked about her difficulties as a director. "I have been acting since early age that I fear that I may lack sense of reality about real life. I worry whether the audience will relate to my movies.

구혜선은 "어제 살이 많이 쪄서 기사도 많이 나고 실시간검색어 1위를 했다. 그래서 오늘 행사에서 '후덕한 구혜선입니다', '살찐 구혜선입니다'라고 할까 고민했다"고 말했다. GHS talked about her ranking number 1 due to her weight gain. She thought whether she should greet the audience today with, this is foolish and/or plumpy GHS.

이어 "굉장히 재밌기도 했는데, 나이가 들어가는 것을 느끼기도 했다. 겨울에도 춥지가 않고 열이 많아지는 것을 느낄 때, 나의 실제적인 몸의 변화를 체감할 때가 '나이가 드는구나' 싶은 것 같다"고 직접 언급했다. GHS relates that it was kind of interesting to be talked about so much for her gained weight. But she also realized that she is getting older. When she feels hot instead of cold in winter months, she can sense the changes in her body and again realize that she is getting older.

자신의 언급에 현장이 화기애애해지자 구혜선은 "GV가 너무 딱딱한 분위기가 아니었으면 좋겠다"고 털털한 성격을 자랑했다. As more and more audience became comfortable and relaxed with her talk, she joked that, I hope that GV is not too stiff. [I am not sure what it means...but reporter says that Koo's saying that shows that she is an open-minded and easy person to get along.]

또 구혜선은 '자연인'이 되고 싶다는 소망을 밝히며 "남편 안재현은 도시남자다. 나는 결혼했어도 따로 지내도 괜찮다는 생각이다. 가끔 남편도 시골체험을 하고, 나도 도시체험을 하는 것"이라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

Koo  also reveals that she wants to be even more of a naturalist. Her husband is more inclined to city life. She thinks it is ok for a married couple to live separately  and at the same time experience country life as well as the city life. This brought much laughter from the audience.

관객마다 자신의 영화를 보는 시선이 모두 달라 관객과의 대화 시간을 좋아한다는 구혜선은 "앞으로도 힘 닿는데까지 좋은 작품을 만들겠다"는 각오를 전하며 행사를 마무리했다. GHS realized that people's reactions are so different from seeing her movies that she really enjoys meeting and talking with the audience. She hopes that she can make even better projects in the future. 


thank you so much cheerkoo



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Hi Sunnies,


Koo is full of surprises- parasailing, diving and now sky diving - WoW!  She's certainly is very interesting.

Hi bro @obbor4  :)   She's over-coming her fears - I'm wonder if she's preparing to do something she's

not comfortable doing??  In general, I so happy that Koo is reaching out & updating her fans via Instagram. 

Did you see the latest post- Mango (?) sitting on her artwork and Ahnjoo is showing up in the background AGAIN,

but getting his presence known- haha!   I love Ahnjoo; I think he's hilarious!!

BIFAN event - I got so excited the night of the VLIVE event but forgot that's it's in Korean (no subtitles).  @junding2009,

it was still super cool, right :)  I was hoping for subtitles a few days later like Koo's last VLIVE (Dark Yellow)

but I could not find it on VLIVE??   Thanks goodness for the xportnews article & for your translation sis @cheerkoo so that we

can understand a little of her current feelings about film making.  It's so awesome to hear that she's still

want to make films and want to understand audience's feedback to improve her film making.  


Really wish somehow Int. fans can access/watch her movies, Dauder, Mystery Pink, Deep Sleep.  Does anyone

know how/where I can watch Mystery Pink.  Excited for her upcoming endeavors.  Fighting Koo!!


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It was my thought also, @geumtrangdi, that GHS could be accepting all of these challenges in order make herself stronger for her next project. As with many others (although our princess seems to always get hit the hardest), GHS has had to deal with maniacal frothing and absurdly mean attacks from "antis" which has led to her going underground at times. She is much stronger now, and enjoys the unfailing devotion of her husband, those in her personal world, and, of course, her loyal fans, who love and believe in her. Whatever the outcome, I hope that she remains positive. We'll be ready for her whenever she returns, at whatever she does. :)

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Koo just became a certified scuba diver! When she ventures into something, she goes all the way...never half way!! One of the things that I admire and love about her!!! I wonder if she might also be thinking about becoming a certified instructor in scuba diving and/or sky dving. She looked cool and natural driving Moby richard simmons (the boat) to go scuba diving. Koo has often talked about the work of acting having a lot of unemployed and down time. She is a practical lady and thinking about her future. I think it is wonderful. If a great acting work comes her way, she is an actor,,,While unemployed from acting, she can teach art and diving!! If appropriate funder comes her way, she can make a movie too. And stay fit at the same time!!! Love it. Love it!! I think it is great what she is doing!! Of course, I am talking on without any evidence here. kekek. Forgive me Sunnies...and Koo...But I just love the active and healthy Koo. May she always enjoy life and make it full as she always has been doing. Live long and prosper!!!

Fighting Sunnies!!!

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