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Oh, how much I want to write in this thread in a few hours -- that this is the best drama this year and probably one of the most unforgettable dramas EVER! I want to write that I loved every second of it (well, almost, except of GC bath scene) But I want / need our happy ending in order to write all this things. Is there any chance to film the final again so it will have our happy ending? LOL!

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Calling Malaysian Faithlings... what time is Faith on live tonight Malaysian time? I'm suddenly confused. Isn't it usually 8.55pm Malaysian Time?  :-S
Time is moving too slowly for my liking, and because of that I thought I'd share my thoughts driving back home from work today. 
I am in so much anticipation, excitement and maybe a teensy weensy amount of dread, going into this last episode. My mind has been distracted all day, thinking of tonight's episode and what it will bring. So driving home, I was thinking about what Javabeans said in her recap, about how the ending has begun to focus on things that are important to us which includes Eun Soo's safety and Young's heart. So I got to thinking about Young's heart. When we got to know him in the initial episodes, it was already established that Young was someone whose heart was dead. The people important to him ie his father, his teacher, his fiancee were all dead. And with the death of his teacher at the hands of such a king, that they had served unswervingly all those years before, and the humiliation of his beloved at the hands of this same king, Young's happy idealistic young world crumbled, and he found himself alone without his teacher or his beloved. On top of that, he had been made to swear to serve this revolting king with his life. It is very clear from the very beginning that this Young who cared for nothing but sleep, was really a walking dead man. A person who prefers to live in his dreamworld rather than the real one when he's awake.
And so he met this noisy, annoying, talkative woman from Heaven - rather he kidnapped her from there, and suddenly he began to wake up from his prolong coma, and we saw a Young who began to care about things. About his king, his queen, about his Woodalchi boys, about his Imja. No longer a walking dead man, but a man with feelings sometimes volatile, often too powerful even for himself to control. 
And so we all observe this growth in Young. (And I haven't started about ES, but this time I'll focus on Young). And if we look at how the story unfolds, and how a man once dead to the world, now flourishes, we see how he CAN become that national hero Gen Choi Young that people have built shrines to. As we read about the historical Choi Young, he was a man who really lived his life. He didn't just fight and win wars, he was an administrator too, and introduced innovations that helped the people. So he wasn't walking dead, and a great man like that only flourishes with the love of a good woman.  :x
 So, now we have it. If, for dramatic effect or whatever reason she may choose, writer Song decides on a sad ending, it wouldn't make sense and makes for poor story telling. It would be like seeing the walking dead, wake up and live, only to die again. It doesn't make any sense, and so more and more I believe that a HAPPY ENDING is the only logical and consistent way to end this beautiful story.
So ending what has turned out into a rant of sorts, PT Brigade is the only way to go!   <:-P =D> 

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Guest poohie222

faith cast members take many selca pics with each other but i don't see LMH with KHS  together pics. why? there is just spoiler pics them. i want to see their selca pics. :x

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if @rrmski prepare knife or dagger to stab his/her heart for sad ending, then i prepare some sidekick for pd-nim and writer-nim

seriously, i will give pd-nim and writer-nim a lot of sidekick, kick to their richard simmons, a lot of curse and vodoo thing If they dare to give me sad ending like romeo Fu*k juliet ending or open ending like rooftop prince .

i already prepare and learn from the best. its  daejang and ES kick:

ES kick and Me , learn from uri daejang :

and last but not least, daejang kick ; ciaaaaaaaaa


for sure, i will give  a really hard sidekick to pd-nim and writer nim that they can't ever imagine in their life  X( X(

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Guest avocado1430291863

one hour to go...wanna watch only half without subs..and the last part has to be watched with subs..
Just want to complaint to writer Song..why she didn't give us the happy-good bye scene in the lantern festival where CY buys ES new clothes and accessories...(I know that this is cliche scene in most of K-drama but I wanna see it)
But she gives us the romantic combing scene (make me remember wuxia drama..hehehe)...and my heart melted again...
Okay..the lantern festival can wait..because ES will be with him in many more years....I have faith in that...with only one more episode and the writer already gives us hint that CY won't be serve the King without ES in his side..He must serve the KIng..that's the history....so he need her stay by his side to fulfill his live mission...(and CY wife name is Yoo..check..)..Can I have the walking scene in the lantern festival for our ending ...jebal...

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