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Good to see you back rubie! Hope you're feeling okay now. :)

About the fan shipping thing...don't worry about it. It always happens.

csfan, remember during the airing of EoE, there was one between LDH and LYH fans? Anyway, everything's good now.

I haven't watch Ep 14 yet, but can't wait for the showdown in Ep 15 between HJ & SW! The tension!

Good to know that Sun Hwa will be there as well!

shipper79 makes lots of gifs from the IRIS episodes, about 40 gifs for each episode, you can check them out at http://www.cyworld.com/shipper79. There are too many, so I just post Kim Sun Hwa ones. :blush:

Ep 13 & 14 gifs by shipper79




















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Thanks lilcrash for the gifs.... hehe Yeah I can still remember the shipping war between LDH and LYH fans..sigh... It was really fierce and bad -_- Well, Im glad LDH got out of that wreckhole drama although I really wanted to see LDH-SSH pairing lol... anyways there's always OJH-LDH-JH to look forward to (Chuno! yay!) :P

Oh lilcrash, I can't access the site you posted tho... it goes into a page where it looks like a warning/notice/login page.. not sure since its in korean hehehe

Thanks mj07 for your thoughts on KSHwa... Like you, I did not ever feel that SHwa's love for HJ as obsessive or anything of the like.. I'm very unsure what the writer's intentions are or whether he/she was writing based on their own perspective or feelings... I guess I will never know :lol:

You think that CSH-HJ would never get back together? Well, for one, it looks quite impossible since both have changed too much in particular HJ and his thirst for revenge.... but I thought on the lines of "this is kdrama" so the main couple would get back together imo.... Maybe Im totally wrong about this but we'll see as more eps air.... Yes, we all know that SHwa-HJ would be impossible but we still holding hope, right? ;)

Its good to know that you also enjoy the HJ-SHwa interactions :) Hoping you'll come here to discuss more about KSHwa-HJ :D

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Thanks mj07 for your thoughts on KSHwa... Like you, I did not ever feel that SHwa's love for HJ as obsessive or anything of the like.. I'm very unsure what the writer's intentions are or whether he/she was writing based on their own perspective or feelings... I guess I will never know :lol:

You think that CSH-HJ would never get back together? Well, for one, it looks quite impossible since both have changed too much in particular HJ and his thirst for revenge.... but I thought on the lines of "this is kdrama" so the main couple would get back together imo.... Maybe Im totally wrong about this but we'll see as more eps air.... Yes, we all know that SHwa-HJ would be impossible but we still holding hope, right? ;)

Its good to know that you also enjoy the HJ-SHwa interactions :) Hoping you'll come here to discuss more about KSHwa-HJ :D

thanks, glad to be here! it's been a long time since I got so hooked on a drama, I've even watched through episode 14 without the subs b/c I can't wait to see what will happen next!

I feel really badly for SHwa b/c I'm sure she knows that no matter what happens, she and HJ are not going to run off to some place peaceful and live happily ever after. But I do think her love — unrequited though it is — is very mature and real. She expresses it by supporting HJ and not expecting anything from him. I love the scenes when she just stands beside him, or sits next to him in the car as he struggles emotionally with what's been happening. Maybe b/c I can't understand the dialog [yet] I pay more attention to facial expressions, and KSY has really impressed me, even with her presence, as much as her acting.

And no, personally anyway, I don't see a happy ending for CSH-HJ. Maybe the fans will demand it and the writers will cave in, but realistically (if the story were real) they've changed too much. I also think that despite the typical formula that they've sort of followed up to this point, the focus of the story is more on the action and the spy aspects. IMO the romance is there to increase the ratings, b/c everyone expects and wants a romance, right?

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WhOops.. I've been watching episode 13 and 14 a few more times than I thought I would.. :blush: just had to see & get the right HJ-KSH moments, of course. :blush:

I don't know who the writer of that "Love of Iris" article was, but I seriously think they don't understand Seon-hwa at all. I don't see her as manipulative or obsessive AT all! In fact, I think she has many reasons NOT to tell HJ that CSH was alive. I think she's been trained almost all of her life to follow orders, and to carry out missions. She's gotten to the point where she has a mind of her own and has decided to commit herself to HJ and his vengeance, but even more than that, to get to the bottom of what IRIS really is. I think that while she clearly is in love with him, it was more her dedication to their mission that kept her from telling him than any obsessiveness or jealousy.

I think about it from this perspective: what could he possibly accomplish knowing his lover was alive? We see how shocked and unfocused he was when he saw her, and that was in the middle of a mission that really meant nothing to him. What if he'd found out she was still alive when he was back in Japan? He probably would have given up everything to try and get back to her, losing all sense of perspective. And it would have ended badly, with him being captured or killed, and he never would have gotten any answers to the questions why he was set up and abandoned, what IRIS is, etc.

So, just my opinion, but I think that given her background, KSHwa is not one to let her heart and emotions make decisions for her.

And in case you can't tell, I love the HJ-KSHwa relationship the best, too! I feel badly that HJ and CSH have lost the cute, innocent little relationship they were developing, but c'mon, realistically, there's no way they can go back to that. IMO what HJ is mourning now more than anything else is the loss of those carefree times. At this point, both have changed too much to ever be happy together again. At the same time, this IS a K-drama, so I know there isn't any way the writers will give HJ-KSHwa any happiness, either. Sigh... they just keep tugging at our heartstrings!

It is so good to see you here, Marilyn! An insightful and well-meant analysis.. totally what we've been feeling and thinking all along about HJ and KSH. It's never clear between these two but their incredible intense chemistry is obviously driving us crazy. :lol:

It's been mentioned that HJ is like "kryptonite" to KSH but in reality .. it's KSH who's the strength for HJ. The ex-NSS Agent is actually really good in what he's doing, always the quick thinking and very observant when working but his single biggest fatal WEAKNESS is CSH. Not a one-time situation and it's always making him so unfocused and detached from the world just thinking about her. It's cool that a man loves a woman so wholeheartedly but it's really what will make him lose everything altogether.

I was watching episode 13 and the torture scene was like the eye-opener to KSH. She knew that HJ loves CSH so deeply but she had no idea what he could & would really do to protect her. That torture scene affected her as much although not shown by KSH -- which is good because HJ was already desperately freaking out at the whole torture sequence, if the last-minute call doesn't came through.. we can't imagine what would really happen then. KSH knew HJ's instant reaction.. she was quick to stop him in time but not to make "more scene" than it already is, kept her distance and watchful eyes alert for HJ. Anything happens triggered by HJ would be doomsday for all of them in that especially crucial moment. She had to keep cool so that others won't be suspicious, a very quick thinking deleting all those HJ-CSH photos, too but really.. what was in her mind seeing those loveydovey pics. Still.. it's professional instinct above personal shown by this woman.

But of course, KSH saw every little panic-effect that was engulfing HJ at the torture scene, she saw how HJ was suffering more and more but she could not do anything but to hope silently that he would keep his head. Finally.. with a last-minute miracle.. it's always her being the "support" for HJ. Yet she knew not to push him in his most heartbreaking moment. When HJ asked her to get off the car.. KSH said nothing, her quiet understanding is the only moral support she could offer but just look how her body language was telling.. seeing HJ driving off to send CSH at SW's place. It's the same body language shown in episode 11 when HJ left the terrorist group to go to CSH's house. The sigh of her heart knowing that she could never get to his heart no matter what. The ultimate act of love by HJ for CSH is truly the one thing that KSH knew she could not reach.

Watching ep 13, I had the feeling that the writers are pulling down any possible "hints" between HJ and KSH to zero level because now nothing could match the intensity of HJ's love for CSH. If they would create anything remotely romantic for KSH-HJ.. it would be just awkward and unnecessary. BUT.. something got me thinking again. What is really in HJ's mind? Clearly he's affected by CSH but he did what he had to save her and she is finally safe from the terrorists. It's also obvious that HJ sometimes doesn't seem to appear like he really "sees" KSH there by his side.. who is she to you, really? Is she a comrade.. a friend.. a partner.. a protector.. a confidant.. a shadow? Who is she really to you, HJ? It's HJ who's not clear on his feelings and attachment to KSH that put a bit of distance between them. Yet.. in ep 13.. the later scene when HJ couldn't call the Doctor/Voice as he usually do.. the same time his house was attacked by SW and Baek San, KSH was there as always.. watching HJ and waiting for him. In that moment of uncertainty.. another mixed signal by HJ as he walked past touching KSH's shoulder with his. It's (imo) so unnecessary but why the action? I'm not sure if this is the storyline development or the actors' improvisation but KSH doesn't really look directly at HJ and vice-versa .. especially after episode 11's confrontation.. she would usually focus her eyes elsewhere when talking to him. A totally reversed action from episode 8 in Akita.. her one-time direct eye contact with HJ that's now dispersed into thin air.

Episode 13 really gave me a lot of mixed signals.. what was the writers doing for KSH? No doubt she's sharing the scenes and space with HJ.. in most of the important ones in IRIS but what, how and who is she really to him? It's like becoming more & more vague and uncertain. I truly wished and yearned that there's some sort of emotional indication given to KSH but then again.. how will it fit into the already complicated love-equation. :huh:

So I had to watch episode 14 to make sure.. the troubled feelings from episode 13 are just too hard to ignore and luckily..ep 14 really made up for better KSH-HJ moments. A little bit more spontaneous interaction between the two.. and the "confession" by HJ for KSH. He didn't have to (of course) but finally.. there's the scene after they went to the Doctor's house too late and discover the important clue.. HJ was reliving the nightmarish ordeal he went through before.. and finally.. it's like he finally realizes that there's KSH with him in the car.. always there by his side. It's a rare moment but he actually took the effort to tell and talk to her about what's bugging him.. show her his downtime.. to have someone listen to him, and interact which KSH totally gave him that assurance. So.. is this another mixed signal?

csfan.. I've completely forgotten that face-off scene bewteen KSH and PCY.. it was shown so long ago in the earliest teasers but now.. since PCY have been captured by HJ instead.. could it be KSH who gave him up? It could really explain PCY's anger and now personal revenge for his once most loyal agent. Maybe.. but I hate this possibilty.. this is also the showdown that will happen in ep 15? Will HJ be able to protect KSH in return after what she did for him?

About KSH's feeling for HJ.. there is LOVE, no doubt about it but it wouldn't work one-sided.. yet what attracted KSH to HJ is how he is really good in what he does. When HJ is really focused, he could really crack down the hardest puzzle with his cool observation & unique thinking. KSH have been following and noticing how HJ work, she really admires him for going through so much and getting his revenge (whether its for the right or wrong reason).. it's probably what KSH would want to do for her family but can't. So, I would think that the IRIS writers are not taking any risks creating even more intricate complicated triangle (they did in ep 6 but with confusing consequences) but to show KSH as the perfect partner for HJ yet with (hopefully) something that we totally did not expect than the usual drama cliche. Love for KSH is being by HJ's side and protecting him although she knew he won't feel for her but for what it's worth, they are together. Come to think of it.. who knew more about HJ these day.. inside and out? Will she be taken advantage of.. perhaps by PCY or SW.. or will KSH herself be the deciding factor for HJ?

Btw.. lilcrash.. do you know where we can get the AGB ratings for IRIS episode 13-14? I tried the AGB page but it's missing. Would like to keep the complete set of data intact for our drama thread. I really love all the gifs.. especially those of HJ and HJ-KSH ones :wub: thanks so much for always sharing them here. An absolute IRIS treat, absolutely! But like csfan, I can't access shipper79's page either. If it's not too troublesome, would appreciate very much if you could share HJ gifs too.. from ep 14 -- the scene with K7 and meeting the President. if there's any.

Oh dear.. I wrote too much again. :P A bit boring perhaps.. but.. rubie feels a bit rusty suddenly after not writing HJ-KSH moments for quite awhile. :blush:

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Rubie, what a treat reading your thoughts and feelings on ep 13 and ep 14... No, its never boring hehehe

OMG! From reading your thoughts on ep 13, I'm totally confused.. in terms of where this HJ-KSHwa relationship would head... When you said that in ep 13, the writers tried to hint to viewers that they were impossible together made me cringed :o I knew that HJ's love for CSH would totally be so strong but Im sad seeing KSHwa observing this... Yet I agree that she does not let her emotion overcome her as she was able to delete the CSH-HJ photos to protect him... The scene where he tells her to get off the car (looking from shipper79 gif) and her expressions after that was pretty heartbreaking imo... I mean I know HJ doesn't care for KSHwa and that the only thing in his mind was CSH's safety but imo, it was pretty cruel of him to leave her on the roadside... :(

Yeah now that you asked those questions of who is KSHwa to HJ? you definitely raised good questions.. We all can see who HJ is to KSHwa but never really saw or sensed how HJ saw KSHwa as? To be honest, Hj's been giving mixed signals on who KSHwa is to him or how important she is to him... I know its no where near love interest but I really want to know KSHwa's position in his heart/mind... Comrade? Friend? :huh: Confidante?

Im glad to know that there were better moments of them in ep 14... so HJ confessed what was bugging him to KSHwa... it just shows that he trusts her to be telling her his thoughts/feelings... eh Im sure he knows that she loves him, right? Although his mind is focused on his revenge, Im sure he know why she's putting her life on the line for his sake, right? Sometimes, I just wish he wouldn't be giving her mixed signals because she's just going to get disappointed and crushed when he acts cold towards her or when he comes to CSH's rescue....

Oh yeah I was wondering when the face off between her and PCY will happen? Oohhh... you just reminded me of the showdown btw the 5 mains... There is a likelihood that it would happen there... ack... i hope nothing happens to dear KSHwa.. I still want her to stick around and make HJ complete his revenge... For all the things she's done for HJ, at least she should be given the courtesy to see the plan be executed to the end, eh? *Praying for writers/PD to see this!* :mellow:

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Im glad to know that there were better moments of them in ep 14... so HJ confessed what was bugging him to KSHwa... it just shows that he trusts her to be telling her his thoughts/feelings... eh Im sure he knows that she loves him, right? Although his mind is focused on his revenge, Im sure he know why she's putting her life on the line for his sake, right? Sometimes, I just wish he wouldn't be giving her mixed signals because she's just going to get disappointed and crushed when he acts cold towards her or when he comes to CSH's rescue....

Oh yeah I was wondering when the face off between her and PCY will happen? Oohhh... you just reminded me of the showdown btw the 5 mains... There is a likelihood that it would happen there... ack... i hope nothing happens to dear KSHwa.. I still want her to stick around and make HJ complete his revenge... For all the things she's done for HJ, at least she should be given the courtesy to see the plan be executed to the end, eh? *Praying for writers/PD to see this!* :mellow:

I can't agree more how KSH put everything she had on the line for HJ. Yes, it's all her own choice and she did it willingly.. HJ didn't twist her arm or anything. Without her vouching him in front of PCY, HJ would probably still be stranded in Akita and nowhere back in Seoul. But giving credits to HJ, he actually trusted KSH quite easily and not too sceptical or worried of her.. as he would if she's someone from the same team/country instead.

Spoiler from episode 13-14.. I didn't get this at first but it seems that the General had already put out a death warrant for HJ and KSH .. presumably after his fall-out with PCY over the nuclear attack on Seoul. Clearly KSH have been alienated by her own countrymen ever since she's been helping and hanging out with HJ. Now that HJ is working for the President and assured support (thanks to his connection to the Doctor which is awesome -- I personally didn't see this coming in ep 14) a bigger question looms... what about KSH? She's not a citizen of South Korea and now being hunted by her own country. So, what will happen to her? She's not by HJ's side merely for a free joyride.. every single bullet shot is equally meant for her too.. so.. I wonder how the story will truly reveal for KSH in HJ's eyes.

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RUBIE! Hi! *waves madly* I know, it's been ages since I've been so hooked on a K-drama, spending so much time thinking about it and evaluating it!

I agree with you that KSH is the strength for HJ. If anything CSH is his "kryptonite", causing him to lose strength and focus. Unlike those two (and even Sa-Woo sometimes) she is not a person driven by emotions. So the question is, I guess, what DOES drive her at this point? Is it a deep love and commitment to HJ? Possibly. But I think I see her as more than that. Her whole life she was trained to kill without emotion, follow orders and not think for herself. When like HJ she was abandoned by those she trusted and cut off from home she literally had no where to do. She fell in with HJ and I agree with you, she admired his skills and his focus and work ethic. The two of them were essentially in the 'same boat'. Abandoned, confused, no where to go, so it seems natural they joined up.

I think over time that more than anything else — and certainly MUCH more than being a shadow — KSH has become HJ's best friend. Certainly a better friend than Sa-Woo ever was. She understands him without him having to say anything and I'm sure despite his blinding love for CSH, there's a type of love he definitely has for KSH. I don't know what the writers are doing here, either. Are they deliberately writing a different love story than the usual love triangle + 1? As an aside, notice what's happened with Sa-Woo and his love for CSH. He went out and bought that cute necklace for her, has taken it out and looked at it once or twice, but absolutely no relationship has developed between them. In your typical drama she would have some fleeting feelings for him (but have constant flash backs to her love story with HJ), he'd give her the necklace, then she'd find out her true love lives, blah blah blah.

So, considering what HASN'T happened in that story arc, I wonder if the writers have looked at the character they've created in KSH and decided she's not the type of woman to moon over the man she can't have and feel sorry for herself. She's not going to turn evil and manipulate to get the guy. And perhaps they've decided that like you said, they can't develop a relationship between KSH and HJ that will come anything close to what he has for CSH so why confuse things?

csfan: I'm with you, what IS KSH to HJ? Does he realize how important she is? He would never have gotten to where he is now without her help, he certainly would have been killed by one of his enemies. KSH is HJ's best support, understand him best of anyone, is the most trustworthy and loyal. I'm afraid by they're going to end up killing her off and only then is he going to realize how much she means to him! ARGH!!! So frustrating!

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Luckily found this article to share. :wub: Honestly I'd like to see IRIS giving KSY more emotions to work on as KSH but considering her role-status & character limitation, hopefully her acting presence and the especially intense chemistry with LBH will bring this actress more well-deserved opportunities and recognition to soar as she really should.

November 28, 2009

Kim So-yeon Spreads Her Acting Wings in TV Drama 'IRIS'


Kim So-yeon

The actress Kim So-yeon is making a fresh start in her career by playing the role of a North Korean intelligence agent who loves her South Korean counterpart in the hit TV drama "IRIS." Since her debut in 1994, Kim had consistently played prim, cold-hearted characters.

She was hired literally off the street when she visited a broadcaster just for fun during her second year in middle school. At first, she was happy just to be in the entertainment business, but once her career got underway, the life of an actress proved fraught.

"I look older than my age, you know, so I was always cast in adult roles. But in fact, I was always the youngest in the cast. I could never really be at ease. I was intimidated and scared," she recalls. She frequently wondered whether acting was really for her. When acquaintances told her they wanted to become a TV celebrity, she tried to discourage them. "I thought working in the entertainment business is extremely difficult for people like me who don't have a natural flair for self-promotion," she says.

But just as she was getting fed up, the TV Drama "Gourmet" came to the rescue. For the first time since she started her career, she found that acting could be fun. "I'm very grateful to 'Gourmet' for allowing me to think again what acting is." Then came "IRIS." And for the first time in years, she couldn't sleep because she wanted the part so badly.

She promised herself not to waste the opportunity. She cut her hair short and exercised every day to look more convincing as a well-trained spy, abandoning all ambition to look pretty. She read the script over and over, highlighter in hand. "I wanted the audience to see what was between the lines," she says. Her efforts paid off: thanks to her mesmerizing on-screen presence, the role kept growing from episode to episode, and now she has become one of the most important characters in "IRIS."

Kim says she is surprised every day by how complex and diverse the world of acting is and each scenes where actors put on different faces. "I think I've been able to do less than 1/10 of what's out there. Will I be able to do even half? I would be really happy if that happens."

Source: englishnews@chosun.com

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Guest So Hye Yeon

I glad to see you again rubie :D hope you gonna be OK.

I’ve not to say not much just only you are a very good moderator both of IRIS Thread & KSY Thread :D

hope you still support HJ-KSH with us!!

Let's see Soyeon in Charming looks :D

I'm not sure all of you already seen these pics ,yet

For me , Soyeon very pretty & facinating in this look

her beautiful smile matching with her traditional long hair ....




credit : KSY Baidu Bar

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csfan I can't wait for OJH-LDH-JH in Chuno as well! :D

Really? You guys can't access the page? Ok, try this other link for shipper79's cyworld page- http://minihp.cyworld.com/pims/main/pims_m...sp?tid=24895575

You should see this on your screen


Click "Photo" (circled in red), then click the other one that I've circled in red.


After that, place your mouse cursor on the small arrow button(circled in red) and it should scroll down automatically. Next, click on 아이리스 (iris).

Then you'll see shipper79's gifs! Scroll down and wait for the gifs to load. The latest is on page 1 and so on...

As requested by rubie- here are the gifs from Ep 14 with K7 and meeting the President











Credit: as tagged

AGB Ep 13 & 14 ratings for IRIS

Ep 13


Nationwide- 29.6

Seoul- 31.0

Ep 14


Nationwide- 27.4

Seoul- 27.7

KSH Ep 13 caps- http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=674398402

KSH Ep 14 caps- http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=674457983

So interesting to read everyone's thoughts and discussions!

I want to see the showdown between KSH & PCY! After KSH betrayed (?) him at the end of Ep 14, not sure what will PCY do to her... Hope they didn't edit it out!

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aWw.. thanks so much lilcrash.. you're our angel! :wub: The AGB ratings and the gifs especially, appreciate it so very much! I'll definitely try to check out shipper79's page again.. I just lovelovelove the IRIS gifs! :lol: Previously.. like the years before.. the usual drama sharing used to be loads of screencaps, etc but with the gifs.. it's like watching the mini-scenes in action. :P

As this is KSY thread, from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate everyone warmly accomodating a bit of LBH sharing too. :blush:

November 29, 2009

Btw.. the HJ-KSH dream team are now filming episode 15 .. as we speak.. lots of BTS photos are coming out...








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Thanks lilcrash for the guidelines heheh I was able to access shipper79 gifs! Thanks heaps! :) Also super thanks on giving baidu links of KSH caps ep 13/14...

Like you, I also hope that they dont cut the KSH-PCY face-off.. that would be interesting because I believe this may be where we can see more of SHwa's emotions... I can imagine PCY confronting her about her betrayal and then her saying something on the lines of "siding" with HJ before both face off.. ekk.. I really hope she doesn't die off during the showdown btw the 5 mains....

Hye Yeon, thanks for sharing KSY pics with her long hair... She looks gentle hehehe but I prefer her in short hair.. She totally rocks with the short hairdo, makes her looks more charismatic and sexier :)

Thanks rubie for posting the news article. Hopefully, she gets more spotlight which would offer more upcoming projects for her to do.. Its quite sad to know that she felt discouraged before Gourmet came along... I'm glad to know that Gourmet then Iris gave her back to feeling of wanting to act again... I believe KSY has talent for acting but her previous roles did not allow her to shine or utilize those acting skills to the best.... I'm glad that she's found her love for acting again :) This means that she's giving 110% effort for her role in IRIS hehehe :P

mj07, you make a good point about the writers killing her off and then HJ realizing how important she was to him in terms of being such a good trustworthy and loyal support... Urgh, I would definitely hate it when that happens... Its good that he trusts her so that in return she puts herself on the line for him but sometimes I think he takes her for granted heheh She always there for him, understands him even without words spoken and sometimes she does what he asks for even when she's uncomfortable... I just hope that he shows her that he appreciates her always supporting him.. I don't expect him to return her feelings (obviously it wont happen) but I would like to see a gesture of appreciation or some sort or even a confession that he appreciates her support.... hehe Am i asking too much??? :P

Hhehe guys, have you seen the bts pics of filming ep 15 from IRIS thread? Thanks rubie for posting BTS pics :) There were mostly BTS of LBH and KSY... hehehe good to know that they having fun but they do look so tired in the cold weather.. look at their thick thick jackets :o LBH looks exhausted as well.. hope they have time to recover....

Oh yeah forgot to ask, rubie, was there a preview for the upcoming ep 15???

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It's going to be a long day filming IRIS today.. or short.. depending on the "time" they've been given to shoot episode 15's showdown scenes. But HJ's looking bruised, I wonder what happened before this scene.. did he have any fights with PCY or the terrosist guys?

But KSY is looking very cheerful and happy :D .. it's good that she'll be able to make the mood lighter for both of them.

Oh yeah forgot to ask, rubie, was there a preview for the upcoming ep 15???

No.. none at all for episode 15.. not the slightest clue what will happen next. Apart from joynara's info.. there's the HJ-SW face-off.. presumably KSH-PCY face-off too.. but other than that.. it's like.. anything is possible.

I'm sure there'll definitely be something coming out tomorrow or on Tuesday after they've got the scenes from today.

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November 29, 2009

Drama Shooting Clogs Central Seoul

By Park Si-soo

Staff Reporter


A series of car crashes, explosions and the ensuing exchange of gunfire between heavily armed North Korean spies and their South Korean counterparts shattered the normally tranquil morning of central Seoul, Sunday.

Braving chilly weather and unpredicted rainfall, the bloody fight continued into the evening and then the location was turned back to normal as if nothing had ever happened.

Don't fret.

The mayhem was simply the result of the shooting for an episode of the TV drama "IRIS" - a blockbuster thriller featuring popular Korean actors and actresses, including Lee Byung-hun, Kim Tae-hee, Jung Jun-ho and Kim So-yeon, which is aired every Wednesday and Thursday on KBS2.

The episode centered on South Korean agents trying to stop North Korean spies, who had infiltrated Seoul, from exploding a nuclear bomb in the metropolitan city with more than 10 million residents. For the large-scale battle scene, Seoul city made the unprecedented decision to block all lanes of a thoroughfare, which stretches past government, business buildings and the U.S. embassy, and leads toward Cheong Wa Dae, in the morning and then gradually open it to the public in the afternoon.

The blockade caused severe traffic congestion in central Seoul.

In a statement, the city said it made the decision to promote the capital to overseas viewers through the drama, which is to air in Japan as early as next year. Other Asian and European countries are in talks over television rights with its production company, Taewon Entertainment, the city added.

Unlike Western countries such as America that willingly allow the use of central parts of cities for filming, Korea has been reluctant to do so judging that private use of public facilities, even at the cost of public inconvenience, was unacceptable.

But permission was given in line with Seoul mayor Oh Se-hoon's aggressive efforts to promote the capital to foreign countries and eventually to make it one of the world's best tourist attractions.

"The main venue for the shooting, Gwanghwamun, is the very center of the city and represents 600 years of history," a city official said. "We expect the shooting to increase Seoul's international exposure." The city is also considering developing new tourist routes along the program's shooting locations, the official said.

Credits: pss@koreatimes.co.kr



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I agree with you that KSH is the strength for HJ. If anything CSH is his "kryptonite", causing him to lose strength and focus. Unlike those two (and even Sa-Woo sometimes) she is not a person driven by emotions. So the question is, I guess, what DOES drive her at this point? Is it a deep love and commitment to HJ? Possibly. But I think I see her as more than that. Her whole life she was trained to kill without emotion, follow orders and not think for herself. When like HJ she was abandoned by those she trusted and cut off from home she literally had no where to do. She fell in with HJ and I agree with you, she admired his skills and his focus and work ethic. The two of them were essentially in the 'same boat'. Abandoned, confused, no where to go, so it seems natural they joined up.

I think over time that more than anything else — and certainly MUCH more than being a shadow — KSH has become HJ's best friend. Certainly a better friend than Sa-Woo ever was. She understands him without him having to say anything and I'm sure despite his blinding love for CSH, there's a type of love he definitely has for KSH. I don't know what the writers are doing here, either. Are they deliberately writing a different love story than the usual love triangle + 1? As an aside, notice what's happened with Sa-Woo and his love for CSH. He went out and bought that cute necklace for her, has taken it out and looked at it once or twice, but absolutely no relationship has developed between them. In your typical drama she would have some fleeting feelings for him (but have constant flash backs to her love story with HJ), he'd give her the necklace, then she'd find out her true love lives, blah blah blah.

So, considering what HASN'T happened in that story arc, I wonder if the writers have looked at the character they've created in KSH and decided she's not the type of woman to moon over the man she can't have and feel sorry for herself. She's not going to turn evil and manipulate to get the guy. And perhaps they've decided that like you said, they can't develop a relationship between KSH and HJ that will come anything close to what he has for CSH so why confuse things?

csfan: I'm with you, what IS KSH to HJ? Does he realize how important she is? He would never have gotten to where he is now without her help, he certainly would have been killed by one of his enemies. KSH is HJ's best support, understand him best of anyone, is the most trustworthy and loyal. I'm afraid by they're going to end up killing her off and only then is he going to realize how much she means to him! ARGH!!! So frustrating!

Oh gosh.. you've said it all.. the very confusing HJ-KSH questions that's been bothering us too.. in and out of each recent episode of IRIS.

Strictly speaking on the supposedly IRIS love triangles.. even though SW loves CSH (strong enough for him to eliminate HJ) he had no guts or urgency to let her know his feelings, I thought he'd say something to her by now.. there's also the lack of chemistry between the two. Maybe it's SW's surpressed feelings.. too "guilty" to make a move on a buddy's girlfriend or what? But for HJ and KSH.. although there's nothing.. like absolutely no direct indication of love by HJ (instead we'd see him reminiscing and longing for CSH at every moment he had, repeatedly).. surprisingly there's that intense CHEMISTRY even just by KSH alone.. her body language.. her secret glances for him.. her instant reaction when the others insulted HJ.. her alertness for anything that HJ might be interested in... everything she did.. it's all connected to and because of HJ.

I think the writers might have been at loss of what to do with HJ-KSH.. mainly because it may prove to be something too good that would bring bigger conflict to the storyline. Even with just hints of closeness (the caress in ep 8, the hand-grasping and lip touching in ep 9, the confrontation in ep 11, the talk in ep 14).. creating a "real" romantic connection between the two would likely jeapordize HJ's credibility as CSH's lover.. perhaps? I have no doubt that LBH and KSY could create another love scene work so well but would it fit into the plot as audience are now anticipating the main lovers' reunion enroute to the finale? The writers could have done this a lot sooner (if they really wanted to) but now.. going on ep 15.. it'll only appear too hasty instead.

Sigh and looking at the latest caps for episode 15.. with HJ-KSH-CSH joining forces fighting the terrorist/NSS?.. what is there left for KSH to grasp on? There's been mention or guesses by the media that IRIS might have a happy ending that's not following the novel version as well as reports of a totally unexpected finale instead. It's all probably up to HJ to decide.. imo.. but I'm not really holding my breath for KSH-HJ.. only hoping that whatever it is waiting for her, please make it believable and worthy of the character she played.

Interesting HJ-KSH caps from today's ep 15 filming





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I think the writers might have been at loss of what to do with HJ-KSH.. mainly because it may prove to be something too good that would bring bigger conflict to the storyline. Even with just hints of closeness (the caress in ep 8, the hand-grasping and lip touching in ep 9, the confrontation in ep 11, the talk in ep 14).. creating a "real" romantic connection between the two would likely jeapordize HJ's credibility as CSH's lover.. perhaps? I have no doubt that LBH and KSY could create another love scene work so well but would it fit into the plot as audience are now anticipating the main lovers' reunion enroute to the finale? The writers could have done this a lot sooner (if they really wanted to) but now.. going on ep 15.. it'll only appear too hasty instead.

I think you're right. They couldn't have anticipated the great chemistry between LBH and KSY when they cast the drama so they probably ARE at a loss to know what to do with it. Once you establish a fated love relationship (HJ/CSH) your audience expects them to follow the usual formula. Obviously in reality people fall deeply in love more than one time in their life, but this is fiction.

Personally, I'll feel let down if there's a lovey-dovey and completely unrealistic reunion between HJ/CSH. I know it's crazy, but in my imagination I see CSH ultimately betraying HJ in some way (anyone seen the film "Siri" that this drama is loosely based on? If so, you know the fate of the lead male's lover. I've been holding a suspicion that CHS will turn out to be part of IRIS by the end) and KSH saving him and dying as a result and it will all be very tragic and gut-wrenching.

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^ I've watched Shiri once but couldn't remember anything from the storyline except it was huge and explosive. But just for discussion sake as I kinda hate that IRIS would be too much like the movie or novel version.. this and that (hoping for something totally different).. but let say.. if it's indeed coming out like the previous movie.. would KSH be around till the end?

We know that it wouldn't be much for KSH to hold on to.. even (unwillingly) anticipating that ep 15 or 16 might be her last.. but maybe it may not be the case at all. :huh: Even after the shootout scenes filmed yesterday, she is still around with HJ and CSH..

As for HJ.. he's been through so hard and so much.. at least make his sufferings revenged & justified. It won't be anything enlightening going on a revenge, it's him who will still be affected in the end.. I simply can't think of anything that would really make him feel any better at all.

Btw.. at the IRIS thread, someone mentioned that unless KSH is given some substantial emotions or purpose.. her character will only be reduced to one-dimensional role as HJ's sidekick and nothing more. As much as I wanted to say otherwise (and I've said a lot here especially).. I have to agree, unfortunately. We know we won't be seeing a real relationship for her and HJ .. but seems like neither will we see her showing more of the potential she has.. whatever that will be. Are the writers still unsure how to portray KSH across the storyline? She definitely has some 'new' feelings awakened after meeting HJ. People said she gets all weak and mushy after fallling for him. But isn't that just normal reaction.. when we have feelings for someone whether it's returned or not? She's still a professional agent to others.. only with HJ.. (very rare at times) that she let her guard down. Why can't she be herself in front the man she loves?

Edit to add: Yup, at least KSH is the perfect partner for HJ.. who actually saves him from doing things hastily but she met KHJ.. a different person from whom he used to be before. He isn't the same HyunJoon (as he was before Hungary) and she isn't the same SunHwa from before Hungary Akita either.

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Aww.. Thanks rubie for posting the BTS scenes... ah I also love that pic you posted... hehe of KSY looking at the rain... She looks great :D The picture after that one where she's looking down hehe she looks bored.. maybe zoning out when LBH was discussing his scene with the crew member ? hehehe

Aish these pictures are very spoiler-ish... It seems that CSH would team up with HJ and KSHwa... ah no... you're right, rubie, what else is there for KSHwa to hold onto now? Because now they have reunited (sort of), I am feeling that the writers are planning for a happy ending for the couple... And to make matters worse, the end of BTS showed three being captured... I'm speculating KSHwa may die by saving HJ while HJ is trying to protect CSH... :o

I also wonder why the other mains SW-PCY are not there in the BTS? I thought it was a showdown btw the 5 mains :huh: I cannot wait to see the showdown btw HJ-SW and PCY-KSHwa :D

Rubie, I also agree with you about writers not knowing what to do with KSHwa anymore besides making her a sidekick to HJ... heheh Yeah i think they were surprised by the chemistry and had to make sure that that did not overshadow CSH-HJ

mj07, you are right in saying this is a kdrama after all so viewers would expect the main couple to reunite/be together.. but I'm still holding hope because IRIS is not your typical kdrama and may surprised viewers, who knows?... Saying that, I am bit skeptical of being surprised because viewers do have an effect on how the storyline ends in terms of couple/pairings... I am sure that majority of viewers are supportive of CSH-HJ pairing compared to the secondary pairing

I havent watched Shiri... If you guys remember, what happens to the main guy's lover and was there such a character like KSHwa in there as well? If so, what happens to that character? Well, I know it is loosely based on Shiri and I'm sure the writers would make it different to interest viewers.. If they do follow Shiri very closely, wouldn't it be boring for viewers to watch since they would know what would happen next???

Here's hoping for the writers to make KSHwa character more than just a sidekick... please make her end (whether death or not) believable and justifiable *prays*

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