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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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'시티헌터' 이민호, 적중률 100% 명사수

City Hunter's Lee Min Ho, a marksman with 100% accuracy rate

스타뉴스 원문 기사전송 2011-05-11 08:43

배우 이민호가 오는 25일 첫 방송하는 SBS 새수목극 '시티헌터'(극본 황은경 최수진 연출 진혁) 태국 촬영에서 수준급 사격 실력을 뽐냈다.

Actor LMH shows off his excellent firing skills during Thailand filming for SBS's new Wed-Thurs drama 'City Hunter', which will start broadcasting on the 25th.

11일 제작사에 따르면 이민호는 최근 진행된 '시티헌터' 태국 현지 촬영에서 빼어난 사격 솜씨를 발휘, 현장을 들썩이게 만들었다.

According to the production company on the 11th, LMH demonstrated excellent shooting skills, causing an excitement in the local filming atmosphere earlier in Thailand.

이민호는 '시티헌터'로 거듭나기 위해 태국으로 출국하기 이전부터 사격 전문가로부터 개인교습을 받으며 '명중 노하우'를 전수받아왔다.

In order to show a new side for his role in City Hunter, LMH started receiving personal training sessions on marksmanship, learning the know-hows on accuracy, prior to leaving for Thailand's filming.

시간이 나는 대로 틈틈이 국내 사격장을 이용, 실탄 사격 연습을 거듭하며 실력을 키워왔던 것. 이민호는 태국 현지에서도 실전을 방불케 하는 연습을 이어가며 사격 선수에 버금가는 실력을 유감없이 발휘했다.

Whenever he had time, he would visit the rifle range, and foster his skills with repeated rifle practice. He was able to satisfactorily display shooting skills that are close to that of a pro when in Thailand, thanks to him treating practices as actual warfare.

맹훈련을 통해 단련된 이민호는 태국 현지 촬영에서 권총부터 샷건(shotgun)까지, 단총과 장총을 거침없이 이용하며 촬영장을 누비는 완벽한 '시티헌터'의 모습을 선보였다.

After being intensively trained, LMH was able to maneuvre anything ranging from a pistol to a shotgun, showing no qualms with the revolver and the rifle, hence perfectly displaying the role of a City Hunter.

특히 샷건의 경우 한 손으로는 들고 있기 어려울 정도의 무게를 가진데다 한 번 발포될 때마다 옆 사람의 말소리를 들을 수 없을 정도로 웅장한 총소리가 울려 퍼지지만 이민호는 대담하게 사격을 이어갔다.

Handling a shotgun is not an easy task, since it has to be held in one hand and the person has to endure the exceedingly loud noises the shotgun creates when fired. But LMH boldly held through.

제작사 측은 "보통 사람들이라면 총소리에 소스라치게 놀라 눈을 깜빡거리거나, 몸을 뒤로 젖히는 등 고충을 토로할 만한 했지만 이민호는 탄피가 오고가며 울리는 거대한 총소리에도 '시티헌터'로서 자연스러운 포즈와 의연한 표정을 표현해냈다"고 밝혔다.

The production company explained saying, "most people tend to get a fright when hearing the sound of guns being fired and they would blink or lean back and relate their distress over the situation. However, LMH showed a natural pose and dignified expression when handling the guns, no matter how loud they were."

이어 "귀가 멍멍해지도록 계속된 촬영에도 이민호는 지친 내색 없이 프로 근성을 발휘하며 이틀간의 사격 촬영을 완벽하게 소화했다"고 전했다.

"Although his ears were deafened by the sound during the 2 days he filmed with firearms, he showed the spirit of a pro and perfectly assimilated with the filming."

한편 '시티헌터'는 일본 츠카사 호조의 동명의 히트작을 원작으로 제작되는 드라마로 특히 국내에서 드라마화 된다는 것이 알려지면서 이목이 집중되고 있다.

City Hunter is Japan's Hojo Tsukasa's hit project that will be adapted for drama. It has garnered the attention of those in korea due to that reason.

1980년대 도쿄를 배경으로 했던 원작과는 달리 배경은 2011년 서울로 바뀌게 되며, 통쾌한 사건 해결이라는 기존의 원작 이야기 구조에 주인공이 시티헌터로 성장하며 완성되어가는 과정도 비중 있게 그려질 전망이다.

(covered in previous news, it's a description of CH's plot)


머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스

<저작권자 ⓒ '리얼타임 연예속보,스타의 모든 것' 스타뉴스, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110511n04272

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Let’s meet the president’s daughter!


The actual airing date of new drama “City Hunter” is getting closer and more and more official photos of the drama have been unveiled to public recently.

Park Min Young plays the role of Goo Hara’s bodyguard in this drama.Goo Hara is the president’s daughter,imagine there are bodyguards standing besides you when you are studying in school.

I would rather become a normal person, agree?



Photos credits to Karaholic @ Twitter!

Source: Daily K Pop News

credit: en.korea

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Guest pallycute

Good Morning

Minho and Lee Yoonsung kid. :lol:

Hello good morning alovebof, I haven't seen you for a long time :)

Welcome to the thread, is that kid will play as Lee Yoon Sung when he was a kid?

I hope someone can translate this news in more detail.

Because it's about the original author of City Hunter, Mr. Hojo Tsukasa gave his support for Korean version of City Hunter drama.

'시티헌터' 원작자 호죠 츠카사, 이민호 응원


탤런트 이민호가 SBS 새 수목드라마 '시티헌터'의 원작자 일본의 호죠 츠카사로부터 응원의 메시지를 받았다.

호죠 츠카사는 최근 진행된 '시티헌터' 제작진과의 이메일 인터뷰를 통해 극중 MIT 박사 출신 청와대 국가지도 통신망 팀의 이윤성 역할을 맡은 이민호에 대한 열렬한 지지를 드러냈다.

호죠 츠카사는 세계 최초로 드라마화 되는 '시티헌터'에 대한 기대감을 드러내며 주연배우 이민호에게 "멋있는 한국판 '시티헌터'의 료를 만들어 달라. 끝까지 응원하겠다"고 전했다.

호죠 츠카사의 '시티헌터'는 1980년대 도쿄를 배경으로 주인공 사에바 료가 냉철한 사립탐정으로서 사회의 악을 물리치는 한편 인간적이고 허당스러운 면모를 발휘하며 극적 재미를 안겨준다는 내용을 담고 있는 작품. 출간 직후부터 전 세계적으로 폭발적인 호응을 얻었다.

이 같은 원작의 큰 인기 탓에 한국과 미국을 포함한 세계 여러 나라에서 '시티헌터'를 드라마나 영화로 제작하겠다는 제안이 쏟아져 나왔던 상황. 그러나 이 중에서도 한국의 제작사 SSD에게만 허가를 한 것으로 알려졌다.

원작자 측은 "원작자 입장에서 그동안의 다른 제안은 '시티헌터'를 드라마화하기에 부족한 부분이 있다는 생각이 들었다"며 "그러던 중 SSD로부터 제안을 받았다. 구성단계의 아이디어가 매우 참신했고, 열의가 느껴져서 제안을 받아들이게 됐다"고 밝혔다.

이어 "무엇보다 원작에 대한 방대한 분석을 통한 작품에 대한 이해도가 상당히 높았고 만화와 '시티헌터'에 대한 애정이 느껴져 신뢰감이 들었으며 또한 시티헌터의 탄생과정을 그린 시티헌터 비긴즈에 해당하는 부분과 동경의 시티헌터에 국한하지 않고 전 세계를 배경으로 서울, 뉴욕 등, 다양한 도시의 각각 개성 있는 시티헌터 들로 전개해 나간 것이 마음에 들었다"고 전했다.

일본의 유명 만화 잡지인 코믹 제논 5월호에는 '시티헌터' 드라마 화에 대한 소식이 속보로 전해지기도 했으며 '시티헌터' 한국판 주인공 이민호, 박민영, 구하라의 전격 인터뷰를 싣기도 했다. 시기 등의 상세정보는 공개되지 않았지만 한국판 '시티헌터'가 일본에서도 방영될 계획을 전하기도 했다.

또 국내에서 역시 드라마를 둘러싼 관심은 방영 전부터 높다. 특히 골수팬들은 원작만화에서 그려졌던 다소 자극적인 소재 등이 국내 드라마에서 어떻게 표현될지 궁금증을 드러내고 있다.

이에 대해 '시티헌터' 제작사 SSD 측은 "원작만화의 주인공 료와는 또 다른 개성을 지닌 한국적 캐릭터의 이윤성(이민호 분)이 그려질 것"이라며 "이를 테면 '007 제임스본드' 주인공의 기본적인 캐릭터는 그대로 유지하더라도 배우가 바뀌면 그 배우 나름대로의 매력이 더해지는 것처럼 한국판 '시티헌터'는 한국적 캐릭터로서 재탄생될 것이며 기본적인 이야기구조도 한국적으로 재해석 될 것으로 어쩌면 시티헌터 비긴즈에 가까울 것이다"고 전했다.

한편 이민호 외에도 박민영 이준혁 구하라 등이 출연하는 SBS '시티헌터'는 SBS 수목 드라마 '49일' 후속으로 오는 25일 첫 방송된다.

source: Starnews

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Guest pallycute


btw no more confusing background music :lol:










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City Hunter is coming out soon...... Can't wait. Is there any news about press conference?

well, thank pallycute very much. Finally, I see Kim Mi Sook's scenes

Kim Mi-Sook (김미숙) as Lee Kyeong-hee (이경희) (Lee Yoon-seong's biological mother)


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Guest suikoden4ever

This is all wrong...where is the XYZ???Ryo Saeba is a sweeper for gods sake and teamed with kaori makimura brother hideyuki to formed City Hunter sweeper agency and after hideyuki death,ryo partner with kaori,hideyuki sister....That is where the City Hunter name come from....and Ryo Saeba is an orphan after his plane crash and used as test subject,then train become guerilla...after that he become hitman in America and make his way to japan...In this drama i don't see any kaori makimura....i still don't understand why hojo sensei give green light for this

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Guest webby

It seems like the production company's been releasing news about City Hunter every two days, trying to promote and publicize the drama. And this time, a lot of the weight seems to be on LMH. I remember seeing a screen capture on DC that had a small logo on the TV screen saying LMH's City Hunter. Hope the drama's able to breakthrough the usual mould of its genre. I'm not watching it for the action scenes. I want to see the humanity which they stress so many times in the articles radiate through the character of Lee Yoon Sung and heartfelt deliverance from the actors/actresses. Certainly a good plot and smooth editing is key. But I'm hoping they try not to focus on too many aspects of the drama, and cover everything mediocre-ly. Instead if they can focus on one point and let it standout brilliantly, I'd be satisfied.

pally, i saw similar articles of Hojo Tsukasa couple days ago. It doesn't say much about anythg we don't already know except that he's showing his support for LMH if i'm not wrong.

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Guest pallycute

It seems like the production company's been releasing news about City Hunter every two days, trying to promote and publicize the drama. And this time, a lot of the weight seems to be on LMH. I remember seeing a screen capture on DC that had a small logo on the TV screen saying LMH's City Hunter. Hope the drama's able to breakthrough the usual mould of its genre. I'm not watching it for the action scenes. I want to see the humanity which they stress so many times in the articles radiate through the character of Lee Yoon Sung and heartfelt deliverance from the actors/actresses. Certainly a good plot and smooth editing is key. But I'm hoping they try not to focus on too many aspects of the drama, and cover everything mediocre-ly. Instead if they can focus on one point and let it standout brilliantly, I'd be satisfied.

pally, i saw similar articles of Hojo Tsukasa couple days ago. It doesn't say much about anythg we don't already know except that he's showing his support for LMH if i'm not wrong.

The best thing is everything come out very well in the whole package (artist, plot, directing, editing, etc)

But still the main things are the plot & directing,editing, that makes viewers keep their eyes in this drama.

Even tough they had a brilliant actors, but poor in the plot, I guess many viewers will leave the show.

So nothing new in that article? Oh okay, thanks :)

Wallpaper from SBS City Hunter Official Homepage

Click the thumbnails to see the full size (1280x1024 pixels)



Don't hotlink the links, please reupload images on your own hosting image account

Let's meet senior actors :)

Kim Mi-sook as Lee Kyung-hee




Kim Sang-joong as Lee Jin-pyo




source: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/cityhunter/index.html

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woa, Kim Mi Sook looks very beautiful, graceful. Just feel the love of a mother in the photos. I'm so curious about the story, what happened to that child???? I haven't read City Hunter Japanese version so I completely don't know it. :( It makes me just want to watch it now!

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Hope the drama's able to breakthrough the usual mould of its genre. I'm  not watching it for the action scenes. I want to see the humanity which  they stress so many times in the articles radiate through the character  of Lee Yoon Sung and heartfelt deliverance from the actors/actresses.  Certainly a good plot and smooth editing is key. But I'm hoping they try  not to focus on too many aspects of the drama, and cover everything  mediocre-ly. Instead if they can focus on one point and let it standout  brilliantly, I'd be satisfied.

Agree completely. Like you said, I too want the drama to first let me connect with the characters. The rest will automatically follow. Even technical brilliance can get tiring after a while if there is no substance.

 As of now, feel like "City Hunter" is playing with lots of things. Hope everything falls in place once the drama starts airing and we get the right mix of action and character development.

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Guest tan345

can someone post link for the new teasers with eng subs ? i am really anxious to know what they say :)

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Guest pallycute

City Hunter is coming out soon...... Can't wait. Is there any news about press conference?

well, thank pallycute very much. Finally, I see Kim Mi Sook's scenes

Kim Mi-Sook (김미숙) as Lee Kyeong-hee (이경희) (Lee Yoon-seong's biological mother)

*quoted image*

The press conference will be held on May, 17th at 02:00pm KST

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Hello good morning alovebof, I haven't seen you for a long time :)

Welcome to the thread, is that kid will play as Lee Yoon Sung when he was a kid?

Hello pallycute.

Sorry for late reply.

I'm visit Lee Minho thread and City Hunter thread everyday but didn't post anything because late update. ^^

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