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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Sorry FDs if I come here sometimes to ask the detectives a favor. 

I watched a little bit of SH last nite which was shown here in LA and the segment was not subbed.  There was a guy in curly hair in black suit (I think he is Japanese trying to speak Hanggul) and LeeTeuk was wearing a blue-striped shirt.  He was referring something to LeeTeuk, LeeTeuk bowed (in appreciation, I would think) and EunHyuk seemed amazed at the curly guy's statement.  I wonder what this guy saw on LeeTeuk that he seem to be praising him.

I wouldn't consider this off-topic as whatever relates to our Park JungSoo now seem to have something to do with the latest circumstances in his life - which also involves Kang Sora.

 Thank you in advance - off to work!!!

@marssq - do we really have to think alike?? maybe ahjummas always do, right??



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Guest lennycsn

Some insight about whether Leeteuk is replying FDs, TSLs and DCLs 300th days message. I believe it is! Read it through :D


@witeku lets wait and see if he used v or double v-sign in the next few days. :-) he hasnt shown double v-sign for quite sometimes since his reunion with sora in wgm. if he does use it frequently for the next few days then i will believe his "subliner advertisement" to us. :-P

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Guest janetv

[MBC KPOP SPECIAL-SUPER JUNIOR] Leeteuk with his Teukso 100 day cup

pic1 https://p.twimg.com/AzW5QSHCEAE5Zom.jpg:med

pic2 http://s1-02.twitpicproxy.com/photos/full/629848793.jpg?key=286640

I think Hae & Hyuk r reading what's written on the mug

cr:TSL China

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@viyra, which episodes?
@lennycsn, yerp.. lets wait! 
@lazyme2day, trying to find things to do too since its weekend. More free time! :D Anyway, your last comic strip is hilarious as always! :D
Okay to start the discussion, I've been thinking that he's not being direct in his action/trying to send indirect messages to somebody or maybe us, FDs? I've seen a trend for this. For example :-
1. The hat. Sora gave him the white one with blue and green stripe but since then we saw him wearing the hat with blue/white stripe. Maybe its not from Sora but why suddenly he started wearing hat?
2. The pillow that Sora gave when he's going to New York. After that we saw him a few times wearing a pillow that look alike but it had something like ears or something on it which not exactly like what Sora gave.
3. The bag - Is the same brand as the one that he gave Sora but in different color tone.
There must be a few more but I don't remember or stumble upon it, yet :P
p/s: teukie no longer using the heart phone case. Its monkey now. Wonder why monkey? Normally i've seen him with duck-theme phone case. But monkey? So next - rabbit? *LOL*

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Guest lennycsn

[MBC KPOP SPECIAL-SUPER JUNIOR] Leeteuk with his Teukso 100 day cup

pic1 https://p.twimg.com/AzW5QSHCEAE5Zom.jpg:med

pic2 http://s1-02.twitpicproxy.com/photos/full/629848793.jpg?key=286640

I think Hae & Hyuk r reading what's written on the mug

cr:TSL China

Omg! how could i miss that? gonna watch that show again.

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Guest gurl_teen

monkey tshirt.. monkey phone case.. its that related to sora??when.. sora said they look like monkey because take care of each other when apply sunblock in nami island...
okay.. i am delusional again... :D

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Guest lennycsn

Aarrgghhhh...teukie is making us go crazy!!! he is using a lot of items that mentioned in wgm and similiar items that 'imitate' gifts from sora.

maybe @viyra is right. even if they are together nobody will know. yet i feel like he is hinting at teukso fans. he is not that type will ignore fans including us as DCL or FDs.

and another thing, dont you guys feel a bit odd that he is extra quiet despite the beautiful wedding photo shoots and nami island episodes but both of them glow inside and out quietly? I mean his current behaviour is so much contrasted to teukie in the earlier episodes. he has really matured.

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Guest lennycsn

Yes, monkey tshirt and phone case. Of course, he's trying to get us to guess about it again.

lennycsn, maybe he's taking his FIL advise? Trying to become a 'cold man'. LOL!

LOL. it cracks my head although we know the obvious. Looks like there are more things to add up under misc section on the first page thread. it really helps for us to do further investigation later.


1. bunny printed t-shirt

2. monkeu printed t-shirt

3. monkey phone casing

LOL i was laughing hard upon seeing him wearing flip flop to airport.

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As I read this my delusional about LT liking sora has become 100% real..Most of this signs our LT has shown it to us..I hope I can be able to find the signs of a man who is in love or in a secret relationship.

Signs That a Guy Likes You

  • He might act kind of strange and fidgety around you but nobody else. It probably means he likes you but does not know how to say it! I remeber during their first meeting LT act so strange seeing Sora for the first time.
  • He says the dumbest things just to keep talking, or he may play stupid to get your attention in general. During the 1st meeting with FJ khyuyun said LT does not know whay he needs to say.
  • He tries to hold your hand or starts talking dirty as a joke (it may even involve you).... LT on skinship and episode 6 when he tried to hold her hand at the park
  • He might ask only you for stuff he doesn't really need just so that he can get your attention, or he just wants to small talk or even make you laugh! Leeteuk always makes Sora laugh especially he knows that if he wants to get her attention he needs to talk about skinship.
  • He calls you at random times or calls you a few times a day just to say hi. This is I think in private only
    If he says 'hi' to you, multiple times, and it's just to get your attention.
  • He likes to play around a lot and make up nicknames. He'll also pick on you for fun because he knows it will be a funny joke and not serious to make you mad. When you're angry he will feel sad for you and tell you he's sorry if he bothered you. They will also protect you and he'll try to defend you when someone makes fun of you. I think the baby princess which he said in the photoshoot that makes sora laugh and always make sure to make her happy even we all know that he is tired sometimes.
  • He will respect you and want to be honest and real. He'll also tell you the truth about yourself, but never say it disrespectfully.
  • I think if a guy likes you he'll be touchy-feely or he'll like keep "accidentally" bumping into you just to touch you.
  • Guys will also act hard to be mature when there around a girl they like and be over protective of her.
  • You'll know that a guy likes you if he starts following you wherever you go and makes eye contact.
  • One of the most obvious signs that a guy likes you is that he will always stare at you even if he doesn't know you. Boys will just stare at you from a distance hoping that you will notice them or sometimes he will stop looking at you until you look away. If you want to see if he looks back when you stop looking at him, you can look at him from the corner of your eye.
  • His pupils dilate when he talks to you.
  • When you talk to him he seems to be hanging on to every word.
  • You will know that a guy likes you when he loves to play with your hair and really annoys you that much.
  • He'll use any excuse to touch you. Like if you're wearing a necklace he'll move closer and grab it to "look at the necklace" or he'll play with a tie on your shirt or a ring. Or if he points at something in the distance, he will grab your arm. They also pretend to fight with you by pushing you (again, physical contact). He might stand extra close to you and lean on you and kind of bump shoulders with you. High fives even. Anything to get close to you. Remember, though, that sometimes people are just being friendly and don't mean it as they like you!
  • He play fights with you and teases you playfully. A guy does not like you if he is mean to you. I don't mean making jokes about your height or something like that, I'm talking MEAN... he definitely does not like you. Because in my opinion it is rude, disrespectful and definitely immature!
  • When he's talking to you he'll touch your arm or put his hand on your shoulder.
  • He will always make eye contact with you even when you're not talking he'll just look at you and smile... and he can't stop smiling.
  • If you're going to the movies he'll choose a scary movie over a comedy or anything else because scary movies are an excuse for you to be comforted by him or cuddle.
  • One sure fire that you can tell if a guy likes you or not is. If you are in a bad mood he will try anything to make you smile. Also he will try and get close to you even when you are crowds away. Or at least he will try and catch your eye.
  • I've found out that if a guy likes you, he'll act nervous around you sometimes and always try to be around you.
  • He might act slightly jealous when you're talking to or about another guy and then he'll want to know ALL about him so he can try and work out if he's got competition.
  • If a guy accidentally hurts you or upsets you he'll use it as an excuse to get a hug.
  • Some guys even in adulthood will act like children and pick on you.
  • He enjoys you looking at him.
  • He gives you all the attention in a group of people then he realizes that he's been focusing all his attention on you and then quickly says something to someone else to try and cover it up.
  • He makes a lot of eye contact and usually will not turn his head when you look at him that crazy feeling smile between you two.
  • He tries several different ways to say he likes you if he doesn't know which way to approach you from.
  • Not every guy is the same. One might fetch things for you, carry things for you, sit with you at lunch, laugh at your jokes. Leetetuk sometimes carry Sora's bag.
  • When there is a crowd of his friends or people around you he will wait until everyone leaves or he will hesitate to leave until he gets you on your own so he can talk to you. Also eye contact is a big clue. He'll be really nice to you or compliment you. Leeteuk loves calling Sora Goddess that it's like she is more than a beauty in his eyes that is unreachable for a man.
  • If a guy is shy, he will try to be near you, but wait for you to say something before he has the courage to talk. He might seem visibly nervous.
  • A guy likes you if he notices a lot of things about you like your outfits, hair, jewelry, etc.
  • He'll ask for your number.
  • He will stand really close and tall when he is talking to you.
  • If a guy likes you, he will show interest in your interests. He will not compliment you to your face as much as he does to your friends.
  • The king of all signs is that a guy will worry about you so much when you're ill. He will always ask about you and make sure you get well soon.
  • He may joke around and say -/+ things about himself. That means he just wants to impress you or get your attention.
  • All guys are different and you never know what they are thinking. Guys are strange and absurd, but follow your heart and you may find Mr. Right.
  • If he likes you, then he gives you special attention, being totally oblivious to everyone else in the room. You feel like the only person in the world that matters.
  • He'll try to show off his physical strength, by lifting something or someone heavy, and then looks at you to see if he's impressed you.
  • Listen to your instinct, you'll just know if he likes you.
  • This is coming from a guy, look for these signs - trying to make jokes. Protecting you a lot. Trying to make you happy while you're sad. Holding onto you not in a sexual way but like wrapping his arms around you. Smiling at you a lot. And the last but biggest one is if he really likes you he'll give you a lot of respect. But all guys aren't the same, keep that in mind.
  • If he looks like he wants to say something to you, but says nothing.
  • If his face turns red when he thinks of you or you talk to him.
  • If he slinks off when you are coming closer to him.
  • I agree with the above answer, also.. If his friend and him pass by you and then walk of giggling meanwhile he's looking away or turning red. And also if his friends stare at you a lot.
  • If he's a shy guy he will try sometimes to show you he likes you.
  • Sometimes it may seem like he hates you. It's just that he doesn't know how to act around you; but guys who are not shy will just plain tell you.
  • He'll have the same emotions as you; he'll be sad when you are, angry when you are, happy when you are.
  • He might ask you if you love him as a joke.



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   How to know when a guy is flirting?

You know you like him. You're sending him every signal possible, but is he flirting back or just being nice? Did he really mean to touch your shoulder, or was it a passing bump? The dating world can be frustrating enough without having to decipher signals so you can decide whether to pursue he relationship. Recognize when a guy actually is flirting.

Step 1

Read body language. Everyone makes unconscious gestures when flirting. For example, watch his eyebrows when you first make contact. If if they rise and fall quickly, it's a sign he is attracted to you. Another universal flirtation sign, even among animals, is subconscious preening. If a guy straightens his jeans or runs a hand through his hair, he is making sure he looks good for you.

Step 2

Notice when and how he touches you. Men who are flirting often find excuses to touch you. They might bump into you accidentally or pretend to remove something from your blouse or jacket. According to Effective Communicating, he might come up with one-line excuses, such as he wanted to feel the material on your blouse because it looked so soft. The bottom line is that he wants to be near you and touch you; he is showing that he is attracted to you. However, flirting and groping are two different things, so be wary of any man who is brazen enough to grab you during your initial meeting.

Step 3

Look for his smile. Christian Dating Service lists smiling as the No. 1 sign of flirting. When a guy smiles at you, it is a sign that he is happy to see you and be in your company. Likewise, if you catch a guy looking at you often and making eye contact, he wants to get to know you. However, there are different types of eye contact. Shy guys will sneak a peek at you; they are too shy to approach and often will turn red if caught looking at you. A guy who has confidence won't mind if you catch him looking. He is bold and likes making eye contact. Both guys are flirting; the shy one is not sure what to do next, but the bold one is ready to make his move.

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Wow, I was gone for a bit and suddenly came back with lots of fun stuff.

Thank you FDs: @witeku , @janetv , @lennycsn , @gurl_teen and @shymaldita28

Btw, the monkey has a name and is "Julius" by Paul Frank (an American Cartoonist, artist and fashion designer).

Anyways, I would like to stay and chat, but since I've got work tmr, I need to head to bed.

Once again, thank you for the great news.

FIGHTING FDs, just one more week!!!


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[01072012] - "My fantasy about marriage has been filled up by 120%
[03072012] - "I believe that the phrase 'I love you' can make miracles happen"

[11072012] - "Before i go to the army, i'd like to make a 100% girlfriend and then go... If she can wait for me, then within 5 years, i'll marry her"  I'm sorry if someone has posted this opinion same with mine, I noticed that LT and Sora both has used a percentage to emphasize their thoughts in relationship whether it is marriage for Sora and relationship for LT that will also end up with marriage.In those interview of SH and Section TV they both has use percentage to measure the 120% honesty of  Sora's thoughts and 100 % intention on the side of LT or vice versa 100% honesty on LT and 120% og finding the intended person on her life. Both of them are in a reality show and some people might not take their words seriously including both of them so when they had a chance to express their thought through an interview they had to put a percentage on it to assure not the public but for both of them whom I think is moving step forward of being together for real.

  Now let us check Sora Section TV and Leeteuk on the August issue of Star 1

Sometimes I do noticed that LT tried to answer some of Sora's interview not on the same day but approximately within a month..Let me start on

Section TV  ( July 01 )Sora legs becomes an item and LT tweeted  ( July 12 not sure on the date ) that he has also long legs.

Section TV  the interviewer has told Sora that a lot of actors likes her and she said that " Teuk Oppa I'm this kind of woman "  and what Leeteuk said after sora interview on July 18 at Star 1 august issue "Unexpectedly, I found out that many women like muscular body "

So LT being jealous teukie you want to let sora know that a lot of women also like you since you got jealous knowing some actors like her..competing???hmmm

During Nami Island I remember sora said that she had already done a wedding shoot and I think it was the DH episode of her and JB and LT said I saw so she stop after that and changed a topic. I think besides watching his shows and checking some forums LT is also watching his wife inetrviews if he is not busy and If you are in a relationship and you miss your loved one it is either you look at your pictures ( which he said he done during the 4 months strike ) and saying to sora that he saw what she was saying to him and that makes sora quiet during their lunch at nami..LT likes checking things on internet and wife is definitely included in his checking since he never goes out. That is the reason he told sora that if the person gives something to another person that means that person wants to see the gift being used and sora makes sure that  she used it with LT for the next episode. This is the 2nd time LT hinted on using his gift remember the clock that he had given he got upset knwoing it was not placed on the wall. So sora you need to make sure your always preety on camera since your having is watching you especially when he goes to army..definitely his colleagues there will ask about you and he will start to miss you as well..

Sorry for the long post.. 



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@shymaldita28 - first off, I like your username - I am a Filipino so I understand what your username means!

Anyway, good job on your research and findings!! what a devotee!  now we are all learning a lot!

I've said this before and will say it again - they don't have to speak - read their body language - their actions - they are speaking quietly and they are so loud when they do.

@witeku - I don't know what episode but the guests were comedians from Gag Concert and LeeTeuk was wearing a stripe t-shirt.


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