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Legend of the Blue Sea: Episode 8

by javabeans | December 8, 2016 | 59 Comments


People do some growing up this episode, and I suppose by people I mostly mean our childlike mermaid—although she isn’t the only one to make big strides in facing up to truths and trying to deal with them. It’s an episode chock-full of emotional beats, as people are forced to recognize that problems move on whether you like them or not, so you’d better have a hand in doing something about them.




As Chung takes a dip in the pool, we hear the merman’s earlier warning to her: that no human would be able to accept a mermaid for what she is, including the man she loves.

Joon-jae returns to the house unexpectedly, and his attention is drawn to the pool area. As he approaches, he meets Chung’s eye just as she surfaces, and they both freeze in surprise.

She frantically orders him to stop right there, and Joon-jae does, out of shock more than anything. He glimpses her bare skin, and when she yells at him to look away, he immediately turns, flustered. Heh, to his ears it sounds like she’s afraid he’ll try something, and he belatedly objects to her forceful reaction.


Once she’s safely two-legged again, Chung comes into view, and asks Joon-jae about the question he’d been about to ask when she cut him off. He has to think to recall it, and then starts in on the scolding about how she can’t be so careless when she’s living in a house full of men.

Chung retorts that he shouldn’t be bursting in suddenly, and that actually chastens him until he remembers that this is his house. Joon-jae argues, “So who should be the careful one—you or me?” Chung: “You.”

He says she should count herself lucky that it was him who came in and not anybody else, although when she asks why that would be lucky, he has no answer. Then he orders her to hurry and change, and she points out that he has to leave first. Ha, I love how he doesn’t even realize when or how he lost the upper hand.


Joon-jae returns to the car without even collecting the phone he went back for, figuring he’ll make do without it. After giving his partners the side-eye, he makes a house announcement that everybody must ring the doorbell before entering, including himself.

Nam-doo asks why, and Joon-jae pulls the “my house, my rules” line. Then he wonders why it’s so warm today and fans himself, only to have Nam-doo say the temperature is subzero.

Chung shares her close call with her merman friend Jung-hoon, who cautions her to be careful, warning that Joon-jae will have a lot of questions in response to her suspicious behavior. She says that he’s already hounding her about what happened in Spain, and Jung-hoon insists that she can’t let him know: No mermaid coming outs! (He uses a hilarious mishmash word, akin to “mer-ming out.”)


Jung-hoon notes that it’s a good thing that lies exist in the human world; mermaid telepathy makes it a non-issue in their world. To illustrate his point, he points to a store ad, which reads, “Free phones! 100%! The shopowner is crazy!” She’s ready to take the sign literally, but Jung-hoon says that the shopowner isn’t crazy; the ad is just telling you to come and spend your money. Same goes for store employees who pile on the flattery; they don’t mean it, they just want you to buy.

Most important of all, he cautions her not to be taken in by the words “I love you,” which are common and spoken insincerely. To demonstrate, he calls a service number on his phone, and the call service agent answers, “I love you, Customer.”

Chung asks how to know when somebody is lying, and Jung-hoon gives her clues: evading eye contact, stammering, touching an ear or lips.


All these are on full display as Joon-jae protests that he’s totally not preoccupied with Chung these days, stammering before touching his lip and looking away. Nam-doo points out how strange it is for Joon-jae to be controlling about a woman’s clothing, and Joon-jae argues that he does the same for Nam-doo and Tae-oh. He makes it a point to fuss over Tae-oh’s clothing now, but neither partner is buying his denials.

Joon-jae gets dropped off near Shi-ah’s museum preservation center, and his unexpected visit brightens her mood. He asks about the vase she’d been working on and the details discovered on it.

Shi-ah confirms that it belonged to a mayor named Kim Dam-ryung and shows him the drawing of the mermaid kissing a man. She points out the peculiarity of a Joseon-era artifact depicting someone dressed in the modern style, as though he peered into the future.


As Joon-jae looks closer at the image, a memory flashes through his mind: him sinking in the sea in Spain, a mermaid swimming toward him, their underwater kiss.

Next, Joon-jae visits a man he calls “professor” and explains that he’s been feeling strange lately, and dreaming strange dreams. When he saw the picture on the vase, he was struck with the absurd thought that it was himself. He explains that it’s different from the little bits of memory erased in hypnosis—this is like only one type of memory has been erased.

Joon-jae asks the professor if this is possible. The man replies that there are types of amnesia that only affect a particular person or topic.


Joon-jae is put under hypnosis, and the professor directs him to return to the very first moment regarding “that person.”

Snippets of scenes flash through his mind, from Dam-ryung’s Joseon life: wearing the jade bracelet, jumping into a swordfight, leading a woman by the hand. The woman turns, and he sees her clearly: She has Chung’s face. (Er, Se-hwa’s face. Same difference.)

Joon-jae jerks awake, breathing hard in his shock. His professor prods him to share what he’s seen, and why do I feel like he’s a little too eager to get that answer?


Joon-jae recalls something the professor had told him before: that what he sees could be images from his unconscious, or a false world that he created himself. He decides the latter is what he’s seeing: “If that’s not it…” He sighs heavily, not even able to finish that thought.

Joon-jae returns home that evening, and the sight of Chung brings back that memory of Se-hwa. Noting that she’s dressed to leave the house, he adopts an indifferent attitude, as though he’s not at all interested in where she’s going. Then he casually informs her of their brand-new house curfew, warning that she’ll be locked out if she returns after 8 o’clock.

Nam-doo points out that he’s essentially telling her not to leave, since it’s already 7:30. Joon-jae insists that he doesn’t care who she’s meeting, or whether it’s a man or a woman, as long as Chung is home by curfew.


Nam-doo knocks aside a magazine and sees the civil servant exam study guide underneath it. Joon-jae makes a grab for it, but Nam-doo has too much fun needling him about it to let it drop. Joon-jae says he was just using it for research purposes, which is about as convincing as mud.

Chung decides she’d rather go out tomorrow than tonight, and Joon-jae hides his smile.

After he leaves, Nam-doo asks Chung where she was headed, and she holds up her black plastic bag and says she was going to trade it for money and give it all to Joon-jae. Nam-doo laughs until he peers in the bag and pulls out a pearl in wonder, asking how she got them.


She replies, “I worked hard and made them.” Cut to a flashback of Chung crying in front of the television, watching her former co-star Park Hae-jin (in another of this PD’s previous dramas, Doctor Stranger—I love all the overlapping meta that this cast and crew’s filmographies afford), which she follows with That Winter, the Wind Blows.

Nam-doo marvels at her mysterious talent, and asks if he can keep one pearl. Chung snatches the bag from him, but then she gets distracted by the announcement from the talking rice cooker that delicious rice is ready. While she congratulates the cooker on a job well done, Nam-doo hides one pilfered pearl behind his back.

The next day, Chung and merman Jung-hoo are out for a stroll when he doubles over clutching his chest. Oh noes! I was hoping the terminal illness would take much longer to kick in, but he’s definitely looking worse for wear.


Jung-hoo feels that his heart is almost at its end, and just to make it through the day, he has to spend hours in the water.

Chung asks if there’s any cure, and he says the woman he loves can return to him—but she won’t, because she married someone else. Chung urges him to return to the sea rather than staying here foolishly, but Jung-hoo turns that around on her: “Why come here and take his mean treatment, wondering when he’ll love you back?” He urges her to return to the ocean, because it’s not too late for her.

“If I go back, how would I live, missing him?” she asks sadly. “That’s why I’m here, dying away,” he sighs. “Even if I went back, living wouldn’t be living. I could die here, or go there and live as though dead. It’s all the same.”

Chung starts to cry, and he reminds her to catch her tears.


Jung-hoo wishes the instinct of a mermaid to follow their beloved human to land could be erased, and says that he’ll be reborn as a human and date women left and right. It’s too mean for a heart to only beat for one person, he says bitterly.

Chung asks how long her heart will be able to hang on. He doesn’t know, but given that he was dumped two months ago, he figures she can watch what happens to him. “Don’t look at me with such pity,” he tells her. “This is your future.”

Detective Hong and his partner stake out Joon-jae’s neighborhood, hoping for a return of murderer Dae-young. The partner grumbles that he wouldn’t return to the scene of the crime, but Detective Hong suspects that Dae-young is looking for something (he’d noticed the doors marked with an X) and will be back. Of course, the moment Dae-young literally walks by, even bumping their car accidentally, they totally miss him in his maintenance worker disguise. You don’t deserve to catch him if you’re just going to willfully ignore glaring clues like that!


Joon-jae makes himself a cup of tea, which makes him think of the friendly ajusshi (Manager Nam) who gave it to him. He can’t shake how the man in his dream, bloodied and unconscious and in Joseon-era clothing, had Manager Nam’s face.

Joon-jae tries calling Manager Nam, but still gets the message that the phone is off. He texts instead, asking for a return call.

Outside, Dae-young assumes the guise of a worker on break, and nearly gets into a scene with a drunk man who flicks away a cigarette butt. The drunkard senses something in Dae-young that warns him not to escalate the confrontation, and he picks up his cigarette butt and hurries off.


Dae-young has Manager Nam’s phone, and he reads Joon-jae’s text, then types back a reply. Joon-jae’s relieved to hear back, and agrees to meet tomorrow evening.

Chung lies awake in bed, thinking of her hardening heart and how much time she has left. She gets out of bed with purpose and asks Joon-jae if she can come down, ignoring his “no” to join him.

Saying that she needs an answer to something quickly, she asks point-blank, “When do you think you’ll come to like me?” She knows he doesn’t like her now, but asks if he has any plans to in the future.


Joon-jae says no readily, and she urges him to think about it carefully, looking at him with a hopeful expression on her face.

In his usual brusque tone, he asks if she’s really that dumb, reiterating that he has absolutely no plans to love her. Chung says she’ll give him time, to which he replies that a person doesn’t start liking someone just because you give them a few days. He calls it the hardest thing in the world.

“The easiest thing in the world is for a person to disappoint someone,” he says. “Even if you like someone just by appearances, you’ll be disappointed quickly—that’s what people do. There’s no love that overcomes disappointment. So a person liking another person is the hardest thing.”


She contradicts him readily: “For me, loving is the easiest thing to do. Even if I try not to, I love anyway. Even if I wanted to feel disappointment, it doesn’t happen. Love wins all.”

She says this in an earnest voice with a serious face, and he stares at her for long moments. She asks him to let her know if he ever makes a plan to like her, and heads back up to her room.

The conversation affects both of them, who spend the night tossing and turning.


Shi-ah sits with her sister-in-law Jin-joo, a bit impressed at how Jin-joo sucks up to her mother-in-law with a fierce, sugar-coated vengeance. Jin-joo offers relationship advice, saying that men are helpless against the woman who treats his mother well, pointing to her husband as proof.

Shi-ah initially scoffs, but her interest is piqued at Jin-joo’s advice to get in good with the mother of the man she likes. She notes that he’s never talked about his family, but Jin-joo tells her to ply him with liquor, then ask.

Just then, Joon-jae’s mother serves them coffee, and Shi-ah literally spits her mouthful back out because it’s different from her usual brand. Joon-jae’s mother takes back the coffee dutifully, but adds a last word about how it’s dandy to think of the laborers in far-flung locales, “But it’s also important to show manners for the people who live with you.”


Shi-ah bristles, asking if the housekeeper is daring to teach her something. Mom replies, “I didn’t do it meaning to teach you, but if you learned something, that’s fortunate.” Heh, I love dryly sassy Mom. Shi-ah gapes at the nerve, while Jin-joo turns her back to what’s important: Getting friendly with Joon-jae’s mother. I am so going to enjoy watching the irony hammer fall on Shi-ah’s head.

Shi-ah goes straight to Nam-doo for information, but he’s reluctant to talk about Joon-jae’s mom, knowing Joon-jae would flip his lid. She pressures him anyway, so Nam-doo offers a deal, wanting to know Joon-jae asked her about the vase.

Shi-ah shows him the mermaid drawing, and Nam-doo tries to put the pieces together, sensing there’s a deeper connection regarding Dam-ryung, the vase, and the jade bracelet.


Nam-doo tells Shi-ah that all he knows about Joon-jae’s mother is that they were separated when he was ten, and she’s done such a good job keeping her tracks hidden that she’s difficult to find.

Joon-jae’s mother looks longingly at her old family photo—as does Joon-jae’s chaebol father, who’s still hoping to find him. He calls his lawyer about notarizing his will, asking if it’s possible to confer an inheritance with just a national identity number, without the person directly being there.

The lawyer confirms it, then turns to tell Joon-jae’s stepmom about it; he’s clearly under her direction.


As Shi-ah heads out after her chat with Nam-doo, she finds Chung waiting to talk with her. Chung’s demeanor is huffy, but her question surprises Shi-ah: How to make a man fall for her? She insists that Shi-ah knows how, pointing out how coy Shi-ah gets whenever she’s around Joon-jae. And Chung is running out of time, and needs Joon-jae to like her back quickly.

Getting a gleam in her eye, Shi-ah explains that Joon-jae’s quite easy, and that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Living together is actually counterproductive, and could make him dislike her.

For a second it looks like Chung believes her, but then she jeers at Shi-ah’s lies, having picked up on all her cues: She avoided eye contact and touched her ear and hair. “I’ve figured out how to deal with you,” Chung says. “I can just do the opposite of what you said, right?”


Then the instant Joon-jae walks into the room, Chung does as good as her promise and sticks to his side, following him around the room.

She asks if Joon-jae has made a plan to like her yet. He protests that it’s only been a day, and she offers more time. She does insist, though, on accompanying him to the library, and Joon-jae initially protests. But hearing that Tae-oh will be home all day while Nam-doo is out, he concedes that Chung could benefit from a trip to the library. (Tae-oh shoots him a knowing look, because he has ears and isn’t an idiot.)

At the library, Joon-jae sits Chung down at a table and tells her to read while he finds what he needs. When she talks in her normal loud voice, he leans in close to tell her to talk quietly, and she looooves that. She leans into him to whisper happily, “I like the library!” He laughs at her cute reaction.


Just then, a young woman taps Joon-jae to hand him a note, and he puffs up a little, anticipating a flirty come-on—only to open it to read a request to talk outside or move seats, because they’re being too loud. Chung asks what the note reads, and Joon-jae lies that it says the girl likes him and thinks he’s handsome.

Chung bolts up instantly to do some damage, and Joon-jae has to drag her back to her seat (which she enjoys, since that requires him putting his arms around her).

Joon-jae looks up the archives for information on Dam-ryung, and reads the basic facts of his life: birth, marriage, wife’s death, appointment to a town on Gangwon province—and, later that year, his death at the age of 27.


As that sinks in, suddenly we transition to Dam-ryung’s side of the scene—he jolts awake as though the library scene was his dream. He’s keeping watch over unconscious Se-hwa, and admits to the doctor that constant nightmares have made him afraid of falling asleep, where he’s almost unable to distinguish between what’s real and what’s a dream.

He thinks back to the part of his dream where Joon-jae reads of his death, exactly twenty days from now. The doctor tells him that he can tell Se-hwa isn’t an ordinary person from her pulse, and that if she truly is a mermaid, she will not be able to recover here. He says that the best way to save her life is to return her to the sea.

Dam-ryung takes the jade bracelet off his wrist and puts it around Se-hwa’s, which transitions us back to the library as Joon-jae inspects it. He notes that Dam-ryung died at the same age that he is now.


Chung sits in the children’s section, reading (what else?) The Little Mermaid. A little boy walks by and finds a pearl on the ground, just as Chung comes the end of the story, when the little mermaid threw herself into the sea and turned into bubbles.

Manager Nam lies unconscious in the hospital, with his wife and Chi-hyun keeping vigil. Chi-hyun doesn’t believe that Manager Nam would drink and drive, and the wife agrees that there’s something off about the accident, but has been unable to find much about it. She looked into her husband’s cell phone records, but it showed nothing odd leading up to the accident.

Chi-hyun asks to take the records, offering to ask his officer friends for help investigating the accident. The wife cries in gratitude, having been afraid to press the issue after Chi-hyun’s mother advised her not to—and that immediately strikes Chi-hyun as suspicious.


As Joon-jae leaves the library with Chung, he gets a text from “Manager Nam” (Dae-young) confirming their meeting tonight. Chung declines his offer to take her home, saying that she’s meeting someone, and Joon-jae guesses it’s her male civil servant friend and pettishly reminds her of curfew time.

Stepmom drops in on Chairman Heo at the office, suggesting dinner just as he’s heading out. He starts to explain that he has plans, but his attorney calls to reschedule, freeing him up for dinner after all. Stepmom plays it off like a happy coincidence, though we all know that she’s Up to No Good.

Chung visits the coast guard office looking for her friend, and hears from the guard on duty that Jung-hoon went into cardiac arrest a few days ago after making a rescue. (Waaaaah!) He was rushed to the hospital, but was dead on arrival.


Another woman bursts into the office then (cameo by Jung Yumi), identifying herself as the Kim Hye-jin who’d been called about the same matter. The guard hands her a small box, explaining that it was in Jung-hoon’s locker with her name and number.

Hye-jin opens it to find a ring adorned with a single pink pearl—the tear of happiness. Jung-hoon had told Chung he’d only cried one tear of happiness while living here, and she relays that message: “He said he cried in happiness because of you. He must have wanted to leave those good times here.”

Hye-jin says she didn’t know he had a friend he could share all his thoughts with, when he’d been so full of secrets with her. Chung asks if she left because of his secrets, and Hye-jin replies, “Secrets are made because we’re different from each other, so that we don’t reveal what makes us different. And those secrets ultimately lead to both of us being hurt—both the person who hides, and the person who’s lied to. So if we’re too different, in the end, we can’t go together.”


Chung asks if that’s really true, and Hye-jin says that you’ll hurt each other: “Can you go together, with love as the reason?”

Chung says that Jung-hoon didn’t regret it, even if his love caused his heart to harden and die. She’d wondered why he hadn’t erased Hye-jin’s memory when she found out, and he’d replied that there were too many good times to erase, and that he’ wanted those memories of love to be a strength to Hye-jin for a long time.

Tears fall from Hye-jin’s eyes, and she hurriedly excuses herself before she starts sobbing, holding the pearl ring to her heart.


And then, Chung winces to feel her own heart tighten in pain.

Joon-jae arrives at the appointed meeting area, but upon seeing that it’s a darkened, empty building, he retrieves a small handgun and tucks it away before making a call.

He heads inside the abandoned building, and his memory flashes back to being tailed on the highway and having a strange man posing as an officer show up at his gate.

On alert, he makes his way along the corridor and pauses to call Manager Nam. The answering ringtone sounds nearby, and he approaches slowly, eyes peeled as he rounds the corner.


He relaxes when he finds the room empty, though he jumps when his phone rings again. It’s Chung, calling from the river, and she doesn’t sound good. Joon-jae doesn’t notice a shadowy figure behind him and tells Chung he’ll be right over.

Then he turns and sees Dae-young standing there menacingly, and asks if he’s the one who followed him and impersonated a cop. Moreover, where is Ajusshi?

He wants quick answers, but Dae-young isn’t inclined to oblige and twirls a hammer in his hand. In a sudden lunge, he swings at Joon-jae’s head, which Joon-jae manages to dodge, countering by using his gun to spray something into Dae-young’s eyes.


Joon-jae kicks away the hammer, then pulls out his lighter and holds up the flame to Dae-young’s face—and that triggers a flash of Lord Yang.

Joon-jae is so stunned that he backs off, giving Dae-young the opportunity to attack, going after Joon-jae with full force. Joon-jae takes a beating, and gets a chair broken over his back that sends him crashing down.

Joon-jae struggles to get up an defend himself, only to have Dae-young ready to go at him with a screwdriver. Not the pretty face!


Thankfully, they’re interrupted by flashing headlights and honking cars. Dae-young scampers off first, and Joon-jae makes his way outside in difficulty, where he finds a wall of cars.

A flashback reveals that he’d called Nam-doo before heading in, having been plagued with an uneasy feeling. Nam-doo had been too far to make it quickly but offered to call the police, and Joon-jae had countered that he’d get arrested too. Instead, he’d instructed him to call nearby taxis to the location.

Pretty nifty thinking, since the taxis saved his life, and he offers an additional exorbitant rate to be driven to the Han River as quickly as possible.


By the water, Chung thinks of Kim Hye-jin’s words and wonders if she really can’t be with Joon-jae for the long haul.

After urging his driver to speed, Joon-jae arrives at the park by the river and searches for Chung, holding his side and hobbling in pain.

Chung recalls Jung-hoon’s urging to return to the ocean, and forlornly looks out at the water, wondering if she should go. Which is when Joon-jae’s voice calls out from behind her: “Go where?”


He’s full of concern over her condition, while she takes one look at his battered face and is worried for him. It would almost be funny, the way they ignore each other’s concern about themselves to worry about each other, but it’s too earnest a moment.

Chung sheds a tear as she tells him, in an echo of Hye-jin’s words about Jung-hoon, “I can’t tell you anything. I’m full of secrets. But you being injured or hurt because of my secrets—I don’t want that. I don’t want to make you sad in the end, either.”

He asks what she means to do, then, and she says, “I’ll go back. I’ll go to where I was, before it’s too late.”

That seems to deliver a blow to Joon-jae, who reminds her of that plan to like her that she wanted so much. He tells her, “I’ve made it, that plan. So don’t go.”



Joseon. Dam-ryung sits at Se-hwa’s bedside, holding her hand, and she finally stirs awake.

He helps her sit up, and she tells him with tearful eyes, “I will return to the sea. I know well that that is the way for both of us to live. Like the first time we parted, when I alone had the memories and you did not, we should have lived in our own worlds that way. I will not come anymore. So you must forget it all too.”


Dam-ryung asks why she erased his memory the first time they parted, and she answers that if she hadn’t, he would have felt constant pain.

He replies, “If you hadn’t erased them, I could have felt constant longing. This time, do not erase them. You mustn’t erase them. These recollections, these memories—although they hurt, I will carry them through the end. They are mine.”

He leans in slowly, and kisses her.



First off, can we take a moment to mourn the loss of merman Jo Jung-seok? Waaaaaah! For a guest appearance, he sure packed a punch, and not with an onslaught of ad-libbing and hilarity, as you might expect of a Jo Jung-seok appearance, but with earnest and wistful stirrings of the heart. I didn’t necessarily have time to get truly attached to his character given the quickness of the arc, but it was an effectively bittersweet way to play out Chung’s dilemma in the tragic direction—as cautionary tale, yes, but also to provide the counterpoint to Chung’s sunny, one-sided optimism that never considers the downside and only expects everything to work out eventually.

It’s funny how, before merman Jung-hoon came on the scene, Chung seemed simple and bubbly in an endearing way, but her lack of sense was a point that did feel a teeny bit dissatisfying. (I found her adorable and lovable, but oh my goodness not the shiniest bubble in the sea.) But the moment a smarter, wiser merman showed up to point out just how foolish she’d been, when her actions were confirmed as thoughtless even within her mythology, it was like it gave us permission to move past “I hate that she’s dumb” to feeling pathos for her in a “Oh, honey” sort of way. It’s the difference between presenting a dumb character as someone we ought to agree with and presenting a dumb character as a flawed figure who now has to deal with the consequences of her actions.

I’m excited to have this confession capping off this episode, because it finally puts us on equal ground, and we all know that the ski resort one didn’t count. It’s been a hoot watching Joon-jae struggle with his denial and get all jealous over Chung possibly liking another man (that he’s jealous of himself is the cherry on the cake—cherry in the fist?), but now it’s time to have him work through his feelings honestly. I don’t even think he was spurred by the fear of losing her after she announced her intent to leave; I’d guess that things came into clarity when he heard she was in pain and raced to come get her. Not that it would lessen the revelation; I just read the scene as him coming all ready to make the confession.

I wonder if her telling him she decided to leave will change their future dynamic, however, because even if she decides to stay, he has some ground to make up for. We know what drove that decision, but as far as he’s concerned, she’s leaving because he pushed her away, and I am definitely not above having some sadistic fun at his expense. Please grovel! It would be so entertaining.

I like that Dam-ryung called out Se-hwa on the choice to erase his memory—or rather, the removal of his choice in the matter. This is part of the recurring pattern across timelines, where the mermaid takes on the burden of the love on her own in a selfless gesture, not realizing that there are worse things than losing love. For instance, as the adage goes, never having had it in the first place (or thinking you didn’t). (For what it’s worth, my interpretation is that a mermaid’s kiss isn’t an automatic memory-loss-inducer—it seems to me there has to be an element of intent on the mermaid’s part—so I’m not thinking that the epilogue kiss will automatically erase Dam-ryung’s memory again.)

I’m intrigued at the deepening connection between the two heroes, especially at the part where it seems they’re both experiencing dreams at the same time. I know Dam-ryung is in the past, but it’s almost as though he and Joon-jae are living out their connection concurrently, sort of like the way time flowed in time-bendy dramas Nine and Signal. And in this case, I’m very curious to know whether they’ll be able to affect each other’s lifetimes, purely through finding out about this connection. It may not be a big deal for a past figure to affect someone in the present, but it sure would be fascinating if his glimpse into Joon-jae’s world could affect Dam-ryung’s present. Save Dam-ryung!


Source http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/12/legend-of-the-blue-sea-episode-8/

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Lee Min-Ho shows that he is more than just a handsome face in ‘Legend of the Blue Sea’

By Menahem Zen | December 07, 2016 03:38 PM EST

Lee Min-Ho official photo from the “Legend of the Blue Sea” Episode 7.

Actor Lee Min-Ho shows that he is more than just a handsome face. His acting skill has also developed, as he demonstrates in "Legend of the Blue Sea," which able to gain huge attention from Koreas and international audiences alike.

Lee shows his improved acting skill to play two different characters in the highly anticipated drama "Legend of the Blue Sea." He plays Dam Ryung, a nobleman and a town head in the Joseon era, and also Joon-Jae, a sly trickster in the modern era.

His acting skill can perfectly show two different personalities flawlessly. Lee portrays Dam Ryung, a nobleman, who possesses an elegant and composed attitude with flying colors.

Lee Min-Ho as nobleman Dam-Ryung.

What is more amazing is his transformation to become a sly trickster, who has a warm heart toward the mermaid Sim Chung. He can alter his personality to become a tricky and devious con artist Joon-Jae which is a complete opposite from Dam-Ryung.



In the "Legend of the Blue Sea" Episode 7, Seoul Daily News takes note of the transformation to become a fraud to launch a new scam operation. He looks devious in the preparation.

"Legend of the Blue Sea" has been gained praise from both domestic and international viewers. According to the latest content power index (CPI) rating, which measured the interest and attention of viewers from Internet ratings, buzzwords and engagement, the drama ranked highest from all Korean shows.

With a 281.3 score, "Legend of the Blue Sea" leaves its other competitors behind with a huge gap. The second place, variety show "Running Man," only gathered 241.7%, after Jo Jung-Suk and EXO's DO became their guest to promote their new movie. The third place is taken by another SBS drama "Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim" with 235.1 points.




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Wow !!! The shootings were very hard. According to the writings by Minoz, this scene was shooting one day before aired. 






via MinoJennyLin83

It was -6 , LMH was shivering with cold and holding JJH to walk about 20 rounds.
When the shootings were completed, LMH was very happy that he ran and shouted, waved the blanket his assistant gave him, very lovely. And before he left, no doubt he waved his hands to say bye to all Minoz.


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K-news : LMH, one actor for two roles, very handsome. (my translation is according to Chinese translation) :





cr as tagged

mino**** : DR and JJ, only the faces are same, the expressions and the tones of speaking are totally different ! But their staring at their lovers, full of emotions.......really sad.

khju**** : One of joys in LOTBS is to watch HJJ ~ His charms exploded and my heart was attacked.

jc19**** : DR and JJ, I can't give up anyone......

gk07**** : Really handsome.

kth5**** : It's great that I can watch HJJ today.

npeo**** : DR is sad and JJ is handsome, LMH is so charming to catch up the main personalities of characters, great acting.

toug**** : Watch this drama because of LMH's acting, not only portraying 2 roles, but also portraying multiple sides of the conman very well. is It alright that HJJ's charms exploded ?

skys**** : Not only KDR and HJJ, but also all characters of the conman are great.

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Roughly translated by Google and according to Chinese translation by 李敏镐铁杆后援会 :

"Legend of the Blue Sea" Lee Min Ho, what do you need more words?

the start of Lee Min Ho's romantic romance made a 10 minutes magical ending.
In the 8th episode of SBS 'Legend of the Blue Sea' broadcast on the 8th, Huh Jun-jae (Lee Min-ho) ran to Shim Cheong (Ji Hyun) who was waiting for him even though himself was in the moment of crisis. Lee Min-ho's presence was intense, ranging from art action to melodrama, which lasted for ten minutes as a storm at the center of the story, centered around Huh Jun-jae.

- description of drama contents skipped -

In the middle of the story, Lee Min-ho led the 60-minute session, but the last 10 minutes peaked with unlimited acting power. From the action to the melodramatic melancholy in the situation where it is unchangeable, I pulled up the sentiment line with a distinctive charm and delicate acting ability. Especially smile and eyes are excellent. Lee Min-ho's wobbly look and devastating expression, which discovered the traces of Yang's past in the face of Ma Dae-young, was a scene that brought out the impact only with expression without lines.

In romantic comedy, one kind of romance that is gradually changing to melody, but Lee Min Ho's acting is with his strong emotions. Lee Min Ho, portrayed a cute boyfriend who has denied his own feeling, but now he expressed his masculinity and his wet eyes confessed 'Don't Go !', which had a bigger emotional amplitude than any previous confession of love.

Meanwhile, Lee Min Ho's "The Legend of the Blue Sea" is broadcast on SBS every Wednesday and Thursday night at 10:00.


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Hello Minoz!!! It's that time again! SBS will be having their awards shows and you can vote for your favorite couple. So when you get a chance, PLEASE go support our lovely legend of the blue sea couple. You can vote once a day. Also, you must make an account with SBS in order to vote so if you don't have one, create one. They are free accounts that allows you to access the SBS website. Thank You. Have a wonderful holiday! =) 

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One of the actors in LOTBS talking about our boy:   

I have no idea what he is saying about our bboy ; i hope we get some translation. 

The second video seems to be about LMH's love for video games. 


Korea actor 김오복 ( who act as a doctor in " The legend of the blue sea " talked about the first impression of Lee Min Ho was very handsome , tidy and friendly even Min Ho is a super star. Also, Lee Min Ho really love to play the mobile game during the break time of shooting of blue sea . 

cr. 오복TV
Translated by Lee Min Ho 1st Hong Kong Fans Club

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