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Moonlight Resonance (家好月圓)

Guest MissJessicaa

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I wish Zhong Zai had a bigger role in this. *sighh

I don`t want Moses to be with Kate. He`s better with Tavia!!

By the way, who lives in Sydney? Cause I went to see Tavia & Moses in Hurstville today!


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very professsional looking while kate looks like a hooker doing those sexy dances

Lol so funny haha :lol:

I love Tavia the best in this drama! Hope she wins somethin for the TVB Anniversary!

As for Raymond, Bosco and Linda's story...

Can someone kill one of their charcaters off so theres somethin interestin to watch lol

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Guest anna12125

I wish Zhong Zai had a bigger role in this. *sighh

I don`t want Moses to be with Kate. He`s better with Tavia!!

By the way, who lives in Sydney? Cause I went to see Tavia & Moses in Hurstville today!


I didn't, but my cousin did! She took photos and all and told me that Moses looks way better and taller in real life. The guy is 185 cm tall yeesh, but it's hard to believe that he's 37, almost turning 40. Please get married soon T___T

I just watched episode 28 and omg,

I was crying because of Tavia, so sad to be framed like that. I should've known that ah Sa Yi wouldn't do a 180 and shut up for once and forever. Guess i was wrong. I wonder what happened to the reaction of Hong Yi after her wedding. She should've complained or something right? =___=

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Moses lives in Sydney!? He's almost 40!? :mellow:

Definitely does not look his age, looks waaay younger. And he's so charming! <3

I really hate that Kate messed up everything and framed Tavia. I actually liked Kate in the beginning. And adopted or not, you guys don't find their reaction towards Tavia liking Ah Ka ... too relaxed? As if it was nothing. I mean, I thought it would be a huge scandal and everything. :ph34r:

If Ah Ka hadn't been her brother (blood-related or not, they're still siblings), I would have loved their relationship, they're so cute together.

Hong Yi is awfully and suspiciously quiet lately, something's about to blow.

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Yeah, I agree with you on the thing about Ah Yuet liking Ah Kah.. I thought it would have been something unacceptable for the whole family.. cos afterall, Ah Yuet and Ah Kah have both treated each other as siblings their whole LIFE! But I guess they weren't too bothered about that anyway.. as they were all busy blaming Ah Yuet about Kah Mei's adoption story.


(Tavia did a great job btw.. her part just blew me away..:tears:)

Sure Kah Mei's detestable.. but I'd have to admit that Kate's doing a pretty good job with the scheming character. Since I haven't really had a liking towards Kate as an actress before, it's more comfy seeing her work her evil craft..hahaha.. cos I can hate her all I want. =P

I wish tho, Ah Ka can speak UP! They're doing no justice to Moses by giving him sooooo little scenes.. and worst, his lines are always sooo silly.

Hopefully there'll be more of him when the drama starts focusing on his feelings towards Ah Yuet. We know Kah Mei will be busted sooner or later.. and I so can't wait for them to reveal her true self! P:w00t: I hope they give her the lesson she needs..

I'm not that interested in Ah Hou, Sam Nui and Ah Shun's triangular relationship as for now.. Like some of you said, they're soooo bland and boring. hehe...

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Guest je_amourx

I've just started watching this and is abit confused of the siblings/half brother and sister thing.

Is Tavia is the blood child of Lee See Kei or is she the only an adopted child and the other 5 are the real blood child? (Besides Linda) ?

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Guest talksound

^ tavia is not related to the family by blood, so she's adopted.

tavia's scenes are always so sad. why does all the bad stuff happen to her?

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Guest swt_blue_dragon

tavia's scenes are always so sad. why does all the bad stuff happen to her?

I know!!! I feel so bad for her =(

I am hating Kate so much right now! She's so mean to Tavia =( And I can't believe no one believed Tavia! I hope they find out about how Kate really is soon!

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Guest msmilkt

gah .. you ppl are so fast!!! imma only up to ep 27!!!!

ppl are thinking the relationship between Ah Yuet and Ah Ka is a bit odd because they`re silblings, but Ka Mei and Ah Ka are cousins too, all imma saying is, it`s still family .. even though all three are not blood related in any way. I wasn`t a fan of Kate to begin with, and her character in this show made me dislike her jsut that bit more .. gods, she gives off such a trashy vibe in this drama, same lvl of annoyingness as her mum id say .. argh~~ seriously, call me biased but i dislike her more than the antagonist, Hong Yi, in this show, at least Hong Yi is getting the show running, Kate is just trashing it. But props to her, she`s going the character quite well to make me dislike her this much LAWL!!

However, the character i detest the most in this show still goes to the uncle. He disgusts me.

Ah Yuet is the best character in the show at the moment, LOVE YOU TAVIA!!!! she portrayed her character sooooo well!!! I wish i was as strong as her!! her character inspires me a lot when i run into family problems w.e. (though not as glamorous, my large family has its fair shares of bad competition or w.e. you call it .. these things (dramas) can be REAL zomg believe it or not)

wow, long post ^^

i think my last post was saying how i might not watch this because i thought it would be similar to the old show. but i ended up watching it anyways .. the formula works .. LOL!!

and it is very similar to the old show .. probably don`t need me to point this out but .. family feud, Ah Ka was similar to Moses`s character in the old show (silly part) sharing the role with Ray Lam (serious part) and his relationship with Yu So Chou, and Bosco playing Ray Lam`s character. Sa Yi is similar to the uncle in the old show, crummy character to begin with, then recieves forgiveness and turn good .. yah yah yah .. LOL!!!!!

btw, do you guys really think that there is someone in this world that`s really as understanding and .. so unbiased, as Ho Ma? she`s a hero. Literally.

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^yeah.i thought Hor Ma is a bit too perfect and that's one flaw i can find in the drama.

This drama is really good.seriously.the scriptwriter should have tons of bonuses for writing the script.

and i cant wait for Moses to like Ah Yuet.anybody knows how many episodes will there be for this drama? 50?

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Epsiode 29

Waaah Kate never fails to annoy the heck outta me (LOL)

Kar Mei & Sa Yee tricked Ah Yuet so she couldnt do her function so that Kar Mei could do hers instead


The endin of this episode was fun :lol: Kar Mei got dumped by Ah Kar =x

Good to see SaYee's mother in law (soz dont rememberher name >_<) speak up too :D

Oh and Ronald is so cute! ^_^

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Guest lovemelody.



its confirmed that there will be 40 episodes.

the last episode was supposed to be broadcast on september 19

but because of the Olympics, it will go on for about a week more or so.

just finished episode 29~

tavia and moses<3

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Guest anna12125

Anyone watch Episode 30? I'm liking the Grandmother more and more now! she's so cute and her actions lol

Oh, and

the scene where Raymond was crying to his grandmother was unbelievable!!! He looked so vulnerable and upset i just wanted to hug him though i also teared up. Wonderful scene even if it's sorta funny that he should cry to his grandmother

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^ i love the grandmother now. I feel bad for hating her in the beginning :blush:

i just finished eps. 29 & 30:

I'm so happy, ah Ka dumped Ka Mei!!! And the whole family knows the truth now, I really felt bad for Tavia when nobody believed her. The end of eps 30 is really wow, I was like "yea, go grandma!!!!"

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