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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Playing all of my Jonas Brothers music to mourn over their separation :((  They were my first boy band and Nick was my very first celebrity crush Gosh, I feel pretty ridiculous but I can't help it Now I understand why people go nuts when their favorite group disbands, like my sister with N*Sync 

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Guest smileyoo

Everyone is annoying and making things more complicated for me!!!! i hate them alllll ):So annnnnoying!!!! for once, i just want to work and not go to school for a while....

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Guest fashionista.

People usually forget to thank you when you do good to them, but they never forget to blame you if you did wrong to them.

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Guest kittencraft

Garage door slammed on my fingers, tire swing broke while I was in it, then lost tons of ARAMs. Now Minecraft is lagging. Who am I kidding? I've got cruddy internet.

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Guest mightyleaf

Today has been terrible.

I killed snorlax and forgot to save beforehand.

Got pissed, decided to go out, bought an icecream cone !!! :D

... and some chick was in a rush, bumped into me and it fell. She didn't even apologize. She didn't even look back.

Hopefully the day will get better.

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I wish people would prove me wrong. I wish my assumption and predictions i have based on observation, would not come true. Every time im proven right. It slowly chips away the hope I still have about people. I am left once again disheartened and disappointed. I truly had secretly believed on this particular part of a relationship, people were different. Sigh... now I look at my own situation and wonder...if that can happen to them....

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Guest Tracey X

For just once! Clean up your mess!!!! It's dirty and disgusting!!! And cook for yourself!!! When I'm gone, you're gonna cry so hard that your eyes fall out!!!!! Gosh!!!! And why do you have to be so hard to fill out college applications?! I won't survive in the real world.....

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Guest haruno_xiah

today is exactly the bad day of mine. 
- sleepless - I have to do an extra-job which is mean I must add 10 hours off an extra work hours properly. 
I have some other important tasks to do but got no time. but I know that I have to maintain it better, I can't be moody.

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Guest Charles Yu

I sort of had a bad day then my girl sent me over to www.allfanart.com and looked over their charity. I think y'all can draw up something and just post ^^ I'm having fun doing it!

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Guest saykreem

TO EVERYONE:Every time you meet a tragedy, or are sad, angry, weary, focus on your breath, its gentle or harried coming and going, and when you feel calmer, MAKE YOURSELF HAPPIER BY EXTENDING A HELPING HAND TO OTHERS. Even if your gesture is not appreciated immediately, or you are insulted because of it, continue helping others. Only then can you be truly happy or rather, at peace. I like what the Dalai Lama said: " “Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

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