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Posts posted by maribella

  1.  @LmanglaI am reading a  few Drama forums. Flower of evil is scary, the acting is great. It took me a few dramas to like LJG. He reminded me of Boy George who was really weird. But his Arang and the magistrate was so entertaining, I am now his fan. I read soompi forum before deciding if the episode is too scary to watch. The little daughter is so sweet.

    Lies of lies is one that I watch. Lee Yoo Ri always plays my kind of hero - strong and focus. She'll beat that psycho female at her own tricks.


    This takes me to Do you like Brahms? I saw FL in the first episode. There was a lot of age defining talk - I guess for them to decide how to address each other. She was 29 and she was so submissive that her family did not show her much respect. I expected an undergraduate or a fresh graduate to show more confidence  than her. I can't watch it, too annoying. Maybe they make FL and ML very reticent to the point of submissive because they are musically inclined and therefore sensitive?  Ah well, not my cup-a-tea, but I still read the forum because I want to see how the two love triangles turn out, One woman two men who are good friends and one man two women who are good friends.


    Finishing up Once again, my kind of show families with normal problems. Will update.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Lmangla said:

    caught up on ep 3 & 4 ~ are we supposed to feel sorry for bad twin that she is tormented she is ruthless? are we supposed to feel her pain at being poor? then, won't most of the world have meltdowns if that was so?! ^_^ in many dramas, the woman will be left pregnant while boyfriend coolly walks off. here, the guy is nice. he did not pretend that he was rich or was scamming her. instead, she was the one scamming him and left him to die in an accident -- usually, this will happen to one of the female characters and instead, it happened to poor ex-boyfriend. hmmm, so does that mean he will wake up, change his identity and come back and take revenge? ^_^

    So many possibilities. Maybe another mentally challenged character? 
    So the evil twin is actually pregnant with another man's child and framing TP with her little B? How can that happen in this day and age of DNA tests? I watched the clip above, TP is being taken care of by servants?  not even the lawyer of his mum's company?  I have nothing against helpers but they don't have legal rights and these do not seem to be of much help. Call the police, they will come at once for children and the mentally challenged. But no, they prefer to run around in the rain calling TP, including the CEO mum. :worried:

    • Like 9
  3. On 9/10/2020 at 10:06 PM, yamiyugi said:

    longer than expected will end it here. Hope all of you found the recap helpful and al

    You have done excellently. I thought it was bad enough to have a mentally challenged character with a doting mother, but also a vicious evil female, servants living in his house and being envious of him - very dangerous and a blood sucking leech too. So that family has a woman he fancies, a mother who indulges her son who is a leech, a heartless manipulative criminal of a daughter and an ineffectual father?  That is a bad combination. My heart can't take it.

    In Fatal Promise, the antagonists were always losing to the point of annoyance, now the male lead is in such a disadvantaged position and of course the FL is caught between her family and a vulnerable ML. She won't do anything? 
    I am going for now, will check in every so often to see if the scales have changed. 

    • Like 5
  4. 3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

    LOL... welcome to the wonderful crazy world of daily where all sorts of events happen. :lol:

    @maribella ~ will have to wait to see what happens but it looks like the mean sister drugs tae poong so that it looks like they spent the night together and she can claim something happened. based on the preview, the meanie sister doesn't stop there and then puts his mom in jail in order to take over the wealth.


    it is weird to see a male lead go through what usually happens with a female lead in daily - this is the first daily I have seen where the male lead is the focus. interesting!

    Drugged or even if he willingly beds her, there is a crime committed when he is not capable of comprehending his action.

    The mother is a CEO, probably a very capable one owns a company. But it is quite a common thread in Kdrama to have people with good brains to be fooled again and again. Just like HW Fatal Promise,  to name one. I don't understand the obsession with 'blood ties' like grandchildren.

    So TP's mum is going to forgive the rapist because she is having his baby? :surprisedwut:

    @Secretz in  First Love again, the FL had amnesia, struck by the truck of doom. She forgot about telling him ML she had an abortion, so it is the main character who had amnesia.
    Another obsession with a grandson. I think it's because Korean birthrate is very low. :hwaiting2:

    • Like 5
  5. Still a long way to the end. I can't watch a mentally challenged person being abused, ok fooled, still it's a form of abuse.  

    I am going to drop in when he's a 'mean cold person looking for the truth' :smirk: from a seven year old mind to that state is a huge gap. Hope he kicks the rear end of the woman who raped him... very hard.


    Yes, having sex with a 7 year old normal or mentally retarded is rape to me.



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  6. I like guessing the ages of the actors and I was right with Kim Min Jae, he looks like an undergrad. Not quite, but close at 23. But JK or Park Ji Hyun looks 30 something and she's only 25. Maybe that unsmiling look ages her. SA is about equal at 28.


    The first episode seems interesting but I got quite annoyed to see SA behaving like a pushover when she's 29 with two degrees under her belt. Her family interrogated on her plans and seems rather dismissive of her. She's almost 30, have some respect. I guess not earning makes her inferior to the two lawyer ladies.
    I am glad she is working, even if just an internship. That could make her a bit assertive.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, emerald ox said:

    Just watched ep 33-34 aaand oh my how frustrating this week's episodes were. Not because of lacklustre acting or chemistry from main characters or their immediate family members but really, some storylines were dragged for way too long unnecessarily. I feel you @JumeeTya @perfectmouse @tas82 @maribella 

    I understand family drama like this are designed to address social and cultural boundaries and push forward ideas to changing the norms, but seriously how could you discuss the change when conflicts are unnecessarily introduced into the plot while the existing issues were left unattended or addressed with just 1-minute scenes. I'm thinking to drop now and revisit later after drama ends.  


    I have watched kdramas that seemed to address some social issue,  then it degraded into viewer chasing, ads popping shows. Yes, why bring in more conflicts? The pairing of two brothers and sisters is already sufficient bait for us. 
    @tas82 she had stolen kimbab lady's toothbrush? That is more than scummy. I did not watch that part. I saw the part when she said 'he must be rich' when she first saw Papa Song.

    It eludes me why a romcom family show would have a shameless, trickster in more than 2-3 episodes. If it is to show what a sentimental, soft hearted idiot kimbab lady is, I am sure that message is clear.


    I am definitely skipping the subbed episode and others to come until the con woman is caught. :angry:

    • Like 3
  8. I thought I was going to just watch and enjoy this show when the main couple got back together and the ex in laws continue to date. Such sweet couples. But the kimbab lady just has to play the noble idiot because she was treated nicely once by the leech 'friend's' mother- if she can be called friend. So she is now going to pretend that she is the long lost sister and will cause havoc in that family. What a scum bag :fear: She does not have a bone of scruple in her. After what the kimbab lady has done for her. 

    I can't watch this show until the loan sharks break her legs or one of the Songs insists on a DNA test then they chase her away. So nice of @alleram95 to sub it. So sad for kimbab and Song. :bawling:

    • Sad 8
  9. On 2/2/2020 at 8:15 PM, larus said:

    Yeah, Except Eugene and the young actors, all the cast have been villains before. Remarkable villains.;) I am curious who will be in TEAM BADDIE this time. My girl can not be the only one. :lol:

    I saw Eugene in the bread guy show. She was not evil but not nice. After the sad Winter Sonata group of dramas, I watched Eugene in save the last dance,  and beautiful world? She got pregnant and got married. I liked her in those shows.

    • Love 2
  10. 5 hours ago, cantbreathe said:

    wonder if the reason they created Chaeeun is as a potential second love interest for Eunsom? I mean, I don’t really see it at the moment, but I think there might be

    I was thinking of that earlier. They created someone who sticks with the hero through hard times, loyal and don't forget pretty. This show is about conquerors, leaders and the choices they have to make to reach the pinnacle. If Tanya becomes High priestess, wouldn't it be unlikely for her to have a family of her own? I hope she can. While the girl deserves someone nice for her great heart, I especially like the first love OTP. Even in the depths of their despair, ES and TY had their memories, keeping them strong. I would not be able to say I enjoyed that show if it ended without the original OTP.

    • Like 9
  11. 4 minutes ago, Takingthehighroad said:

    I guess maybe the word "sympathy" might not fit but I do "feel" for Tagon - for how he was brought up & how his supposed father both hated & feared him. As a result of his upbringing, Tagon both hated & feared his own people & so destroyed them. Maybe he thought by destroying those of his blood, he would be destroying that part of himself that he hated. His "people" were thought to be primitive - no brains, only savages with great strength. It's probably just me but from the first moment Tagon spotted Tanya in the crowd, he was drawn to her. Did anybody else notice that?

    The olden day kings and emperors have done worse to grab power. I am sure the writer has modelled him and other characters on historical figures. Mothers, fathers and siblings were fair game.


    When I read about them in history classes or reading about the great civilisations, I came to wonder how they could do it, patricide, matricide and others. I think it was because they were tended to by servants. There was no bonding by bathing, watching them laugh and cry ...


    In this show Tagon practically grew up on the battlefield. It makes sense for him to see violence as a solution.

    • Like 4
  12. 13 hours ago, stella77 said:

    @maribellaaww IU is actually very beautiful in a subtle/simple way but I didn't think they styled her well as Haesoo for that show. As for KJW, she's also a subtle beauty and I didn't expect Tanya to be 'beautiful' a la Saya because it wouldn't be a genuine reflection of her character/identity. I agree with you though, she will be made more beautiful if she ends up as Saya's woman. 

    I really could not appreciate IU's looks. Whether it is the wide eyed innocent look or impish look. I have watched her in a few shows. The earlier show was called Beautiful guy or boy. The actor is SJK and LJK type, can't recall his name. I was puzzled why they chose the two of them. The producers, director etc. must like the subtle look that you described. But KJW is a very pretty woman to me. When I saw her in DOS, she was not overshadowed by SHK. 

    In this show, we will get SY and ES falling for her, I hope they don't end the show with  one of them dying and being 'incorporated' into the other person. So she could be with the remaining. 

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  13. 20 hours ago, tiger457_stv said:

    Saya looks like Tanya's sister with the lipstick on to hide his blue lips!  This is one Igutu who does not like martial arts.

    SJK and Lee Jung Ki are both very pretty. Pity the actress playing opposite them if they are not extra pretty. Viewers like me get distracted easily. I think DOS with Song HK gave a highly watchable couple. I apologise to the Scarlet heart fans, but I don't find the actress very pretty and my attention veered to LJK when I should be watching them. I know, so shallow of me. :lol: I could not finish watching the whole show.


    TY is pretty and prettier in Fight my way. But I am sure once she's spruced up here as Saya's woman, she will look great.

    I saw TH in a detective show and thought she was good looking but not in the very pretty  group. Here she looks beautiful. The clothes and her bearing really fits her role.



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  14. On 6/24/2019 at 10:30 PM, tiger457_stv said:

    them are victims of their circumstances.  They all grows/grew up in a harsh world where the bigger fish eats the small ones, where dangers lie outside a

    The three of them are at the top of the food chain, so being surrounded by intrigues is expected. Unlike TY who is from a small clan with little wealth for others to covet, she would have had a more carefree life. 

    I think sadly, ES and SY will fight over TY without knowing they are twins. SY is a fast learner, could he take the position of Danpyeok?

    • Like 6
  15. Saya struck me as amoral. He was brought up in seclusion by a conniving ambitious woman. He did not seem to care for what is right or wrong, just follows his feelings. For example, he wondered what would happened if Danbyeok died instead of the priest. He switched the drinks obviously without thinking about the two involved.

    But I wondered why TH allowed him access to the outside when he had to be reading only books.

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  16. 14 hours ago, uuugogirl said:

    Tanya is the first princess consort of Arthdal. She later becomes the most honorable being of Arthdal (This line is really mysterious, many fans are speculating that Tanya is going to be the symbol of the goddess) and her ambition is to become the first great female politician of the Arthdal empire.

    Sounds like it is ending up with TY at a temple and ES the conqueror being alone. Some destiny. 

    Maybe TG and TH and will flee to another land.

    • Like 2
  17. 11 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

    Same here , but Ta-Gon keeps looking at her strangely. That is the vibe I am getting. I maybe wrong @Gumiho9.... It never registered that Taealha will become a bitter and vengeful ex-girlfriend. Let’s all chant that I UnniSarah is wrong. It would so refreshing if there was no love triangle. It would make the drama so Interesting. I also hate triangles because anything goes. 

    TH is also very ambitious, it looked like she egged on TG to pretend to be the god so as to be king. Of course, that seals her ambition too.


    Was ES killed in the last episode? Or faked death? The girl who was giving ES a lot of information seemed too close to him. If they set TY as SY's wife, this girl could become ES' other half. I have seen KD which had a main guy marrying none of the mains but quite a minor character. They then proceeded to build the character.


    It would be disappointing if ES and TY are split.

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  18. 1 minute ago, lebeaucouple said:


    Hi @maribella welcome here. I just joined here so it will be as new as you. 

    below is the well explanation of the character roles and also their future destiny in the drama.


    All actors play well in the roles so far, I like Jang Dong-gun, who can portray well in the grey area, between the good and the bad role, he is a leader, fighter and war strategist...

    Yes the 2nd lead actress,  Tae Al-ha will become queen one day who is also ambitious politician. The story is very interesting, I hope season 2 will give us more surprises..

    Pls read the above who give you more details:D



     Thank you @lebeaucouple

    Tanya will also become politician. Rather puzzling what a politician will be in those days. Maybe in the mould of the Roman and Greek senators.

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