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*sobs* rubie, you're making me even more sad! they've worked SO well together, for SO long, it's a shame their relationship couldn't be more!! :(

Maybe KSHwa and Park Chul Young will both defect from the North and then they can join the anti-IRIS organization...

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I've stopped at ep 9 for the summary of HJ-KSH moments but let me share their episode 15 first.. :blush:

Episode 15 HJ-KSH moments the IRIS dream team

#1 While HJ was questioning PCY, KSH and the Chief-of-Staff were watching through the monitors. When HJ punched PCY and shot at him (to intimidate) there's a reaction by KSH, she does feel affected seeing her former superior held in the suspect chair but she also knows what HJ had to do. And it's indeed a relief to her especially when PCY isn't connected to IRIS as they had assumed. When PCY asked to see KSH, she was rather surprised and first reaction was looking at HJ for confirmation. The way HJ totally giving her his approval shows how much she knew that he's in control. (just love the way HJ really trusted her, he had no hesitation at all)

#2 They went to the building they thought the terrorists would still be at (they've moved to another location without informing HJ-KSH, but three remained behind waiting to eliminate them which at the same time SW was also checking the place). The face-off between SW and HJ.. separated to check the other location, KSH arrived a bit later to assist HJ in the shoot-out but when she wanted to chase SW, HJ grabs her arm and tells her not to.

#3 As they can only get hold of one badly-injured terrorist still alive to get info about the bomb .. like a bad@ss couple right out of the movies, HJ and KSH stormed into a clinic to get the injured guy to talk but to no avail. Both were obviously so frustrated when they couldn't get anything so far.

#4 HJ however had the key to the vehicle used by the terrorists, so he and KSH went back to the building (now filled with police) -- they drove passed by the police & SW's men into the basement carpark. I just love this scene. HJ was on foot trying to locate the car while KSH driving the K7 following him from behind. Finally finding the car and taking the stuff left behind, HJ-KSH drove out the basement and acted as if they were just passing through. Cool. [on the way out of the building premises, they had to brake on emergency as some kind of barrier was being moved across the road. While this happened CSH was walking from the other direction -- she managed to escape from SW's men to return to the building but neither her or HJ/KSH realizes each other. Funny how the car was shot from one angle with the windows down while another angle showed the windows up instead. But none of either (unsynchronized scenes) showed CSH seeing who were in the car right in front of her]

#5 Most noticeable -- HJ and KSH spending a lot of time in the K7.. a lot more than ever before (also in episode 16). They would either make a call to PCY / Chief of State, to check the notebook left by the terrorist for info or just to discuss on what to do. They're working so close and so good together, trying to solve the bomb puzzle.

#6 They went to check out the public / tourist spots listed in the computer to check if there's any more clues about the bomb attack but found nothing unusual.

#7 joynara mentioned this at the IRIS thread, how they finally located the building that the terrorist were last seen / preparing the nuclear bomb... HJ-KSH went over to check.. with of course, CSH on the same trail.

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*sobs* rubie, you're making me even more sad! they've worked SO well together, for SO long, it's a shame their relationship couldn't be more!! :(

Maybe KSHwa and Park Chul Young will both defect from the North and then they can join the anti-IRIS organization...

It's just so out of any possible solution because HJ himself had declared to the world the love of his life the first moment he saw CSH in episode 1. Now.. to go against that eternal basis :huh: would be detrimental to the IRIS storyline. Sigh.. the writers could not even allocate a bit of non-tragic feeling for characters like HJ-KSH who have been side by side longer than imagined [the attraction between the two have always been intense right from the beginning but all kept surpressed without hope], fearing that conflict of chemistry would tilt the ship uneven. If anything.. they've done well in making the series really gloomy all the way.

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mj07, I feel the same way as you... I wanted so badly for their relationship to be so much more because they've been together for so long :(

Ah rubie you're making me feel depressed thinking about HJ-KSHwa... Why do they have to make HJ declare his only one love to the world???? Ah in kdrama land, people are only allowed to love one person for the rest of their lives :( Yes their chemistry have been intense from the very beginning.... I just wished that the writers wouldn't make their interactions so captivating....sigh... Its a pain to be so supportive of a secondary pairing... Oh well... at least I shall continue to appreciate and adore the wonderful chemistry between LBH-KSY :blush:

Thanks for the recaps of HJ-KSHwa moments in ep 15... I'm glad that they've made KShwa realistic in terms of her still being affected when her ex-commander was being interrogated... I really wonder what was the conversation btw her and PCY??? Have to wait for the subs damn..... About ep 16, I've watching the waterfront scene so many times, its so heartwrenching to see her tearing down (again) in front of HJ and then HJ's reaction as he realises how she feels towards him ^_^ I loved that scene... One of their memorable moments....

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csfan, joynara had the recaps of eps 15 and 16 at the drama thread -- it had conversations translated between HJ-PCY / PCY-KSH as well as the confession she had with HJ at the waterworks in episode 16.. it's very likely that HJ finally realizes just how much KSH is feeling for him. The little hug (holding her close) might be to comfort KSH instead, one that a good friend gave to another.

Ah rubie you're making me feel depressed thinking about HJ-KSHwa... Why do they have to make HJ declare his only one love to the world???? Ah in kdrama land, people are only allowed to love one person for the rest of their lives :( Yes their chemistry have been intense from the very beginning.... I just wished that the writers wouldn't make their interactions so captivating....sigh... Its a pain to be so supportive of a secondary pairing... Oh well... at least I shall continue to appreciate and adore the wonderful chemistry between LBH-KSY :blush:

Just one person to love in the whole entire life? Oh gosh. I don't dispute the element of romance in IRIS, the series would be totally dull without any romantic inclination but reading the initial plot & storyline.. it had given us the impression that there will be a love triangle.. uhh like, which one? So far, there's only HJ-CSH and CSH-HJ. We know that they're scripted, written and promoted to be together but during the time that he thought she was dead and she thought that he was dead.. why not create the triangle then? If handled well by the writers, it would make the storyline even more interesting with HJ still ending up with CSH.. because they're fated, right?.

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Yes I agree that including romantic aspect to the drama would be interesting.. I thought that the triangle was between CSH-HJ-SW but that was not even a triangle... First because SW did not openly confessed his feelings to CSH and secondly, it was only one sided... I can understand CSH not starting a relationship with SW because she still believed that HJ was alive but I do not understand for HJ.. He thought she died and all so I would have thought maybe starting a relationship with SHwa would make such an entertaining triangle... It would be such an endearing and complicated one because then HJ would be stuck btw his old lover and new lover lol ^_^ *dream on, I know!*

Interestingly I remember looking at the couple posters or whatever and it says on the poster "The couple that were never meant to be" or something... So does that mean an unhappy ending for them???

I guess for now KSHwa-HJ relationship can be described as good friends >.< I really hope KSHwa has a happy ending :) At least for all her heartbreak, she deserves a smile at the end....

Is there any preview for next week eps???

Oh yeah rubie thanks for pointing me to joynara's recaps... very helpful in understanding the waterfront scene ;)

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There's no a specific preview for episode 17 but it's shown in the ending montage as indicated by the cliffhanger.. the hard action will start in GwangHwaMun.. HJ had just "stolen" the bomb from the terrorists and they sure aren't happy about it. ;)

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Can't join the discussion on HJ-KSH/LBH-KSY... as I'm not a shipper of the couple.

But I just watched KSY in Happy Together KBSW today, and she's like so un-Kim Sun Hwa... so different on and off-screen..

Totally laughed out loud at her oddball goofiness.. she's sooooo cute! :P

Now when I see her in IRIS, I immediately think of her "wave dance"... :lol:

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Yes I agree that including romantic aspect to the drama would be interesting.. I thought that the triangle was between CSH-HJ-SW but that was not even a triangle... First because SW did not openly confessed his feelings to CSH and secondly, it was only one sided... I can understand CSH not starting a relationship with SW because she still believed that HJ was alive but I do not understand for HJ.. He thought she died and all so I would have thought maybe starting a relationship with SHwa would make such an entertaining triangle... It would be such an endearing and complicated one because then HJ would be stuck btw his old lover and new lover lol ^_^ *dream on, I know!*

Interestingly I remember looking at the couple posters or whatever and it says on the poster "The couple that were never meant to be" or something... So does that mean an unhappy ending for them???

I really believe the writers had planned to form the typical love triangles/square but as they went a long they changed it. After SaWoo bought that necklace for CSH I thought for sure a confession would occur, but absolutely nothing came of it.

As far as "the couple that was never meant to be", when was it CSH told HJ the story behind the gold statue by the lake in Japan? I went back through episode 3 and can't find it. As I recall, it was a tragic story of two lovers who separated and there was something about them becoming monsters guarding their own territory an only being joined once and a while? Anyway, I think it was like that, which seemed to me like blatant foreshadowing of what was going to happen to their relationship. This is another reason why all along I've expected to find that CSH is secretly part of IRIS; that something had to happen to keep them forever apart.

Now it seems more likely the two who will be kept apart are HJ and SeonHwa. I also rewatched parts of episode 5 when she find him in Japan after the Hungary incident, how she slowly warms up to him, tries to grab his sleeve while they're out walking. KSY really has done a remarkable job with the character! She was like a wounded, broken animal when she met him in Japan, seems to be in so much pain, so confused. I really think that hers and LBH's characters are the best developed and strongest of the entire series, it's no wonder some of us want them together!

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It's good to read so many positive comments about actress Kim So Yeon. I've been an ardent fan of hers since All About Eve and I was so very happy that she got the attention she deserved in her performance in 2008 drama Gourmet. Some of you would probably know she has also starred in 3 KCM music videos with her Iris co-star Kim Seung Woo and they had very intimate scenes in those MVs, more than any she has shared with Lee BH in Iris.

She's usually cast in supporting roles in the more recent dramas and I hope that Iris will boost her status into being the lead actress in future drama projects. Perhaps KSY might even get cast in another movie bcos her somewhat 'quiet' performance in Seven Swords in which she had to disrobe for one scene was at best eye candy.

I'm glad someone here has also watched KSY hilarious antics on the variety show Happy Together - she had the chance to show viewers her true self which is a side that very few has ever seen. In part, this has to do with the fact her longtime good friend Hong Enhui who was also in that same HT episode. Her unique wave dance and backwards tumble will go down in Happy Together's history as being one of the alltime greats.

As for the next few concluding episodes of Iris, I'm wondering if her Seung Hwa character might get killed in action heroically. If the writers choose a KIA solution for Seung Hwa, then the weak love triangle angle would not even seem significant any more, especially as Iris heads towards Season 2. It's just a possibility and we'll have to wait and see if Seung Hwa remains alive (and her love unfulfilled) by ep 20.

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So Hye Yeon, I just love the captures of HyunJun-SunHwa IRIS moments :wub: they're like the best way to recap all their special scenes and time together. Just with still images, I love how the two of them complements each other so well.. especially when they were hacking NSS files through SW's computer.. :blush:

ripgal.. wow.. what a surprise seeing you here :lol: nahhh.. you really don't have to be a shipper of HJ-KSH or LBH-KSY to post at Kim So Yeon thread, at least I don't feel that's the way here.. it's the appreciation to the actress that got us sharing and enjoying her performance in IRIS.

Yupyup! We've got lots of awesome KSY captures at Happy Together posted & shared at page 10 recently. Indeed.. KSY is sooooooo NOT KSH.. :P she's also noticeably intimidated by LBH before, clearly shown the very first time in a photo together but as soon as she got into acting with him.. everything just comes so naturally. No trace of the real KSY.. the really shy and animated / talkative girl she is.. at all..

daunte29, welcome to Kim So Yeon thread -- I'm really not a KSY diehard fan to begin with but her AAE role is the best thing that I remember the most from the 10-year old series. So far, she hasn't been really known that well especially here in soompi. Even when Gourmet was airing last year (and getting an overall good response).. KSY thread was not affected at all which was strange. I've only seen Gourmet just before IRIS starts airing and KSY was so femininely charming that got me hooked on her all over again. But IRIS is truly the eye-opener..

You're right about the KCM Classic MV trilogy -- my first time seeing it and first reaction -- whoa! pretty intimate scenes indeed with KSW. It's no wonder that she's really comfortable with the actor since the beginning of IRIS, obviously with the Hungary filming spent together. But KSY also did the Akita scenes with LBH (without prior experience collaborating) -- they came out just as "intense" sans real intimacy scenes as what LBH and KTH had around the same time of filming. I sure hope KSY will have another chance to act with LBH (preferably in a movie, as he wouldn't do another series at least not so soon after IRIS). Seeing KSY acting all out with him in a role unlike KSH would be a dream. :blush:

By the way.. I've not seen Seven Swords at all. When you said she had to 'disrobe' .. was there nude scene for KSY in the movie or just a really seductive eye-candy? Really hope that she will given credible & substantial acting roles because the actress can truly deliver & more if given the chance she deserves.

As the drama series is reaching the last 4 episodes.. clearly we wanted to see KSY getting a great & memorable IRIS ending for her character but mostly I would personally hope that with IRIS, actress Kim So Yeon could finally shake off that AAE-bad girl tag once and for all.. as all these while, she's been more known as only "the second-lead" which is not what any actor/actress would like to be, I'm sure. She is capable of delivering various emotions as seen in the limited scenes of KSH... seeing her really explore her potential would be a great bonus not to be missed.

Everyone.. please keep on sharing about Kim So Yeon. With xosandy's (the threadmistress) permission, I'm trying to update the first post with latest info and activities of KSY to share. So.. please let's continue to share everything about this talented actress for new & more fans to know her.

ps: Marilyn, I never actually thought of KSH defecting to the South and joining the NSS / anti-IRIS agency. Kinda felt that if she survived.. she'd still like to return North.. especially for the memory of her family there. But maybe.. there could be the possiblity of her and PCY.. but romantically.. her heart would be for HJ for quite awhile. But realistically.. like LBH, I don't think KSW would be doing IRIS S2.. as he's been cast in a new movie.. ironically by the same producer of IRIS.

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Guest aimalleb

Between HJ and SHW, I think there is a higher probability that HJ will die heroically in action than the latter. Pure speculation here, but for some unexplained reason, I just have a feeling that SHW will survive and be a part of Season II. Based on her interviews, it's obvious that KSY is very fond of this character and given the opportunity, I think she will reprise her role. If this materializes, I hope the writer will further develop and give this character more emotional depth and resonance. Even though the chemistry between HJ and SHW sizzles, I'm also very intrigued by the possibility/potential of a SHW-PYC pairing. Although their scenes have been very limited, my sense of interest heightens each time they've interacted, taking note of the subtle chemistry that may or may not be as great as the chemistry between SHW and HJ - until explore.

Also, I just want to say that the recaps of all the great moments between HJ & SHW are wonderful to read. It made me wanted to go back to all those episodes and re-watch all those moments again. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go and do that right now. :)

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Guest So Hye Yeon



Anyone seen Cain & Able ,yet?

I think the scene that KSH’s confession to HJ that she know all time that CSH is alive but she not tell him. That’s look like same situation in “Cain & Able” Cho In(So ji sub) lost his mind ,Young ji(Han ji min) know who is he but she cover the truth that’s reason why she afraid if if he know who is he , he may be go away from her.

Young ji & Sun Hwa have the same reason b’coz of she has no one in her life & b’coz of love.The different is only one that SunHwa is not the main actress …. So, she got only Hyunjoon’s pity not love T_________T

After watched this ep. I feel more confident , SunHwa maybe end up with death for save HJ. I believe she still love HJ more than herself.

The most favourite scene of my mine


HJ : Don’t try to protect me…. Don’t love a person like me , as much as you love me…. my heart more painful

KSH : Don’t tell me to leave from you , Don’t tell me to stop love you ….One Happiness of my life & One reason I want to live ….not only I want stay beside you but also stay to love you….that’s enough for me



That's only my imagination :P

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Arrghhh.. this is hard.. who will die in IRIS :o HJ or Sunhwa or both.. :mellow:

Obviously we are all uncertain (what the ending of IRIS would be) but even with the popular heavyhearted presumption KSH sacrificing herself to save HJ, I have a nagging feeling that HJ would not make it either. Depressing huh...

Watching the recent episodes.. no matter how close KSH has been working with HJ (in achieving their effort to stop the terrorist / expose IRIS).. there is really nothing left for her in Seoul later, except when there's him. Gosh.. what am I supposed to write..

Just that I agree with So Hye Yeon's point (although I've not seen Cain & Abel).. why KSH couldn't tell HJ about CSH. For personal+professional reason (knowing how HJ goes haywire about her) .. rightly or wrong (arguable) .. can't be denied that it has been a far-sighted well-meant decision by KSH.. yet, it's not a win-win situation for her in the end, especially not for her. She knew the day would come that HJ would no longer need her to help him solve things. The day would come he no longer need someone to back him up.. the day would come for KSH to move away.. she had been carrying the emotional burden since the day she met CSH n the flesh..

For a person who never knew love before, KSH had fallen very hard for HJ. Will she be like him, going to the extremes to prove it?

I'm not sure about seeing KSH in IRIS S2 .. would her character get a better development & storyline than what she has now? And without HJ? Uhh.. as much as there's 'no hope' for HJ-KSH as it is.. how could it be any much better when there's no him for her. :( The reason she's most alive and passionate..

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ripgal, of course you are welcomed to come here and talk about KSY, it does not have to be about HJ-KSHwa :P Heheh yes KSY is really different from KSHwa in real life :)

rubie, I agree that SHwa is living her life to help HJ...Before she lived/breathed for her family but now that her family have died, it seems her goal in life is to be by HJ and help HJ execute his revenge.. yes I have to say she has fallen hard for HJ but I do not think she will go to the extremes to prove it.. Unlike HJ, she's very calm and emotionally stable in comparison to HJ who's more emotional and tends to act on emotions... That's why SHwa often has to keep HJ from doing some things unnecessary which would sabotage all their hard efforts...

aimalleb, I am unsure whether SHwa would have better character development if she survives till the very end. Like what rubie said, her life revolves around HJ at the very moment so I cannot see how she'll do without HJ... I am not saying that she cannot live without HJ but just that I see her possibly returning to NK (if she survives) and I cannot see how her character can be extended to a season 2... I have to say that its best if 1) Both dies or 2) Both survives lol *Im being cruel I know*

Abit off topic to KSHwa or IRIS related, I have seen 7 Swords... I cannot remember much about it.. I know a Korean actress was in it but did not know KSY was the one.. I think she did a 'making out' scene in that movie, she 'disrobed' but nothing explicit or nudity was shown :) If I remember correctly just her back was shown...

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Guest aimalleb

Gosh, KSY cries so beautifully! Those illuminating, teary-eyed gazes reveal a wounded soul that just touches one's heart; it's no wonder that HJ couldn't resist embracing and comforting her. Like many, I was also pleasantly surprised by HJ's reaction when he held her. I loved the part when he briefly closes his eyes - a moment of epiphany, as he absorbs her confession and comprehend the underlying meaning behinds those forlorn gazes and unspoken words.

Rubie – I share a lot of your sentiments about the speculation on HJ & SHW's fates. At this point, I suppose anything is possible! It's really hard to say whether or not SHW can survive without HJ in the end. The lack of emotional development in her character prevents us from fully understanding her passions and reasons for living. I'm convinced that HJ's one of the reasons; however, whether he is the sole motivation is difficult to say.

I think whether or not her character will return in season II depends on future plots and storylines. If the writers decide to continue highlighting the conflict between S. Korea vs. N. Korea in the future, then SHW can continue to be a part of the development – Based on what we learned in the previous episode from the General, there is discontentment and disagreement in ideologies and fighting between different factions within the NK government; thus, PCY & SHW can play a major part in stabilizing their government. Or, if HJ happens to meet an unfavorable fate, then SHW can live on to avenge his death. After all, I don't think Iris (the organization) is going to disappear and be destroyed by the end of season I. Again, the possibility is endless, so I don't necessary think that the purpose of her life will simply cease to exist without HJ.

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Thanks for the clarification csfan.. I think that would be KSY's role in Seven Swords.. she's the only Korean actress in the Chinese production, if I'm not mistaken. :blush: And of course, it's the usual trend of movies to highlight the "eye candy" as fan service when they have some to show.. no? Yet as a celebrity (like others too) KSY can be quite daring at the Red Carpet which shows her confidence but more importantly she's very much the serious actress (with real talent) still eluded the real chance to show what she's got.

Anyway.. isn't it just strange that all the time they're together from Akita to Korea.. HJ never asked KSH what is it for her following him all the way to Seoul. Of course, she's the link he had established with PCY to plan his revenge.. she's the condition put by PCY to keep HJ aligned to their pact. But he had never once asked her what's really for her to gain (except that she has nowhere to go) since Akita ep 6 / ep 8.. the real reason for her staying on. She knew all about him -- his past and doomed life. But nothing much about KSH till episode 16.. her unspoken heart's confession through the falling tears.. the way for the writers to explain all?

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Gosh, KSY cries so beautifully! Those illuminating, teary-eyed gazes reveal a wounded soul that just touches one's heart; it's no wonder that HJ couldn't resist embracing and comforting her. Like many, I was also pleasantly surprised by HJ's reaction when he held her. I loved the part when he briefly closes his eyes - a moment of epiphany, as he absorbs her confession and comprehend the underlying meaning behinds those forlorn gazes and unspoken words.

I can't agree more. Of all the limited scenes that dared to show her in an emotional experience (as in ep 6 when she realizes that there's more to life than being an assassin, the heartfelt performance by KSY in the porridge scene is especially heartwarming and so spot-on) but due to the unnecessary editing error.. it didn't get to really develop her character fully but puts KSH two steps back when HJ clearly shuts her off in Akita. This of course makes her role incoherent and seen as weak instead.

KSY cries so beautifully indeed, so effortlessly and so natural without overdoing in any way. And when she's really good as the cool, no-nonsense NK agent -- always concealing her emotions, many assumed that she isn't capable of varied emotions. For me, this is the IRIS setback for her (apart from being the second female lead) as much as it had highlight KSY in a totally new persona.

Rubie – I share a lot of your sentiments about the speculation on HJ & SHW's fates. At this point, I suppose anything is possible! It's really hard to say whether or not SHW can survive without HJ in the end. The lack of emotional development in her character prevents us from fully understanding her passions and reasons for living. I'm convinced that HJ's one of the reasons; however, whether he is the sole motivation is difficult to say.

I think whether or not her character will return in season II depends on future plots and storylines. If the writers decide to continue highlighting the conflict between S. Korea vs. N. Korea in the future, then SHW can continue to be a part of the development – Based on what we learned in the previous episode from the General, there is discontentment and disagreement in ideologies and fighting between different factions within the NK government; thus, PCY & SHW can play a major part in stabilizing their government. Or, if HJ happens to meet an unfavorable fate, then SHW can live on to avenge his death. After all, I don't think Iris (the organization) is going to disappear and be destroyed by the end of season I. Again, the possibility is endless, so I don't necessary think that the purpose of her life will simply cease to exist without HJ.

I certainly don't think that KSH would break down completely should she lose HJ (dead or alive) because she's a big girl and an independent one. She chose to follow HJ simply because she wanted to be with him but if she's to be "transported" to another place -- she will presevere and move on with her life.. being the person she is. Only that (for me personally) .. it's weird seeing her in a strange place without the person she's so comfortable with. The only one who knows her in her most vulnerable state.

But because of IRIS has been successfully establishing the platonic relationship with HJ (whether we feel it's adequate enough or otherwise).. the chemistry between them have been so good that it'll be hard to just see her without HJ. On the other hand.. if KSH would survive the finale.. and if there's a continuity for the new season, KSH is most perfect as someone who would continue in what HJ did the way she had known him.

At least we get to see that HJ finally realizing how KSH really feels for him.. if he doesn't already. At least, it didn't leave us wondering endlessly how clueless can he be. It definitely took KSH the courage to admit when she knew she had to.

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wow, you all are REALLY making me want to go back and rewatch all of KSY's scenes from the very start, from the time she was working with the NK's in Budapest to meeting HJ in Akita, to Seoul, back to Akita, on and on. I agree with rubie that I don't think KSH is the type of woman to fall apart if she loses HJ. Indeed, she had to figure she'd lose him eventually, whether it's to CSH, or to the completion of their mission. After all, so far as we can tell HJ had no other plans past his revenge.

I also agree that it is odd (faulty script writing, perhaps?) all this time, over what's apparently been two years, HJ has never questioned why KSH has followed and supported him. Personally I think it's love, but more than that, also respect, and that his revenge also helps her to complete her failed mission. As she told him in episode 16, when she went to Seoul from Akita her plan was to kill Baek San, thus completing her mission and his revenge at the same time. Once they discovered the existence of IRIS, suddenly it became more than just revenge, but a mission to uncover a huge international conspiracy.

I do wonder, though, from a political perspective if it really would be possible for her (and to a degree Park Chul Young as well) to return to the North after helping the South for so long? They jailed her for failing in Budapest, and PCY implied in episode 15 that thinking back, he believes they ought to have punished him, as well. I can't see them being welcomed back as heroes...?

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