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Guest .:daRkwinGs:.

me too!i also hope sango ends up wif miroku! :D

i haven finish watchin the anime yet..i couldnt find the earlier anime episodes[ :( ] ..

i read abit of the manga though.


u know sango did end up with miroku.....

and kikyo.....<something like that...

she died =_=

it was sad on that part i cried....

towards the end inyasha confess his love to Kagome then they went on a journey to find Narku<something like that...

he has all the shards...

and the anime ends like that on epoisde one hundred sixty something i forgot!!

but yea!!

thats alll! :D:D

i still reading the manga cause the manga explains more detail!! ^-^

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u know sango did end up with miroku.....

and kikyo.....<something like that...

she died =_=

it was sad on that part i cried....

towards the end inyasha confess his love to Kagome then they went on a journey to find Narku<something like that...

he has all the shards...

and the anime ends like that on epoisde one hundred sixty something i forgot!!

but yea!!

thats alll! :D:D

i still reading the manga cause the manga explains more detail!! ^-^

Kikyou did NOT die.

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Guest babiichink

i like the second movieee and the 4th? the best. it was called something island lol. man i hope they continueee the anime for this imma be so mad if they dont ;O. i think kikyo is a bit annoying -.- i like to see kagome and inuyasha together.

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Guest xoxdumkrngirlxox


u know sango did end up with miroku.....

and kikyo.....<something like that...

she died =_=

it was sad on that part i cried....

towards the end inyasha confess his love to Kagome then they went on a journey to find Narku<something like that...

he has all the shards...

and the anime ends like that on epoisde one hundred sixty something i forgot!!

but yea!!

thats alll! :D:D

i still reading the manga cause the manga explains more detail!! ^-^

thats a good ending :)

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Guest my_littlefish

now i can watch this anime every saturday and sunday on tv haha

i love inuyasha he's very cute i like him when he argue with kaome

but i don't like kikyo i confuse why she betray inuyasha

i don't know episode that i watched however i must wake up early to watch it

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Guest wingk1314

i LOVED the manga!!!!

but it's so damn slow now...

up 2 400 sth chapters...and still waiting =_=

and that main villian is STILL not dead.....

i've been waiting for them 2 kill him for bloody 400 sth chapters already...

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i LOVED the manga!!!!

but it's so damn slow now...

up 2 400 sth chapters...and still waiting =_=

and that main villian is STILL not dead.....

i've been waiting for them 2 kill him for bloody 400 sth chapters already...

I heard Rumiko is aiming for 500 chapters :o

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Guest .:daRkwinGs:.

I heard Rumiko is aiming for 500 chapters :o

wow really i'm still on chap 256.....yea slow i know...but wow she is going for that!

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Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

WOOHOO!!!~~~~ SO HAPPY! ^o^ i just saw the episode[farewell kikyou, my beloved] & kikyou died! YES! argh .. i fvcking hate the most! the whole entire time i was like "WHY WON`T YOU DiE!? DiE ALREADY! GO AWAY! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE! F-iNG DIE!! DiE DiE DiE!!!" for once .. i was rooting for naraku. gosh .. that made me so happy .. my heart was jumping out of joy. ^.^ ..just hope she stays dead <_<

Did you watch every episode? She comes back after what happen on Mount Hakurei.

wait a minute! WHAT!? NNnNoOoooO~~~~~~~ why did kikyou come back!? TToTT why won`t she die!? why didn`t naraku`s maiasma thing or lava w/e thing kill her!?WHY!? why won`t she stay dead. this is so sad T-T but i like the ending .. she dies right? ^.^ & inuyasha ends w/ kagome & miroku ends up w/ sango.. but what happened to naraku? he still has the shards? o.O

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why did kikyou come back!? TToTT why won`t she die!? why didn`t naraku`s maiasma thing or lava w/e thing kill her!?WHY!? why won`t she stay dead. this is so sad T-T but i like the ending .. she dies right? ^.^ & inuyasha ends w/ kagome & miroku ends up w/ sango.. but what happened to naraku? he still has the shards? o.O

Just keep watching and you'll find out. No, Kikyou does not die at the end. The Inuyasha series isn't even over yet cuz the manga is still continuing. Although I think they stopped the anime because it was catching up with the manga and yes, Naraku still has the shards.


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Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

Just keep watching and you'll find out. No, Kikyou does not die at the end. The Inuyasha series isn't even over yet cuz the manga is still continuing. Although I think they stopped the anime because it was catching up with the manga and yes, Naraku still has the shards.


:( what? kikyou doesn`t die? aish! why won`t she die!? ToT

come to think of it ... the series is REALLY long. inuyasha & his fellow gang join together to find all the shards and to kill naraku.[& kikyou >.^] THE END but they extended it like .. 200 or 400 eps? oh well .. it`s good .. so i`ll continue watching it ^o^

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:( what? kikyou doesn`t die? aish! why won`t she die!? ToT

come to think of it ... the series is REALLY long. inuyasha & his fellow gang join together to find all the shards and to kill naraku.[& kikyou >.^] THE END but they extended it like .. 200 or 400 eps? oh well .. it`s good .. so i`ll continue watching it ^o^

The anime stopped at 167 episodes and the manga is currently at Chapter 431.

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