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★彡yg ♪♬♪ The Official Big Bang [빅뱅] Thread ver. 2

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest itz_tracy4

okay i LOVE BIG BANG and all but VIPS, please bare with me. YG and Big Bang has always been respected figures, whether in Korea or even internationally. As VIPS, i know it's our part to support Big Bang to the fullest and ever since their last comeback till now, alot of us has been supporting Big Bang ALL THE WAY, no matter where and when. We love Big Bang not just because of their music, but because of their true talents and true characters that they portray. BUT, this comeback being pushed back time after time is GETTING OUT OF HANDS. As fans, we support YG entertainment and Big Bang and the least that the YG company can do is GIVE FANS AN ACCURATE TIME SPAN OF AS TO WHEN BIG BANG WILL ACTUALLY MAKE A COME BACK. Saying it'll happen in the summer? I was excited, I waited. Then, saying it got delayed? I got crushed, but i waited. Then, saying they'll finally come back in November and more accurately, "November 17" I anticipated and got my hopes up so high. NOW it's being pushed to "December" haaaaa. Seriously, I know probably the boys are trying to make THE BEST comeback ever but please YG, in order for the FANS to respect the company and group, you HAVE to do what you deliver. Because honestly, everytime YG gives out a new date I just simply shrug and just dont anticipate as much anymore because in the end, it's just another random date given out to the fans to look forward to nothing. I know the boys are working HARD, i know they are BUSY, i know that they have a million of other things to do. But in the end, they ARE a korean music group who MAKES albums and does comebacks. If they ARE busy doing other things such as doing a solo, PLEASE JUST SAY THAT THEY ARE BUSY AND DOING THEIR OWN THING. STOP PUTTING OUT RANDOM DATES BECAUSE IT JUST MAKES THE FANS AND THE PEOPLE LOOK AT YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT AS IT IS A JOKE.

SERIOUSLY, they say December? I dont even know. If it does come out, i am happy. If it doesnt, I wont be suprised. Come back when you come back Big Bang. Just give us an accurate date. Maybe I'll check back in 2012 and luckily get a new album sigh.

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Actually i'm a long term lurker but since i'm coming out of my shell these days i want to post something here too.

Seriously i'm sick. Sick of no info. Sick of waiting. Sick of YG. Sick of the lack of BB. Sick of the the rumours. etc.

I'm waiting since the end of 2008 for their comeback and it's 2 years already. Basically i was not against the Japan debut but since i see what the outcome is i wished they've had never made that step back then. I miss them. Their music. Their activities and their presence in the korean music industry. I know they're working hard right now but that's not pleasing me. I'm all emotional these days because i'm reaching my limit of patience.

I know that i'm not the only one with these kind of feelings and frustrations. And that's the only thing which gives me a bit of comfort. :tears:

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^everyone is feeling the same as you guys right now

I'm so used to empty promises and rumors

i think the day when YG finally announces the official date

I would feel relieved rather than excited bc it's so tiring

nothing about Bigbang news/activities get me excited these days

not even GD's G-market CF -__-

idek how much I hate YG..he's being unfair to vips

does he forget who makes YGE where it's today..

why he's treating vips like this

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Ahhh @itz_tracy4

I do understand your feeling.

I thought a lot things that BIGBANG had been said.

Until now I think about something different. As like everyone said , maybe our boys want to drop the album with no anybody know, no date confirmation , no teaser , no anything else . It's like what GD said that He don't want the song to get the love only for short time , and it's like the Kpop media have changed , becuz the band's name have more influence than the quality of the song right now. YB also said that the good song must be popularity even if it's no promotion.

so, I think may be ours boys are trying to change the music indrustry to bring the quality back.

As like ,The song must be popular more than the band, they proably drop the song with nobody know to make the people realize that the real song must be popular without the band's name influence and this way can make the song to be the legend as like 'lies' and 'Haru Haru'.

so , I'll keep waiting .

edit , sorry to cut ur post

Seriously i'm sick. Sick of no info. Sick of waiting. Sick of YG. Sick of the lack of BB. Sick of the the rumours. etc.

I feel the same to this.

Inever saw soompi steady with no update like this before.

it's hurt me too.

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Trust me. I feel exactly the same. I'm done being patient.

I'm just...really depressed right now.

Good thing there's that 3 minutes of BBTV.

Something to keep me sane for at least a day.

Sighhhhhh. *cries*


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Guest shinhdeplol

^ I think so <_< YG is so incredibly biased I cant stand it any more <_<

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As fans, we support YG entertainment and Big Bang and the least that the YG company can do is GIVE FANS AN ACCURATE TIME SPAN OF AS TO WHEN BIG BANG WILL ACTUALLY MAKE A COME BACK.

Im so sorry to cut your post but i have to quote that particular line of yours because

you are so damn right. I could not agree more to it because we've been

waiting BIGBANG's comeback for so long..pushing it is plain ANNOYING already.

i always ask...DECEMBER WHAT? 2011 or 2012?

and please...

i know some fans would AGAIN and AGAIN say

"let's be patient", "VIPS will always wait", "give them a slack, they are working hard "


VIPS will always wait..they have waited patiently for 2 yrs and come on VIPS dont have a choice

but to WAIT.

but if we can only be honest to ourselves..it's not really the issue of waiting that's pissing

a lot of fans. It's because we are not given an EXACT DATE for their comeback....

Its tiring to wait for NOTHING. I used to hold on to the thought of being patient

because i know its gonna be worth it. But it's been too long already they almost reached my quota of patience

and plain disappointment is sinking fast.


i had a long day and BBTV has been taken out from YT...BIGBANG comeback doesnt have

any progress..so you see where all these rant is coming from


MACRINA..i so love your TOP gif it summarizes what we feel with the lack of news.

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Guest marrygabby

Ok I haven´t write here since I can remember but reading all the things that my fellows VIPS have post here I must say something about the whole BB "are they gonna come back any time soon thing"

I really prefer a 10000000000 times if they come back in December, or January of the next year and prepare themselves really well than making them rush just because all VIPS want, I know how you all are feeling about this I´m also been waiting for them for long enough, but I don´t want them to be back I they are no fully prepared, I want them to make a really b$%Y&VvER&%&85"%)/ COME BACK!!!!!!!!!! So I decided to wait patiently until that day comes, even if it´s next year, think about it, do you prefer them to come back in December or in November and have no time no promote their new songs???? Or rather have a really kick a... come back in January and make all us VIPS more proud than we already are???? Make 2011 BB year!!!!! Because we all know BB is the best!!!!!!!

Seriously guys my patience is really big and I´m not gonna lose it any time soon. I´m gonna wait until they come back no matter witch day of witch month of witch year...hope it will be 2011...

Be patience VIPS, patience is a Virtue...

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Guest SoshiBangBang

Anyone else feeling quite disgusted looking at all this comments made by you guys? Hating on YG, the man himself, cursing him for his lack of fan appreciation.

Well, for me, I feel a debt of gratitude to this man for permanently placing 5 wonderful people into my life and 2 years of waiting isn't that bad considering they're gonna be making music for many,many years more. Let me share with you guys something, I recently had a dream and in my dream I see the 5 boys sitting around a table together. In the middle, countless albums to their name and in their hands, messages of V.I.P's. After that dream, I realized this could very well be the future and no matter what, I know they'll be together years into the future and they will continue releasing music.

2 years is a short time when you know after this, the music as you know it, will be changed forever. This is Big Bang, the essential ingredient in KPOP. While other groups are the ones that keep the gears moving, Big Bang will come once in a while to replace these gears with their new ones.

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Guest Unni_Ashley

BE PATIENT??? Im gonna crazy if any rumor comes out again. Yeah, everyone wants a fully prepared comeback. WE ALL WANT. BUT...the fact that YG doesnt say a word fr*king me out. Let alone Vips who are gonna so impatient of waiting with dozens of rumors, how can he???????????????

JUST A FEW WORDS WITH AN EXACT DATE...IS IT TOO MUCH?? If YG officially announces, i will definitely can wait until whenever...2011...2012...WHATEVER...

*sigh* im sr, just so much things drive me nuts and utmost is our BB's comeback date.

Sr if this post annoys any one of you, i didnt mean to.... <_< and sr for my poor English too...>.<

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Guest juang_bb

^^^ at this point, i couldn't really blame anybody for feeling so disappointed and frustrated. i've always been a patient person but now, i find myself ranting on twitter. i think like what somebody said... it is not exactly the WAITING that is VIPs problem here. heck, we've waited for 2 freakin long years already, and i doubt a few more weeks or even another month of waiting would kill us.

i believe what VIPs are frustrated about at this point is the seemingly NEWS BLACKOUT that YG is pulling. YG did have press releases previously saying it's 80% done, saying they might comeback october or november. obviously by now... that aint happening. how hard is it for him to at least say something like - "oh, the boys don't think they're 100% ready yet and we might just push it to jan 2011" - then i think VIPs wont be too frustrated and will probably understand. YG knows that VIPs are starting to get impatient and frustrated but right now, it seems like he doesn't even care.

i will keep on ranting about YG-life because afaik, one of the reasons he made it was because there's been so many misunderstandings prior to it between YGE and VIPs. kVIPs aren't playin with YG, isn't it why YG came out with a long richard simmons explanation in FROM YG addressing YB's promotions and concert venue? and then deciding to put up YG-Life so it will be easier for fans and him to communicate? but surprise surprise... YG-life never really addressed anything Big Bang related. psh... so much for avoiding misunderstandings.

i thought i've done enough ranting on twitter... but im really MAD right now. :angry: *sigh*

i think no one can question how much loyalty and dedication VIPs have for Big Bang. if anyone does, imma have to rip someone apart. <_< putting up with all these ain't easy... i admire everyone who have stuck with Big Bang and the fandom for this long. it's just that sometimes... you have your limits too and we all just have to let it out.

edit: does anyone know which part of 2ne1tv did the boys appear? part 1 or part 2? the BB cuts have been blocked and YG uploaded it in 2ne1's channel. i dont feel like watching the entire 2ne1tv right now, i just want my BB. thanks! got my answer... i'll watch it at BBVIPZ instead, thanks MissARROGANT18 :)

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