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Posts posted by j9sshi

  1. Thursday morning - woke up after having dreamt about our OTP. Lots of stuff happened in it, but the only thing I remember now, is that Jia was in a wedding dress :).


    My first reaction (still thursday am) after reading the live subs:  SQUEEEEEE!!!!!:lol: If I were tech-savy I would have posted a short clip of  Gru (from DM2) dancing to his theme song "HAPPY". The song was playing in my head all day while working. 


    Came home and immediately watched ep 27 and part of 28 before I had to leave again. Finished watching ep 28 while out. 


    Came home later, spent time with fam, went to bed and started reading forums again. Thank you to those who posted the BTS of the kissing scenes. I agree with everyone else, that the BTS scenes were hotter than the actual scene...maybe because they had to keep trying over and over. :wub:   But there was one, where he went in and I was just swooning all over, and I was like "That's it!" but they didn't use that one in the scene. Anyone know what I'm talkin about?


    It's now 3am, and just finished watching ep 27 and the first 4:35 of ep 28. I think I'll be watching that over and over again for the weekend :).


     I have a favor to ask of anyone who is tech savy with splicing and inserting scenes....So in the scene after MK said that his wish came true and Jia asks him what he wished for, could someone insert all the practice kisses from the BTS in the clip, and then close it with the hug? Is that possible to do?





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  2. 19 minutes ago, blademan said:
    23 minutes ago, j9sshi said:

    Did anyone else find themselves briefly stepping out of the moment when drunk MK was leaning up against the fridge talking to Jia, and think to themselves "Geez! that's a good looking man! (even when angry)" :wub::lol:

    Haha that's literally me every time he appears on screen :lol: 

    I agree, but there are certain moments where he just looks extra handsome!  Gotta press pause for a moment, then rewind and get back into the scene! LOL

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  3. Just finished re-watching  episodes 25-26 again, Although, @cecentreI agree, the beginning of 25 is a hard watch because it did seem to drag on, and  that blood stained tear :(. My heart!


    I'll just say that I'm going to feel sooo cheated if I have to wait until next week to get 1 episode of lovey dovey and cuteness compared to 12-13 episodes of sadness, and angst. (pouting)


    p.s. Did anyone else find themselves briefly stepping out of the moment when drunk MK was leaning up against the fridge talking to Jia, and think to themselves "Geez! that's a good looking man! (even when angry)" :wub::lol:

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  4. 3 hours ago, cecentre said:

    I also love that instead of having someone telling him that Jia loves him he managed to work it out for himself. It's not going to be smooth sailing any time soon, but baby steps in the right direction. Rebuilding trust is a process, but reaching out to her is the first step.

    This is why I think they should have done the betrayal arc earlier than now. It DOES take a LONG time to rebuild trust. 4 episodes isn't going to do it, especially if they still have to deal with president Hwang, and YC and RiEl BK and Pi.  Of course they can do whatever they want in kdrama land, But Still!... 


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  5. 1 hour ago, k8telyn said:

     Also, how did Ji Ah know to go to the meteor shower place?  Did she see her heart lamp light up after all.  I think that may be the case.

    As is the show's pattern, they will rewind a little for us to know all what took place after MK lit up the heart lamp. 

    @moo1304, I agree with you on MBC's previews. (They're killing me, as well as these cliffhangers!)  Now I'm trying to just watch the previews without the translations, or just tell myself to separate them, because they never match up. I'm going to take a guess as to when the "Goodbye Aji3, Goodbye Jia" comes into play:   Somehow, I think it gets said at the park where they are, hence Jia's reaction of "So, you're just going to leave me here like this" comes from. Then at some point they work things out, which is where we see MK taking Jia home. (Here's hoping that's how that scene will play out).....


    Really really REEEALLY, hoping this is the last week of all the sadness between MK and Jia. How is a supposedly rom-com going to give us like a whole month of sadness.  I know mellos have been YS's specialty in making us feel eh-vry lit-tle bit of pain that his characters go through, but they are really milking him in this one. I kinda feel like this 

    betrayal angst should have happened a little bit sooner in this drama, but that's just me. 


    I'm glad SH (What a gal!) went over there and try to open his eyes a little to see that Jia's actions as Aji-3 were should have been little signs to him, and to make him see a little beyond himself to put himself in Jia's place of how she was feeling. (YES! Make him think gurrl!).  

    I also think that some of his anger may be at himself for not catching on sooner. (all those signs that she may have been real that he brushed off). I just want MK to replay EVERYTHING in his mind and connect ALL of the dots. 


    I loved the interaction between BK and Pi in this episode.   I think BK gets a little taken a-back and intimidated as to how stubborn Pi can be - it's cute.  Loved it when they were eating together. They are so perfect for each other. 


    Going back to the preview of  what looks like MK pulling Jia in for a kiss. I agree with someone else on here, in that I think he stops himself. Hopefully not, but the writers and MBC seem to like torturing us, so I think the real kiss may be another cliffhanger again till next week. Again, really really reeallly hoping not. If they feel the need to make it an end scene, just make it the ending for ep 27 so we can go right into it on episode 28.:wub:


    p.s. I've only read the comments on the very last page, so now I'll go back and read the others. If I happen to have said something someone else has already said.....We're thinking alike HA HA! :lol:




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  6.  I know some of you are talking about the use of the heartball is going to be in when she goes to Australia, and nothing's wrong with that. But I don't want that to be the very last scene of the drama.  (unless...)   I hope it will end something similar to SWP as to where we can have a peak into their lives after marriage. (I'm a true happily ever after and then some :wub:  , person)  Maybe the heart ball can also be used after they are married and one of them goes on a business trip without the other....

    Please Writer Nim?  You've given us so much hurt and sadness. Please allow a lot of time for happiness, and rainbows & unicorns between our OTP


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  7. 8 hours ago, cecentre said:

    (I'm on mobile right now and it's hard to quote others so please bare with me :sweatingbullets:)


    I really like their interaction in this episode! I think the reason why I didn't like it in 21-22 yet for this one is because JA didn't try to fake it and made things ingenuine and awkward now, especially when they were locked in the storage or when she complimented his food. She is being genuine and authentic to him and that makes the interactions so much better, like it didn't feel so one sided like before. I just love that he never got his eyes off her, and he always look at her with the utmost affection and warmth in his eyes and that melts my heart. It is amazing how much feelings you can convey with your eyes and your gaze. I know it's just YSH's acting but I cant help feeling like this is a separate person with a very real and passionate feeling. I probably dont make much sense but anyway cheers to YSH's skills again when will I ever stop gushing about his acting kekeke.

    [Again, every thing makes total sense to me^^ I'm with ya.  The acting with his eyes, my gosh! Just makes me melt. It feels so real]


    And he finally finds out! Much expected to be honest, although that last scene is so heartbreaking :( I'd rather see him getting angry than being like this, looking like the world is about to collapse on him. He just looked so lost and rejected and overwhelmed and suffocated like he couldn't make sense of the things happening :ss

    [ I know, riight? :(]


    I feel like his allergic relapse makes total sense though. It's not that he's weak and got an attack because someone lied to him. Of course he knew liars are plenty in the world, thats why he didn't trusts anyone. He thought JA lied to him in the beginning, he didn't have allergic reactions then because of that (but because she touched him). The reason why he had a terrible reaction now is because the only person that makes him trust the world, who makes him believe that people are reliable and dependable, turns out to be a liar as well. Imagine knowing the only person you trust lied to you! :crazy: Maybe its not that wise as an adult to trust a "stranger" wholeheartedly without doubt, but for MK he couldn't ever dream of the day that a "robot" will betray him. 


    But then on the other hand, it makes me think if it is that easy to fool him for such a long time, how did he manage to stay in his seat as a director when there are so many people going after him like this? PS: to answer my own question, I guess that he is more vulnerable and gullible than the average person when he has his guard down, especially after putting it up for so long. It's like people who are protected too well has worse immune system than those who are exposed to minor bacterias all the time!

    [ Great analogy!]


    Anyway last but not least, I still love Aji 3 so much even though she's not JA. She is so adorable and cute and she feels like a little kid in the house who messes up things then looks very innocent about it. :wub:

    [This is why I adored the scene where MK was imagining himself and Riel at the movies and right as he goes in for a kiss, she's grabs a handful of popcorn, throws one at his head and then continues to eat while looking at both of them.  The look on her face was so innocent and adorable]

    (I'd insert the scene, but I don't know how :()


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  8. I was smiling:) all through this episode except the at the end of the preview :( (probably cliffhanger, and more angst. hopefully short-lived) 


    Let me just say that I love love beautiful sister in law and the family she brings - little niece and grandma. They kinda seem like undercover cupids.  I was clapping (Herculeez, Herculeez) when Grandma sent MK to the warehouse with Jia. It didn't take long for her to figure out that he's a good man and that Jia needs to address whatever needs addressin'  YOU GO Grandma!!!


    Scene where MK is in the rented room.  I found myself chanting "think! think! think!" after MK saw all the calls from BK and Dr. Oh. I really wanted him to start putting all the puzzle pieces together on his own instead of "surprise shocker"


    Oh!  and did anyone else's heart melt when Jia was cussing MK out, and it was like a light bulb went off in MK's head (helped by the music), and he just started smiling at her (with those eyes) as he just let her continue on?

    If he smiled at me like that I would've gotten all weak in the knees and forget what I was saying. :wub:Good Lord!! that man is handsome!!  @blademan YES! that is one good looking human being. 

    ...and after God created him...He looked at his creation and said  "It is GOOD"   LOL !!! Hallelujer!!!:lol::lol:

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  9. Ah Lawd!!!!   

    I can't do it....I can't handle BOTH of them breaking down and crying....I'm gonna have to wait until next week to watch today's episodes.  

    I was skimming through some of you guys posts and started tearing up. I'm already congested from this flu I've managed to get ( and ya'll know how much worse it gets when you start crying - my whole head will be swollen LOL! ) I'm going to have to search for some lighter fare in the meantime. 


    My poor puppy :(.  I just want to hug him ..... I feel like this is such a long time for someone to be going through turmoil like this in kdrama land - one or two days at the most which would be about 4 of these episodes. This just seems soooooo lonnng.  


    Thanks for all the BTS.  They really Are cute together. :D   



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  10. 6 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

    These latest episodes were almost to hurtful to even watch.  I felt myself wanting to shy away from the screen while having to view MG pour out his heart and while struggling to even get the words out seeing him in that much pain dang you couldn't help crying.  It was even harder watching him give his Moms necklace to JA all the while wondering how horrible it would be to be her...


    All the things that would be going through her mind and the pain in knowing the regrets in wondering how in this world did I even get here.  Being in love and having no choice but to sit there still and silent while inside she was broken and her heart in pieces.  No where to run or hide but having to face him like that and hear his words embrace her and his everything being placed around her neck... 


    Most likely thinking I don't deserve it, I don't want it, please don't give it to me.  Maybe even thinking she didn't even deserve him not now, not after all the lies.  Yet here was the man whom she at one time couldn't really stand.  This same man would be the man in the end that she really didn't want to let go of.  Because without expecting it or maybe even fully understanding it.  Just standing beside him became her happiness...


    As he shared all the things she had done for him and how thankful he was.   You could see and feel her heart as she listened and somehow I believe that she knew.   That in truth,  it was him that had given her so much more...


    I don't even have the words to say what I feel about MG dang it was just heart breaking and what amazing acting as well...  He had me from the first tear that fell...  How pitiful it was to know all we know about his childhood and loss and how even as an adult he continues to want and need only two things to love and be loved.  Yet he still is suffering and I personally can't wait till it stops... 


    It might be because I am a woman but it's hard enough to see another woman cry but even harder for me to see a man humbled and broken and crying like that...:bawling:

    @USAFarmgirl You took the words right out of my mouth and heart, and my eyes started welling up tears again while reading.  

    I kept thinking while watching the scene, "how is she going to keep it together?" And then when he put that necklace around her, if it were me, I would have broke. The symbolism of that - a proposal necklace....oh, my aching heart!:bawling:. I can't imagine standing there while your heart is just shattering.  I was shedding tears through both episodes, but the ending on the last one took to cake:bawling:

    "Yet he still is suffering and I personally can't wait till it stops... "   You and me both! 


    I need a little happiness somewhere in tomorrow's episodes before we have to wait another week!



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  11. 4 hours ago, cecentre said:

    I loveeee all the little interactions that MK has with the real JA!! From the funny phone call they had in ep 13 to the heartfelt petition, I felt like little by little MK started to feel connected with "President Jo", which is great because it gives us a foundation for the real relationship to start!! Honestly the interaction between real JA and MK is so refreshing to me because they connected while not seeing each other's face and it was like him building connections with the same person twice in different ways (which means ITS FATE)


    I Agree!  ( and yes, makes sense to me :) )

    I hope that MK will start calling JA just for little advice from a "non-involved" party here and there.  First he would need to square up what he owes her. Then perhaps ask if its okay for him to ask her questions from time to time. That's how they can build a relationship without seeing each other. 


    Also, who else believes that those heart lamps are going to be very significant with our OTP either as a pivitol point, or towards the ending? 


    Another thought....Sooo, he was able to eat JA's rice ball hmmmm?  


    4 hours ago, SpiritGambler said:

    Delurking to say that I think Ji Ah's niece will become Min Gyu's friend and somehow she will connect JA and MK hahaha I don't know what I'm thinking I just thought about it because there must have been purpose why MK was introduced to the kid. He actually connects to the "aunt" story that's why he listened to the kid anyway.


    YES!  It would be cool if he keeps running in to JA's niece, and she continues to tell him all about her Aunt. Then he could find out that her aunt is President Jo, but he keeps it to himself because he finds himself connecting to the stories about her.  I'm good with little niecy playing matchmaker :D  I know this is a little different from what I just said above, I'm just spouting off what jumps into my mind. Somehow maybe get the combination of the two?

    now I hope I'm making sense :) 

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  12. I'm truly with the next person as far as wanting this deception thing to be over, so much so that my heart aches for MK, and I haven't even seen eps 13 - 14 yet.   But I was looking at Asianwiki and realized that there are 32 (half hour) episodes. So we are barely half way through.  If he finds out in tomorrow's episodes, where will that take us with 16 more to go? 

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  13. Q1.Which episode do you think he will find out?

    EP 12 - @polar15

    EP 18 - @supergal99 

    EP 20   @stargazer187 @cecentre@j9sshi

    EP.21 - @USAFarmgirl @ziarama @WoozyPrincess @2handsintertwined

    EP.22 - @Berou @fans123 @Minbongyi @stargazer187


    Q2.Ways he can discover she is human? 

    a) she gets food poisoning and gets diarrohea and has to be given medicine? @Berou says no as she already had bad curry. the girl has a good stomach?? :lol:

    b.) she gets almost hit by the truck of doom and he catches her and he hears her heart beat?  --   @Berou @fans123  @Minbongyi

    c) he catches her having a meltdown because her favourite pair of heels just broke! :lol: - @USAFarmgirl

    (d) accidentally sees her undressing @beyaruth @ziarama @WoozyPrincess @2handsintertwined

    (e) when the evil Guys catch Ji A - believing she is A Ji - Sciens must tell him than because she is really in Danger....  - @Mau_Cherry 

    (f) when he found out her handphone and see her photos inside it.  @polar15

    (g) she was not sleeping the night before and fell asleep while at his house and he caught her snoring - @cecentre

    (h) When cutie catch our sexy .. *cough* robot stealing his yummy food...heee:blink: *burp* -  @j9sshi@supergal99


    Q3. 1st kiss?(accidental or not)

    Next week - @Berou @USAFarmgirl @polar15 @supergal99

    EP 16 - @j9sshi

    EP.18 - @cecentre @fans123 @dramu51ch0c10ve @ziarama @2handsintertwined 

    EP 19 - @Minbongyi 

    EP 20 - @WoozyPrincess

    conclusion - @stargazer187


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  14. 4 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:




    4 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:
    20 hours ago, j9sshi said:

    I kinda hope that he finds out that she's human but he keeps it to himself.  Then he just gets back at her by having her do all of these tedious household tasks. 

    That's how you really feel? I wish he would find out too but  I kinda hope hope he never finds out because I think he's starting to trust her, and if he finds out he won't trust her anymore, and I think she'll hurt his feelings if she tells him she's human :wub: I don't think it's easy for him to trust people. 


    Thanks for the article! :) 


    To me, that would be a light hearted result after him finding out, and one that I think would be kinda fun to see.  But we all know that there will be angst, hurt and anger when he finds out as with most "I'm not who you think I am" dramas. Especially for this particular puppy who couldn't really trust anyone from a very young age. 


    I'm loving this drama, but I find myself a little anxious with this one. That almost kiss is driving me crazy.  And we have sooo many episodes left.  Being the holiday season and all,  I would just like it to be cute fluffy all the way through, but I know that's not possible, and most viewers would find that boring. I'm just not ready for angst right now. Don't tell to stop watching and wait till it's over to watch, that's not going to be possible lol! :) 

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  15. 8 hours ago, lclarakl said:
    13 hours ago, 000231846597 said:

    I have not been following this thread closely, but I have not missed a single episode on this drama.


    The K drama has one of the best endings I have ever watched (many K dramas, however good the opening was, sucked at the end....). Though I am a little bit skeptical about the kiss in ep 11, for SH's progression of feelings has not been shown enough by the scriptwriter to make that kiss convincing, I am overall happy with the story pace and also the side plots. It is nice that SH at last is able to express his feelings clearly to JH.



    I agree with you that this is one of the best dramas I've seen from beginning to end. Yes, it does appear that the kiss may have happened with no build up, but actually the writer has been building up to it for a while. It actually started with the first kiss JH gave SH. He has constantly been trying to lock down his emotions. If you noticed, he constantly kept changing with her. One moment he's saying they're an "us/ours", but then he was pushing her back. Even when he came to the bus station to bring her poster and manual script (things he could have mailed or she could have repurchased and reprinted), he felt a pull to bring her those things, anything excuse to see her again--but he may not have realized or acknowledged it.  Later we have SH punching the director who tried to rape JH, despite having said in the past that he doesn't hit. However, in the past, I don't think old SH would have even pushed down the motorcycle, but the writer gradually shows him progressing: words at first, actions by pushing the bike, the physically punching the guy.



    @000231846597 The first highlighted section (sorry had to cut some off)- ..... re: the progression of feelings...and this was the very issue that JH had with SH. Although JH welcomed the kiss and whatever progressed afterwards ( them attempting to sleep together :wink: ), She didn't know how he really felt about her, and this eventually started to bother her, especially when JM came into the picture. 


    @iclarakl had some good examples of how the writer showed us SH's progression of feelings ( second highlighted part). It just may not have been in the way that some people are used to in kdramas 


    I would also like to add some other instances in which the writer gave us some insight into the build up of SH's feelings ie: Bomi pointing out SH's jealousy with Bok Nam at the coffee shop - how he kept staring at the same page while exchanging words back and forth with him;  When SH brought JM to "their" home after fearing for her safety with BN, and then unconsciously never letting go of her hand until he went into the bathroom.  His "wow" eyes when she came out in her wedding gown...


     ...And something else that I caught, that it seems no one else brought up,  (I just thought it was because of all the animes that I watch with my college age girls).  Some of the animes have a lot of sexual inuendo's. One of those things that is known in the anime world is if a guy gets a bloody nose, it was because a character becomes sexually aroused. When I saw Se Hee with a bloody nose at the wedding while he was with JH, I started cracking up. But then, it was written off as "stress", and no one else brought it up in the comments.  But Writer, if your original intention was an ode to the anime world ... I got it! :) wink wink 

    But of course those last two may have just explained her attractiveness to him.


    Finally, after all of that build up, its all about location.  You just need to remove SH from his comfort zone of the city, place him out in the country next to the beautiful ocean, with him realizing how happy he was that JH came ( and he told her so), That was just the perfect setup for a kiss. 


    So, ....after all that, for me, the kiss was believable :)


    And I also agree that this was one of the best dramas from start to finish.


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  16. 10 minutes ago, darr said:
    9 hours ago, j9sshi said:

    Okay, so,  what I am reading so far (and please feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding), is that JH needs to know all what SH has done for her behind the scenes, and SH needs to tell her with WORDS how he really feels. I kinda feel like there needs to be an intervention from the S-S couple, but also, I hope that JM can be an even bigger person. Maybe she's the one that needs to let JH know what all SH has been doing for her, recognizing that he's not the same SH as she knew before. She needs to give JH her "blessing" in support of their relationship/marriage. To me, that would be one thing that would that would help complete the package of JH not having any more insecurities or guilt or whatever about their relationship. 



    Permit me to ask this.

    Why will it be the duty of JM to tell JH about her husband?  It's entirely non of her business. Her chapter with him is closed and they have moved on. Also she is JH boss. It couldn't and shouldn't pass that level. As we all are praising the writer, there are some blunders here and there that are not necessarily necessary that was created like JH telling JM that her marriage is a contract one just like that. They haven't even started working yet. Is her mouth basket mouth? Girl should get some pride and respect. That's inferiority complex to the lowest.

     Yet she couldn't bring herself to tell her best friends until she was discovered. The  introduction of the ex and events that followed were very off. It would have been best if she wasn't introduced and we hear what really happened and closure from SH point of view cos there was still no closure so why hype and bring her back?

    Also I don't think JH need the ex blessing. For what actually. The best and only thing I can take from this ex ish  is when JM told SH to confess to JH. That is very outstanding and matured. Maybe that was the reason she resurfaced.  


    Hi, this statement was based on what I have been reading on here since I had not yet watched the episode, (want to wait until next week, but I may change my mind later,  idk).  So, again the statement is made from what I gathered from all the wonderful translations, and discussions on this forum.   First, I don't believe that it is JM's "DUTY" to tell JH about her husband. I just got the feeling from ep 13 and from reading about ep 14 that JH has developed a deep admiration and respect for JM.  And I also feel that JM has taken a liking to JH as well in an unni  like way.  With JM being her boss, and JH's insecurities, I just feel that she would also need the comfort in knowing that JM isn't going to vye for her husband should she continue to work for her, and that JM is truly okay with where she is in life, and okay that SH has finally found happiness.  (I know she wrote that note out of anger, but I wonder if she knows how he has lived his life up to this point).   


    Although, it's not a surprise that the ex came into the picture, I like how it was done. I like how JH and JM are developing a friendship (even though, truthfully, that would be awkward for me once I knew the truth- just being honest)  I also think it was necessary for SH to realize that he doesn't have to be tormented anymore by the past. And to confirm within himself his feelings for JH. It also helps that they can discuss and point out where he went wrong in his relationship with JM, so that he can correct it with JH. 


    As far as the transparency between  JH and JM, it IS possible to meet someone that you just automatically click with and feel that you can just share anything with them.  That's how I feel JH's and JM's relationship is. 


    Again, I have yet to see it, so I did preface the statement -" to correct me if I misunderstood" :) 

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  17. 46 minutes ago, qynn said:
    1 hour ago, Jillia said:

    I think I really stand by my opinion - and please don't hate me - that Se-hee and Ji-hoo need to break up. They need to leave the contract marriage. Because despite the fact it was a contract marriage in the beginning. The problem always is, first of all, the heart. It's unpredicatable to see how feelings are going to develope. I remember Ji-ho and Se-hee saying that if one of them would fall for the other it would lead to the termination of their deal. They were also pretty confident they're not eachother's type. And look where we are now.


    The other problem is: with marriage come expectation. From family, from the society etc. It was shown in the way how Se-hee's father is seeing his daughter-in-law and how her mother-in-law is seeing her as well. She is Se-hee's wife and they have certain expectations, like Ji-ho having a child. Same goes the other way around.


    So they're under a certain pressure which can only be resolved when they stop this whole contract marriage and start over like a normal couple would do. Only then Ji-ho doesn't have to worry anymore, thinking "this is a contract marriage" and with that she may think Se-hee isn't on the same page as her. Meanwhile for Se-hee it's all pretty clear when in the end it's not. So in a way, and while there is so much angst, Ji-ho did good to ask for their contract marriage to be terminated. This way they will be separated but in the end they will come back together.


    I hope I make any sense. :D

    That makes sense and I agree. I think they need to end the contract marriage which wouldn't necessarily mean a break up except I think both need some space even if it's only for a few days. They need a fresh start without the contract. That muddied things so much. They are landlord/tenant but also referring to each other as husband and wife to others (and both meaning it) but yet they aren't husband and wife and they are starting a relationship without talking about starting a relationship or what that means. Yeesh.  


    "What is normal?" I think this is an overall theme of this show.  Starting with the app - "Dating Not Marriage" (not your normal kind of app), HR - wanting to marry for love and have a "normal" married life and housewife, The S-S couple, having a dating contract (not normal), but SG desiring to have a "normal" dating relationship and SJ fighting against it,  and our OTP - SH marrying to get parents off his back, getting help with house pymt, and because he finds  JH a compatible roommate (she takes out the recycling, feeds the cat, and has a good cleaning habit).  And for JH, its marrying because it provided her with a secure, inexpensive place to live.....


    I bring that up because, @Jillia,  do they have to divorce? Did they ever register the marriage in the first place?,   To outsiders they are already married, they don't know the real reason.  Or, can they just tear up the contract and start anew within their own household, or if they need to have a ceremony declaring their love for one another, could it be on a small scale amongst  just those who are privy to their situation.


    P.S. I have a feeling that JH's mom already has a inkling to what's up. You can see it in her facial expressions :) I'm hoping to see her give JH some motherly advice in these final episodes. 

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  18. Okay, so,  what I am reading so far (and please feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding), is that JH needs to know all what SH has done for her behind the scenes, and SH needs to tell her with WORDS how he really feels. I kinda feel like there needs to be an intervention from the S-S couple, but also, I hope that JM can be an even bigger person. Maybe she's the one that needs to let JH know what all SH has been doing for her, recognizing that he's not the same SH as she knew before. She needs to give JH her "blessing" in support of their relationship/marriage. To me, that would be one thing that would that would help complete the package of JH not having any more insecurities or guilt or whatever about their relationship. 



    • Like 11
  19. 3 hours ago, camichi said:
    3 hours ago, gusanito said:

    OK, Im sooooo not watching ep 14 until Monday next week, Im too invested in this drama and I dont want to be in an angst mood for the rest of the week, so ep 13 was enough for me this week :) 

    Lets all hope for a good ending of this superb show


    Me too. I have decided to watch the las 4 episodes the next week because my heart is weak. I thought I was the only one that thinks like that.

    Woooh! you guys are not alone! My heart is also weak, and its already palpitating in angst over this and the next episode.   I too am going to have to wait and watch the last 3 episodes together.    There's a reason why I can only watch rom-coms and not melodramas.    My heart can't take all of the angst and sadness (....and this is why we binge watch :))   


    Can I just say that I am sooooo,  so in love with this show!!  Not a day goes by that I am not thinking about it.   It made me an instant Melomance fan, and I keep playing the main OST over and over again to get me through the week until the next ep.  I am so proud of Jung So-Min, and I hope that this performance catapults her to many many other high quality roles. (The other cast as well).  Here's to Best OTP.  As well as best supporting cast!!   This writer and director should stick together like glue on all of their future projects.  

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