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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest severus

The guy who did my hardwood floors did a horrible job and totally messed up. But then he committed suicide, so I can't be angry because he was obviously having hard times. But my floors are so ugly.

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Guest suereya

Argh, why am I so distracted lately? My final exam paper is the day after but I can't seem to remember the things I studied because I lost the drive to study. Ahh, they shouldn't have scheduled a 9 days gap between our previous paper and the last paper. Now, my mood is all about the things I wanna do during the sem break @_@

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Guest lucky.clover

Dropped 1+kg bucket of rice on my big toe, the lid then fell off and the rice spilled all over the kitchen floor. Tried to clean up my mess only to hit my head on the counter, then re-spilling the rice I just cleaned up. It really sucks, but I still want to laugh at myself...

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Guest bucklemybelt

Not a rant, just a request...

Please could everyone fill out my survey, it would be very appreciated and a lot of help!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mightyleaf

Feeling sad over something tiny.

I sent my friend a picture of something. He told me to eat a sandwich. It got to me. I mean... a lot of people constantly say im so thin and should eat more. Why is it okay to comment on a skinny persons weight? call me anorexic. Call me tooth pick. Call me bulemic. Im none of those things.... i never starve myself.. this is why i dont go to eat wirh anyone... if i order sometbing they will comment, " can u even finish that. " and i do! I always finish mu meal !!!! Jesus christ....

I never tell a fat person to eat less unless they ask for advice... totally ruined my mood.... I don't want your advice... I eat more than some of my girlfriends and I don't gain weight...

I am trying to gain weight by lifting weight / eating more... but why the hell do people think they have a right to say something about my weight in a negative way... cries.... why can't people just shut the f*** up. im trying hard to gain weight you know...

/end rant / goes to stuff my face with more food even though im full already...

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mightyleaf said: Feeling sad over something tiny. I sent my friend a picture of something. He told me to eat a sandwich. It got to me. I mean... a lot of people constantly say im so thin and should eat more. Why is it okay to comment on a skinny persons weight? call me anorexic. Call me tooth pick. Call me bulemic. Im none of those things.... i never starve myself.. this is why i dont go to eat wirh anyone... if i order sometbing they will comment, " can u even finish that. " and i do! I always finish mu meal !!!! Jesus christ.... I never tell a fat person to eat less unless they ask for advice... totally ruined my mood.... I don't want your advice... I eat more than some of my girlfriends and I don't gain weight... I am trying to gain weight by lifting weight / eating more... but why the hell do people think they have a right to say something about my weight in a negative way... cries.... why can't people just shut the f*** up. im trying hard to gain weight you know... /end rant / goes to stuff my face with more food even though im full already...

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