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Gong Hyo Jin 공효진


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10asia_logo01.gif[iNTERVIEW] Actress Kong Hyo-jin

10Asia Part 1 Part 2 Gallery 2011.03.02 (Korean) | 10Asia Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 2011.03.04 (English)


Actress Kong Hyo-jin's book is named after herself, showing that is how much she reveals herself in the publication. It explains things such as how she came to grow a puppy since living in Australia when she was young to how she sometimes is in conflict with her boyfriend. But the book is not about herself but rather about the environment. She talks about the environmental issues she thought of through her daily experiences. Or rather, you could say that the book takes a glimpse into Kong's life while handling environmental issues. Nonetheless, she constantly reveals her daily life and talks about herself in her book. Kong explained that she started to write the book out of concern of her job being an actress. 10Asia talked with the actress who has decided to talk about herself through stories of how to wash the dishes and throw away garbage rather than herself as a fashionista who sometimes designs her own shoes.


10: I think a lot of people are surprised that you have released a book on the environment. They probably thought you would've done something related to fashion because of your image.

Kong Hyo-jin: I needed time to think about myself. One of my jobs as an actress is to do interviews and when I do them, I get to organize a lot of the thoughts that are in my head and that’ll lead to times I’ll organize them completely, as if overturning my desk. And that’s how I came to decide that I should release a book like this. Actors in particular don’t have a workplace to go to everyday so we become bored or feel empty at times. It’s not like people are always looking for us.


10: It says in the foreword of the book that you started writing about environmental issues because of the concerns you have as an actress.

Kong: The simple reason is that because of my job, I go overseas often so I get to compare Korea with other countries a lot. It makes me sad to see Korea’s grey skies when I come back from countries where the air is clean because unclear air wears down people’s bodies and lose energy. So my body felt the effects of the environmental problems and another thing is that I have a lot of time to think random thoughts. (laugh) I have the time to take off the vinyl of laminated covers, grow flowers and own a dog. But the bigger reason is that it helped me overcome the sense of isolation I get from being an actor.

10: What sort of isolation do you feel?

Kong: Contrary to people’s understanding, actors don’t get to appear in the projects that they want to. Sometimes we do but sometimes we don’t. Sometimes there won’t be good projects, no matter how long we wait, and many times, the directors I want to work with will want to work with other actors. (laugh) It’s not like we can sit with our nose in the air and say, “I won’t do it.” That won’t be the end to the ordeal. That leads to quite a lot of situations where you’ll get alienated. And if on top of that I read bad comments about me on the Internet, I sometimes just want to die. So I needed things to look after and turn my attention to in such situations. I think I came to place plants and animals close to me after thinking what there is that would want me and that I could look after anytime. That’s also why I wrote the book. I wrote it for fun rather than having a particular reason for it.


10: So you’re saying you started thinking about the environment after looking after plants and your dog. I think you must’ve thought a lot about giving and receiving affection while writing your book.

Kong: I had been very sensitive. There are so many things for me to do in this world but I had been looking only at what’s right in front of me and reacted sensitively to people’s perception about me. There are things like Twitter now so if people see me doing something while I’m out, they can write about it real-time. And it could be a fun thing but it’s also true that I need to be more careful so I became more sensitive. That’s why I needed to do something that would reveal my true self. I’m also just not the type that is good at being secretive and less expressive. That’s why I wanted to do something that I could reveal my life the way it is while making me a more attractive person.

10: What do you mean make yourself attractive?

Kong: I had actually wanted to be a woman who people will think is a ‘bad woman,’ like Angelina Jolie. (laugh) But I came to realize I’m not that kind of person. I’m the one who talks the most and is sometimes the only one talking when I’m with other people. (laugh) I thought whether releasing a book like this would be fitting for my character. But I decided that it could be a good thing for me and a learning experience.


10: Well maybe that’s why but it seemed like you were thinking, “Do I have the right to say this?” a lot while writing the book.

Kong: What I really thought about a lot was whether I would be able to convince my readers of what I’m trying to tell them because we’re in different situations. I have time to look after plants and my dog, and I have my own space. But there are a lot of people who need to just rest when they get home from the work they have to do everyday so I felt that telling them, “Try raising a dog, try growing a plant” wouldn’t make sense. I was careful in writing a lot of things because I was taking my readers into consideration. (laugh) It wouldn’t make sense to write my book in a way that makes my lifestyle seem ordinary because I definitely don’t have a normal job. The good thing is that I made this book with a housewife and a female employee at a company who is slightly younger than me so I think we were able to come up with something that everyone could relate to.


10: The part where you talk about buying a fur coat was fun… the fact that you wrote so honestly about the experience while writing a book on the environment and how you described the entire process of how you were conflicted as well. It was to the point that I felt that you didn’t need to tell so much.

Kong: I couldn’t help it because it weighed on my conscience. (laugh) It’s not like I won’t wear that fur coat in the winter and I’m sure that someone who has read my book will see me wearing it. I’m ashamed of it but I’m only human so I felt it would be better to be honest and show people that I worry over similar things as them. I also made a lot of effort to cut down on spending on such things after going through that thought process and also think of whether I’ll use what I’m buying a lot. Before, I used to buy clothes thinking, ‘Who knows when I’ll come across something like this again?’ but now I just walk by thinking, ‘I’ll see this again if it’s meant to be.’ (laugh)

10: Is that why a lot of your book is focused on how you’ll spend on what?

Kong: I started on this book by talking about a lot of very small things with an environment expert who helped make the book. Things like how much water is used every time we brush our teeth and what the proper way is to wash dishes. And we reached the conclusion that we should start by not creating trash. That made me run out of steam though because it’s impossible to do that and no matter how well people separate their trash, there are still a lot of problems to recycling and disposing it. But the expert told me we still have to make efforts to create trash because that’ll improve the situation and there are new recycling technique being invented even at the moment we’re making our book.


10: But just like we need new recycling techniques to be invented to protect the environment, these issues aren’t things that can’t be resolved through a single person’s efforts.

Kong: I actually did start thinking that in the end, it’s up to the government to solve environmental problems. For example, with recycling, they need to start by fixing the law on how they only fine people who throw away trash so that it can’t be recycled. I want to handle these issues in more detail in my next book. But for now, I felt that it’s important that I at least bring slight changes to the lifestyle of my readers. And that’s why I came to write about spending. The most people who will read this book are people in their twenties who will be spending the most because they have just started to make money. A lot of people relieve their stress by spending money on Internet shopping malls and I felt that the reason we make money may be to spend, and that we live to buy the things we want.


10: So you ended up going from environmental issues to consumption, then to living. (laugh)

Kong: In a book called “No Impact Man,” there is a part that says your daily wage would be higher if you work during the time you spend two to three hours cooking for yourself at home. But you’ll buy food since you can’t make it which means you’ll make more to spend more and create more trash. At first I thought, ‘What’s he talking about?’ (laugh) but I ended up relating to it quite a bit. If you work for longer, you’re more likely to take a cab instead of walking or taking the bus and you’ll spend more money to make up for how tired you are physically. It’s just a vicious cycle. So I started having very complex thoughts while writing the book but it’s a difficult issue for me and my readers so I want to handle it in my next book.

10: So you’re going to write another version?

Kong: I left out a few things in this book on purpose because I wanted to save them for book 2. In a way, I’m also worried that it’ll be less popular than the first book. (laugh) It’ll be more complicating and the more I go into detail, the more depressing it’ll be because there isn’t quite an answer to the issues I’ll be talking about. Readers may think, ‘So what does she want us to do? There’s nothing I can do about it.’ But I guess I can’t help it. That’s why environmental issues in particular are about convincing others. I’m going to have to make them take interest, as if trying to seduce them (laugh), ‘This is what is good’ or ‘That’s what is cool.’


10: In that sense, I think you did well in dealing with environmental issues by talking about your own experiences because I felt very strongly about not using shampoo when taking a shower after reading your book. (laugh)

Kong: I think nagging people actually helps. (laugh) Even my friends who had used to say they couldn’t be bothered have started telling me they’ve changed their ways because of me. I believe that everyone subconsciously regard themselves as kind people and want to be good people. When I do interviews like this, people may think, ‘She’s probably talking about it to sell more of her books’ (laugh) but I believe that it’s important that someone keeps saying these things. It may stimulate people to restart things they had been hesitant about doing. Having the thought that one person can make a difference will help both yourself and the world.

10: Don't such thoughts end up changing how you live life? There was a part where you wrote about how you exchange books and clothes with friends but you have to know how to not compare the value for such things to do that.

Kong: Well I think I took an interest to the environment because of my personality. I'm very timid and am always trying to figure out what the other person is thinking. (laugh) I'm always trying to think of how the other person feels and constantly think of things like, 'Maybe she's hungry now?' or 'She said she had another appointment to go to' when I'm with my friends. That's why I'm in complete agony when I have birthday parties (laugh) because I'm always wondering how everyone is doing. I think that's why I have those thoughts for my plants and dog... I observe them to see whether the plants need more sunlight or the dog needs to go out for a walk.


10: When you think of the environment, don't you start realizing that everybody on this planet is just as precious as I am and that I'm not someone who is special in particular nor can I use whatever I like however I please. But actors are people who are at the center of what goes on on set and they sometimes have to assert their opinions. So don't the two conflict?

Kong: That's true. There are times when an actor will look a bit pathetic if he or she isn't assertive about certain things on set. (laugh) In a way, acting brash sometimes looks cool and it'll make people think, 'What makes him so fearless? I guess he's just that great of an actor.' And that's actually the type of actor I was striving to be. (laugh) I'd ask for a cup of coffee with gusto, then not finish it. (laugh) But I realized I'm not that sort of person. I tried to look like I'm confident when I'm acting, no matter what, but I suddenly started thinking that it's very mean of me. I have a job which places me in the spotlight so people think I'll be a spender but I actually take a shower in ten minutes and use the same towel several times so I started wondering why I hadn't shown that side to me.

10: I guess there was a big gap between who you really are and who you want to be.

Kong: I actually wanted people to see me as a wilder person up till my early twenties. You know, there are always kids like that in school. Those who think the No. 1 delinquent in school is cooler than the class president. And that it's cool to spit, chew gum and kick what you could just use your hands to push. (laugh) There was a time I wanted to be like that. Of course, that's no longer the case (laugh) although there are times I want to seem more brash. And over time, I've come to think that thinking of the environment and becoming a meticulous person is much cooler. I also think there will come a time when the fact that my serious attitude toward other things and people will be received well by others as well.


10: Do you think having such an attitude influences your acting as well? It looks like you act your roles with more precision in your more recent projects, particularly in "Pasta" alongside actor Lee Sun-kyun. It seemed like you were paying more attention to how you guys work with your scene partner or the overall space of the kitchen rather than trying to make yourselves stand out.

Kong: Once you start taking an interest in these sort of issues, it becomes difficult to play characters that spend recklessly. I may decide that it won't fit me to play the daughter of a rich family. Of course, I'll probably take it if the project is a good one (laugh). I also think an actor's job involves getting many people to like me. You'll meet from 50 to up to 100 people on the crew per project, then go your own ways but meet again later. And of those people, there will be people you meet for the first time but you can only work well with them by talking to them, getting them to like you and exchanging each others feelings. I think that's how I came to pay attention to relationships on set or how I work with the project in general so that may be my strength when it comes to acting.

10: It seems that you think a lot about your relationships with others and people's perception of you.

Kong: Since young, I've been the type that tries to get along with my friends. (laugh) Someone who is good at noticing how others feel and knows what's going on. I've been the type that has always made the effort to maintain good relationships with people rather than lead others or be in the center of attention.


10: I think that's why you've played a lot of roles that involve taking care and looking after others. Even in "Pasta," Lee Sun-kyun's character Hyun-wook started depending a lot on your character Yoo-kyung.

Kong: It just turned out that way. (laugh) I came to realize one day that I was controlling chef (Hyun-wook). (laugh) I was watching one of the episodes on television one day with the crew and they kept saying that Yoo-kyung is so sly. (laugh) I know I'm the one who did the acting but Yoo-kyung truly did look sly in how she controlled Hyun-wook with her expressions.


10: Hyun-wook is extreme when it comes to principles and Yoo-kyung does well in giving him advice in ways that won't hurt his feelings. I think you must've had to come up with a lot of the details for your character to show this naturally.

Kong: The director at first wanted my character to be someone who has a strong fighting spirit. That's why in the first scene that my character appeared, she was singing with a bandana around her head like a rapper. She was someone with a personality so boyish that you wouldn't be able to tell whether she is male or female and she came off as someone who would have the perseverance to succeed no matter how much Hyun-wook tormented her.

10: But in the end, she turned out to be someone who is extremely attractive in a feminine way.

Kong: Because I had wanted to play someone who is very likely to exist somewhere after "Crush and Blush." And the script to "Pasta" was very simple without too much detail regarding my character so I felt that I could do a lot with it. But after I had my first meeting with the director, the scenarist came up with details for Yoo-kyung which all made her seem wild. So I told the director that I'd like to show the feminine side to my character this time and that I'd try to make something out of her if such details were left out. I also didn't want to show people just the wild or determined image people already had of me.


10: I think that's what was unique about Yoo-kyung. She didn't try too much to appeal to men with her femininity yet it's not like it was concealed on purpose. It just felt like you portrayed women as they are in everyday life but I think you must have thought a lot how to go about this.

Kong: I try not to play the same roles. That is why I try to convince producers straight up of the sort of roles I want to play everytime. And I put in a lot of effort in the beginning of the project to show that I didn't make the wrong judgement. The director did say I seemed too feeble at first. (laugh) And he worried over whether I'd be able to stand up to Hyun-wook when he'd always be shouting at me. But I told myself that I wouldn't act it out even if I know how to because I've done it before. I just wanted to show an ordinary girl who is scared enough to cry when Hyun-wook is being scary and be slow at a lot of things. It was after the first two episodes that the director said I should continue portraying Yoo-kyung the way I was.


10: It must've been important that you have good chemistry with Lee Sun-kyun to convince viewers of such details of your character.

Kong: I did think about how I should portray my character but never based solely on her. If I had been stubborn about not wanting my character to seem pitiful, when it is only when my character has become weak enough that she'll draw the emotions from the male actor, there would be no reason for him to act the way he does. He's only overlooking the problems she causes because he feels sorry for her so I can't stop that. It's just that it would've been boring and cliche to play her in the way I had with acting that people are used to in order to explain what sort of person she is in the beginning. That's why I want to become very ordinary people in projects these days.

10: Ordinary people?

Kong: So many different types of people exist in the world these days and they all live in different ways. But if we express something excessively or try to seem too pitiful, it becomes difficult to express the details to each type of character. I want to make new rules to my acting by avoiding going with obvious setups because I think that's the only way I'll improve. So I think the synergy was great between the director, scenarists and actors in "Pasta" in particular and that's why Yoo-kyung turned out to be who she is.


10: I was impressed by how Yoo-kyung revealed her various charms to Hyun-wook by working with him so naturally instead of suddenly turning up all pretty one day.

Kong: What I was very worried about was that I couldn't make Yoo-kyung seem like a troublemaker. She's someone that could've easily made viewers think, 'Who's she to always cause trouble and have the man sort out her mess?' She was always causing all sorts of trouble in the kitchen, then crying about it everyday because she wouldn't know how to deal with it and the chef would let her off the hook which would come off as distasteful to anyone. That's why I kept running about here and there when I was in the kitchen, even in the parts that I didn't have any lines to say. She's skinny so she looks like she would be weak but she would keep trying and try twice as hard as the men to overcome her limitations. The director chased me around for six hours to show that as well, and showed it through single takes as well.

10: That's why I'm curious of the next step that you'll take. Actresses become limited to the roles they can play with age but it seems like you're just increasingly getting better at finding the roles you want to play.

Kong: Up until "Pasta," I think used to believe my strength laid in how I was good at making women think I'm cool or wild. But for the time being, I want to play characters like I did in "Pasta" although of course, I'd make sure there are different things that are charming about her. I think that now, actresses have longer heydays and they have more time than they did in the past. I just think that we need to be better. We have to extend our life as actresses by constantly working hard instead of waiting to make it big by coming across a great project by chance. You need to competent to captivate people. Acting isn't just about working on a good project and a good director. Projects that may have seemed slightly hopeless turn into good projects with good acting and I'd like to become an actress who can be of help to the people who make that project. I'm trying to become an actress liked not only by people who watch my work but also those who make them. I think that's probably how I'd be able to stay in this industry for a long time. (laugh)


10: How would you like to live your life when you're past your thirties, not as an actress but as a human being.

Kong: Well it may have already started for me but actors have defined characters as actors. For example, that one may seem 'feminine' or 'kind.' But I think I need to push that aside and look for who I really am when I'm back to being my real self. When actors get a set image, they try to magnify that aspect of them as much as they can and push ahead with it in a way that will be most well received by people. That also sometimes makes them worry whether they might mistakenly show their true selves. That's why when they play characters that deviate from their set image, they say things like, "I played a character completely different from me" or "The person you see on screen is just the character." (laugh)

10: So are you not going to do that anymore? (laugh)

Kong: I know that I have the image of being a fashionista who is honest, confident and outspoken. And it's true that I don't deny it nor try to change it. But that's me as an actress. I want to show people who I am as myself. I'm actually more careful and I'm hoping to be someone who can see the entire forest instead of just a single tree. That's why rather than adopting my image as an actor to my actual life, I don't know how this will be accepted, but I want to be someone who is two-faced. (laugh) An actress on the outside but I think what I've written in my book is closest to who I really am. That's what I want people's perception of me to be.


Editor in Chief : Kang Myoung-Seok two@

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@

Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Jang Kyung-Jin three@

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Actors Ha Jung-woo, Kong Hyo-jin cast in new romantic comedy



Korean actors Ha Jung-woo and Kong Hyo-jin have been cast as the leads for an upcoming romantic comedy, according to the film's producer N.O.A Entertainment on Wednesday.

N.O.A announced in a press release that Ha will play Gu Joo-wal, a writer with only one best-seller that has no luck in love, while Kong will take on the role of the love interest to Gu named Hee-jin who works at a movie importer company and is also an amateur photographer in the film tentatively titled "Love Fiction."

"Love Fiction," scheduled to crank in mid-June, will be helmed by Korean director Jeon Kye-so whose works include "Singles" (2003) and musical "The Ghost Theater" (2006).

Ha, whose real name is Kim Sung-hoon, is the son of veteran Korean actor Kim Yong-gun. He first gained recognition appearing in several television dramas including "Lovers in Prague" (SBS, 2005) and "H.I.T." (MBC, 2007).

He rose to stardom after playing a serial killer in suspense thriller pic "The Chaser" (2008) and solidified his movie star status with "Take Off" (2009), which became one of the most-watched films in Korean box office history. He recently won the best actor award for his role in “The Yellow Sea” (2010) a film of murderous chase between three men.

Kong made her debut in the 1999 horror pic "Memento Mori" and has since appeared in numerous television dramas and films.

Some of her most notable works include dramas "Ruler of Your Own World" (MBC, 2002), "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School" (KBS, 2003) and film "Conduct Zero," co-starring her real-life actor boyfriend Ryoo Sung-bum. Her latest work was starring in the TV series "Pasta" alongside actor Lee Sun-kyun.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Y-Star: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVfUs3r4s14

HA and KONG team up for Love Fiction

by Nigel D’Sa (KOFIC) Korean Film Biz Zone / Apr 10, 2011

Top Korean actor HA Jung-woo has been cast opposite talented actress KONG Hyo-jin in the romantic-comedy <Love Fiction>, to be directed by JEON Kye-soo. The film, which cranks in this June, will be JEON’s second feature following his 2006 debut, <Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater>, a surreal musical that won the Baeksang award for best new director.

HA has been in top form, taking on diverse but compelling roles in <The Chaser>, <Beastie Boys>, <My Dear Enemy>, <Take Off>, <The Boat>, <The Yellow Sea>, and <The Client>. Actress KONG, known for her supporting roles, made her leading lady breakthrough in the PARK Chan-wook-produced 2008 comedy <Crush and Blush>. She went on to star in TV drama <Pasta> and indie features <Sisters > and <Rolling Home With Bull>.

The new film features HA as a timid novelist and half-hearted vegetarian, bumbling through a slump in his creativity and love life until he meets the buoyant KONG, an employee of a film import company who enjoys amateur photography. Both actors are managed by talent agency N.O.A Entertainment. The film will aim for an end-of-the-year release.

Gong Hyo-jin and Ha Jung-woo’s Love Fiction

by javabeans | March 23, 2011

This sounds really cute: Gong Hyo-jin and Ha Jung-woo are teaming up for a romantic comedy titled Love Fiction, which features Ha as a timid novelist who falls in love at first sight with a charming woman (Gong).

Ha’s character has exactly one successful novel to his name, but has fallen into a sophomore slump. A naive, bumbling sort of guy, he’s always being dumped by women. And my favorite thing about his description: He’s a half-assed vegetarian. I don’t know why, but that just makes me laugh. Maybe because I’ve been one, too.

Gong plays an employee of a film import company who is also an amateur photographer. She’s got a bright, happy personality, though (of course) she’s got some deep-rooted mom-related pain underneath it all.

It’ll be great seeing Ha back in comedy (his last was 2008′s feel-good sports movie Take Off), as he’s been focusing most of his recent career on crime thrillers and mysteries like The Chaser, Boat, Hwanghae, and The Client. And we’ve seen Gong being winning and relatable no matter the genre, whether it’s comedy (Pasta) or melo (Thank You). Together, they should be adorable.

Both actors are managed by N.O.A Entertainment, and a rep from the agency said, “Ha Jung-woo has mostly acted in heavy, serious films, but he’ll take on the challenge of changing his image with this movie, his first traditional romantic comedy.” The rep added, “Gong Hyo-jin’s usual image is classy and stylish, but she’s a genuine actor who has never been afraid to mess up her image for projects.” Anyone who’s seen her being crass and rude in Crush and Blush can attest to that.

Love Fiction is directed by Jeon Kye-soo, who won a Baeksang Award for writing and directing The Ghost Theater, and will begin filming in June.

Source: Dramabeans Via Hankyung.com

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fist pump*

HJW has been attached to this project since 2008 (he previously worked with the director in Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater); Kang Hye-Jung was originally the female lead.

After the North Face and Max Beer CFs, I had a feeling this dream casting was only a matter of time. :w00t: Hyo-Jin is long overdue for a romcom outside of dramas, and HJW is the ideal partner--amazing actor, loads of charisma, someone she's already comfortable with since they're friends. If it's half as good as My Dear Enemy, then I'd have died and gone to cinematic heaven. :wub:

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^thanks vesica :)

Fashionistas gathered to watch the Mulberry Spring 2011 fashion show held on March 23 at the Grand Hotel in Seoul. The attendees included Ha Ji Won, Lee Yeon Hee, No Min Woo, Park Si Yeon, Song Kyung Ah, Gong Hyo Jin, Jung Gyu Woon, Sung Yuri, and British model/TV host/fashion icon Alexa Chung. Alexa, who flew to Seoul especially for the show, acted as DJ for the evening. The requisite fashion accessory of the event was, of course, a Mulberry handbag.

Source: melkimx @Soompi News via Newsen



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Actress Kong Hyo-jin cast for upcoming MBC TV series


Korean actress Kong Hyo-jin will return to the small screen after a one year hiatus, starring in an upcoming MBC TV series.

On Wednesday, her agency N.O.A Entertainment announced in a press release that Kong has been cast as the female lead in the new Wednesday and Thursday night drama whose translated title is "The Greatest Love" opposite actor Cha Seung-won.

"The Greatest Love," written by the famed scenarist sisters Hong Jung-eun and Hong Mi-ran of hit dramas "He is Beautiful" (SBS, 2009) and "My Girlfriend is Gumiho" (SBS, 2010), tells the story of a has-been female singer named Goo Ae-jung (played by Kong) who falls in love with top actor Dok Go-jin (played by Cha).

The show, which also stars Yoo In-na and Yoon Kye-sang, is scheduled to air starting May after current series "Royal Family" finishes its run.

Kong made her debut in the 1999 horror pic "Memento Mori" and has since appeared in numerous television dramas and films.

Some of her most notable works include dramas "Ruler of Your Own World" (MBC, 2002), "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School" (KBS, 2003) and film "Conduct Zero," co-starring her real-life actor boyfriend Ryoo Seung-bum. Her latest work was starring in the TV series "Pasta" alongside actor Lee Sun-kyun.

Cha led a successful career as a model until his role in the 1997 SBS' sitcom "New York Story." He made his film debut the same year in "Holiday in Seoul" but rose to stardom after starring in the Korean comedy "Kick the Moon" opposite actress Kim Hye-soo and Lee Jong-su.

He appeared in various works such as the KBS series "Bodyguard" (2003) and in movies "Blood Rain" (2005), "Small Town Rivals" (2007) and "Blades of Blood" (2010). He recently starred in the SBS action series "Athena."

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@

Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

Related link: [Dramabeans] More additions to upcoming Hong sisters drama

Cha Seung-won and Gong Hyo-jin the best couple coming in May

2011/04/27 | HanCinema via Max Movie


Cha Seung-won and Gong Hyo-jin were chosen as 'the most looked forward to' couple in the dramas coming this May. In second place is Lee Min-ho and Park Min-yeong, in third is Kang Ji-hwan and Yoon Eun-hye.

The biggest movie site in the country Max Movie (www.maxmovie.com) carried out a survey from the 22nd of April to the 27th about 'The most looked forward to couple in dramas starting in May?"

3278 netizens participated in the survey. Cha Seung-won and Gong Hyo-jin received an overwhelming vote of 54.9% (1801) and ran first place.

Second place Lee Min-ho and Park Min-yeong for "City Hunter" (18.4%, 603), third place Kang Ji-hwan and Yoon Eun-hye for "Lie to Me" (9.2% 302), fourth place Choi Daniel and Jang Nara for "Babyfaced Beauty" (8.1% 265), fifth place Jeong Kyeo-woon and Seong Yoo-ri for "Romance Town" (6.5% 213) and sixth place Jay and Jeong Eun-chae for "Our Women" (2.9% 94).

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Biotherm Aquasource CF

15s [YouTube] [Streaming] [Streaming] [Streaming]

30s [YouTube] http://v1.biotherm.co.kr/biotherm_aqua.flv

CF screencaps


credit: http://blog.naver.com/paranzui/50108605842






credit: http://cafe.daum.net/znjfflxl/NlS7/969?docid=13Fjm|NlS7|969|20110504211306


credit: http://blog.daum.net/goole88/429






credit: http://blog.naver.com/dorothy9do/10108718344


credit: http://cowkdls.blog.me/50113205568


credit: http://blog.naver.com/goodgirlone/140127474860

Print ads (CeCi, InStyle)

th_20110405173206_651.jpg th_20110405173104_740.jpg

<clickable thumbnails>

No hotlinking pls!

Related link: [DFNI online] Incheon promotion boosts Biotherm sales

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April 4, 2011

Gong Hyo Jin, Is That Really Not Photoshopped?

Source: TV Report by dongie askactor.com


The body line of actress Gong Hyo Jin is creating a big buzz in the online community.

Recently, in an online community site, pictures of Gong Hyo Jin from her cosmetic product CF set was uploaded.

In the picture, Gong Hyo Jin is showing off a slim body and flawless skin while wearing a pure white mini dress. This picture is getting even more attention since word got out that it isn’t photoshopped at all.

Netizens wrote “She proves that she is a former model” “She can make any style become her style” “I am jealous of that body.”

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Guest lot_lot

Happy birthday, Hyojin sshi!!!


Birthday card I sent for HyoJin sshi's birthday


I cannot wait for your new drama project. Thank you melusine for keeping this thread alive with all the news and beautiful pictures.

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Gong Hyo-jin sports a new look for Best Love

by javabeans | April 5, 2011 | Dramabeans


A new drama, a new haircut for Gong Hyo-jin, who showed off her newly short hairstyle at last week’s script reading for her upcoming trendy drama, Best Love.

Gong plays Gu Ae-jung, a former idol group singer (along with Yoo Inna and Lee Hee-jin) who now has a negative public image, which already makes her an interesting heroine. It’s one thing for a heroine to be a has-been star (as she was described previously), because I can imagine a lot of ways in which a former idol could have lost her popularity and faded from the public eye. But this is the first time I’m hearing that Ae-jung is actively disliked, and that opens up a lot of narrative possibilities. Is she misunderstood? Wrongly maligned? Or maybe just a richard simmons?


Cha Seung-won, on the other hand, plays Dokko Jin, an A-list star who’s beloved by all, and has a bright, merry personality. Bright and merry, from the Athena and City Hall tough guy? I don’t doubt he can pull it off and I look forward to it, but it IS a pretty drastic change from his recent image. Perhaps it won’t be too much to hope that in keeping with Jin’s lovable image, he’ll finally shave off that furry animal growing on his face? One can hope.

Meanwhile, Yoon Kye-sang plays Ae-jung’s other suitor, a warm and friendly doctor of Oriental medicine, while funnyman Jung Jun-ha plays her older brother and manager.

Best Love replaces Royal Family and airs in May.






<click for larger size> http://mbcinfo.imbc.com/news_view.asp?idx=11560











Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMnRU59cOeU

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[...] These stills are the first we’ve seen from the upcoming Hong sisters romantic comedy, and feature lead character Ae-jung (Gong Hyo-jin) with her brother and manager, Ae-hwan, played by Jung Jun-ha.

[...] In the pictured scene, Ae-jung arrives at a radio station to appear as a guest on a program, and in the lobby they run into top star Se-ri, played by Yoo Inna.

via Dramabeans

Making Of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8hWR2kSd1c




<click for larger size> http://mbcinfo.imbc.com/news_view.asp?idx=11587

More funny commentary: [Dramabeans] Stills from the first shoot of Best Love

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Happy Belated Birthday Ms.Hyojin katt.gifyou have the awesomest fan-thread around!

April 6, 2011

'The Best Love' Gong Hyo Jin, Showing off Her Fashion Sense, 'Like Pictorial Shoot'

Source: Osen by heej0130 via askactor.com


Gong Hyo Jin casted MBC new WED/THU drama ‘The Best Love’ shows off her fashion sense.

Recently, she has fresh spring lady atmosphere as changing to shortcut hair. She wears white long skirt and blue knit and skull printed scarf is the key to this minimal and chic fashion.

Gong Hyo Jin will act as Goo Ae Jung who is mud star in idol group ‘Gookbo girls’ and plays acting love with top star Cha Seung Won.

PD Park Hong Gyoon who successfully directed ‘New Heart’ ‘Queen Seonduk’ and ‘Hong Sisters’-Writer Hong Jung Eun and Hong Mi Ran-will make the drama together. Castings include Yoon Gye Sang, Yoo In Na, Jung Joon Ha, Lee Hee Jin, Choi Hwa Jung.

On the other wise, Gong Hyo Jin said, “The first day of shooting was really active and it was glad to meet makers of my past dramas accidently in the lobby of broadcasting station. Please cheer me up and have expectation.”

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April 16, 2011

Best TV Drama Couple

Source: news.nate.com


'Pasta' drama couple of Lee Seon Gyun-Gong Hyo Jin chosen as Best Couple in popular ranking on KBS 2TV 'Entertainment Tonight' program aired on the 16th.

1. 'Pasta' (Lee Seon Gyun-Gong Hyo Jin)

2. 'Winter Sonata,' (Bae Yong Jun-Choi Ji Woo)

3. 'IRIS' (Lee Byung Hun-Kim Tae Hee)

4. 'Shining Heritage' (Lee Seung Gi-Han Hyo Joo)

5. 'Dream High' (Wooyoung?-IU)

6. 'Runaway: Plan B' (Bi-Lee Na Young)

7. 'I'm Sorry, I Love You' (So Ji Sup-Im Soo Jung)

8. 'Coffee Prince' (Gong Yoo-Yeh Eun Hye)

9. 'Secret Garden' (Hyun Bin-Ha Ji Won)

10. 'Lovers in Paris' (Park Shin Yang-Kim Jung Eun)

Photo = KBS 2TV 'Entertainment Tonight' TV screen captures

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April 18, 2011

‘The Greatest Love’ Cha Seung Won-Gong Hyo Jin, Sharing Funny Couple Photo, ‘Strange Mood?’

Source: Sports chosun by heej0130 via askactor.com


The couple pictures of Cha Seung Won acting as Dok Go Jin and Gong Hyo Jin acting as Goo Ae Jung on MBC new wed/thu drama ‘The Greatest Love’ firstly released.

Cha Seung Won and Gong Hyo Jin had a poster shoot in the photograph studio in MBC Dream Center, Il San on 14th (Thursday). The photo released on 19th and it contains contrary looks of top star Dok Go Jin and unpopular star from idol group ‘National Treasure Girls’ Goo Ae Jung.

Cha Seung Won showed his enthusiasm with preparing the props like rings for the poster shoot. Gong Hyo Jin attracted staffs with wearing spring-like blouses that well-matched with her fresh short-cut and she was like ‘Alps girl Heidi’. Especially the blouse Gong Hyo Jin wore was made specially for this poster and highlights Goo Ae Jung’s loveliness.

Two changed their face and pose many times for each photo and continued the funny atmosphere. Staffs watched the poster shoot of fashionista Cha Seung Won and Gong Hyo Jin with breathless interest, but they couldn’t stand because of Cha Seung Won’s sudden pose and Dok Go Jin’s way of speaking.

‘The Greatest Love’ is romantic comedy genre with background of top star and unremembered female star. It gathers interests with PD Park Hong Gyun who directed ‘New Heart’ and ’Queen Sunduk’ and ‘Hong Sisters’ Hong Jeong Eun and Hong Mi Ran who lead the trendy dramas with their unique style of scenario.

Cha Seung Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Yoon Gye Sang, Yoo In Na, Jung Joon Ha, Lee Hee Jin, Choi Hwa Jung, Bae Seul Gi, Han Jin Hee, Park Won Sook and Im Ji Gyu appears on the drama. It is scheduled to broadcast on May, 4th following ‘Royal Family’.

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