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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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"City Hunter's" Official Posters Released!

Four poster images for upcoming SBS drama “City Hunter” have been released. Each of the four posters takes a different theme and can be described as ambitious, mysterious, surreal, and intensive.

The five lead and supporting actors – Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Lee Joon Hyuk, Goo Hara, and Hwang Sun Hee – decorated the main poster for the drama with their confident and cool walk. In the poster, Lee Min Ho showed off his long limbs and masculinity with his poised and self-assured pose. Lee Min Ho’s love interest Park Min Young displayed her character’s upbeat and attractive charms with a bright smile. Lee Joon Hyuk, who plays a prosecutor in the series, exhibited a sharp charismatic look; Goo Hara, who plays the first daughter, wore a lovely pink blouse with shorts for an adorable yet stylish image; and Hwang Sun Hee shed her scary serial murderer image from “Sign” for a caring veterinarian look with a casual striped tee over a tank top.

The second poster expresses the love between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young’s characters in a dream-like fantasy photo. In the poster, the two share an intense passionate gaze. Fans are getting more and more curious about the love story between the MIT alum high-level government official Lee Yoon Sung and judo athlete turned body guard Kim Nana.

The third poster displays Lee Yoon Sung’s father, played by actor Kim Sang Joong, as he watches over his son. Kim Sang Joong’s character is said to have played a huge role in making Lee Yoon Sung the man he is today. Viewers can feel the tension between them from just looking at the poster.

The last mysterious yet magical poster shows Lee Min Ho plunging into the darkness of the sea/city and Park Min Young as a guardian angel descending to save him.

“City Hunter” is based on the best-selling Japanese manga by Hojo Tsukasa, which sold over a million copies just in Korea. The original manga by Tsukasa is set in 1980 Tokyo, but the drama adaptation will take place in modern day Seoul. It is the manga’s first drama adaptation; and as a result, it is receiving a lot of media attention, as well as expectations, worldwide. Director Jin Hyuk, who catapulted the careers of Lee Seung Gi and Han Hyo Joo in “Shining Inheritance” (2009) and Kim So Yeon and Park Shi Woo in “Prosecutor Princess” (2010), and screenwriter Hwan Eun Kyung, who wrote “New Heart” (2007) and “Daemul” (2010) have teamed up for “City Hunter.”

“City Hunter” is set to air its first episode May 25th.

translated by hotshotlover30@soompi

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'시티헌터' 진혁PD, "이민호는 배우로서 가능성이 무궁무진"

City Hunter's producer Jin Hyuk, "Lee Min Ho has limitless potential as an actor"


[마이데일리 = 강선애 기자] SBS 새 수목극 ‘시티헌터’의 연출을 맡은 진혁 PD가 배우들에 대한 애정을 표현했다.

[My Daily reporter Kang Seon Ae] Producer Jin Hyuk of SBS new Wed/Thurs drama 'City Hunter' expresses his affection for the actors and actresses of the drama.

진PD는 그동안 ‘바람의 화원’, ‘찬란한 유산’, ‘검사 프린세스’ 등을 통해 따뜻한 인간애와 감동이 묻어나는 드라마를 만들어왔다. 특히 세 작품 모두 시청률과 작품성에서 모두 인정받으며 인기를 누렸던 바, 그가 다시 메가폰을 든 이번 ‘시티헌터’에 쏟아지는 시청자의 기대도 대단하다.

PD Jin is the person behind dramas that are infused with humanity and emotion such as 'Painter of the Wind', 'Brilliant Legacy' and 'Prosecutor Princess'. In particular, the viewership ratings and cinematic quality of the aforementioned three projects have shown that the dramas are well received. Therefore there is a lot of anticipation for his new drama 'City Hunter', which he'll once again pick up the megaphone for.

동명의 일본 원작 만화를 바탕으로 만들어지는 ‘시티헌터’는 이민호, 박민영, 이준혁, 구하라 등이 출연한다. 의욕 넘치는 젊은 배우들을 주인공으로 캐스팅한 진PD는 배우들에 대한 깊은 신뢰감을 거침없이 드러냈다.

Lee Min Ho, Park Min Young, Lee Jun Hyeok, Gu Ha Ra and the rest of the cast will head the drama 'City Hunter' which is based on a Japanese manga of the same name. PD Jin does not hold back but reveals his utmost confidence in these young stars that are brimming and overflowing with drive.

특히 진PD는 ‘시티헌터’에서 MIT 박사 출신 청와대 국가지도통신망팀의 이윤성 역할을 맡은 이민호에 대해 열렬한 지지를 표했다.

In particular, PD Jin showed his tremendous support for Lee Min Ho who plays a character who is part of the National Communications Team inside the Blue House and has a Ph.D. from MIT.

진PD는 “평소 작품에 들어가기 전, 배우들과 많은 시간을 함께 보내며 인간적인 교감을 먼저 하는 편이다. ‘시티헌터’의 주인공 이민호와도 오랜 시간 많은 대화를 나누며 긴 설득을 한 끝에 함께 작업을 하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

PD Jin revealed, "usually before starting a project, I will spend a lot of time with the cast members so I can get to know them at a personal level. I spent a long time discussing with Lee Min Ho and after much persuasion, we get to work together."

이어 “이민호는 순수하면서도 복잡한 내면을 가진 양면적인 배우로, 배우로서 가능성이 무궁무진해 앞으로가 더욱 기대되는 배우이다. 갖고 있는 재능이 무척 많은 배우인 만큼 이번 작품을 통해서도 많은 걸 끌어내고 싶다”고 기대감을 드러냈다.

He said, "Lee Min Ho is an actor who possesses a pure side and also a complex inner side. This gives him limitless potential as an actor. He's an actor you have to look out for. He has the aptitude of many actors. I'd like to drag that side out of him in this project," thus revealing his anticipation.

또 진PD는 박민영에 대해 “현재 최고 상한가를 달리는 여배우 박민영은 밝고 씩씩해서 촬영장 분위기 메이커로 통한다. 대본이 다 나오지도 않은 상태에서 나에 대한 신뢰 하나로 작품을 선택했을 만큼 열의를 보여줬다. 그 점이 고맙고 기특하다”고 칭찬했고, 이준혁에 대해선 “이준혁 역시 오랜 시간 ‘시티헌터’를 위한 준비 작업을 하며 믿음직한 모습을 선보였다”고 전했다.

Also, PD Jin commented on Park Min Young saying "she's the fastest rising female actress currently. She's bright and energetic and is known as the mood maker at the filming set. She shows her enthusiasm by picking this project based on her trust in me although the entire script has not been completed. By that alone, I'm grateful towards her and find her admirable. Lee Jun Hyeok, as expected, has prepared himself for 'city hunter', showing his trustworthy and reliable side."

연기에 처음 도전하는 걸그룹 멤버 구하라에 대해 진PD는 “정극 연기에는 첫 도전이지만 개인이 갖고 있는 캐릭터와 극 중 이미지가 잘 맞아떨어져 큰 걱정은 없다”고 안도감을 표하며 “워낙 의욕적으로 연기를 하고 있어서 대단히 만족스럽다. 아주 잘해내고 있다는 생각이 든다. 나를 믿고 따라주는 배우들이 있어서 참으로 고맙다”고 전했다.

Concerning Gu Ha Ra, a member of a girl group who's taking the acting challenge for the first time, PD Jin commented saying, "although it is her first time acting in a drama, her personal character fits well with the image she'll be displaying in the drama, so I'm not especially worried. She's is very enthusiastic about acting, so I'm very satisfied with her. I think she will do well. I'm truly grateful for the actors/actresses who believe in me."

한편 드라마 ‘시티헌터’는 2011년 서울을 배경으로 통쾌한 사건 해결이라는 기존의 이야기 구조에 주인공이 시티헌터로 성장하는 과정, 인간관계들을 통한 따뜻한 인간애, 미래에 대한 희망을 품고 사는 사람들에게 작은 위로와 통쾌함을 줄 수 있는 내용 등이 담겨질 예정이다. 오는 25일 ‘49일’ 후속으로 첫방송된다.

Meanwhile, the drama 'City Hunter' has 2011's Seoul as its backdrop, where it demonstrates the growth process of the lead as a city hunter, as he resolves gratifying cases. It also shows the warmth of humanity through relationships and how comfort and gratification is bestowed on people who bear dreams of the future. It will air on the coming 25th, replacing the drama '49 days'.

[이민호(왼쪽)와 진혁PD. 사진=SSD]

(강선애 기자 sakang@mydaily.co.kr)

cr: my daily


i'm a bit disgruntled at the posters becoz with the exception of the 3rd poster, the rest don't seem to radiate the feel of 'City Hunter'. Visually they are beautiful, no doubt. Just that they don't match the theme. That said, i'm still looking forward to the drama and the press conference. is it tomorrow?

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The posters are out. Good! Liked the last two, the first two could have been a bit more better?

Good to know such a reputed PD is behind CH. Hope the "humanity and emotion" of his previous dramas will be reflected here as well.

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Guest pallycute



Hojo Tsukasa gives his support with his drawing.







source; as tagged + nate

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The cast looks really comfy with one another and seem to be having lots of fun. How cool that Hojo Tsukasa is supporting the drama!

Waiting for the videos to come out...

Min Young and Goo Hara seem to have bonded well. Lol at Goo Hara calling LMH ajhusshi:w00t:

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Guest pallycute


source: SBSNOW1


PART(1/3) http://youtu.be/b9zn0RKKwpo

PART(2/3) http://youtu.be/gNG5OJi-a3I

PART(3/3) http://youtu.be/KAhzAEIu9S4

source: MrHoneyHammie


source: ystar

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이민호 "박민영은 친구, 구하라는 동생, 황선희는 오묘해 "

Lee Min Ho: "Park Min Young is a friend, Gu Ha Ra is a younger sister, Hwang Seon Hee is profound and mysterious"

스포츠서울 원문 기사전송 2011-05-17 18:20 최종수정 2011-05-17 20:06


미남배우 이민호(24)가 17일 서울 목동 SBS사옥에서 열린 SBS 새 수목극 '시티헌터' 제작발표회에 참석해 3명의 여배우와 함께 연기하는 소감을 밝혔다. 이민호는 호죠 츠카사의 동명 만화가 원작인 '시티헌터'에서 MIT박사 출신 청와대 국가지도통신망팀 요원인 이윤성 역으로 강한 남성미를 발휘한다. 유도선수 출신 청와대 경호원인 김나나역의 박민영(25), 천방지축 대통령 딸 최다혜 역의 구하라(20), 청와대 인근 동물병원 원장 진세희 역의 황선희(25)와 호흡을 맞춘다.

Actor Lee Min Ho(24) attended the press conference of SBS new Wed-Thurs drama 'City Hunter' at Mok-Dong, Seoul's SBS office building on the 17th, and revealed his thoughts regarding the 3 actresses that are joining him in the drama. Lee Min Ho is taking on the role of Lee Yoon Sung, who oozes with strong charisma and joins the Blue House National Communications Network Team due to his background(PhD from MIT) in 'City Hunter', which is based on Hojo Tsukasa's manga of the same title. Joining LMH, is Park Min Young(25) who plays former judo athlete Kim Na Na who's currently a bodyguard at the Blue House, Choi Da Hye (played by Gu Ha Ra (20)) who is the reckless daughter of the president, and Hwang Seon Hee (25) who plays Jin Sae Hee, the director of a small vet hospital near the Blue House.

이민호는 극중 로맨스의 상대역 박민영에 대해 "20세 광고촬영때 처음 만났고 KBS2 '아이앰샘' 때 같이 해서 어느 때보다 편하고 기분좋게 연기하고 있다"고 밝혔다. 극중 자신을 쫓아다니는 구하라와 관련해서는 "사실 나는 아이돌들이 연기하는 것에 대해 부정적인 생각을 가진 사람중의 한명이었다. 신인배우때 많은 아픔을 겪었고 오디션도 많이 했던 터라 아이돌은 조금 쉽게 연기하는게 아닌가 하고 생각했는데 MBC '개인의 취향'의 임슬옹과 이번에 구하라를 보면서 그에 합당하게 엄청난 노력을 하는구나 하고 느꼈다. 우리 하라양이 밝고 튀게 잘 나오고 있다"고 말했다. 황선희에 대해서는 "뭔가 오묘하다. 챙겨주고 싶은 마음보다 기대고 싶은 마음이 드는 쪽"이라고 설명했다.

Concerning PMY, who's the object of his affection in the drama, he comments "I first met her becoz of commercial filming when i was 20, later on we worked together for KBS2's 'i am sam', so i feel very comfortable working with her." He comments on Gu Ha Ra who chases after him in the drama, "Actually I am one of those who thought that an idol will be lacking in acting skills. I went through the pains as a newbie and attended many auditions. I used to think that perhaps idols have it easier (referring to getting roles). However, after working with Im Seul Ong (of MBC's 'Personal Taste') and Gu Ha Ra, I started to realize that they actually put in tremendous effort and work in their roles. "Ha Ra-yang is very bright and will come out well," said LMH. About Hwang Seon Hee, he said, "there's something mysterious and profound about her. There's more that I anticipate from her rather than feeling that I have to take care of her," he explained.

박 민영은 "이민호가 너무 익숙해서 걱정했다. 주변 사람들도 너무 통해 있어 직접적으로 왕래안해도 서로 뭐하고 지내는지 안다"며 친밀함을 드러냈다. 그러나 "로맨스를 만들어야 하는 두 사람이 첫 만남에 설렘이나 호기심도 없이 보통 첫 만남에 ' 안녕하세요?'이래야 되는데 일어나지도 않고 '왔어?'라고 해서 '얘랑 어떻게 멜로하지'하고 걱정했다"면서 "5년이 우리한테는 굉장히 긴 시간이다. 색다른 모습 보이고 많이 성숙해진 모습에 괜찮다는 생각이 들고 시티헌터에 누구보다 잘 맞다. 이민호가 워낙 착해서 배려심도 많아 역대 파트너중 가장 편하고 수월하게 연기하고 있는 것 같다"고 말했다.

According to Park Min Young, "I was worried bcoz I'm too familiar with LMH. The people around us know each other such that even though we don't keep in contact, we know what's happening to each other," revealing their closeness. However, "the two who are supposed to create a romance met for the first time without any spark of thrill or curiosity towards the other party. Usually during the first meeting, one would say 'Annyeong haseyo? (hello) but he didn't even stand up and simply said, 'you've come?' making me worried as to how i'm going to create a melodrama with him." She continued saying "Five years is a long time for us. I see a different side of him and how he has matured a lot. He matches City Hunter more than anyone else. (Translator's Note: I edited the previous sentence coz this is a more accurate translation as gleaned from other news writeups.) LMH is by nature kind and thoughtful. Amongst the other partners I've worked with, he seems the most comfortable with acting." (Translator's note: sorry I corrected the translation)

'시티헌터'는 '49일' 후속으로 오는 25일 첫 방송한다.

'City Hunter' is a follow-up for '49 days' and starts airing on the coming 25th.

조현정기자 hjcho@sportsseoul.com

cr: Sports Seoul


‘시티헌터’ 이민호 “코끼리가 저한테 침 뱉었어요”

'City Hunter' Lee Min Ho, "An elephant spit on me"

동아일보 원문 기사전송 2011-05-17 17:51



이민호가 드라마 ‘시티헌터’ 태국촬영이 있을 때 코끼리가 자기에게 침을 뱉었다고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.

LMH laughingly talked about how an elephant spit on him while he was filming 'City Hunter' in Thailand.

17일 서울 양천구 목동 SBS 사옥에서 열린 ‘시티헌터’ 제작발표회에 참석한 이민호는 “태국 촬영때 코끼리 등을 타는 장면이 있었는데 그 때 코끼리 코에서 나오는 물을 맞았는데 알고보니 그게 물이 아니고 침이라고 하더라”고 하며 “그 침을 맞았을 때 정말 찝찝했다”라고 고백했다.

LMH who attended the presscon said "While i was riding an elephant while filming in Thailand, some liquid was expelled from the elephant's trunk and hit me. I later realized it wasn't water but saliva. I felt really uncomfortable during that time."

시티헌터를 택한 질문에 이민호는 “내 자신이 굉장히 무덤덤한 성격이다. 그래서 캐릭터를 고를 때 변화가 큰 캐릭터를 하고 싶은 욕구가 있다”라고 답했다.

When asked why he selected City Hunter, LMH replied, "I have a very calm/flat personality. Therefore i like to select characters that have large changes."

또한 “캐릭터 준비를 하는데 눈빛이 가장 중요한 거 같아서 눈으로 많이 표현하려고 한다”라고 말했다. 또한 이민호는 시티헌터에서 액션이 많이 나온다며 강인한 액션 연기를 위해 일주일에 서너번 몇달동안 꾸준히 연습했다고 한다.

He also said, "I have the expression of the eyes most important when preparing for the role, so I'd like to show my acting through my eyes." Due to the amount of action scenes in the drama, LMH practices 3 to 4 times for a few months to prepare for the role.

이민호는 ‘시티헌터’에서 MIT 박사 출신으로 청와대 국가지도통신망팀의 이윤성역을 맡아 박민영과 호흡을 맞춘다. 드라마 ‘시티헌터’는 동명의 일본 인기 만화를 2011년도에 맞게 재설정한 것. 25일 수요일 밤 9시 55분 첫 방송.

(description of CH drama).

동아닷컴 조유경 기자 polaris27@donga.com

사진|임진환 기자 (트위터@binyfafa) photolim@donga.com

cr: donga


an excerpt from another article.

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110517n32526

이번 작품에서 이민호는 부모에 얽힌 비밀을 간직한 차가운 인물로 출연해 액션과 로맨스 속에서 차츰 변해가는 모습을 보여준다. 이민호는 “윤성은 태어날 때부터 아픔을 지닌 차가운 캐릭터지만, 복수를 위해 온 한국에서 여러 사람들을 만나며 인간의 착한 본성을 찾아가게 된다”며 “눈빛을 통해 감정을 표현하기 위해 어느 때보다 노력 중이다. 그러한 노력이 잘 전달돼 시청자의 사랑을 받고 싶다”고 캐릭터를 설명했다.

LMH will play a cold character who holds a secret regarding his parents, and show how his character gradually changes through action and romance. LMH commented saying "Yoon Sung is a cold character who harbors pain ever since he was born. He came back to korea for revenge, but after meeting various people, he starts to find the innate nature in him to be kind. I'm working harder than ever to express these emotions through my eyes. I hope to successfully deliver this to the audience and receive their love."

또한 이민호는 자신의 보호자로 출연하는 선배 배우 김상중과의 연기에 대해 “아무래도 또래 친구들과 연기할 때보다는 긴장하게 된다”며 “선배의 눈빛과 대사 연기를 보면서 아직 나는 멀었다는 생각을 많이 한다. 부족한 점을 많이 배우고 있다”고 설명했다.

Concerning Kim Sang Joong, who is taking on the character of LMH's guardian, LMH said "I can't help feeling more nervous when acting with him (KSJ) rather than when acting with peers my age. On many occasions, I realize I still have a lot to improve when I see sunbae's acting expressed through his eyes and his lines. I'm learning a lot about the points where I am lacking."

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English translation of one of the trailers:


I wasn’t really sure what the trailer was trying to show, but at the press conference, some of the confusion about the drama synopsis was clarified. Lee Min Ho plays a character named Lee Yoon-sung, who was raised by his adoptive father, Lee Jin-pyo (Kim Sang Joong), for revenge purposes. In appearance, he’s an elite MIT grad, but the truth is that he was raised as an assassin in Thailand since childhood. For his revenge, he must also forsake his feelings of love.

So based on this, it seems like Lee Yoon-sung is really not a MIT grad, but just pretending to be one?

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Guest webby

I wasn’t really sure what the trailer was trying to show, but at the press conference, some of the confusion about the drama synopsis was clarified. Lee Min Ho plays a character named Lee Yoon-sung, who was raised by his adoptive father, Lee Jin-pyo (Kim Sang Joong), for revenge purposes. In appearance, he’s an elite MIT grad, but the truth is that he was raised as an assassin in Thailand since childhood. For his revenge, he must also forsake his feelings of love.

So based on this, it seems like Lee Yoon-sung is really not a MIT grad, but just pretending to be one?

Hi blue, thanks for clarifying the point about Lee Yoon Sung. now it kinda makes more sense.

I still don't fully know what genre 'City Hunter' is, action-packed melodrama with some rom-com elements?

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Guest farhah1986

English translation of one of the trailers:


I wasn’t really sure what the trailer was trying to show, but at the press conference, some of the confusion about the drama synopsis was clarified. Lee Min Ho plays a character named Lee Yoon-sung, who was raised by his adoptive father, Lee Jin-pyo (Kim Sang Joong), for revenge purposes. In appearance, he’s an elite MIT grad, but the truth is that he was raised as an assassin in Thailand since childhood. For his revenge, he must also forsake his feelings of love.

So based on this, it seems like Lee Yoon-sung is really not a MIT grad, but just pretending to be one?

So is he really an MIT graduate or not?I understand that he undergo all sort of training as an assassin.But if he need to work in blue house as member of communication team,isn't that mean he also need the knowledge for that?So does it mean although he is an MIT graduate he's also trained as an assassin?I don't think it easy to fabricate his education to work at blue house.

I'm actually interested in the storyline although I didn't read the comic yet.Moreover I'm looking forward Lee Min Ho work in drama.So hopefully thiis drama won't dissappoint me.

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Guest samasta93

huhuhuhu.. never ever in my life I felt so satisfied with the main actors and actress like in this drama :w00t:

two thumbs up for the producer/director/whoever who chose Lee Min Ho, Lee Joon Hyuk, and Park Min Young as the main actors/actress for this drama :w00t: they are (esp.) LMH and LJH are so handsome~! PMY is so pretty too~~~

looking forward~ :lol:

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