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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest shelbyrafitri

i got it also in my YT link! a little longer version this time.enjoy!!!

hug scene : http://youtu.be/9aLsCIjsuuo

1st attempt : http://youtu.be/421a4RG_xro

2nd attempt and confession? : http://youtu.be/1EvBpb53vWA

3rd attempt: http://youtu.be/bFB3rixYUTY

Mgr. Kim & DA kiss: http://youtu.be/ujh_Q-exgA4

i won't be able to do this next week, have an early duty for work... bummer....:(

THANKS so much for the gift...


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based on the spoilers here, I am guessing who the real stalker who wants MY to be out of his baseball career, I thinks is DS- because of jealousy, and ahjumma is the stalker just to hold MY for her love to him but nothings beyond that.... tonights ep makes me more wanted to watch it right now...

.I hope the PD will give us the satisfying ending next week!

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@ psycho2005 thank you for the YT links

@ phuongbin thank you as well for the raw link, going to watch the first part that i missed

@ shelbyrafitri thank you for the screenshots of that awkward kiss! :w00t:

i still think its the cleaning lady that is the stalker. I think DS is trying to cover up only for his wife because I think he didn't want her to be accused as the stalker or an accomplice of the stalker. He already knew he was being followed by Reporter Go, he could have postponed whatever evil plans he wanted to do ( that is if he was the real stalker!) but he chose to to let the series of events that happened unfold. I was thinking he wanted to get caught and be actually blamed for this ( to cover up for his wife). Did he return the camera in Reporter Go's pockets after checking out the pictures? I'm not so sure since my computer lagged, but if he returned it, then he definitely wanted evidence be discovered linking him to this. He wouldn't also hit Reporter Go midway through a telephone call, knowing that other party would know that the reporter is in trouble if he really was the stalker.

The stalkers favorite tactic is to find people with weaknesses to do her dirty work for her (same as what happened with the tattoo lady, Yoon Yi and SY) DS weakness is his wife and family. So I'm still hoping that he is not the real bad guy and he is just covering up for his wife.

Yes he returned the camera to reporter's pocket. Actually i thought of him as one of the evil characters after watching ep 14 but your comment changed my mind totally, cuz thinking of his character he is actually someone that would go that far for protecting his family, so your logic is true imo. This drama opens a new era in stalker issue i think:D so much stalkerness:D

This episode's highlight was the most awkward kiss in the whole k-drama land, by DA and director Kim:D

And as for MY-EJ, i was going crazy when 3rd attempt was happening and feared if her dad interrupts yet 3rd attempt failed as i fear:D

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Thank you to everyone who posted clips on YT, and downloads and all that! Finally re-watched the cute moments!

I literally was kicking and yelling in my house (by myself, fortunately) all 3 freaking times they almost kissed.  Oh so cute.

I felt like I was watching sports with all the ruckus I was making. I really really hope that when they kiss, that EJ just goes for it, because MY tried 3 times already. She doesn't need to be afraid anymore. They really need to do it in ep 15 so they can be really happy in ep 16!

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Yes he returned the camera to reporter's pocket. Actually i thought of him as one of the evil characters after watching ep 14 but your comment changed my mind totally, cuz thinking of his character he is actually someone that would go that far for protecting his family, so your logic is true imo. This drama opens a new era in stalker issue i think:D so much stalkerness:D

This episode's highlight was the most awkward kiss in the whole k-drama land, by DA and director Kim:D

And as for MY-EJ, i was going crazy when 3rd attempt was happening and feared if her dad interrupts yet 3rd attempt failed as i fear:D

@ pleinair Thank you for verifying that he returned the camera and agreeing with me. :lol:

I re-watched the episode again and yes he (DS) did return the camera on Reporter Go's pocket and he also returned his cellphone, well if he did'n't want to be caught then he would have not done so. Reporter Go can wake up anytime and call for help.

If he wanted to hurt MY, he could easily hit him with the bat from the back which could easily hurt him more instead of the balls hitting MY. I think he was buying time until he gets caught or help arrives.

And lastly, the preview said about the perfect sacrificial fly. I think DS made that sacrificial fly tonight in this episode.

I hope they wrap up the stalker issue by ep 15 and we will have just giddy, fluffy romance scenes on ep 16. I demand that there be some Manager Kim and Dong- ah cute/ awkward-but-cute scene in there too... or I will stalk the PD and the writer.

@ jessd LOL, i agree that this should have a different title, like Obsessive Romance or Stalker Romance. But I like my rom-com with more complex storylines than the usual fluff,so I'm not complaining.

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I think it's just a so good idea that the kiss between DA & director Kim was awkward!  In real life sometimes it's happening too, like "oh! i's a bit ... special. But it's alright ^^" 

And our couple EJ-MY, i wished that the beginning of romance was a bit more wild hihi but it's just my point of view. I'm dying to see EJ's family reaction! THIS will be WILD !! :D 

Thanks for the links, videos, and recap , everybody ! love U so much! 

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@ psycho2005 thank you for the YT links

@ phuongbin thank you as well for the raw link, going to watch the first part that i missed

@ shelbyrafitri thank you for the screenshots of that awkward kiss! :w00t:

i still think its the cleaning lady that is the stalker. I think DS is trying to cover up only for his wife because I think he didn't want her to be accused as the stalker or an accomplice of the stalker. He already knew he was being followed by Reporter Go, he could have postponed whatever evil plans he wanted to do ( that is if he was the real stalker!) but he chose to to let the series of events that happened unfold. I was thinking he wanted to get caught and be actually blamed for this ( to cover up for his wife). Did he return the camera in Reporter Go's pockets after checking out the pictures? I'm not so sure since my computer lagged, but if he returned it, then he definitely wanted evidence be discovered linking him to this. He wouldn't also hit Reporter Go midway through a telephone call, knowing that other party would know that the reporter is in trouble if he really was the stalker.

The stalkers favorite tactic is to find people with weaknesses to do her dirty work for her (same as what happened with the tattoo lady, Yoon Yi and SY) DS weakness is his wife and family. So I'm still hoping that he is not the real bad guy and he is just covering up for his wife.

Agree he just wants to be blamed because he thinks is his wife the one doing everything his eyes have guilt and a psycho maniac wouldn't have that, but I am still not too convince on SY innocence though or in JH's, she is just weird but I had a friend that was bipolar and she used to tell me the weirdest things in the world and everyone warned me that she wasn't too nice but I always dismissed it till she asked me if I thought that anybody would guess that it was her that pushed me from the roof and since it was a 14th floor fall I decided that was it for the friendship... So it might be just that she is weird for her condition and not because she wants to kill another cat, which by the way is just like mine just that mine has black paws... It is going to be that the stalker is the cleaning lady and she is playing chess with everyone... Let's see I can't wait, I like a good mystery even if there is not that much romance...

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Guest PBaddict

Watched the epi again and it seems clear that DS set himself up in place of his wife, he wants to get caught as the stalker or apprentice but then what? I'm guessing his wife won't let him take the blame or at least hope so, that she will come clean about the photo she got and how she only destroyed the paintings... DS probably won't hurt MY deadly but still MY will be broken... I'm counting on EJ to console him and cheer him up though. :) Great opportunity for hugs and kisses. blush.gif:rolleyes:

Also will stalker Imo just sit idly by and watch or will she strike again.. maybe the waiter guy will come forward and put some heat on Imo directing Reporter Go and crew on the right direction in the stalker case.

What I'm afraid of:

- that there will be too much focus on the pain that DS's decision causes

- that our OTP will only get a couple of cute scenes and that's it

- that the stalker story will be dragged out till the last episode.

What I want to see:

- Most of the misunderstandings to be cleared by the end of ep 15 - stalker issue nearly resolved, Imo can bear the consequences in the beginning of ep 16 but not later.

- Lots of hugs and kisses - Robot couple and Wild couple both included, at least 1 proper date scene for each.

- A normal SY and Ex or at least some therapy for them.

- MY trying to make his way into the Seagull crazy family of EJ. EJ being conflicted on who to root for in the next Seagulls-Dreamers match.

I really wish for us to get a full-on lovey dovey final episode, but right now I don't dare to get my hopes up. Aisshhh why don't these people believe in the power of releasing previews at the end of the epis??? :w00t: They're driving me crazy here... :D

EDIT: Thank you so much for the gifs tanoaka!!! :)

Btw, have you guys seen how jumpy MY got when EJ told him her father arrived, you know at the last kiss attempt... :D My God he ran to his car soooo fast.. :w00t: Iguess he can't run away too much longer. phew.gif

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Hi aunti mame... I think like you there has to be more than one stalker there are times when the lady is somewhere else and something happens, she can't be in two places at once plus there is too much violence in the killing of the cat but she only sends the pictures of him over the mail, there are two and she knows who it is, that is why I wonder why she said who is the bad one in the picture she sent SY, I hope this lives up to my hype not too much and then let me down... Remember the movie Bodyguard?

Yep, two separate people with entirely different motives.  But, I was wrong about Dong Soo.  It might be his wife, who, subconsciously, wanted to protect Dong Soo by getting rid of MY as a top baseball player.

So, in both stalkers, it is the wish to protect the one they love that made them snap and do these things.  ???? :huh:

OMG!  It isn't even two. 

It's three!!!  With Dong Soo being jealous?!

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Thanks everyone for the cuts, I srly fell in love with EJ more and more, so cute all on front. I like that her happiness is shown all on her face <3 my fav must be after MY's confession, her eyes got little teary, plus the bgm makes the scene so touching. She couldn't believe the person she loves loves her back, and her completely. After all she had suffered, I can finally feel satisfied. Kudos to both actors, their chemistry is wonderful, sometimes tease like these are even better than those emotionless kisses. MY is one 'active' guy, i'm sure he won't be able to keep it til last ep, or so we hope lol Btw, I kept giggling at EJ acting all girly when MY drove her home, it's just sooo adorable, expressing someone in love has never been that raw and bashfully to the point, esp the female lead. no excuse, embarrassment, whatever, LSY and her expressions are daebak!

At one point I nearly didn't care about the stalker problem anymore, it's part of the drama but not reason I'm watching it..

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I don't care what the rating of this drama is, it's one of the better dramas I have seen. It's not perfect but it's hard to find a drama that is.

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hey everyone,

today I'm a bit confused after watching ep 14. my inner-voice always say 'what the hell is it now?' I really cannot imagine what the writer is trying to do! Did DS sacrifice himself just for his wife or has he been the real stalker from the beginning? or was ajumma helper for DS? there are many proof about ajumma's being the stalker and nooo I just don't understand.

also, I'm not sure if I'm the only one who didn't like the development of MY/EJ relation's turn-out way? yes, we've been waiting this for ages but I'm still not satisfied. I cannot explain excatly the reason but there is something missing for me. also, after 3 attempts, he couldn't kiss her! what a pity!! also, after seeing EJ like a boy for a long time, I find her lover behavs a bit weird.

there are only 2 eps left and I want to watch really really good and enjoyable scenes like the first episodes. it was so fun but as far as I remember my last weeks went on being nervous first because of JH, then the stalker issue. whoever is the stalker, we should congratulate him/her because s/he could handle all the staff by himself and he hasn't been captured yet. interesting!

till the end I'll not lose my hope. there's only one thing I'm sure is that LSY is just a shining actress and day by day her success is increasing. cong for cute LSY^^

I hpe to see everyone on the last week with satisfied and happy comments.


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Yep, this drama is about being schizo, including the drama itself.  I've never seen a director worked in scenes so well to fit the theme of the drama.  :wacko:

Right in the middle of all the seriousness of the drama, they throw in Manager Kim and Dong-ah and the whole thing about leopard print versus han-boks.  I wasn't expecting Dong-ah's response and spit tea all over my PC.  :w00t:

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Guest Cruelsummer

I think I may just spontaneously combust once they actually kiss.  It could probably be just a peck and I will go into full meltdown mode.

I was all prepared to rant about how very little time we get to spend with our OTP, but you know what.  I'm enjoying the ride.  It's a well written, well acted (aside from Jessica, who is actually doing a little better now that she's not being a nuisance) and beautiful to look at.  The chemistry is remarkable and probably remains that way because we see them interact so little. If they were going on all cylinders for every  episode, then we would get bored.  That's how I felt about 'Lie to Me'. By the end I was like*insert sarcasm* 'Wow...another kiss..good for you'mellow.gif  So I'm gonna be satisfied with how completely adorable MY and EJ are in love. The cutest thing I've seen in a long, long time. EJ in love is like puppies frolicking in mounds of fluffy pink cotton candy. A whole World of adorable.

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Guest keysyoo0987

hey guys! someone posted in my channel (@sojis....) that LSY never had any drama that she had a kissing scene... anyone aware of that? i didn't watch her in poseidon and some of her dramas before that i know she was in were she's just a second lead. it just made me thinking that since we had 3 attempts maybe that was the reason?!!! then maybe, just maybe we won't be able to see a real kiss??? i am so not liking that thought..... not one bit.....

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Guest incarnadine

hey guys! someone posted in my channel (@sojis....) that LSY never had any drama that she had a kissing scene... anyone aware of that? i didn't watch her in poseidon and some of her dramas before that i know she was in were she's just a second lead. it just made me thinking that since we had 3 attempts maybe that was the reason?!!! then maybe, just maybe we won't be able to see a real kiss??? i am so not liking that thought..... not one bit.....

She had a really good kissing scene (maybe not just one, hehe) in the film Five Senses of Eros/Ogamdo (2009). I don't think kissing in front of a camera should be a problem for her :) Of course, we all know it's totally not a problem for LDW :wub:

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