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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Debbie1633

I just watched ep. 23... This episode is filled with all sorts of sweet AND sad moments. However, I don't know why but the scene bewteen Jan Di and Jun Pyo's mom REALLY got to me. I definitely cried a bit during that scene! :(

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Guest qtvaNn

what is the title of the song playing while YJ is crying because of what he saw on the billboard?is it in the ost?just curious.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest darling138

Flower_pot :):)...hahaha...u are soooooo very funny!!!....when i read the part "But really, what can Jihoo NOT do? HE’S NOW EVEN AN EFFIN’S TYLIST? How intimate is that that he’s cutting Jandi’s hair? I bet if Junpyo were present he would have found other ways for those scisssors…hmmm... most probably to stab Jihoo with it… hehehe!"...I was laughing so hard that i almost fell off my chair.:):)

It's been extremely hilarious to read all of ur comments. Thank u! :)

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Guest christiane

they should have come to these two episodes really sooner. they waste a lot of time developing something not worth it. if i have to watch this drama again, i surely will fast forward all the promenades, all the pointless scenes that were in the 8th last and come straight to those two of today

really LMH and HS were really awesome in this episode. now i can feel the love of jd for jp and that jd wanted to fight for jp but couldn t fight against money and power. even KHJ, who annoyed me a lot with his soso acting was not that annoying today. I say it again, I like KHJ as a talented personn but he isn t the best choice for JH.

WB was really mature in those two episode and I liked him more taking care of his friend and trying to solve problem

my heart broke because of the final scene of eppi 23

I am feeling the maturity of the developpement. the 12th first episode was showing the childish love and here i think it became more realistic. we suddenly came into real life. power against love. sincerely u cant live your life with only love, bread and water..

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This is completely off of my memory and I'm sure that better translators will post real subs later on, but to give you the gist of the angst in this break-up scene, here goes:

JD gets her bags out the car and JP is asking what all those bags are for, if she's planning on taking them somewhere and creating a scandal/scene or what not. JD finally responds by saying that she's decided not to see him anymore. JP at first thinks that JD's joking and as he starts to figure out that she's serious, he asks if she's just trying to start a fight because they haven't fought yet that day.

Anyway, sorry but I don't quite remember what they said next. Basically, JP is following JD and asking what the problem is and reminding her that she told him she like him. The bus comes and JD goes towards the bus. JP tells her to stop and keeps reminding her that she said she liked him. They stop at the bus and JP confronts her and asks if this is the extent of her love (but they use the word "like" not "love"). JD says, "I guess this is all my love amounts to" or something like that. She says, "no matter how much I may like you, this is the limit of what my love can bear up with." Then JP asks her to tell him just one thing: "have you ever seen me as just a guy without Shinhwa and being a chaebol?" meaning, has she ever just seen him as a guy and not as a guy who is the heir to Shinhwa and a chaebol (uber rich). And JD responds: "No. No matter how much you may want to disregard or distance yourself from Shinhwa and the heir to a chaebol family, I've never forgotten that that's who you are." (But, you know that what she really means is that she can't ever forget it because of Darth Mama and the force of her evil eyeliner. I swear, I think her eyeliner is the source of her power). Hence, JP's devastated expression. JD gets on the bus. JP is running after her and yelling her name. JD says something I don't really understand. I think she's trying to say that no matter how much she may wish he was a normal guy, he isn't. Then, (I definitely understood this part) she says "I'm sorry Gu JunPyo. I'm really sorry I couldn't keep my promise." (proabably referring to the promise that she wouldn't break up with him bc of Darth Mama.

thank you for the explanation, much clearer now.

Got a question about this ep. I don't understand the logic of the last date of JD. JD did it, because she wanted to leave JP a nice memory. OK, but what is so nice about it with an ending like that? Or maybe this is another example of BOF logic?

I think it would have indeed been nice, if she just had kept being nice and all and disappeared with a little goodbye note.

And another thing. How can JP/LMH keep one hand in his pocket during that bus scene? It seems so weird to me.

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Guest itrayya

wow. i dont know korean that well, but that episode left me clenching my heart. apppaaaaaaa!

*breathe, breathe*

but when i saw Jun Pyo's Nuna, i know it'll be okay.

she's strong and she'll help Jun Pyo.

and seeing JanDi reading to Jun Pyo's dad, that helps too.

*breathe, breathe*

i think this is gonna be a looong week for me.

to think think think think about this.

funny but true story, Boys Over Flower is the first thing i think of when i wake up in the morning.

so weird but so true :)

aaaahhh! i LOVE it.

THANK YOU guys BOF lovers!!!!

let's all share this great drama and our opinions with each other!!!!

thank you all!!!! we all carry the same love!!! woooo!!!!!

take care :)

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Has this been posted? Seems new. She's really pretty.

Warning... I am totally going to vent: Why?!?! We don't need a Umi!!! She's going to be appearing in episode 24 and 25!!! What the freakin A are the writers and PD thinking?!?!?! This is ridiculious. This whole story is about Junpyo and Jandi. The PD has done a horrible job at bringing the lovebirds together and ruined the flow of the story by rushing it and now a freaking Umi?!?! Why do I have a feeling that the ending is going to be rushed with a classic lame korean ending, two lovebirds kissing in the middle of nowhere while the camera is circling around them. Don't we all want a more sweeter ending? We've cried and have been angry with the past couple of episodes so shouldn't there be a more fufilling ending... p l e a s e? I swear, if I was in korea right now I would start a protest to remove Umi!

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Guest misshakissh

Talk about advertisement for those cell phones with all the screen conversations


screen phone conversation isnt rare in korea just to let u know. its not like its only in the drama where ppl use those things.

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it's my lunch break and now my eyes are all red?? my boss is going to notice and KILLLLL ME??! I don't get why Jandi decided to leave Junpyo so harshly. Yeah.. he's pretty thick and would hold on to her for dear life, but why be so mean? One moment you tell him there's no one but him... then hours later, you tell him, you had enough. bye. ciao baby! i liked the sad break up.. (my boss won't.) it's waay too sad how she executed it. i hope the ending is much better!

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Guest hbrad1977

I dun understand why people kept on complaining abt whose scene is more than whom..why not let them do their work while we just enjoy it as how it comes...like what the PD kept on emphasizing, this is Kkotgoba Namja, not Meteor Garden or Hana Yuri Dango, even if the show is an adptation of HYD...so what if they change the ending, why wud we worry abt their legal matter or if the ending as the original, I'm sure they'll make worth of JP-JD sacrifices...

So please refrain posting negative remarks/condemning the PD or the actors especially the actors...they just act as what their script required of them. It's tiring reading page after page abt 'too many so & so scene' and 'too little of so & so scene". Please understand that not everyone have the same taste...some might like certain scene which others don't. just FF whatever scene that's not favourable to oneself....that's what I did anyway....

Well....I know you are being polite about it but this forum thread is here to discuss the drama--all aspects of it, from the plot to the actors to the number of scenes. If I think there are too many JiHoo scenes (and I do), I certainly have the right to say so. It's not against the rules as I understand them.

You are right that not everyone has the same taste. No one from what I've seen is saying differently. The point is, we have every right to comment negatively or positively about a scene. It is really not for anyone else to say whether or not we can comment about the show or how we can comment about the show. If it becomes a new rule that we can't actually discuss the show/scenes/actors of BOF on the BOF discussion thread--then I'm sure we will all deal accordingly but until then...perhaps you could take your own advice and scroll.

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Guest Bontaku

Hello, does anyone know what's the name of the song in Ep 23 where YiJung + Ga Eul were together in the morning?

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I'm loving every sweet moments of Jun Pyo & Jandi in episode 23 (I'm just grateful they have scenes together).

In fact, I immensly enjoy the talented acting displayed by LMH and GHS during the break up scene, it was heartbreaking. The seaside scenic view was beautiful, much like their love.

{'Flower Pot' your analysis of each episodes are always full of humor and enjoyable to read.}

btw: I'm testing out my FAST FORWARD control button on my laptop, to make sure it works well for the last 2 episode. I just want to have it ready, for ALL my FAVORITE Ji Hoo moments. NO JOKE! :huh:

Just to emphasize why JH scenes are my all time favorites: (cause really, there's nothing more important in BOF to cover).

1. JH staring = displaying coolness.

2. JH reading = displaying educational prowess.

3. JH cutting hair = displaying talent.

4. JH washing a vehicle = displaying hobby.

5. JH walking = displaying exercising techniques.

Anyhow, it is, what it is.

JH presence = displaying valuable time WASTED.

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Guest christiane

thank you for the explanation, much clearer now.

Got a question about this ep. I don't understand the logic of the last date of JD. JD did it, because she wanted to leave JP a nice memory. OK, but what is so nice about it with an ending like that? Or maybe this is another example of BOF logic?

I think it would have indeed been nice, if she just had kept being nice and all and disappeared with a little goodbye note.

And another thing. How can JP/LMH keep one hand in his pocket during that bus scene? It seems so weird to me.

i think JD did it for her cos she is gonna miss him and she didn t want the breakup to turn in that way but jp made it harder. i think she wants him to hate her then he won t try to find her. remember that she said she is gonna disappear from jp side. but the first thought of jd is mostly because she wants to keep memory of JP for her and say goodbye to him like an adult personn. how could u just break up by phone or a not..that s more mean!

i think JP wanted to hold her but if he get his hand out he could have punch jd for the blush she told him :lol:

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Guest kriza_09

About the scene where Junpyo was running chasing the bus...

I know it's hard to think clearly when your girlfriend just said she wants to leave you... and maybe he doesn't have any experience of taking a bus...

but rather than running to chase the bus (which is impossible), it's more effective if you just return to your car, chase the bus with the car until the next bus stop, then get on the bus at the next stop and talk to her... or just follow the bus until she gets off... =)

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Guest misshakissh

About the scene where Junpyo was running chasing the bus...

I know it's hard to think clearly when your girlfriend just said she wants to leave you... and maybe he doesn't have any experience of taking a bus...

but rather than running to chase the bus (which is impossible), it's more effective if you just return to your car, chase the bus with the car until the next bus stop, then get on the bus at the next stop and talk to her... or just follow the bus until she gets off... =)

then it wouldnt be DRAMATICAL would it? . lol. they do stuff the way they do for a reason.

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Guest Debbie1633

i think JD did it for her cos she is gonna miss him and she didn t want the breakup to turn in that way but jp made it harder. i think she wants him to hate her then he won t try to find her. remember that she said she is gonna disappear from jp side. but the first thought of jd is mostly because she wants to keep memory of JP for her and say goodbye to him like an adult personn. how could u just break up by phone or a not..that s more mean!

i think JP wanted to hold her but if he get his hand out he could have punch jd for the blush she told him :lol:

Jan Di did it because she and Jun Pyo have never had a really fantastic date. Like Jun Pyo said, the date was great because they never bickered, never argued, and that it was almost like a gift or something. I don't think Jan Di was thinking of the sad breakup scene when she asked Jun Pyo to go on the date. She just wanted Jun Pyo to have one good lasting memory before she said goodbye. And even though she loves him, she also loves Ga eul and Ji Hoo and Ji Hoo's grandpa... She can't bear hurting those people just because she loves Jun Pyo. Jan Di is a very loyal friend.

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Guest etoile

About the scene where Junpyo was running chasing the bus...

I know it's hard to think clearly when your girlfriend just said she wants to leave you... and maybe he doesn't have any experience of taking a bus...

but rather than running to chase the bus (which is impossible), it's more effective if you just return to your car, chase the bus with the car until the next bus stop, then get on the bus at the next stop and talk to her... or just follow the bus until she gets off... =)

lol in korean drama land thats not how it happens. :) chasing said buses are followed by collapsing on the street and screaming...and coincidentally NOT being hit by other cars that seem to have magically disappeared.

anyway. all i read on this board are complaints bout jihoo and how you want him gone without even telling jandi he likes her. blah blah blah.

a couple weeks ago half you people were like why dont you just tell her!!

maketh up your minds. personally, this is what i hope happens during the scene.

JH: blah blah i like you.

JD: sorry blah blah i wish i could. ur better for me but i only see jp.

JH: i know but i just wanted to tell you up front.

JD: still friends.

JH: *smiles* (lol cause thats what JH does)

and for the last two episodes, I wonder if theres going to be a time jump. cause im guessing that JH will find JD really early in the episode and im also guessing that JP will get stabbed early on too..

oh btw did we get the most OBVIOUS foreshadowing of JP's alleged stabber or what? LOL i burst out laughing.

enter creepy guy who buys fish with the creepy music. enter lady's explanation about said creepy guy's horrible sitution which was something like "he ran a company, but it get eaten up by a larger one." haha. Plus all the fuss about JD being JP's girlfriend.

anyways i dont understand why the Yoomi girl will have to be in the drama? actually what role does she play??

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Still WAY too much scenes of JiHoo and Jandi....not just scenes but romantic scenes, what they are saying to each other isn't very romantic but the settings are so beautiful (water fountain scene)...we have never seen our Joondi in such a naturally romantic setting...

BUT at least there was more Joondi scenes...the last 15 minutes of the show is what this drama should have been all along...full of emotions and meaningful scenes...the music actually worked together!! congrats sounds people!! No silly music that ruined the moment..it was extremely powerful....not just when Jandi broke up with JunPyo but when she stood up against the mom..the emotions were so real and we finally saw the strong Jandi that this version has been lacking...her saying that she couldn't save the one person she loved the most was just as powerful as in the Taiwanese version when she calls herself a weed and that her world does not accept the witch mom....i think if the PDs went along with this type of direction for the second season it would have been so much better...the PDs tried going all serious in the second season but it didn't work because there were a lot of very useless scenes with very little personality which equals average acting...TODAY with all the emotions, right music and pace we saw why LMH and GHS are such amazing actors. Their acting definitely stepped up a notch.

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