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[Drama 2010] Stars Falling From the Sky / Wish Upon A Star 별을 따다 줘

Guest fanda4000

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Guest likeanangel

Episode 8 Preview

KangHa tells PalKang to leave the house immediately. PalKang slaps KangHa, asking him why he doesn't see that the baby (PaRang) is hurt. KangHa, who is dumbfounded, just stares at PalKang, while PaRang cries, asking PalKang what they'll do if they get kicked out of the house. After a while, when they're back in their room, NoRang offers to pin down PaRang's feet with her own while they sleep. Meanwhile, thugs rob JooHwang of the money that he earned working at the PC Bang (the public computer place), and they even hit him. When JooHwang returns home, he gets yelled at by PalKang, who doesn't know what has happened. However, KangHa tries to comfort him. JoonHa, who witnesses this, observes that this new side of KangHa is a bit awkward. On the other hand, President Jung (Grandpa), who is trying to call Director Jin (the siblings' dad), hears his voicemail and...

Hold on - I'll be back with the video preview too. :)

Episode 8 Video Preview

JY: It would have been nice if it was you... so so kind, enough to bring tears to your eyes. It would have been nice if it was you.

PK (to KH): Did Nami dirty his diaper?

KH: It got on me... (LOL HIS SHIRT!)

PK: You changed Nami's diaper, and I even made you lose your car... I'm so sorry, but I'm too embarrassed and ashamed to say it.

PR (to KH): Ajusshi... are you sick?

PK (to KH): You must be really sick.

Evil Lady: We'll have to put a machine in his hospital room.

Grandpa (to KH): You're going to have to help me find someone. I think that I have a blood relative who's still alive...

Aww poor PaRang. asianromance, those are some great speculations! :) I had a neighbor who used to sleepwalk (she was 7 or 8, so a little older than PaRang) and sometimes, she would be out on the street in the middle of the night - it's so dangerous. =/

Haha oh and I love how TaeGyu asked that random girl at the club to marry him - and she must have been conspiring with JoonHa or something (LOLOL. ^.^)

Thank you so much!!!!!!Merci beaucoup!!!I<3<3<3

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Thankyou...Thankyou so much for episode 8 Preview.... LOL.... I love this Drama..... and i so can't wait for Kang Ha's daddy moment... hahahha.... he's going to be changing diaper... LOL

OH, I can't wait for him to finally realize that PK is the Grandpa's lost relative..... ooooh..!!

* Off to rewatch epi 7 *

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I just finished eps 4. OMG, that little baby Nam Yi. I just want to hold him, put him on my back, carry him around, and comfort him. He's adorable and pitiful, having to cry so much on the show. I hope the kids won't get sick from the cold weather.

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Guest -quiescent

I've been debating so much whether or not to watch this drama.

The main point why I want to watch it is SHIN DONGWOOK <3 (because I loved him in soulmate)

But but but, I'm not entirely sure if it's worth my time or not.

Can some of the people who are currently watching W.U.A.S tell me what they think of it?

Thank youuu~

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Guest kenderkin88

This torrent is taking forever for me, but from the spoilers you guys have posted, it looks like this is going to be another good episode. Anything with Parang is hilarious, and the fire sounds exciting. Plus, angry Kangha! KJH is a sexy, sexy beast when he's angry. :lol:

I am, however, much more excited about tonight night's episode. Kangha comforting Joohwang?? OMG can't wait. :lol:

I've been debating so much whether or not to watch this drama.

The main point why I want to watch it is SHIN DONGWOOK <3 (because I loved him in soulmate)

But but but, I'm not entirely sure if it's worth my time or not.

Can some of the people who are currently watching W.U.A.S tell me what they think of it?

Thank youuu~

WATCH IT. This show is sweet and funny and very underrated. Even Javabeans is getting into it--you can check out her recaps here.

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Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much for the translation! You are so awesome each week ^^

Episode 8 Preview

KangHa tells PalKang to leave the house immediately. PalKang slaps KangHa, asking him why he doesn't see that the baby (PaRang) is hurt. KangHa, who is dumbfounded, just stares at PalKang, while PaRang cries, asking PalKang what they'll do if they get kicked out of the house. After a while, when they're back in their room, NoRang offers to pin down PaRang's feet with her own while they sleep. Meanwhile, thugs rob JooHwang of the money that he earned working at the PC Bang (the public computer place), and they even hit him. When JooHwang returns home, he gets yelled at by PalKang, who doesn't know what has happened. However, KangHa tries to comfort him. JoonHa, who witnesses this, observes that this new side of KangHa is a bit awkward. On the other hand, President Jung (Grandpa), who is trying to call Director Jin (the siblings' dad), hears his voicemail and...

Hold on - I'll be back with the video preview too. :)

Episode 8 Video Preview

JY: It would have been nice if it was you... so so kind, enough to bring tears to your eyes. It would have been nice if it was you.

PK (to KH): Did Nami dirty his diaper?

KH: It got on me... (LOL HIS SHIRT!)

PK: You changed Nami's diaper, and I even made you lose your car... I'm so sorry, but I'm too embarrassed and ashamed to say it.

PR (to KH): Ajusshi... are you sick?

PK (to KH): You must be really sick.

Evil Lady: We'll have to put a machine in his hospital room.

Grandpa (to KH): You're going to have to help me find someone. I think that I have a blood relative who's still alive...

Aww poor PaRang. asianromance, those are some great speculations! :) I had a neighbor who used to sleepwalk (she was 7 or 8, so a little older than PaRang) and sometimes, she would be out on the street in the middle of the night - it's so dangerous. =/

Haha oh and I love how TaeGyu asked that random girl at the club to marry him - and she must have been conspiring with JoonHa or something (LOLOL. ^.^)

When PalKang/KangHa are mad at each other, they switch to informal speeh! LOL so funny.

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Guest tvbfanatic

I've been debating so much whether or not to watch this drama.

The main point why I want to watch it is SHIN DONGWOOK <3 (because I loved him in soulmate)

But but but, I'm not entirely sure if it's worth my time or not.

Can some of the people who are currently watching W.U.A.S tell me what they think of it?

Thank youuu~

Up until now, I think there is NO WAY you should miss this. I absolutely think it will NOT be a waste of your time. There's a really good balance of laughter and poignant scenes. And truly superb acting from all those 4 cute kids and adorable baby! Although I really had no expectations of this drama before I had watched ep 1, this has definitely been a great surprise. It's hands down my favorite of all the dramas airing right now. If you need more advice in deciding, read javabean's recap of this drama @ dramabeans.com.

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I LOVE that each of the younger kids have their favorite man of the house.

Parang -> KangHa

NoRang -> Joonha

ChoRok -> Taegyu.

I have an inkling that JooHwang doesn't want PK to marry any of those guys because he's like. I will be a man and protect my nuna. I won't give her to any one of those guys!

I thought in this episode it was so cute how Norang was following JoonHa around. Although he was like "ermmm1?" I think he secretly likes it.

In fact, I'm sure both JoonHa and KangHa secretly likes it when the kids show favoritism towards one of them. For example, the scene where JooHwang was scolding Parang in KangHa's room, KangHa stood outside and listened. His face would lit up when Parang said that he likes Kangha and and that he think KangHa's "humanity" is good. But when JooHwang's like... there's something wrong with him! and telling Parang that he likes KangHa because Parang doesn't know how to differentiate (good vs bad) people, KangHa was like. <_<

I can't wait until tomorrow's eps!!!

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Guest antinh85

I'm loving all the leads in here.

I really love how the writers made Kang Ha's character so unlikeable the first few episodes now it's so funny everytime we see him. Especially when he's around PK and the kids.

I feel that 20 episodes for this series is rather long. I know they will go into the relationships of Kang Ha's families. I just want to them get together.

Being Kang Ha's nature even if he likes her later i dont think he will confess to her. Most likely he will let her go for Jun Ho. So i think it would be long before we can see them together.

Though i rather she ends up Jun Ho. Gosh he's like heaven made. Though Kang Ha is also so hot. His coldness makes him even more hot. I am beginning to like his hair. Kim ji hoon never fails.

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Guest Lammington

I've been debating so much whether or not to watch this drama.

The main point why I want to watch it is SHIN DONGWOOK <3 (because I loved him in soulmate)

But but but, I'm not entirely sure if it's worth my time or not.

Can some of the people who are currently watching W.U.A.S tell me what they think of it?

Thank youuu~

I'm finding this drama completely addictive. The kids add an element that stops it from being straight romantic comedy, and that has so far swayed it from falling into the worst of the clichés the side-plot could have dragged it into. Pal Kang is my favourite type of female lead- inherently flawed, but endearing and lively. Kang Ha is taking longer to grow on me, but has definite potential. Jun Ha is like a drug to me. Oh the addiction!

I think the kids, though, are where the heart and soul of this drama lies. They're little gems, well acted and full of personality. They're woven into the love story very well, so as it progresses I think it'll be a case of the family finding a loving home, as well as Pal Kang finding a lover. There's no disconnect there, it doesn't feel like a love story about a girl with five siblings, it feels like the story of the family.

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I'm loving all the leads in here.

I really love how the writers made Kang Ha's character so unlikeable the first few episodes now it's so funny everytime we see him. Especially when he's around PK and the kids.

I feel that 20 episodes for this series is rather long. I know they will go into the relationships of Kang Ha's families. I just want to them get together.

Being Kang Ha's nature even if he likes her later i dont think he will confess to her. Most likely he will let her go for Jun Ho. So i think it would be long before we can see them together.

Though i rather she ends up Jun Ho. Gosh he's like heaven made.

Since it is 20 episodes, it will definitely go into Kang Ha's family and the Jung family. Also, there is the crime surrounding the death of the parents. And, I suspect that there is a mystery around PK's biological father's death, too. This is the same writer for "How To Meet a Perfect Neighbor" and "Family Honor". And, I wonder if s/he is following the pattern of either of those two dramas.

I am go glad that I didn't stop watching after the first episode, which was a real turn-off. :D

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^Yeah, this series is getting a lot better than I expected...the first episode was kind of boring, had to fast forward a few times. I like how the kids all have their favourite guys....it's so cute. I can't wait for the next episode...the babysitting episode looks so funny and cute. We're finally seeing KH change a little. I also think that 20 episodes is quite long...I'm not all too interested in the family mystery...

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Guest Lammington

I fast-forward through the side-plot. It's the same old k-drama side-plot, mysterious (and rich!) dead loved one, kind (and rich!) benefactor, evil (and rich!) other woman & older woman. Much more fun to watch the kids!

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Hello!!!!! to all stars falling from the sky fans..... I'm absolutely addicted to this awesome drama... every episode is heartwarming and fun to watch. I especially love the children's interaction with the lead Kim Ji Hoon. =)

p.s. is there a MU/or torrent link to episode 5? thanks

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Guest antinh85


I'm really anxious to see when the grandpa will meet and remember Pal-Kang. I hope it's before her time is up with the brothers.

Anyways. If anyone is interested in the ratings. THey are doing really well in ratings. Even better than the other series "pasta". Which i am also currently watching along with this. But this is getting so much better than the other 3 series that is currently airing.

ep 17 tns ratings = 16.8%

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Guest gaga143

This is my favorite monday/tuesday drama! I thought I would really like pasta and maybe god of study, but this drama has won me over. It's like a breathe of fresh air. It's a very "human" drama with whimsical characters. I am so far pretty impressed with the lead actress, bbal-gang (choi jung won). Honestly, I still had a "princess" image of her when I started watching this, but she's playing the helplessly flawed but love-able character soo well. But the main reason why I love this show is definitely the KIDS! Man these kids aren't just filling the stereotypical "kid" roles in this drama... they actually have their own separate characters and they portray them so flawlessly. They're also not the prettiest or cutest kids in the lot, but they've got presence. Can't wait for next weeks installment of fun!

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I just spent the last couple of hours skimming through all the episodes released so far but I love it. I just love these kind of drama plots where the poor girl is only heir to biological family's riches, and all the families are interconnected somehow, even though it is so overused. The character of Palgang sort of annoys me how she can't do anything, but her dongsaengs make up for her lack of judgment. Plus, they are so cute. Seriously, the oldest boy deserves a round of applause for his performance. I expect a lot to see a lot more of him in the future.

Kim Jihoon! *fangirls* I love this man! I so do not mind the absolutely unnecessary shower scenes, or topless scenes, even wife-beater scenes! Although his character is cold to below freezing point, we all know he's going to move up the thermometer as the story progresses. It funny to also see him in this anti-children role cause I remember watching him on a show where he was playing with either his niece or nephew but it seriously made me go awww... I've been a fan of Jihoon since seeing him trip on X-Man and he blew me away in Flowers For My Life. I am anticipating a wonderful performance from him as the toughie, Kangha.

Shin Dongwook! The only thing I've seen him in was Soulmate, which I liked to some degree. However, did he just come back from the army? It looks like he dropped a lot of pounds in this drama compared to his figure in Soulmate. Sometimes I didn't even recognized him. Anyways, his character is the stereotypical perfect second lead: handsome, gentleman to the max, rich, plays with your younger siblings... what more could you ask for? But because he's too perfect, he never gets the girl. I like that his character is very warm in contrast with Kangha and he helps Palgang a lot. But as we notice in episode 7, is he falling in love with her? However, I truthfully think he pities her and will mistaken it for love.

Joonha is suppose to be in love with the other girl, Jaeyoung, that is clinging dearly to Kangha, right? I don't know if it's from the lack of dimensionality in the character of the Jaeyoung, but I still need to be convinced that he is and has been completely devoted to her his whole life, even though he knows that she only wants to be with his hyung. We're already going onto episode 8, so I guess I'll just have to brainwash myself into thinking it's true.

I'm glad the grandpa got his memory back. I was hoping they don't stall the memory loss until the very end where he remembers and then "Palgang! You are my granddaughter! You are rich now!" So his progress is good, I just hope he doesn't all of a sudden forget everything again.

I'm itching to know the relationship between Palgang's appa, Palgang's step-appa, the grandpa, and Kangha. Since Kangha is the trusted lawyer, he must know what happened back then.

With this super random rave and rant about the drama, I can't wait to see the next episode!

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Guest Lammington

I'm watching ep. 7 at present, and the kids interrogating the men about their opinions about Pal Kang have me in stitches. These kids really do make this drama special, they're so the best part.

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