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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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3 hours ago, Riman Rakshit said:

and also the one where he is preparing to choke the woman, with the music playing, creepy AF


...and did you notice that he made a bit of a smirk...as if he is really enjoying watching the girl die slowly. That gave me goosebumps. Our Jjong is so effective in that scene. :)

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Me with @ibru on this ...   the waiting part .. the anticipation.  But when he was at the table, I don't really like it LOL  @ibru posted some still-cuts previously, showing JS's close-up expressions - that was "unreadable"


cr video to rightful owner


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1 hour ago, lanieqp0415 said:


...and did you notice that he made a bit of a smirk...as if he is really enjoying watching the girl die slowly. That gave me goosebumps. Our Jjong is so effective in that scene. :)

Yes that smile:crazy: 

The difference between Sukkie on screen and BTS:lol:


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Lee Jong Suk Is Awkwardly Adorable For His Guest Appearance In “3 Meals A Day: Sea Ranch”

Lee Jong Suk



Knowing that his good friend Lee Jong Suk will visit them in Deukryang Island, Yoon Kyun Sang (Rebel) pulls a trick to welcome his shy around strangers friend by conniving with his 3MAD hyungs Lee Seo Jin and Shinhwa’s Eric Moon.

Upon arriving in the house, Lee Jong Suk, who is armed with grocery bags, hides himself to summon strength before announcing his presence. When he learns that his friend is not in the house, his panicking face goes through phases of ottohke moments to the secret delight of his senior actors. I’m sure that moment would send all his fangirls to a laughter spree. He tries breaking the ice with his fellow actor hyungs but Eric Moon and Lee Seo Jin maintain their cold front. Lee Jong Suk resorts to asking Kyun Sang’s cat-children where their dad went, as he is not accustomed to be on a situation he is unfamiliar with.

Lee Jong Suk Three Meals A Day

The conspiring actors can’t hold off the joke so Eric Moon directs him to get some tomatoes near to where Kyun Sang is secretly hiding.  Kyun Sang appears from the wall, making Lee Jong Suk fumbled on his steps whilst cutely mumbling his surprise. The cute friends hug each other and enter their bromantic world by checking on how they have been.

Recently, Lee Jong Suk shared an IG post of wanting to lose weight but I think his followers would agree that he looks robust and even more handsome in his rare variety show guesting, which raked in big rating numbers for the reality cooking show on it's time slot. 




Old article from September 25, 2017


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Maybe it is due to my extreme love of books, but I just really think this book is awesome. Someone told me the DVD part of it is subtitled. So...if you are despairing because you can't understand Korean...you can understand part of it, it sounds like! Anyway, very large congratulations to Jong Suk ssi and Na Tae Joo nim on the book release!

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35 minutes ago, frozentundra said:

Maybe it is due to my extreme love of books, but I just really think this book is awesome. Someone told me the DVD part of it is subtitled. So...if you are despairing because you can't understand Korean...you can understand part of it, it sounds like! Anyway, very large congratulations to Jong Suk ssi and Na Tae Joo nim on the book release!





@frozentundra have a look at the quality and just imagine: you are taking it in your hands, opening it .. and this smell of printing ink.. This is a special atmosphere... I also like books :) Did you manage to order it?

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@ibru Every book I've ever gotten from Korea has been extremely high quality. (Well...all two books I own from that place, lol.) Like, even before reading them, you just want to hold them in your hand and pet them. :) I am sure this one is also like that. I have hinted that it would make a great Christmas present, but I'm told that my family tried but couldn't figure out the Korean web site I sent them to. We'll see if they figure out the English links...if not, then that's what I plan to get with my birthday money. :)

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Cute instiz article of Sukkie translated by pannchoa:blush:



1. Wow Lee Jongsuk putting his hand on her waist… how can he do it so naturally? Even if I was close with my male friend, if he does that, I would be so taken abackㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. Lee Jongsuk is like that with his PD too… when I saw him stroking the male PD’s hair I thought “so he’s someone who does a lot of skinship”ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. If he stroke my hair like that, I think that I would die….

4. Ah… now I understand why guys don’t hate women who act like a fox… I get that they are flirting but I like it so muchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. Jongsuk, I love you…
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